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网络无边。在网中央,TO BE OR NOT TO BE(生存还是毁灭),这是个问题。  相似文献   

安继川 《初中生》2002,(9):34-35
Tom带Jim去河边玩,还为他捉了一条小鱼。 Jim格外高兴,回到家后,他耽心小鱼疲劳了,想让它休息一下,结果却干了一件事与愿违的事情。究竟发生了什么事呢?  相似文献   


In this review essay Stanton Wortham explores how philosophy of education should both turn inward, engaging with concepts and arguments developed in academic philosophy, and outward, encouraging educational publics to apply philosophical approaches to educational policy and practice. He develops his account with reference to two recent ambitious projects: The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education, edited by Harvey Siegel, and the two‐volume yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE), titled Why Do We Educate? edited by Gary Fenstermacher (series editor), David Coulter and John Wiens (volume 1), and Mark Smylie (volume 2). These two projects initially appear to be opposed, with the Handbook emphasizing elite philosophy and the Yearbook emphasizing public engagement. Wortham argues that each project is in fact more complex, and that they are in some respects complementary. He concludes by making a case against a simple hierarchy of basic and applied knowledge and calling for a more heterogeneous philosophy of education.  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

1.set meal 套餐A:What are we going to order?B:Well,it is really hard to decide,they have so many delicious food here.A:I'd like to try this see meal here.B:Then I will have some seafood.A:我们该点些什么呢?B:哎,还真难决定,他们这里好吃的东西太多了。A:我想吃吃看这个套餐。B:那我来点海鲜好了。  相似文献   

I LIKE IT     
Forsuchalongtime,I’vehopedthateverystudentscanhaveaspecialchancetostandintheplatformandtryhisbesttoexplainthelessonsforotherstudentsandtheteacher.Thiskindofclassmustbemuchmoreinteresting.Tomysurprise,thedreambecomestrue.Inthisnewterm,wewillbetheteacherinourPoliticlessons.Fourorfivestudentsareinagroup.Andoneofthestudentstoexplainthelesson,onetopreparethelessonandotherstolookupsomeinformationaboutthelesson.Attheendoftheterm,wewillchoosethebestgroup,andgivesomepresentstothem.Thisk…  相似文献   

Last week,I watched a competition of mod-els on,IV.The competition had a question:“There are three things,which are wisdom,wealth and beauty.If you can choose only onething,which do you like to choose?”Most of themodels chose wisdom,and only one model chosewealth.  相似文献   

小甜甜档案:布兰尼.简恩.斯皮尔斯于1981年12月2日出生在路易斯安那州一个名叫肯特伍德的小镇。尽管严格地讲,她的第一次公开演出是在她4岁时(她在当地教堂演唱“圣婴之歌”),但她的职业演唱生涯始于8岁,当时小布兰尼赴佐治亚州的亚特兰大为迪斯尼频道的米老鼠俱乐部节目试镜,终因年龄过小而未被聘用。但有一位制片人看出了她的潜能,于是她在纽约找到一位代理人。随后的3个夏季她就在纽约度过,就学于百老汇舞蹈中心和职业表演艺术学校。她受到的富有创造性的教育终于结了果;1991年她在百老汇剧作《无情》中扮演了角色。  相似文献   

闻达  朴添勤 《大学生》2012,(Z4):84-85
甘相伟,85后,青年农民,打工仔,保安,北大学生,《站着上北大》的作者,在多舛的命运面前,他不退却,不屈从,紧追文学梦想,从一个迷茫的社会青年蜕变为北大中文系学子。今年6月,他的书《站着上北大》准备出版之时,北大校长周其凤被他的故事感动并为其撰序,他说,相伟把利用北大资源武装、提高自己方面的智慧发挥到了极至,特别值得北大学生学习。遇上北大湖北广水贫困山区的孩子甘相伟,学习成绩优异,中考时考入在当地素有"小北大"之称的广水市一中,喜欢诗词的他那时就开始读知名作家张曼菱的《北大才女》,其中描述的未名湖风光,和对与学术大师季羡林交往的深情追忆,让他无限憧憬。  相似文献   

A grade level of reading material is commonly estimated using one or more readability formulas, which purport to measure text difficulty based on specified text characteristics. However, there is limited direction for teachers and publishers regarding which readability formulas (if any) are appropriate indicators of actual text difficulty. Because oral reading fluency (ORF) is considered one primary indicator of an elementary aged student's overall reading ability, the purpose of this study was to assess the link between leveled reading passages and students’ actual ORF rates. ORF rates of 360 elementary‐aged students were used to determine whether reading passages at varying grade levels are, as would be predicted by readability levels, more or less difficult for students to read. Results showed that a small number of readability formulas were fairly good indicators of text, but this was only true at particular grade levels. Additionally, most of the readability formulas were more accurate for higher ability readers. One implication of the findings suggests that teachers should be cautious when making instructional decisions based on purported “grade‐leveled” text, and educational researchers and practitioners should strive to assess difficulty of text materials beyond simply using a readability formula.  相似文献   

在你的课堂上, 似乎总有那么一两个你看不惯的学生。他们或许太过淘气,或许有许多不好的习惯,或许只是因为学习差。接近这一特殊群体,帮助他们找到学习的动力和乐趣,教会他们培养良好的行为习惯。不妨尝试以下8种有效处理方法。  相似文献   

Teachers' colleges and educational colleges are both cradles for the middle school teachers, and their teachers are teacher- trainers. As English teachers of this kind of schools, their major task is to try their best to bring up their students to be qualified junior English teachers. Herby I would like to emphasize the word' qualified' and the words'junior  相似文献   

又到一年圣诞时 街上早早竖起了圣诞树 star们也都整齐地戴上了圣诞帽 还有伴着电影院浓浓爆米花香味的 那些贴得密密麻麻的圣诞档海报 都在告诉你圣诞节又到了  相似文献   

The way in which students view science and its practitioners, particularly during their late elementary and early secondary grade levels, has been at the core of numerous studies dating back to research by Mead & Metraux (Science 126:384–390, 1957). In this study, we used the Draw-a-Scientist Test Checklist developed by Finson, Beaver & Cramond (Sch Sci Math 95(4):195–205, 1995) to explore and document Colombian and Bolivian students’ perceptions of scientists. Despite the wealth of information from years of study, there is a lack of research on images held by students in Latin American nations. This study involved Colombian and Bolivian students (N = 1,017) in 5th to 11th grades and was aimed at providing an original account of how these students picture scientists and science. Results suggest differences on how students perceive scientists based on nationality, grade and school type. We discuss how features may be associated with educational and socioeconomic status in each school community.  相似文献   

Considerations of the inner world of workers and organizations might not fall within the provenance of human performance technology (HPT) practitioners. However, when it comes to being creative, workers need fertile imaginations driven from within. When it comes to productivity, mostly inner energies drive collaboration. When it comes to results, leaders must nurture workers toward wholeness for effective decisions and wisdom‐driven action. For these reasons, HPT practitioners need to know how to engage with the interiority factor.  相似文献   

This response to Mitchell and Mueller’s “A philosophical analysis of David Orr’s theory of ecological literacy” comments on their critique of Orr’s use of the phrase “ecological crisis” and what I perceive as their conflicting views of “crisis.” I present my views on ecological crisis informed by standpoint theory and the definition of crisis as turning point. I connect the concept of turning point to tipping point as used in ecology to describe potentially irreversible changes in coupled social-ecological systems. I suggest that sustainable societies may provide models of adaptive learning in which monitoring of ecological phenomena is coupled to human behavior to mitigate threats to sustainability before a crisis/tipping point is reached. Finally, I discuss the Hawai‘i State Department of Education’s removal of its Indigenous science content standard Mālama I Ka ‘Āina, Sustainability and its continued use in community-based projects.  相似文献   

The curriculum in postsecondary mathematics at the department, like the curricula in similar private institutions in Japan that teach information technology, must be reconsidered for many reasons. Students entering colleges and universities can no longer be expected to have the mathematics preparation for college-level courses. Computer science and other scientific fields are becoming more dependent on a mathematical base. Mathematics education in colleges must be reformed. In 2000, a new curriculum was initiated at the department. This article discusses the curriculum and provides, as an example, the outline of the reform project undertaken by the Department of Information and Network. When considering reform, it is important that any new courses that students take in the first two years of their program will be acceptable for credit at four-year colleges and universities. Such considerations were given when courses were developed at the department. Course outlines for Mathematical Literacy and Computer Mathematics I and II are provided.  相似文献   

This article presents pupils?? awareness of writing as elicited through a metawriting task, in other words a task in which pupils from the third, fourth and sixth forms (grades) were required to write about writing. The analysis of the texts revealed the pupils?? increasing ability to write texts focusing on writing and on the subject??s relationship to writing. There are significant differences concerning the number of processes mobilised by the pupils to describe the writing process and the operations that take place within it. The increase in awareness is particularly salient in the case of planning during pre-writing. The pupils from the sixth form also mobilise a significantly higher number of processes concerned with the components of textualising (translating) and revising. The results for awareness of text and of reader do not present significant differences or any gradual increase. On the textual dimension, attention is given predominantly to the formal aspects of the texts, especially in the lower forms, while the emergence of other factors, such as genre, is still limited. As for the reader, this aspect of awareness receives the lowest number of associated processes when pupils write about their writing. The results revealed the dimensions and factors to which pupils in different school forms have conscious access when reflecting on their writing. The outcomes support the strategy of using metawriting as consciousness raising tool to increase pupils?? writing skills.  相似文献   

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