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Allan M. Winkler's The Politics of Propaganda: The Office of War Information, 1942-1945 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978—$11.95)

46. Mass News Media and the Third World Challenge by Leonard R. Sussman (80 pp.)

49. International News and the American Media by Barry Rubin (71 pp.)

Kees Van Der Haak and Joanna Spicer's Broadcasting in the Netherlands (London and Boston: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1977—$7.95, paper)

Tomo Martelanc, et al. External Radio Broadcasting and International Understanding: Broadcasting to Yugoslavia (Paris: Unesco/ New York: Unipub, 1977—$2.75, paper)

John A. Lent's Asian Mass Communications: A Comprehensive Bibliography-1977 Supplement (School of Communications, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122—$25.00 1 paper)  相似文献   

Ion Trewin's The Professions: Journalism (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1976—$9.95)

Charles Husband (ed.) White Media and Black Britain: A Critical Look at the Role of the Media in Race Relations Today (London: Arrow Books, Ltd., 1975—about $3.50, paper)

Peter Douglas' Television Today (London: Osprey Publishing, 1975—about $9.00)

Louis L. Snyder's Encyclopedia of the Third Reich (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976—$24.95)

Leo Bogart's Premises for Propaganda: The United States Information Agency's Operating Assumptions in the ColdWar (New York: Free Press, 1976—$12.95)

Marcellus S. Snow's International Commercial Satellite Communications: Economic and Political Issues of the First Decade of Intelsat (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1976—$16.50)

Charles Sherman and Donald Browne (eds) Broadcast Monographs No. 2: Issues in International Broadcasting (BEA, 1771 N. St. NW, Washington D.C. 20036—$5.00, with a $4.00 price to BEA members, paper)

Access: Technology and Access to Communications Media by B.R. Webster (54 pp., $2.65, paper)

Towards Realistic Communication Policies: Recent Trends and Ideas Compiled and Analysed by John A.R. Lee (59 pp., $2.65, paper)

Mehra Masani, Broadcasting and the People (179 pp., Rs 10.25, paper)

Narayana Menon, The Communications Revolution (89 pp., Rs 5.75, paper)  相似文献   

Melly de Camargo and Virgilio B. Noya Pinto's Communication Policies in Brazil (Paris: Unesco Press [New York: Unipub], 1975— $4.95, paper)

John K. Mayo, et al., Educational Reform with Television: The El Salvador Experience (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1976—$11.50).

John A. Lent's Mass Media in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Recent Bibliographic Sources (Philadelphia: Temple University School of Communications and Theater, Communications Research Reports No. 7, 1976— $2.50, paper).

Alexander S. Birkos' Soviet Cinema: Directors and Films (Hamden, Coon.: Archon Tools /Shoe String Press, 1976—$17.5n).  相似文献   

W. Phillips Davison's Mass Communication and Conflict Resolution: The Role of the Information Media in the Advancement of International Understanding (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1974—price not known, but about $12.00)

EBU—25 Years (Geneva: EBU, 1974—price not known)

Sydney W. Head and Lois Beck's The Bibliography of African Broadcasting: An Annotated Guide (Philadelphia: School of Communications and Theater of Temple University, 1974—$2.00, paper)

Rural Broadcasting in Dahomey (Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization [of the United Nations] released in this country by Unipub Inc., P.O. Box 433, New York, N.Y. 10016—$5.00 for filmstrip and accompanying illustrated booklet of text)

1974 Report to the President and the Congress (Washington: Communications Satellite Corporation, 950 L'Enfant Plaza, Washington D.C. 20024—free on request, along with earlier versions of the annual review)

Jacques Moussear (general editor) Les Communications de Masse: L'Univers des Mass Media (Paris: Hachette, 1972—about $12.55)  相似文献   

Foreign Media     
Robert E. Babe's Cable Television and Telecommunications in Canada: An Economic Analysis (East Lansing: Micigan State University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1975— $7.50, paper)

Manry Lisann's Broadcasting to the Soviet Union: International Politics and Radio (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975—$16.50)  相似文献   

Foreign Media     
Meheroo Jussawalla, and D.M. Lamberton COMMUNICATION ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT (Elms ford , New York : Pergamon Press, L982—$30.00)

Gunnar Andren and Hans Strand MASS COMMUNICATIONS AND CULTURE (Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Stockholm S-10691, Stockholm, Sweden—price not given, paper)

Itzhak Galnoor STEERING THE POLITY: COMMUNICATION AND POLITICS IN ISRAEL (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1982—$25.O0)

Henry Mayer COMMUNICATIONS (Thompson Publications, Australia, 47 Chippen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008—prices vary: apply to publisher for further information/monthly)

BC ANNUAL REPORT AND HANDBOOK 1982 (London : British Broadcasting Corporation, 1981-1E3.50 or about $7.00, paper).

SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE INFORMATION ECONOMY, by Iris Fitzpatrick-Martin (Paper #5, April 1979—$6.00, paper):

PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: THE ROLE OF ATTITUDES, by W. Lambert (Scot) Gardiner (Paper #9, April 1980— $6.00, paper)

INDUSTRIAL STATEGY AND THE INFORMATION ECONOMY: TOWARDS A GAME PLAN FOR CANADA, by Kimon Valaskakis and Peter S. Sindell (Paper #10, April 1980— $12.00, paper)  相似文献   

Isaiah Litvak and Christopher Maule's Cultural Sovereignty, The Time and Reader's Digest Case in Canada (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1974---$13.50)

Survey of Public Attitudes Towards the Computer (Ottawa: Department of Communications, 1973---$1.00, paper)

Bernard Rubin's Propaganda and Public Opinion: Strategies of Persuasion (Middletown, Conn.: Xerox Educational Publications, 1973---copies on request, paper)

Jim Richstad, Michael McMillan, and Ralph Barney's The Pacific Islands Press: A Directory (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1973---no price given, paper)

Judith Tegger Kildow's Intelsat: Policy-Maker's Dilemma (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/Heath, 1973---$12.50)  相似文献   

Philip Schlesinger's Putting 'Reality' Together: BBC News (London: Constable, 1978---E8.50/4.50 or about $17.00/9.00)

Australia, latest round-up of media publications from

John A. Lent, Third World Mass Media and Their Search for Modernity: The Case of Commonwealth Caribbean, 1717-1976 (Cranbury, N.J.: Bucknell University Press, 1978---$22.50)  相似文献   

Conferences, proceedings of three recent international telecommunications

Yves de la Haye, ed. Marx and Engles on the Means of Communication (International General, P.O. Box 350, New York, N.Y. 10013---$4.50 or £2.25, paper)

David Hargreaves' Adult Literacy and Broadcasting: The BBC's Experience (London: Frances Pinter/New York: Nichols, 1980---$22.50)

Christopher Bagley and Gajendra K. Verma's Racial Prejudice, the Individual and Society (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/Farnborough: Saxon House, 1979--- $19.00)

David Morley's The Nationwide Audience: Structure and Deconding (British Film Institute, 127 Charing Cross Rd., London WC2H oEA---£.2.95 or about $$7.50, paper)

Barbara Coulton's Louis MacNeice in the BBC (London: Faber and Faber/Lawrence, Mass.: Merrimach Book Service, 1980---E12.50/$31.00)

Australia, a report from Henry Mayer of some recent material from

World Bank, catalog of publications from  相似文献   

Patricia Hindley, Gail M. Martin, and Jean McNulty The Tangled Net: Basic Issues in Canadian Communications (Vancouver, British Columbia: J.J. Douglas Ltd., 1977—$12.95)

Tom Burns The BBC: Public Institution and Private World (London: Macmillan [New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc.], 1977—$19.50)

Alison McLeay The World of the Onedin Line (Newton Abbot, England (North Pomfret, Vt.): David & Charles, 1977—$11.95)  相似文献   

Ellen Propper Mickiewicz Media and the Russian Public (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1981— price not given, but available in hardback and paperback).

Television and Circulation of Program mes and Ideas (RAI—Radiotelevisione Italiana, Viale Mazzini, 14, Rome, Italy—free on request, paper)  相似文献   

John A. Lent's Asian Mass Communications: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Philadelphia: Temple University School of Communications and Theater, 1975---$44.00, paper with spiral binding)

H.Edward English (ed.) Telecommunications for Canada: An Interface of Business and Government (Toronto: Methuen, 1973---price not known)

Television Advertising Conditions in Europe

Communication Policies in Ireland, by John Stapleton (1974, 73 pages, $3.95, paper)

Communication Policies in Hungary, by Tamas Szecsko and Gabor Fodor (1974, 58 pages, $3.30, paper)

Communication Policies in the Federal Republic of Germany, by Walter A. Mahle and Rolf Richter (1974, 86 pages, $4.95, paper)

Communication Policies in Sweden, by Lars Furhoff, Lennart Jonsson, and Lennart Nilsson (1974, 76 pages, $4.65, paper)  相似文献   

The Concise Reference Guide to Publications and Broadcasting Media of Black America, Africa and the Caribbean (New York: Panther House Ltd. Box 3552, 1971—$15.00/ 12.50)

Olav Stokke (ed.), Reporting Africa (New York: Africana Publishing Corp., 101 Fifth Ave., 1971—$9.50)

Harold D. Lasswell's Propaganda Technique in World War I (reissue of 1927 edition titled Propaganda Technique in the World War). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1971—$2.95, paper)  相似文献   

AMERICA'S OTHER VOICE: THE STORY OF RADIO FREE EUROPE AND RADIO LIBERTY by Sig Mickelson (New York: Praeger, 1983—price not given).

PRESS CONTROL AROUND THE WORLD edited by Jane Leftwich Curry and Joan R. Dassin (New York: Praeger, 1982—price not given).

METHODS FOR INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH edited by William B. Gudykunst and Young Yun Kim (Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications 1984—S28.00/$14.00).

A STUDY OF FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR THE VOICE OF AMERICA IN THE CHANGING WORLD OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING by John E. Ward, et al. (Research Program on Communications Policy, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139—$10.00, paper).  相似文献   

Charles Roetter, The Art of Psychological Warfare:1914-1945 (New York: Stein and Day, 1974–$8.95).

Benjamin Draper (ed.) Pacific Nations Broadcasting III and Bibliography (Broadcast Inudstry Conference, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, Cal. 94132—$10.00, paper)

Structures of Television by Nicholas Garnham (48 pp.)

Light Entertainment by Richard Dyer (43 pp.):

The Cultural Policy of the United Republic of Tanzania by L.A. Mbughuni (72 pp., paper, $3.30):

Cultural Policy in Hungary (79 pp., paper, $3.30):

Culturalyolicy in Liberia by Kenneth Y. Best (59 pp., paper, $2.65):

Cultural Policy in Romania by Ion Dodu Balan (70 pp., paper, $3.30):

Unesco in Perspective by Rene Maheu (129 pp., paper, $3.30):

For Books: Unesco and its Programme by Emile Delavenay (74 pp., paper, $1.00):  相似文献   

Final Report of the Royal Commission on the Press (London: HMSO Cmnd Paper No. 6810, 1977—E4.25 or about $8.50, paper)

Jonathan Hill's The Cat's Lihisker: 50 Years of Wireless Design (London: Oresko Books, 1977—E8.95/4.95 or about $18.00/10.00)

Manuel Alvarado and Edward Buscombe's Hazell: The Making of a TV Series (London: British Film Institute and Latimer New Dimensions Ltd., 1978— E6.95/2.95 or about $l4.00/6.00)

Steve Chibnall's Law-and-Order-News: An Aspect of Crime Reporting in the British Press (London: Tavistock House, 1977— E3.50 or about $7.25, paper with hardback also available)

Robert Collins' A Voice from Afar: The History of Telecommunications in Canada (Scarborough, Ontario: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1977—$14.95)

Godwin C. Chu's Radical Change Through Communication in Mao's China (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977—$14.00)  相似文献   

Benjamin D. Singer, ed. Communications in Canadian Society (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1975—price not given, paper)

Svennik Hoyer, Stig Hadenius, and Lennart Weibull's The Politics and Exonomics of the Press: A Developmental Perspective (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1975—$2.50, paper)  相似文献   

Approaches to Communication Planning edited by John Middleton (1980, 300 pp.)

Communication Planning for Development: An Operational Framework by Alan Hancock (1981, 198 pp.)

Impact of Modern Communication Technology I: Australia, by Chris Duke (n.d., 122 pp.)

Impact of Modern Communication Technology II: Indonesia (n.d., 72 pp)

Flow of News in the Gulf, by Phil Harris, et al. (n.d., 70 pp.)

Protection of Journalists (no author, n.d., but 142 pp.)

82. The Book in Multilingual Countries by Abul Masan (1978, 40 pp.)

83. National Communication Polic Councils: Principles and Experiences by M.A. Rodrigues Dias, et al. (1979. 44 pp.)

84. Mass Media: The Image, Role, and Social Conditions of Women: A Collection and Analysis of Research Materials (1979, 78 pp.)

85. News Values and Principles of Cross-Cultural Communication (1980, 51 pp.)

(86) Special Issue: Mass Media Codes of Ethics and Councils: A Comprehensive International Study on Professional Standards by J. Clement Jones (1980, 80 pp.)

87. Communication in the Community (this title not yet seen)

88. Rural Journalism in Africa by Paul Ansah, et al. (1981, 35 pp.)

89. The SACl/EXERN Project in Brazil: An Analytical Case Study by Emile G. Mc- Anany et al. (1981, 46 pp.)

90. Community Communications: The Role of Community Media in Development by Frances Berrigan (1981, 50 pp.)

1. Historical Development of Media Systems–Japan by Shinichi Ito, et al. (1979, 69 pp.)

2. Historical Development of Media Systems–German Democratic Republic by Emil Dusiska (1979, 35 pp.)

3. Communication Indicators I: Communication Indicators and Indicators of Socio-Economic Development by Rita Cruise O'Brien, et al. (1979, 96 pp.)

4. Communication Indicators II: 100 Years of Mass Communication in Germany by Anton Galli, et al. (1979, 28 pp.)

5. Sccio-Economic and CommunicatioA Indicators in Development Planning: A Case Study of Iran by Majid Tehranian (n.d., 126 pp.)

6. Communication Methods to Promote Grass-Roots Participation by Jeremiah O'Sullivan-Ryan (n.d., 155 pp.)

7. Importation of Films for Cinema and Television in Egypt by Gehan Rachty (n.d., 77 pp.)

Reporting of International News and Roles of the Gatekeepers (1980) is a summary of two late 1979 meetings on the subject in Paris. (18 pp.)

Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policies in Africa (1981, 81 pp. plus 47 page working paper for same meeting)

Intergovernmental Conference for Co-operation on Activities, Needs and Programmes for Communication Development (1980, 65 pp. plus 32 page working paper)

List of Documents and Publications in the Field of Mass Communication 1979 (no. 5 in the series, 1980, 187 pp.)

Mass Media and the Transnational Corporation by Basskaran Nair (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1980—$12.50/7.50)

Mass Media and National Cultures, by the International Association for Mass Communication Research (Leicester, U.K.: Adam Bros., and Shardlow Ltd., 1980—price not known, paper)

Organisations Internationales et Regionales de Journalistes [International and Regional Organizations of Journalists] (Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1980—price, if any, not given, paper)

Bruce L. Cook, Understanding Pictures in Papua New Guinea (David C. Cook Foundation, Cook Square, Elgin, Ill. 60120—$8.95, paper)

Paul Lendvai, The Bureaucracy of Truth: How Communist Governments Manage the News (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1981—$24.75)  相似文献   

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