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Carol J. Mills   《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):254-264
The importance of spatial ability for success in a variety of domains, particularly in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), is widely acknowledged. Yet, students with high spatial ability are rarely identified, as Talent Searches for academically talented students focus on identifying high mathematical and verbal abilities. Consequently, students with high spatial abilities who do not also have high math or verbal abilities may not qualify. In an effort to identify students with spatial talent, the Center for Talented Youth developed a Spatial Test Battery to supplement its mathematical and verbal Talent Searches. This article traces the development of the battery; describes its components, important psychometric properties, and continuing development; and encourages its use by researchers and educators interested in developing spatial talent.  相似文献   


This article presents an analysis of patterns of giftedness based on the triarchic theory of intelligence. The analysis distinguishes among seven different patterns of giftedness, each involving a different combination of analytical, creative, and practical abilities. The seven patterns are the Analyzer, the Creator, the Practitioner, the Analytical Creator, the Analytical Practitioner, the Creative Practitioner, and the Consummate Balancer. Examples are given of each pattern and the strengths and weaknesses of each pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Gifted students with spatial strengths have areas of remarkable talent but are often overlooked, underidentified, and underserved in American schools. Their preference for learning through imagistic reasoning conflicts with traditional verbal instructional techniques typically used in schools. To better serve these students who have the potential to be leaders in the fields of engineering, physics, and mathematics, it is important to develop an awareness of their learning patterns and problem-solving processes. The purpose of this case study was to examine, understand, and compare patterns of response in six students, three with spatial strengths and three with verbal strengths, as they solved spatial problems, responded to questions about their preferred learning style, and indicated their instructional preferences. A qualitative research design used structured interviews and observations to investigate the learning preferences of fourth-grade students with spatial strengths and to contrast their patterns of response to students lacking exceptional ability in spatial reasoning. Based on the selective coding, visual ideation, innovation, and holistic processing emerged as predominant themes in this research.  相似文献   

基于湖北省2007—2018年12个主要城市的面板数据,分析高等教育人力资本集聚对技术创新的空间效应。研究发现,湖北技术创新水平在市际尺度具有显著的全局和局部空间自相关特征。考虑空间相关性后,无论使用相邻矩阵还是地理反距离矩阵,静态和动态空间杜宾模型回归结果表明,高等教育人力资本集聚对技术创新水平存在显著正向空间溢出效应;动态空间杜宾模型回归结果及其空间效应分解结果表明,城市高等教育人力资本集聚显著促进了本地城市发明创造类技术创新水平的提升。此外,城市经济发展水平、政府投入和产业结构也是影响技术创新水平空间差异的重要因素。因此,政府应激发基础产业技术创新水平,鼓励跨区域人才合作与协同创新。  相似文献   

To truly understand gifted performance, it is necessary to merge research on giftedness with current thinking in cognitive development and intelligence. This article presents traditional research on gifted children's cognitive development then considers how the application of newer models and theories from the field of cognitive development can be combined with research on giftedness to change the way people think about gifted performance. First four factors that have often been associated with giftedness are discussed from the perspectives of cognitive developmental psychology and gifted education. Next, emphasis is placed on investigating the strategic development of gifted children. Specifically, R. S. Siegler's (Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children's Thinking, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996) model of strategy development is addressed in terms of what it may contribute to understanding gifted cognition. Finally, future lines of research using models from cognitive development and complex systems models of development are recommended.  相似文献   

Interest in spatial ability has grown over the past few decades following the emergence of correlational evidence associating spatial aptitude with educational performance in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The research field at large and the anatomy education literature on this topic are mixed. In an attempt to generate consensus, a meta-analysis was performed to objectively summarize the effects of spatial ability on anatomy assessment performance across multiple studies and populations. Relevant studies published within the past 50 years (1969–2019) were retrieved from eight databases. Study eligibility screening was followed by a full-text review and data extraction. Use of the Mental Rotations Test (MRT) was required for study inclusion. Out of 2,450 screened records, 15 studies were meta-analyzed. Seventy-three percent of studies (11 of 15) were from the United States and Canada, and the majority (9 of 15) studied professional students. Across 15 studies and 1,245 participants, spatial ability was weakly associated with anatomy performance (rpooled = 0.240; CI at 95% = 0.09, 0.38; P = 0.002). Performance on spatial and relationship-based assessments (i.e., practical assessments and drawing tasks) was correlated with spatial ability, while performance on assessments utilizing non-spatial multiple-choice items was not correlated with spatial ability. A significant sex difference was also observed, wherein males outperformed females on spatial ability tasks. Given the role of spatial reasoning in learning anatomy, educators are encouraged to consider curriculum delivery modifications and a comprehensive assessment strategy so as not to disadvantage individuals with low spatial ability.  相似文献   

创新能力是实践的产物,当前科技和人才的竞争日趋激烈,通过创新应用型人才培养模式的构建和探索,解决兽医学专业(基础兽医方向)学生理论基础与实践应用的问题。研究生人才培养以实践能力和创新能力为重点,本文就基础兽医方向研究生培养模式和创新能力等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

Although there are no sex differences in general intelligence, reliable differences are found on some tests of cognitive abilities. Many of the tasks that assess the ability to manipulate visual images in working memory show an advantage for males, whereas many of the tasks that require retrieval from long-term memory and the acquisition and use of verbal information show a female advantage. Large effects favoring males are also found on advanced tests of mathematical achievement, especially with highly select samples. Males are also overrepresented in some types of mental retardation. Effects sizes are variable and often large. These differences are generally found cross-culturally and across the life span. The nature–nurture dichotomy is rejected as an interpretive framework. In light of recent findings that environmental variables alter the biological underpinnings of intelligence and individuals actively participate in creating their environments, we prefer a psychobiosocial model for understanding sex differences in intelligence.  相似文献   

Elevated spatial visualization ability (Vz) is thought to influence surgical skill acquisition and performance. Current research suggests that stereo visualization technology and its association with skill performance may confer perceptual advantages. This is of particular interest in laparoscopic skill training, where stereo visualization may confer learning advantages to novices of variant Vz. This study explored laparoscopic skill performance scores in novices with variable spatial ability utilizing stereoscopic and traditional monoscopic visualization paradigms. Utilizing the McGill Inanimate System for Teaching and Evaluating Laparoscopic Skills (MISTELS) scoring protocol it was hypothesized that individuals with high spatial visualization ability (HVz) would achieve higher overall and individual MISTELS task scores as compared to low spatial visualization ability (LVz) counterparts. Further, we also hypothesized that a difference would exist between HVz and LVz individual scores based on the viewing modality employed. No significant difference was observed between HVz and LVz individuals for MISTELS tasks scores, overall or individually under both viewing modalities, despite higher average MISTELS scores for HVz individuals. The lack of difference between scores obtained under the stereo modality suggested that the additional depth that is conferred by the stereoscopic visualization may act to enhance performance for individuals with LVz, potentially equilibrating their performance with their HVz peers. Further experimentation is required to better ascertain the effects of stereo visualization in individuals of high and low Vz, though it appears stereoscopic visualizations could serve as a prosthetic to enhance skill performance. Anat Sci Educ 7: 295–301. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

文凭膨胀以及大学、知识和社会的关系的变革,导致大学教育中知识取向的价值逻辑受到根本质疑。随着能力概念逐渐成为劳动力市场中标识个体特征的主导话语,能力取向的人才培养改革被广泛推崇,就业能力等被视为加强大学人才培养与劳动力市场需求关联度的概念工具。然而,当前大学人才培养中盛行的能力话语常常存在语义不明、内涵窄化以及加剧挤压大学自治文化等方面的局限性。普及化阶段的大学人才培养,应当立足对完整生活世界的关照,深刻认识能力的复杂性和实践属性,在把握人才培养与外界需求之间必要张力的前提下,实现不同价值取向的能力的兼顾和整合。  相似文献   

This paper argues that if 'reforms'of education designed to raise standards leave unquestioned the notion of fixed differential ability, then they are likely to be self-defeating. It considers alternative ways of formulating knowledge about individual differences reflected both in the literature and in classroom practice, and concludes by making a case for further research to be undertaken to establish frameworks for teaching consistent with an anti-determinist view of individual potential.  相似文献   

时代离不开创新,创新离不开教育对人才创新精神的培养。通过对影响创新精神和实践能力培养的相关因素的分析可以看出,教育必须改革,必须建立一种能给学生很大的自由,让学生在一种相对宽松的奈件下自主选择和决定学习的新的制度。而当今高等教育界探讨和研究的弹性学习制度以其自身的特点成为培养学生创新精神和实践能力的新的保障机制。  相似文献   

空间能力性别差异略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间能力的性别差异得到众多实证研究的支持。但差异形成的原因却是争论不休的问题。关于性别差异形成的理论假说主要可概括为三类,即强调生物因素的假说,强调环境因素的假说,生物一环境相互作用假说。而各类假说的科学性如何,最终取决于该假说能否同时解释性别内差异和性别间差异。生物一环境相互作用假说能够较好地回答该问题,它是目前比较容易接受的假说。  相似文献   

土建类人才创新与就业能力培养探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方院校面向建筑企业培养土建类人才,在理论上要更新人才培养观念,创新人才培养目标,按照国家注册工程师执业资格要求改革专业教学计划;在实践上要突出高等工程教育的应用性和实践性特色,培养学生的创新和就业能力。  相似文献   

课程教学方式的改革是人才培养环节的关键一环。以航空结构强度方向研究生为例,为了更好地激发研究生创新能力,对研究生专业课程的教学内容、教学方法以及教学手段进行了创新,探索了一套比较成熟并具有特色的研究生分类教学与分类培养模式,即构建了专业课程教学、创新能力培养与硕士学位论文三者紧密结合的研究生人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Fostering students' spatial thinking skills holds great promise for improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. Recent efforts have focused on the development of classroom interventions to build students' spatial skills, yet these interventions will be implemented by teachers, and their beliefs and perceptions about spatial thinking influence the effectiveness of such interventions. However, our understanding of elementary school teachers' beliefs and perceptions around spatial thinking and STEM is in its infancy. Thus, we created novel measures to survey elementary teachers' anxiety in solving spatial problems, beliefs in the importance of spatial thinking skills for students' academic success, and self-efficacy in cultivating students' spatial skills during science instruction. All measures exhibited high internal consistency and showed that elementary teachers experience low anxiety when solving spatial problems and feel strongly that their skills can improve with practice. Teachers were able to identify educational problems that rely on spatial problem-solving and believed that spatial skills are more important for older compared to younger students. Despite reporting high efficacy in their general teaching and science teaching, teachers reported significantly lower efficacy in their capacities to cultivate students' spatial skills during science instruction. Results were fairly consistent across teacher characteristics (e.g., years of experience and teaching role as generalist or specialist) with the exception that only years of teaching science was related to teachers' efficacy in cultivating students' spatial thinking skills during science instruction. Results are discussed within the broader context of teacher beliefs, self-efficacy, and implications for professional development research.  相似文献   

This article reviews seven different theories of giftedness that include creativity as a component, comparing and contrasting how each one conceptualizes creativity as a part of giftedness. The functions of creativity vary across the models, suggesting that while the field of gifted education often cites the importance of creativity, the conceptualizations of creativity differ depending on the particular theory. The various models of giftedness can be interpreted from the context of current creativity research because certain elements of these conceptualizations can be found in social models, the evolving systems approach, and the domain-generality debate. An integrative perspective of creativity research reveals that some models of giftedness are more comprehensive and consistent in terms of the creativity literature.  相似文献   

目前,我国高校正积极探索将"导师制"逐渐推行应用于本科生人才培养。基于此管理模式,本科生创新创业能力得到更加系统的培养。文章通过问卷调查和数据分析探索"导师制"对本科生创新创业能力的促进作用。发现开展"导师制"之后,本科生参与创新创业项目的数量和获奖数目逐年增加,有效地激发了本科生创新创业的兴趣,培养了学生的创造力。探索和思考"导师制"的实施方法,有助于应用型人才的培养,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

本文通过探讨高校人才迁徙的成因 ,分析高校人才迁徙中的人力资源成本 ,从而提出高校应采取的育才、留才、引才策略 ,旨在促进高校人才合理、有序地流动  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) digital anatomical models show potential to demonstrate complex anatomical relationships; however, the literature is inconsistent as to whether they are effective in improving the anatomy performance, particularly for students with low spatial visualization ability (Vz). This study investigated the educational effectiveness of a 3D stereoscopic model of the pelvis, and the relationship between learning with 3D models and Vz. It was hypothesized that participants learning with a 3D pelvis model would outperform participants learning with a two-dimensional (2D) visualization or cadaveric specimen on a spatial anatomy test, particularly when comparing those with low Vz. Participants (n = 64) were stratified into three experimental groups, who each attended a learning session with either a 3D stereoscopic model (n = 21), 2D visualization (n = 21), or cadaveric specimen (n = 22) of the pelvis. Medical and pre-medical student participants completed a multiple-choice pre-test and post-test during their respective learning session, and a long-term retention (LTR) test 2 months later. Results showed no difference in anatomy test improvement or LTR performance between the experimental groups. A simple linear regression analysis showed that within the 3D group, participants with high Vz tended to retain more than those with low Vz on the LTR test (R2 = 0.31, P = 0.01). The low Vz participants may be cognitively overloaded by the complex spatial cues from the 3D stereoscopic model. Results of this study should inform resource selection and curriculum design for health professional students, with attention to the impact of Vz on learning.  相似文献   

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