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Cinema Today     
Joan Mellen's Voices from the Japanese Cinema (New York: Liveright, 1975—$12.50)

The Quarterly Review of Film Studies (Redgrave Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Westport, Conn. 06880—$22.00 per year to institutions/14.00 to individuals)

Larry Langman and Milt Fajans' Cinema and the Schools: A Guide to 101 Major American Films (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1975—$4.95, paper)

William Jinks' The Celluloid Literature: Film in the Humanities (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Glencoe Press, 1974—$4.95, paper)  相似文献   

Pearl Aldrich's The Impact of Mass Media (Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Co., 1975—$7.99/4.75)

Alan Wells' Mass Media and Society (Palo Alto, Calif: Mayfield Publishing, 1975—price not given, paper)

Harry M. Clor (ed.) The Mass Media and Modern Democracy (Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co., 1974—price not given, paper)

Joan Valdes and Jeanne Crow (eds.) The Media Reader (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1975—$11.95/7.95 with lower net costs to schools–and a teacher's guide available for $2.95, paper).

James F. Evans and Rodolfo N. Salcedo's Communications in Agriculture: The American Farm Press (Ames: Iowa State University Press 1974—price not given, paper)

Suzanne rallies' Science Fiction Primer for Teachers (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1974– $5.95, paper).

Francesco M Nicosia's Advertising, Management and Society: A Business Point of View (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974— $10.95 with paperback available as well)  相似文献   

Peter J. Bukalski's Film Research: A Critical Bibliography with Annotations and Essay (Boston: G.K. Hall Co., 1972—$12.50)

Philip Gaskell's A New Introduction to Bibliography (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972—$9.50)

Francis G. Spigai's The Invisible Medium: The State of the Art of Microform and a Guide to the Literature (American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington 20036 or Box E, School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. 94305— $3.50, paper)  相似文献   

Program Readings     
Richard C. Burke Instructional Television: Bold New Venture (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1971—$5.95)

Harold S. Davis (ed.) Instructional Media Center: Bold New Venture (Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1971— $7.50)

Ralph J. Amelio, Film in the Classroom: Why to Use It How to Use It (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1971—$4.50, paper)  相似文献   

John P. Dessauer's Book Publishing: What it Is What it Does (New York: R.R. Bowker Co., 1974—$11.95)

Charles A. Madison's Irving to Irving: Author-Publisher Relations 1800-1974 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1974– $19.95).

The American Film Institute Guide to College Courses in Film and Television (Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, 1975—$6.95, paper)

Bert Cowlan and Dennis Foote's A Case Study of the ATS-6 Health Education and Telecommunications Projects (Washington: Office of Education and Human Resources, Bureau for Technical Assistance, Agency for International Development, 1975—no cost given, paper).

Charles S. Steinberg's The Creation of Consent: Public Relations in Practice (New York: Hastings House, 1975—$13.50/6.95).

Maxwell Sackheim's My First 65 Years in Advertising (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$9.95/5.95).

Sherman Briscoe's Black Press Information Handbook: 1974-75 (National Newspaper Publishers Association, 770 National Press Building, Washington D.C. 20004—$5.00, paper)  相似文献   

William Hawes' The Performer in Mass Media in Media Professions and in the Community (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$15.75/8.95)

Robert L. Hilliard, ed. Television Broadcasting: An Introduction (New York: Hastings House, 1978— $15.75/7.95)

Charles Bensinger's The Video Guide (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Video-Info Publications (P.O. Box 1507), 1977— $11.95, paper)

Mike Wolverton's And Now the News (Houston, Tex.: Gulf Publishing Co., 1977— $10.95)

The WAFL Book: A Guide to Film and Video in the Washington, D.C. Area (Washington Area Filmmakers League, P.O. Box 6475, Washington, D.C. 20009 —$5.45, including postage, paper)

David E. Fear's Technical Writing (New York: Random House, 1978—price not given, paper)  相似文献   

Julian Hale's Radio Power: Propaganda and International Broadcasting (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1975—$12.50)

Jay W. Baird's The Mythical World of Nazi War Propaganda, 1939-1945 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975—$15.00)

Unesco Statistical Yearbook (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub)

New Media in Education in the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Secretariat Publications, Marlborough House, London SW1Y SHX, England—E3.00, or about $7.00, paper)

World Guide to Technical Information and Documentation Services (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub), 1975— $19.80, paper)

May Katzen's Mass Communication: Teachin and Studies at Universities (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub), 1975—$14.85, paper)  相似文献   

Steven H. Chaffee and Michael J. Petrick's Using the Mass Media: Communication Problems in American Society (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975—$6.95, paper)

Bibliography: Some Canadian Writings on the Mass Media (Ottawa: Canadian Radio-Television Commission , 1974—apparently free on request, paper)

Communications: Some Federal Proposals (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1975—price not known, paper)

Bernard C. Hennessy's Public Opinion (Belmont, Calif.: Duxbury Press/ Wadsworth, 1975—price not known, paper)

John G. Cawelti's The Six-Gun Mystique (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1972—price not known, paper)

First Annual Report (Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 1974—free on request, paper)  相似文献   

Marvin Barrett, Rich News, Poor News: The Sixth Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Survey of Broadcast Journalism (New York: Crowell, 1978—$12.95/6.95)

Dan Nimmo and Robert L. Savage, Candidates and Their Images: Concepts, Methods, and Findings (Santa Monica, Calif.: Goodyear Publishing, 1976—price not given, paper)

David Bother's How to Appraise and Improve Your Daily Newspaper: A Manual for Readers (Disability Rights Center, P.O. Box 19367, Washington D.C. 20036—$10.00 institutions/$5.00 individuals, paper)

David Shaw's Journalism Today: A Changing Press for a Changing America (New York: Harper's College Press (Harper & Row), 1977—$9.95/5.95)

Richard Weiner's Professional's Guide to Publicity (Richard Weiner Inc., 888 Seventh Ave., N.Y. 10019—$7.95/6.50)  相似文献   

Ken Marsh's Independent Video (San Francisco: Straight Arrow Books, 1974—$7.95, paper)

Richard H. Davis and Allen E. Edwards' Television: A Therapeutic Tool for the Aged (Publication and Media Projects, Andrus Gerontology Center, University Park, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007—$2.25, paper)

Irving W. Larson (ed.) EIA Electronics Multimedia Handbook (Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams, 1975—price not known, paper)

Kendall Webster Sessions' 2nd Class FCC Encyclopedia (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$10.95/7.95)

Mary Louise Hollowell (ed.) Cable Handbook: 1975-1976—A Guide to Cable and New Communications Technologies (Communications Press, 1346 Connecticutt Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036—$7.35, including postage, paper)

Gilbert Gillespie's Public Access Cable Television in the United States and Canada (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975—price not given, but likely around $12.00 or so)  相似文献   

Leslie Halliwell's The Filmgoer's Companion (New York: Hill and Wang, 1974—$25.00)

Ray Armes' Film and Reality: An Historical Survey (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974—$1.95, paper)

Peter Harcourt 's Six European Directors: Essays on the Meaning of Film Style (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974—$2.50, paper)

James Robert Parish' The RKO Gals (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974—$14.95)

Lee R. Bowker's Elements of Film (New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1974—$5.95, paper)

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Cinema (3138 West Schubert, Chicago, Ill. 60647—$3.00 for 6 issues a year, or 50c each)

William Kuhns' Themes Two (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1974—$4.95, paper)

Raoul Walsh's Each Man in His Time: The Life Story of a Director (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974– $10.00)  相似文献   

William E. Francois, Introduction to Mass Communications and Mass Media (Columbus, Ohio: Grid Publishing Co., 1977—$9.95, paper)

John M. Phelan's Mediaworld: Programming the Public (New York: Seabury Press, 1977—$8.95)

Harvey L. Zuckman and Martin J. Gaynes' Mass Communications Law in a Nutshell (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1977—price not given but under $10.00, paper)

Communication Abstracts (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, quarterly beginning Spring 1978/$30.00 for individuals; $54.00 for institutions, and these are introductory rates)

Margaret Harmon, ed. Working with Words: Careers for Writers (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977—$7.95)

Walter Fox's Writing the News: Print Journalism in the Electronic Age (New York: Hastings House, 1977—$8.95/4.50)

Lee Finkle's Forum for Protest: The Black Press During World War II (Ruthorford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1975—$12.50)

Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin's The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800 (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press [London: NLB], 1976—$27.00)

George Seldes' Even the Gods Can't Change History: The Facts Speak for Themselves (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1976—$10.00)

Denis McQuail's Review of Sociological Writing on the Press (London: IIMSO, 1976—£16 or about $2.00, paper, including postage)  相似文献   

Motion Pictures     
Emerson, Naturalistic Photography for Students of the Art (1891)

Hicks, Words and Pictures: Introduction to Photojournalism (1952)

Bunnell, Nonsilver Printing Processes, $4.50

Lee R. Baker, Making Movies: From Script to Screen (New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1973—price not known, paper)

Johnny Minus and William Storm Hale's Your Introduction to Film-TV Copyright, Contracts and other Law (Seven Arts Press, 6655 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Ca. 90028 1973— $10.00 paper)

Noel Burch Theory of Film Practice (New York: Praeger, 1973—$8.95)

Hector Currie and Donald Staples' Film: Encounter (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1973—$9.95, paper)

John G. Cawelti's Focus on Bonnie and Clyde (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973—$5.95/2.45)

David Bordwell, Filmguide to La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc

Warren French, Filmguide to The Grapes of Wrath

Carolyn Geduld, Filmguide to 2001: A Space Odyssey

James Naremore, Filmguide to Psycho

E. Rubenstein, Filmguide to The General

Jay Leyda's Kino: A History of the Russian and Soviet Film (New York: Collier Books, 1973 reissue of 1960 original —$4.95, paper)  相似文献   

Jack Temple Kirby's Media-Made Dixie: The South in the American Imagination. (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1978—$9.95)

Dan Nimmo's Political Communication and Public Opinion in America (Santa Monica, Calif.: Goodyear Publishing Co., 1978—price not given, but available in hard and paper editions)

Raymond G. Smith's The Message Measurement Inventory: A Profile for Communication Analysis (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1978—$12.50)

Fred Fedler's An Introduction to the Mass Media (New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 1978—price not given, paper)

Rolf Myller's Symbols and their Meaning (New York: Atheneum, 1978—$9.95)

William E. Francois, Mass Media Law and Regulation (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, Inc., 1978—price not given)

James Leigh and Claude R. Martin, Jr., Current Issues and Research in Advertising (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1978—$4.75, paper)

Philip Ward Burton's Advertising Copywriting (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, 1978—$12.95)

Postal and Allied Arenas–Research Task Specifications, Phase I: Arena Survey by John F. McLaughlin (October 1977, 39 pp., $10.90, paper, Working Paper W-77-9)

The Communications Act Policy Toward Competition: A Failure to Communicate by G. Hamilton Loeb (October 1977, 95 pp., $23.40, paper, Publication P-77-3)

Roland E. Wolseley's Careers in Religious Communications (Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa. 15683—$4.95, paper)

Roland Barthes' Image-Music- Text (New York: Hill & Wang, 1977—$8.95)

Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff's The Modern Researcher (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977—$6.95 in paper, and also available in hardback)  相似文献   

Information Hotline, “Special Copyright Issue, (November 1976)“ (Science Associates/International, Inc., 1841 Broadway, New York 10023—$8.50, paper, with a discount scale for bulk purchase)

Copyright Revision Act of 1976: Law, Explanation, Committee Reports (Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 4025 West Peterson Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60646—$12.50, paper)

Media Law Reporter has come to light since the brief note in the January issue (see 8:52)

Robert Trager and Donna L. Dickerson's College Student Press Law (NCCPA Publications, School of Journalism, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701—$5.00, paper)

William Ruckelshaus and Elie Abel, eds. Freedom of the Press (Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976—$2.50, paper)

Richard Olin Berner's Constraints on the Regulatory Process: A Case Study of Regulation of Cable Television (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1976—price not given, but about $15.00)  相似文献   

Ralph M. Jennings and Pamela Richard's How to Protect Your Rights in Television and Radio (Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010—price not given, paper)

Ted C. Smythe and George A. Mastroianni's Issues in Broadcasting: Radio, Television, and Cable (Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975—price not given but around $7.00 we learned from editors, paper)

James D. Secrest's Electronic Industries Association: The First 50 Years (Washington: EIA, 1974—price not given)

Ann M. Velia's KOB: Goddard's Magic Mast, Fifty Years of Pioneer Broadcasting (Las Cruces, N.M.: New Mexico State University Press, 1972—$6.95)

Harold Niven's Broadcast Education 1975: 14th Report (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$5.00, paper)

Broadcast Programming and Production (bimonthly/$7.00 per year, with first three issues free on request)

Joel L. Efrein, Cablecasting Production Handbook (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$12.95)

NCTA is Over the Cable (Washington: National Cable Television Association, 1975—free on request, paper)

Community Antenna Television Journal (4209 N.W. 23rd St., Suite 106, Oklahoma City 73107)  相似文献   

Larry James Gianakos' Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle, 1959-1975 (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$27.50)

Albert C. Book and Norman D. Cary's The Radio and Television Commercial (Chicago: Crain Books, 1978—$6.95, paper)

Jay S. Harris's TV Guide: The First 25 Years (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978—$14.95)

Steven R. Rivkin's A New Guide to Federal Cable Television Regulations (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978—$25.00)

Felix Chin's Cable Television: A Comprehensive Bibliography (New York: Plenum Publishing, 1978—$45.00)  相似文献   

Andrew Tudor's Image and Influence: Studies in the Sociology of Film (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1975---$17.95)

Paul Weiss' Cinematics (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1975---$8.95)

James F. Scott's Film: The Medium and the Maker (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975---$7.95 1 paper)

Douglas Brode's Crossroads to the Cinema (Boston: Holbrook Press, 1975---price not given, paper)

William Kuhns' The Moving Picture Book (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1975---price not given, paper)

Richard M. Blumenberg's Critical Focus: An Introduction to Film (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1975---price not given, paper)

Axel Madsen's The New Hollywood: American Movies in the 70s (New York: Crowell, 1975---$7.95)

George Rehrauer's The Film User's Handbook: A Basic Manual for Managing Library Film Services (New York: Bowker, 1975---$14.95)  相似文献   

Varda Langholz Leymore's Hidden Myth: Structure and Symbolism in Advertising (New York: Basic Books, 1975—$10.00).

John S. Wright and John E. Mertes's Advertising's Role ie Society. (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1974—price not given, paper).

Allan M. Cartter's Ph.D's and the Academic Labor Market (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976—$12.50).  相似文献   

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