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School effectiveness and improvement research shows that leadership plays a key role in ensuring the vitality and growth of schools. Yet, there is growing appreciation (Elmore 2000, 2) that “public schools and school systems as presently constituted are simply not led in ways that enable them to respond to the increasing demands they face under standards-based reforms.” For Elmore (2000, 2) and others, the way out of this problem is “through the large scale improvement of instruction, something public education has been unable to do to date, but which is possible with dramatic changes in the way public schools define and practice leadership.”  相似文献   

民法与商法都是我国非常重要的法律,对人们的生活起着约束作用,它们之间的关系在法律研究领域中从来都是引人热议的话题。对于它们的关系人们的看法并不一致,可以说人人都能说上几句。法律会随着社会和经济的发展而被动做出改革进而适应这个社会,因而不同的法律在不同的时代也会有着不同的关系。本文就民法跟商法之间的关系进行了探讨,并且对民商法的立法模式展开了研究,为更多的人认识法律和我国的法律事业做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

Leadership is a complex process.It is one of the most researched areas around the world.It has gained importance in every walk of life from politics to business and from education to social organizations.According to the study of"Leadership in Adult Education Venues",here has a much more clear recognition of leadership:leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.There are many approaches of leadership throughout the study of this class,the three theories of leadership I choose to describe in this paper are:Leader-Member Exchange(LMX)Theory,Transformational Leadership,and Team Leadership.  相似文献   

基于研究型大学于国家发展的重要意义,"研究型大学校长"已然成为学术界讨论的热点之一。通过分析大学校长领导力的逻辑起点、基本概念、必要性探讨以及学术界现有的研究进展,认为:研究型大学的性质、宗旨及其构成成员的特殊性决定了研究型大学校长的核心领导力是基于学术的领导,而其实现条件包括对大学内部(包括"物"、"人"、"事"、"文化"及其关系)的引领与对大学外部关系(包括政府和市场)的协调。研究结论为:党委领导与校长负责的真正结合,基于内外部和谐基础上的学术发展是研究型大学校长核心领导力的根本实现。  相似文献   

In a previous article entitled, “Social Trends and Education” the writer pointed out that some clearly discernible social trends were setting increasingly important problems for the schools that were being given little attention. I n that discussion, one item was omitted because of space considerations, namely the growing trend toward the interdependence of all social and economic groups in our society. This trend seems to the writer to involve developing new techniques of social control in harmony with our democratic principles. The failure to recognize the implications of this trend and uneasiness on the part of some over the changes that perforce it is bringing about, seem to result in threats to our society which for several reasons leaders in and out of education are dodging. This raises the question as to the type of leadership called for, the education they should have and the goals toward which they may be expected to head. This article attempts briefly to discuss these matters.  相似文献   

The problem, says one community college president, is not that we need to develop better leaders, but we need to develop more leaders. Here's how to start.  相似文献   

Your success as a manager can be determined by how you interact with people.The role of a manager as a leader is an important part of these interactions.Leadership involves influencing colleagues so that they follow a given direction or goal.  相似文献   

Transformational leadership is well documented in organizational and business literature. Classroom and faith-based applications are more recent phenomena. The authors of this mixed-methods study explored professor behaviors and characteristics perceived as transformational in students' faith and focused on transformational leadership in the classroom at a faith-based institution. Thirty-four undergraduate students completed surveys containing open-ended and forced-choice questions; the findings highlighted the importance of compassion, optimism, encouragement, and openness as behaviors that facilitated faith transformation.  相似文献   

通过对台北市24名公办、民办幼儿园园长的访谈发现,公办、民办幼儿园园长认为园长应具备的领导知能包含行政事务、对内关系、对外关系、组织文化与愿景、专业成长等五大方面,而他们面临的领导困境则可分为制度、教师专业成长、压力等三大层面.此外,研究发现,被访者认为园长应具备的领导知能与园长面临的领导困境间存在微妙的交互关系.依据这一研究结果,研究者针对园长领导角色与任用制度等提出了一些建议,供相关单位和个人参考.  相似文献   

很长一段时间来,我国法学界不承认在我国法律规范体系中有公法和私法的划分,过多强调民事关系的国家意志性,忽视对公司和法人意志的尊重。近年来,随着我国法制的不断健全完善,我们不得不修正原有的观点,承认公法与私法的。本主要从民法的平等、自愿、公平等基本原则的角度来讨论公法与私法的划分。  相似文献   

教育规律与经济规律相互关系探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育要遵循教育规律 ,也要遵循经济规律。经济规律在一定条件和范围内也适用于教育领域 ,但这决不等同于“教育商品化”和“教育市场化”。教育规律与经济规律具有一定的兼容性。据此 ,可以正确认识民办教育的公益性与营利性的关系问题。  相似文献   

本文梳理了工程和工程领导力在各个历史时期的形态、特征,在此基础上对工程领导力进行领导学分析,得出工程领导力在发展层次上从一元走向多元,其属性也逐渐由物质性演化为情境性的结论。这对于深刻理解工程领导力内涵、明确工程领导教育的培养目标和发展方向有重要意义。  相似文献   

分布式领导——西方学校领导再造探研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分布式领导概念提出于20世纪90年代中后期,它基于对传统领导观念的突破,从领导方式、形态、范围等角度再造了学校领导。文章通过系统分析比较分布式领导定义,了解其研究状况和尚待研究的领域,阐述实施过程中的动力与阻力因素,从而反思国内学校领导实践和理论研究的现状及其发展。  相似文献   

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