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This study is an investigation of the college and career counseling needs of economically disadvantaged, academically gifted minority students. Two groups of students were studied and compared ‐ one group of 50 low‐income students, predominantly minority, who were chosen for a special college counseling program, and a second group of 42 middle to high income students, predominantly Asian and Caucasian, who were participating in a summer academic program. Students were compared on college plans and preparations, aspirations and expectations about higher education, support from others, motivation, values, and career interests and maturity. Results showed that the gifted disadvantaged students had lower educational aspirations, felt somewhat less prepared for college and less confident about being admitted, had unrealistic ideas about how to finance college, and perceived that college life would be more frightening and lonely compared to nondisadvantaged students. Student groups were similar in motivation to attend college, support from significant others and values. Disadvantaged students had better skills related to selecting a career but expressed less confidence in making a career decision. The results suggest a need for differentiated college counseling programs for disadvantaged minority students.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the early academic achievement of disadvantaged, mainly black, students admitted to the Special Educational Opportunities Program (the SEOP) at the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in the fall of 1968 and 1969.High school percentile rank and standardized test scores predicted the early overall academic performance of SEOP students. Validities, though significant, were not high and were possibly attenuated by use of too difficult test instruments and by inflated grading practices. Nevertheless, the data indicate that recruitment people should not abandon customary merit selection based upon these types of measures. Test scores were found to be more valid for predicting the GPA of regularly admitted students than for the prediction of GPA for SEOP students; the predictive effectiveness of high school percentile rank was greater for regularly admitted students.The research reported herein was performed, in part, pursuant to a contract with the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Office of Education and no official endorsement by the Office of Education should be inferred. Project No. 9-E-136/Contract No. OEG-5-70-0005.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the effects of a mandatory counseling program for students placed on academic probation at a university in South Korea. The study compared longitudinal changes over three semesters in the grade point average (GPA) of students who were on academic probation. Two groups, 46 students with mandatory counseling and 49 students without, were used as comparison groups for testing the effects of counseling intervention on GPA improvement. The result suggested that the students who attended five or more counseling sessions beyond two mandatory sessions showed a significantly greater GPA improvement over three semesters in comparison with the students who did not receive the mandatory counseling sessions. Implications for counseling and suggestions for institutional action are discussed.  相似文献   

目前国内高等教育的发展趋势逐渐大众化,高校的扩招导致大学生数量逐年递增,高校毕业生面临的就业压力也越来越大。解决这一问题的根本在于让大学生提早认清外部环境,树立正确的就业职业观,提高自身素质与能力。因此,职业辅导在促进大学生就业工作中显得极为重要,本文主要探讨职业辅导的必要性、目前职业辅导存在的问题及如何更好地开展高校职业辅导的问题,让大学生更好地就业、择业。  相似文献   

认识自我的重要性已然众所周知,本次团体辅导的目的就是让在校大学生意识到如何去了解自我,认识自我,接纳自我.通过五次团体辅导活动,让个体感受到并看到自己的另一面,打开潜意识通道,跟随自己的内心,从而更客观地看待周边的人、事、物,达到自我和谐状态,从而更健康生活.本次团体辅导活动使用自我接纳问卷SAQ对活动效果进行统计分析,效果显著,有统计学意义,成员反馈良好,此次活动设计有可借鉴之处,理念可推广.  相似文献   

本文以现实为依托,借全面的分析、直观的数据深入研究探讨了学生工作助理在高校长学制教育教学中的重要作用和现实意义,同时总结了该制度在实施过程中取得的经验和存在的问题,进而对完善和健全学生工作助理制度提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

The New Challenge Program was established at the University of Texas‐Pan American's School of Education to provide enrichment experience for gifted children in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. Over 125 students in grades K‐12 participate each spring in a course of their choosing designed to explore creativity or foster specialized interests, such as Videography, Engineering in the Real World, Discovering the Art in You, Blood and Guts, and Rocketry and Aviation. The majority of the gifted students in this program are Mexican Americans and are classified as economically disadvantaged. The New Challenge Program staff developed an informal system for selecting and preparing the experts who teach these courses to provide a learning environment that works for all gifted children and a curriculum that is thematic and expands upon the academic content that they learn in school.  相似文献   

微信作为一种新兴的网络社交方式,受到广大网民尤其是大学生的欢迎。微信以独有的特点和优势改变着大学生的行为习惯、思维方式和价值取向。微信满足了大学生对个性张扬和自我实现的需要;满足了大学生获取信息、扩大视野的需求;满足了大学生的社会交往和抒发情感的需要。但是也产生了一些消极影响:大学生过度依赖微信、价值迷茫和行动上的绵软无力。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to empirically explore the extent to which public two-year colleges in this country are characterized by open admissions policies and by comprehensive curricula, as well as the extent and nature of programs for the disadvantaged within these institutions. Utilizing a stratified sampling design developed by the research staff of the American Council on Education, a precoded original questionnaire was mailed in the spring of 1971 to the chief administrative officer for each institution in the sample. It was found that only a little over half of the colleges have the curricula offerings and admissions policies of exemplary community colleges, but that all reported special courses, programs, or services for the academically disadvantaged minority group. However, only 40% of our sample indicated that they have developed special programs (as opposed to courses or services). Too, community colleges with programs require (1) more resources in preparing faculty for dealing effectively with the disadvantaged, (2) additional emphasis on recruitment of the disadvantaged, and (3) more attention to developing courses in ethnic studies.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, February 1973. Partial support for the project from which this paper was developed was provided by the U.S. Office of Education (Contract #OEC-0-70-4283 (399) to the Pennsylvania State Department of Education). The author also wishes to acknowledge the contribution of Reynolds Ferrante, graduate student, Pennsylvania State University, who assisted in the literature review and questionnaire development of the project.  相似文献   

In the fall of 1969, a program to expand educational opportunities (EEO) for economically disadvantaged students was initiated at Macalester College. During the first three years of the program, the percentage of non-white students at the College rose from 3% to approximately 15%.Average grades for the EEO students were approximately one standard deviation below those of a random non-EEO sample, similar to the differences in high school grades between the two groups. However, the EEO students persisted at Macalester College at a slightly higher rate than non-EEO students. The EEO students also were more likely than non-EEO students to major in the behavioral/social sciences and less likely to major in the fine arts, humanities, and physical sciences.  相似文献   

当代新自由主义思潮是在继承资产阶级古典自由主义思想基础上建立起来的一个新的理论体系。新自由主义作为西方国家意识形态和主流价值观念对我国的政治、经济和文化等许多方面也产生了重大的影响,尤其是对我国当代大学生的影响更为突出。本文从实践出发,分析了新自由主义情况及其对大学生的影响,并针对其影响提出合理化建议,完善思想政治教育,保证当代大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

Field experience education encompasses a wealth of undergraduate curricular opportunities, including cooperative education, internships, adventure learning, and study abroad. Studies of field experiences may be organized according to three stages of the experiential process: selection factors prior to the experience, immediate change due to the experience, and the persistence of change following the experience. Compared to traditional campus activities, field experiences appear to have some significant affective impact on college students. However, a knowledge of experimental design techniques makes obvious the need for a major revision of the manner in which field experiences have been evaluated.  相似文献   

本研究通过分别考察大学生人格因素与网络行为偏好和网络依赖状况之间的关系,探索了人格因素对大学生上网行为的影响。研究使用自编网络使用量表、中文网路成瘾量表、网络成瘾量表(Young)以及艾森克人格问卷对433位在校大学生(男生235人,女生198人)进行施测,结果发现:大学生的上网内容偏好与性别、上网时间、人格因素中的精神质和内外倾向性都有显著相关;大学生的网络依赖程度与平均上网时间有显著中等正相关,与情绪稳定性有显著中等正相关,与精神质有显著微弱正相关;网络依赖与放松休闲行为与追求刺激行为存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

学习动机问题是大学生经常遇到的学习心理问题之一。本文对学习动机问题的类型进行了总结,然后分别对学习动机不足和学习动机过强的原因进行了分析,浅析大学生学习动机问题及其调试,并提出了相应的调适策略。  相似文献   

Widening participation programmes aim to increase the progression of students from low socio‐economic status (SES) groups to higher education. This research proposes that the human capabilities approach is a good justice‐based framework within which to consider the social and cultural capital processes that impact upon the educational capabilities of young people from low SES groups. It presents a case study which examines the developing capability set of Irish students from a representative sample of schools participating in a university‐based widening participation outreach programme aimed at increasing social and cultural capital constructs. Qualitative analysis is presented from four schools; four student focus groups with 22 student participants, and 15 individual student interviews. Findings focus on the developing capabilities of autonomy, hope, voice and identity, as well as on the relationship between specific widening participation activities and the developing capability set. The findings highlight the development of college‐focused knowledge and how this impacts upon students’ aspiration to participate in higher education. The idea of ‘widening capability’ is discussed in relation to the potential of the capability approach to contribute an additional dimension to a mainly neoliberal policy rhetoric, which emphasises the market value of higher‐education participation. In doing so, it explores how widening participation activities can influence the widening capability set of low SES students, and its relationship with what the students deem to be ‘a life of value’.  相似文献   


Using a multiple‐case study design, this research explored influences on choice of major and career related decisions of seven gifted female students from the end of high school through college over a five‐year period. Major findings suggested that academic preparation opportunities that could limit ability to achieve prominence in chosen careers by limiting access to academic programs and institutions were disappearing for females; future orientation that included dual career marriage and family expectations were consistently expressed over time, and changes in choice of major and institution, as well as career indecision were experienced. Career guidance interventions may have facilitated the career decision making efforts of these gifted females and deficits in career development may be a major barrier to career attainment for gifted females.  相似文献   

The psycho-social adjustment of 50 gifted (mean IQ=127) and 50 German ten-year-olds of average intelligence (mean IQ=106, matched individually on socio-economic status and gender) was compared. Data from different sources (children, parents, teachers) on social behaviour, (therapy-relevant) behaviour problems, and emotional stability revealed no significant differences between the two ability groups. Gifted elementary-school children are socially and emotionally at least as well adjusted as their non-gifted age-mates.  相似文献   

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