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Television and Children: Priorities for Research (New York: Ford Foundation, 1976—free on request, paper),

Bob Shanks' The Cool Fire: Flow to Make it in Television (New York: Norton, 1976—$9.95).

Clas Zilliacus' Beckett and Broadcasting: A Study of the Works of Samuel Beckett for and in Radio and Television(Acta Academiae Aboensis, Library, 20500 Abo 50, Finland—priced at 40 FmK, paper),

Edward N. McNulty's Television: A Guide for Christians (Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon, 1976—$3.50, paper).  相似文献   

Kenneth R. Sparks' A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Television and Radio (School of Journalism, Newhouse Communications Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210, $3.50 paperback)

Joseph Keeley's The Left Leaning Antenna: Political Bias in Television (Arlington House, $8.95)

James Aronson's Packaging the News: A Critical Survey of Press, Radio, TV. (Little New World Paperbacks, available from International Publishers, 381 Park Ave. South, New York 10016, $1.45 paperback)

Walter Cronkite and Fred W. Friendly's I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties (Columbia Records M3X 30353, $9.95 for the set)

Phyllis Feinstein's All About Sesame Street (Tower T-075-19, 75¢)

Bruce F. Elving's FM Station Atlas (contact the author c/o WUWM Radio, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53201, $2.00)

Takeo Furo's The Function of Television for Children and Adolescents (Tokyo: Sophia University: available in this country from Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland, Vt., $9.50)

Richard Averson and David Manning White's Electronic Drama. Television Plays of the Sixties (Beacon Press, $9.95)

Bernard Wilkie's The Technique of Special Effects in Television (Hastings House, $16.50)

Action For Children's Television issued occasionally for a membership fee of $5.00 per year

Cable Television: Communications Medium of the Seventies (Samson Science Corp., Quantam Science Corp., 245 Park Ave., New York 10017, $195)  相似文献   

Robert Metz' The Today Show: An Inside Look at 25 Tumultuous Years...and the Colorful and Controversial People Behind the Scenes (New York: Playboy Press, 1977—$10.00)

Jeff Rovin's The Great Television Series (South Brunswick, N.J.: A.S. Barnes, 1977—$17.50)

Gregg Lewis, Telegarbage: What You Can do about Sex and Violence on TV (Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 1977—$2.95, paper)

Richard Meyers, Super TV Stars (160 pp.)

Richard Meyers, The Illustrated Soap Opera Companion (159 pp.)  相似文献   

John Sandford's The Mass Media of the German-Speaking Countries (London: Oswald Wolff; and Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1976---price not given, paper)

Publizistik. Vierteljahreshefte fur Kommunikationsforschung (= subtitle, meaning Quarterly for Communication Research)

Rundfunk und Fernsehen (Broadcasting and Television)

Femselsen und Bildung (Television and Education)

Communicatio Socialis

Broadcast Receiving Fees in France, by Eugene Pons (EBU Monograph No. 7, 194 pp., 1969, 20 Swiss francs or about $5.00, paper)

German Radio and Television: Organization and Economic Basis, by Hans Brack (EBU Monograph No. 6, 68 pp., 1968, 8 Sw. Fr. or about $2.00, paper)

Broadcasting in the Space Age, by Olaf Rydbeck and Edward W. Ploman (EBU Monograph No. 5, 53 pp., 8 Sw. Fr. or about $2.00, paper)

Advertising on Radio and Television (EBU Monograph No. 4, 37 pp., 1966, 5 Sw. Fr. or about $1.00)

Financial Aspects of Broadcasting, by Bruno Vasari (EBU Monograph No. 3, 45 pp., 1965, 4 Sw. Fr. or a bit less than $1.00, paper)

Television for Children and Young People, by J.D. Halloran and P.R.C. Elliott (134 pp., 1970, 10 Sw. Fr. or about $2.50, paper)

Annual Seminar for Producers and Directors of Adult Education by Television (12th Seminar, 1974, 79 pp., 5 Sw. Fr. or about $1.00)

Annual Seminar for Producers and Directors of School Television (11th Seminar, 1973, 79 pp., 5 Sw. Fr. or about $1.00, paper)

Workshops for Producers and Directors of Television Programs for Children (4th Workshop, 1974, 48 pp., 8 Sw. Fr. or about $2.00, paper)

International Forum of Light Music in Radio (1971, 1973, and 1975 editions available, 5 Sw. Fr. each or about $1.00 each, paper)

The Evolution of the EBU through its Statutes from 1950 to 1976 (EBU Monograph No. 11, 1977, 25 Sw. Fr. or something over $5.00, paper)

International Conference of States on the Protection of Phonograms (Paris: Unesco; and New York: Unipub, 1975---$34.75, paper)  相似文献   

Robert K. Yin's The Workshop and the World: Toward an Assessment of the Children's Television Workshop (Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand Corp., 1973–$3.00, paper)

Thomas E. Patterson and Robert D. McClure's Political Advertising: Voter Reaction to Televised Political Commercials (Citizens' Research Foundation, 245 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. 08540–$1.00, paper)

Lawrence W. Lichty and Malachi Topping (eds.) American Broadcasting: A Sourcebook in the History of Radio and Television (New York: Hastings Rouse, 1974–$19.50/11.50)

A. William Bluem, Television Quarterly from 1961 through 1968; Television in the Public Interest (1961); Documentary in American Television (1965); Television: The Creative Experience (1967); Religious Television Programs: A Study of Relevance (1969); The Movie Business: American Film Industry Practice (1972)

Herman Burstein's Questions and Answers About Tape Recording (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1974–$8 .95)  相似文献   

G.W.A. Dummer's Electronic Inventions: 1745-1976 (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1976—£5.50 or $10.00)

Carl Dreher's Sarnoff: An American Success (New York: Quadrangle/ New York Times Book Co., 1977—$12.50)

George W. Bartlett, ed. NAB Engineering Handbook (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$45.00; $30.00 to NAB and BEA members)

Richard Veith's Talk-Back TV: Two-Way Cable Television (Blue Ridge Summit. Pa.: TAB Books, 1976—$9.95/5.95)

Dan Rather with Mickey Herskowitz' The Camera Never Blinks: Adventures of a TV Journalist (New York: Morros, 1977—$10.00)

F. Gifford's Tape: A Radio News Handbook (New York: Hastings House, 1977—$12.95/6.95)

F. Earle Barcus' Children's Television: An Analysis of Programming and Advertising (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1977—price not given, but likely around $18.00)

Douglas Davis and Allison Simmons' The New Television: A Public/Private Art (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977—$14.95)

The Videophile's Newsletter (Jim Lowe, 2014 South Magnolia Drive, Tallahassee, Fla. 32301—$7.50 for five issues)

Separations Procedures in the Telephone Industry: The Historical Origins of a Public Policy, by James W. Sichter (January 1977, Publication P-77-2, 146 pp. $23.40, paper)

The Communications Act Policy Toward Competition: The Sound of One Hand Clapping by Hamilton Loeb (March 1977, Working Paper W-77-1, 68 pp., $ 10.90)

Broadcasting: The Next Ten Years (New York: National Broadcasting Co., Department of Corporate Planning, 1977—apparently free on request, paper)

NFLCP Newsletter (P.O. Box 119, Cambridge, Mass. 02142—$7.50 annually, bimonthly; $15.00 to organizations)

Gary Gerani and Paul H. Schulman's Fantastic Television (New York: Harmony Books/Crown Publishers, 1977—$12.95/5.95)  相似文献   

Paul P. Ashley's Say it Safely: Legal Limits in Publishing, Radio, and Television (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976—$9.50)

David E. Price, The Commerce Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Commerce Committees ($16.50, 358 pp.)

Peter N. Schuck, The Judiciary Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees ($16.50, 446 pp.)

Harry R. Olsson, Jr.'s Legal and Business Problems of Television and Radio (Practicing Law Institute, 810 Seventh Ave., New York 10019—$20.00, paper)

Robert Agranoff's The Management of Election Campaigns (Boston: Holbrook Press, 1976—price not given)  相似文献   

Robert D. Singer and Robert M. Kaplan, eds. &;ldquo;Television and Social Behavior,&;rdquo; The Journal of Social Issues 32:4 (Fall 1976, $4.00 per copy from Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Publication Office, Box 1248, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106)

Jon Baggaley and Steve Duck's Dynamics of Television (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books [D.C. Heath] , 1977—$15.00

Symposium on Television Violence(Ottawa: Printing and Publishing Supply and Services Canada, 1976—$5.00 in Canada; $6.00 to other countries, paper [also available in the U.S. from Unipub in New York—for $9.25, paper] )

Toward a National Endowment for Children's Broadcasting (Center for Action Research, 20 Nassau St. [Suite 211] , Princeton, N.J. 08540—apparently free on request)

Maureen Harmonay, ed. ACT's Guide to TV Programming for Children— Promise and Performance: Children with Special Needs (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co. [Lippincott] , 1977—$1230/6.95)

Scott H. Robb's Television/ Radio Age Communications Coursebook (Communications Research Institute, 25 Central Park West [Suite 1B] , New York, N.Y. 10023—$14.50, looseleaf format).

Claude and Barbara Hall's This Business of Radio Programming (Billboard Publications, 1515 Broadway, New York 10036—$15.95)

Frazier, Gross &; Clay Inc.'s Raio in 1985 (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1977—$10.00 to non-members; $5.00 to members, paper)

Traveling F.M. Radio Guide (And/or Press, P.O. Box 2246, Berkeley, Calif. 94702— $2.95, paper  相似文献   

Joseph S. Johnson and Kenneth K. Jones' Modern Radio Station Practices (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1972—$7.95)

Edd Routt (double letters in each name correct) The Business of Radio Broadcasting (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1972— $12.95)

Giraud Chester, Garnet Garrison, and Edgar Willis' Television and Radio (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971—$11.95)

Evelyn Sarson (ed.). Action for Children's Television (New York: Avon Discus Books, 1971— $1.25, paper)

The Fourth Network (New York: The Network Project, 102 Earl Hall, Columbia University, 1971—$3.00, paper)

William Kuhns' Exploring Television (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1971—$3.20, paper; with a Teacher's Guide available for $1.00, paper)

Wayne Green's (ed.), The Fascinating World of Radio Communications (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1971—$6.95/3.95)

The Wit and Wisdom of Archie Bunker (New York: Popular Library, 1971—.95, paper)  相似文献   

Larry James Gianakos' Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle, 1959-1975 (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$27.50)

Albert C. Book and Norman D. Cary's The Radio and Television Commercial (Chicago: Crain Books, 1978—$6.95, paper)

Jay S. Harris's TV Guide: The First 25 Years (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978—$14.95)

Steven R. Rivkin's A New Guide to Federal Cable Television Regulations (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978—$25.00)

Felix Chin's Cable Television: A Comprehensive Bibliography (New York: Plenum Publishing, 1978—$45.00)  相似文献   

Ignacy Waniewicz's Broadcasting for Adult Education (Paris: Unesco [available in this country from New York: Unipub, Inc.], 1972–$4.50, paper)

Alan Hancock's Planning for ETV: A Handbook of Educational Television (New York: Humanities Press, 1972—$12.50)

John Quick and Herbert Wolff's Small-Studio Video Tape Production (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1972—$11.95)

Fred Powledge's Public Television: A question of Survival (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1972—$1.00, paper)  相似文献   

Jack Lyle's The People Look at Public Television: 1974 (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975—$1.00, paper)

Ken Coleman's So You Want to be a Sportscaster (New York: Hawthron Books, 1973—$5.95)

Joseph Fletcher Littell (ed.) Coping with Television (Evanston, Ill.: McDougal, Littell, 1973— cost not given, paper)

Joseph Julian's This Was Radio: A Personal Memoir (New York: Viking, 1975—$8.85)

Dick Cavett and Christopher Porterfield's Cavett (New York: Harcourt, Brace Jevanovich, 1974—$8.95)  相似文献   

Public Telecommunications Review (bi-monthly at $12.50 per year in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, $17.00 Elsewhere) and Volume I:1 appeared in August 1973

S. Young Lee and Ronald J. Pedone's Summary Statistics of Public Television Licensees Fiscal Year 1972 (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1973—no price listed, paperback)

Frederick Williams, Geraldine Van Wart and Monty Stanford's Carrascolendas: National Evaluation of a Spanish/English Educational Television Series (Austin, Texas: School of Communication, Center for Communication Research of the University of Texas, June 1973—$6.00, paper)

Children's Television Workshop offers its 1973 Annual Report (1 Lincoln Plaza, N.Y. 10023) which discusses developments in Sesame Street, Electric Company  相似文献   

Edward Pawley's BBC Engineering: 1922-1972 (London: BBC, 1972—L 7.00, or about $18.00)

Peter Black's The Biggest Aspidistra in the World (London: BBC, 1972—L2.00, or about $5.00)

BBC Handbook 1973 (London: BBC, 1972—75p, or about $1.75, paper)

British Broadcasting: 1922-1972—A Select Bibliography (London: BBC, 1972—75p. or about $1.75, paper)

Broadcasting Technology—Past, Present and Future (London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, P. O. Box 8, Southgate House, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 1HQ, England, 197 2—L5.O0 or about or about $12.50, paper)

Andrew Boyle's Only the Wind Will Listen: Reith of the BBC (London:Hutchinson, 1972—L4.50, or about $11.25)

John Snagge and Michael Barsley's Those Vintage Years of Radio (London: Pitman, 1972—L3.00, or about $7.50)

Violence on Television: Programme Content and Viewer Perception (1972, 220 pp., L2.00, or about $5.00)

Charles Curran, "The BBC in the Eighties" (1972, 22 pp., gratis)

Taste and Standards in BBC Progammes: A Study by the BBC for its General Advisory Council January 1973, 11 pp., gratis

BBC Record (bi-monthly, gratis on request)

Annual Report and Accounts of the British Broadcasting Corporation (annual, cost varies but now approximates $4.00 per year)

George Hills, Broadcasting Beyond One's Frontiers (1971, 59 pp., gratis from BBC, P.O. Box 76 Bush House Strand, London WC2B 4PH)

Brian Groombridge's Television and the People: A Program for Democratic Participation (Baltimore: Penguin Educational Specials, 1972—$1.95)  相似文献   

Morton I. Hamburg All About Cable: Legal and Business Aspects of Cable and Pay Television (Law Journal Press, 233 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007—$32.50),

Judith S. Duke Children's Books and Magazines: A Market Study (White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1979— $24.95)

Frederic W. Goudy Goudy's Type Designs: His Story and Specimens (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Myriade Press, 1978—$9.95, paper with hardback available)  相似文献   

William Kuhns' Movies in America (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1973 - $6.50, paper)

William Kuhns and John Carr Teaching in the Dark (same publisher, $4.50, paper)

Peter Wollen's Signs and Meaning in the Cinema (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972 - $5.95 2.95)

David Shipman's The Great Movie Stars: The International Years (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1972 - $15.00)

The Silent Picture (quarterly, $4.00 per year)

Films Illustrated (monthly, $10.00 per year)

Slide Albums ($35.00 each)

Herbert Volkmann's Film Preservation (1965, 60 pp., $1.50)

Theodore Huff's The Early Work of Charles Chaplin (1961, 24 pp., 500)

Fifty Years of Soviet Cinema: 1917-1967 (1967, 30 pp., 950)

Rules for Use in the Cataloguing Department of the National Film Archive (1960, $1.20)

Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury State College, Salisbury, Md. 21801 - $5.00 per year/four issues, or $2.00 each)  相似文献   

Ralph M. Jennings and Pamela Richard's How to Protect Your Rights in Television and Radio (Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010—price not given, paper)

Ted C. Smythe and George A. Mastroianni's Issues in Broadcasting: Radio, Television, and Cable (Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975—price not given but around $7.00 we learned from editors, paper)

James D. Secrest's Electronic Industries Association: The First 50 Years (Washington: EIA, 1974—price not given)

Ann M. Velia's KOB: Goddard's Magic Mast, Fifty Years of Pioneer Broadcasting (Las Cruces, N.M.: New Mexico State University Press, 1972—$6.95)

Harold Niven's Broadcast Education 1975: 14th Report (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$5.00, paper)

Broadcast Programming and Production (bimonthly/$7.00 per year, with first three issues free on request)

Joel L. Efrein, Cablecasting Production Handbook (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$12.95)

NCTA is Over the Cable (Washington: National Cable Television Association, 1975—free on request, paper)

Community Antenna Television Journal (4209 N.W. 23rd St., Suite 106, Oklahoma City 73107)  相似文献   

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