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学校体育与社区体育有明显的差别,但又存在着必然的联系.本文着眼于学校体育是社区体育的基础,以及学校体育针对社区体育改革的理论研究,来促进我国社会体育与学校体育的健康发展.论证学校体育和社区体育之间是一个相互联系、相互影响的有机整体.  相似文献   

School and community relations in North America reflect creative tensions between the conserving forces of schooling and the changing forces of community. During crisis periods community development needs may modify the school's focus on individual learner growth, but generally schools use the community to extend and enrich the traditional modes. School and community interactions are chiefly characterized by such settings as community schools, community education, adult education, home and school (PTA) associations, work-study programs, curriculum-community resource programs.Recent social forces are creating heightened tensions: cultural pluralism, reduced resources, Third World influences, international conflicts, personal alienation, population concerns, energy problems, community power issues. These forces are gradually shifting school and community concepts towards ones of education and community. Education goes well beyond schooling, including all agencies having an organized influence on community development: libraries, voluntary groups, unions, business, human service agencies, government units, as well as schools. This shift requires research to develop nonformal concepts and practices, along with formal pedagogy, to increase the positive impacts of educational networks on community, as well as individual, development. These new directions have not yet significantly modified the traditional meaning of school and community relations.
Zusammenfassung In Nordamerika reflektieren die Beziehungen zwischen Schule und Gemeinschaft die kreativen Spannungen zwischen den konservativen Kräften der Schule und den sich wandelnden Kräften der Gemeinschaft. In Krisenzeiten können zwar die Bedürfnisse der Gemeinschaftsentwicklung die Konzentration der Schule auf individuelles Wachstum modifizieren, im allgemeinen benutzen jedoch die Schulen die Gemeinschaft dazu, ihre traditionellen Bildungsmethoden auszuweiten und zu bereichern. Hauptmerkmale der Interaktionen von Schule und Gemeinschaft sind Gemeinschaftsschulen, Gemeinschaftsbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Eltern-Lehrervereinigungen, Arbeitslehre-Programme und solche, die die Gemeinschaftsressourcen in den Lehrplan einbeziehen.Neue soziale Kräfte intensivieren die Spannungen: Kultureller Pluralismus, verringerte Mittel, Einflüsse aus der Dritten Welt, internationale Konflikte, persönliche Entfremdung, Bevölkerungsfragen, Energieprobleme, Machtfragen in der Gemeinschaft. Diese Kräfte verschieben die alten Begriffe von Schule und Gemeinschaft in Richtung auf Bildung und Gemeinschaft. Bildung geht weit über die Schule hinaus und umfaßt alle Einrichtungen, die einen organisierten Einfluß auf die Entwicklung der Gemeinschaft ausüben: Bibliotheken, Initiativgruppen, Gewerkschaften, Wirtschaft, Dienstleistungsbetriebe Regierungsstellen zusätzlich zur Schule. Diese Verschiebung muß erforscht werden, um neben der formalen Bildung auch nicht-formale Konzepte und Praktiken zu entwickeln und den positiven Einfluß von Bildungsnetzen auf die Gemeinschaft sowie auf die Entwicklung des Individuums zu verstärken. Bisher haben sich diese neuen Richtungen noch nicht wesentlich auf das traditionelle Verständnis der Beziehungen zwischen Schule und Gemeinschaft ausgewirkt.

Résumé Les relations entre l'école et la collectivité en Amérique du Nord reflètent les tensions créatrices entre les forces conservatrices du système scolaire et les forces évolutives de la collectivité. Pendant les périodes de crise, il arrive que les besoins de développement de la collectivité modifient la perspective de l'école qui est centreé sur l'évolution individuelle de l'apprenant, mais généralement les écoles utilisent la collectivité pour élargir et enrichir les méthodes traditionnelles. Les interactions de l'école et de la collectivité sont principalement caractérisées par des moyens tels que les écoles communautaires, l'éducation communautaire, l'éducation des adultes, les associations de parents et d'enseignants (PTA/APE), les programmes travail-étude et ceux qui utilisent les ressources de la collectivité dans le curriculum.Certaines forces sociales d'origine récente accroissent les tensions: pluralisme culturel, ressources réduites, influences du Tiers-Monde, conflits internationaux, aliénation personnelle, problèmes de population, d'énergie, questions relatives au pouvoir de la collectivité. Ces forces modifient peu à peu les concepts d'écoles et de collectivité qui se transforment en concepts d'éducation et de collectivité. L'éducation va bien au-delà de la scolarité et englobe tout ce qui exerce une influence organisée sur le développement communautaire: bibliothèques, groupes de volontaires, associations, services d'aide sociale, organismes publics, etc., tout autant que les écoles. La recherche est indispensable au développement des concepts et des applications de l'éducation non formelle, tout comme l'est la didactique formelle, pour intensifier les impacts positifs des réseaux éducatifs sur le développement communautaire et sur celui de l'individu. Ces nouvelles directions n'ont pas encore modifié de façon appréciable le sens traditionnel des relations école-collectivité.

This article introduces the concept of ‘co-impact’ to characterise the complex and dynamic process of social and economic change generated by participatory action research (PAR). It argues that dominant models of research impact tend to see it as a linear process, based on a donor-recipient model, occurring at the end of a project following the take-up and use of findings. PAR challenges this approach, as impact is embedded in cycles of the action research process; the distinction between researchers, research informants and research users is blurred; and micro process-based impacts, including changes in the thinking and practices of co-researchers, are as significant as findings-based changes in policy and practice. A conceptual framework is developed, based on a three-fold distinction between ‘participatory’, ‘collaborative’ and ‘collective’ impact. This is applied to a case study action research project, Debt on Teesside, working with low-income households in North-east England. The project is analysed in terms of participatory impact (e.g. developing skills of participating households, mentor-researchers, and university staff); collaborative impact (e.g. findings-based changes in thinking, policies and practices of advice, community finance and housing agencies, and local authorities resulting from collaborative research); and ‘collective impact’, adapted from the field of social interventions, which involves organisations collectively targeting specific actions based on research (e.g. changing policy and practices of lenders and government relating to high-cost loans).  相似文献   

Visualizing community: understanding narrative inquiry as action research   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article explores the experiences of students who used interactive learning material on handheld computers in a gallery to support their understanding and appreciation of artwork. The article considers the wider implications of using technology to change relationships between teacher, learners and subject matter, and attempts to offer positive and pragmatic recommendations about the implementation of new technology into established educational contexts. Research was undertaken as part of the ICT Test Bed Project, set up by the DfES (UK Department for Education and Science) and funded by Becta (British Education Communications Technology Agency). Initial findings from this project are likely to be of interest to those exploring how mobile technology can be used to support the Government’s wider agenda for educational reform and offer a practitioner’s critical perspective on the possibilities and challenges offered by their use.  相似文献   

Virtue, according to Aristotle, is doing the right things at the right time with the right people for the right end and in the right way. This concept is central to the work of the Early Learning Initiative, an Irish community-based educational initiative. This paper describes how a community of parents, early childhood care and education practitioners and a third-level institution used action research to develop a three-year numeracy programme for children aged zero to six years. The Early Numeracy Project was one of 11 national projects that aimed to influence early years practice, provision and policy in Ireland. Remaining true to our local values and virtuous practice while implementing a national project was challenging, particularly when robust evidence of the impact of the programme on the children and parents in our community was required at national level. Approximately 860 children (zero to six years old) and their families took part in the Early Numeracy Programme each year, with national and local evaluations indicating that the outcomes for children in the programme had improved. The programme is an example of how a local community can use action research and virtuous practices to implement a national programme and improve outcomes for children.  相似文献   

The paper presents the progress of the action plan for the improvement of the ICT usage at the Helen Parkhurst Dalton School for secondary education in the Netherlands. At the start of the described action period in 2007, the ICT-usage in education was assessed through a review performed by a group of European inspectors. This assessment formed the basis for a continuous development in the school for promoting and improving the usage of ICT to improve the effectiveness of education. We did this by addressing the observed weaknesses with special measures, and continuing the action plans which were already put in place. We kept loyal to our starting point that technology use has to be determined through a strong vision of education and not that technology determines our philosophy as is sometimes the case. It was determined that the curriculum that should drive the learning, not the technology. In 2009 we carried out an intermediate self-evaluation. We established a new vision for school development for the near future. In this vision there was much room for a growing role of ICT usage. Concrete plans for the future were made. In this paper, the third in a row, we will try to assess the full impact of this implementation for teachers, learners and the quality of the teaching and learning process by comparing the assessment of 2007 with a self evaluation on the same indicators in 2011.  相似文献   

Identifying and understanding predictors of school safety perceptions is important due to its consequences for students. However, it is not clear what school‐related factors most contribute to explaining students’ perception of school safety, and how they relate to community‐related factors such as neighborhood safety. The purpose of this study was to understand the factors associated with Chilean elementary and middle school students’ perceptions of school safety. We used a sample of 5,455 students from low socioeconomic status public schools, and analyzed the predictive value of peer physical and verbal victimization; teacher and school staff victimization; teacher's social support; and perception of safety in the students’ neighborhoods on perceptions of school safety. Findings showed that although different forms of school violence, particularly peer physical victimization and physical and sexual victimization from teachers and school staff, contribute to students’ perception of school safety, the highest contribution came from students perceiving their neighborhoods as unsafe. In contrast, teacher social support contributed to increased levels of perceived school safety. We discuss the need for school‐based interventions that address physical victimization and engage teachers in prosocial and less punitive approaches to foster a positive and safe school climate, and in fostering school–community partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dual and seemingly contradictory potential of self-study research to illuminate our fears, anxieties, tensions and uncertainties as teacher educators, whilst acting as a catalyst for community building. This self-study research was conducted during the founding year of a new school of education, drawing data from surveys and interviews with faculty about their own self-study research and participation in one another's studies. Through these collective self-studies, faculty members constructed and negotiated their identities as teacher educators and as a school of education. As researchers and researched participants, the faculty of the new school of education moved during that first year between vulnerability and community, a process illuminated by their self-study research.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss an insider action research project concerned with establishing an audit team, with responsibility for addressing a clinical and social services ‘assurance gap’ at corporate level in a healthcare organisation. The focus of the research account is on the knowledge that was generated internally by establishing the aforementioned team underpinned by an action learning ethos, and through the observed evolution of this team into a community of inquiry. Using the stages within the experiential learning cycle to guide team interventions and our own critical reflection, the authors have different research roles in this study; one has responsibility for the design, recruitment, establishment and management of this audit team, while the other acts as academic advocate in context. The knowledge that emerged from this study and the learning therein has the capacity to be actionable, that is, at the service of both academic and practitioner communities.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge for research in the twenty-first century may necessitate consideration of the extent to which the goals and aspirations of research includes a renewed commitment to combining the knowledge and experience of the research community, the educational practitioner community and local communities. A cohesive triangular alliance is conceptualised, which takes account of the epistemological variation in these triple communities. The challenge is to forge collaborative relationships with links that provide support for new constructions of knowledge, rather than chains that may act as a restriction to innovatory and potentially constructive connections. This article investigates the potential for fresh links between the ‘community triangle’ of research, education and local communities with reference to ‘Actionaid’, a case study of a community-based parents' project, arising in conjunction with a doctoral study, combining the writer's academic and research knowledge, community based knowledge, education practitioner knowledge as well as her cultural knowledge and understanding as an African Caribbean woman. In describing this study the researcher will draw attention to questions surrounding ‘positionality’ and professionalism, in particular their impact on the development of knowledge formulations, which encompass methodological, professional and community credibility across the three communities  相似文献   

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