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Self-concept in learning disabled adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The career maturity of a private school group of adolescents with learning disabilities was assessed. Significant differences emerged in the affective dimensions but not in the cognitive variables. The implications for career decision making were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical basis for the interpretation of the WISC-R performance of Navajo children according to the Luria-Das Model of Simultaneous and Successive cognitive processes. Two groups of Native American Navajo subjects, 45 learning disabled and 41 gifted, were given the WISC-R. The scores on those subtests expected to involve Successive and Simultaneous processes were factor analyzed for each group and two factors were extracted. The factors, essentially similar for both samples, were interpreted to reflect the Successive and the Simultaneous modes of processing information as suggested by the Luria-Das Model. The gifted and learning disabled children had disparate loadings for some of the subtests, suggesting that the two groups may be using distinct modes of coding information.  相似文献   

Teaching values should have an important place in the curriculum of gifted adolescents  相似文献   

Many of the basic principles of future studies are closely related to the objectives and approaches of gifted education. Including future studies as an integral part of a gifted education curriculum would give added meaning to these programs.  相似文献   

The Los Angeles Unified School district has established an evaluation process which leads to creating sound programs for the gifted and to conducting the right in‐service training for teachers.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of support on knowledge acquisition of gifted learners and their flow and mood during inquiry learning. Sixty-four gifted primary school children were randomly assigned to one of three conditions differing in support given in an inquiry task. Results showed that learners who were allowed to experiment themselves learned more, experienced more flow, and felt more positive toward the task than those who were not given this opportunity, but only when they were guided through the inquiry cycle by prompts to generate hypotheses, perform experiments, and draw conclusions. The overall conclusion is that gifted children benefit more from open, complex tasks when their learning process is externally regulated.  相似文献   

Research on the sex-role problems of gifted adolescents rarely lifts its sight beyond Western developed countries, making generalizations to the Third World suspect. The present study, by exploring the relationship between gender and adjustment among gifted adolescents in Singapore, hopes to extend the consideration of developmental sex-role issues to a society different from the West. Specifically, it reports that Singaporean gifted girls, like some of their Western counterparts, had difficulty in reconciling their giftedness with societal notions of femininity.Conceivably, this conflict placed them on the threshold of stress, leaving them more vulnerable than the gifted boys to adjustment problems. In addition, having internalized the gender stereotypic view that academic excellence was less important to them than to the boys, the gifted girls might inadvertently put ceilings on their own achievements. The paper concludes with several remedies for educators, counsellors, and parents to help gifted girls embark upon their road to self-fulfilment.
Zusammenfassung Forschungen über die Probleme begabter Jugendlicher bezüglich geschlechtsspezifischer Rollen erfassen selten Zielgruppen außerhalb der entwickelten westlichen Länder. Demnach wird jede Übertragung auf die dritte Welt fragwürdig. Diese Studie beabsichtigt, mit einer Untersuchung über die Beziehungen zwischen Geschlecht und Anpassungsfähigkeit unter begabten Jugendlichen in Singapur, den Kontext der Debatte über entwicklungsbezogene geschlechtsspezifische Rollen auf eine nicht-westliche Gesellschaft zu erweitern. Insbesondere wird berichtet, daß begabte singapurische Mädchen es ebenso wie westliche Mädchen schwierig finden, ihre Begabtheit mit gesellschaftsüblichen Begriffen der Weiblichkeit zu vereinbaren. Es wäre durchaus möglich, daß dieser Konflikt sie bis an die Schwelle des Stresses bringt, so daß sie für Anpassungsprobleme anfälliger als begabte Jungen sind. Indem sie die geschlechtstypische Ansicht verinnerlichen, daß wissenschaftlicher Erfolg für sie weniger bedeutsam ist als für Jungen, könnten die begabten Mädchen ihren eigenen Leistungen unbewußt Grenzen setzen. Der Artikel endet mit verschiedenen Vorschlägen, wie Pädagogen, Berater und Eltern begabter Mädchen dazu beitragen könnten, daß diese Mädchen zu ihrer Selbsterfüllung finden.

Résumé La recherche sur les problèmes liés au rôle des sexes des adolescents doués porte rarement son regard au-delà des pays industrialisés occidentaux, rendant les généralisations au Tiers Monde suspectes. En étudiant le rapport entre les sexes et l'adaptation chez les adolescents talentueux de Singapour, la présente étude espère étendre l'examen des problèmes de développement liés au rôle des sexes à une société différente de celles du monde occidental. En particulier, elle relate que les filles douées de Singapour, comme certaines de leurs homologues occidentales, ont des difficultés à concilier leur talent avec les notions sociales de fémininité. II est concevable que ce conflit les ait mises sous pression, les rendant ainsi plus vulnérables que les garçons doués aux problèmes d'adaptation. Par ailleurs, ayant assimilé le point de vue stéréotypé des sexes selon lequel l'excellence scolaire est moins importante pour elles que pour les garçons, il se peut que les filles douées fixent, par inadvertance, un plafond à leurs propres performances. Cet article conclut en proposant quelques remèdes aux éducateurs, conseillers et aux parents pour aider les filles capables à s'engager dans la voie qui leur permettra de s'accomplir.

The Hartnett, Nelson, and Rinn 2004 study indicates that diagnostic confusion between ADD/ADHD and giftedness exists, and that research on medication practices is warranted. Mika disagrees, saying that there is no empirical evidence of misdiagnosis of gifted children as having ADD/ADHD. We disagree with Mika's logic, and describe evidence that suggests that such misdiagnosis does occur, with possible concurrent risks.  相似文献   

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