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Popular Culture     
Edited by Ray B. Browne, Rituals and Ceremonies in Popular Culture (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1980, 21.95 cloth, 10.95 paper)

The Buyer's Guide (Dynapubs Enterprises, 15800 Rt. 84 North, East Moline, IL 61244, 10.00/26 issues)

Mort Walker, Lexicon of Comicana (Port Chester, NY: Museum of Cartoon Art, Comly Ave., 1980, 95p, pb,) 4.95 plus 50* postage)

Geoffrey O'Brien, Hardboiled America: the Lurid Years of Paperbacks (New York: Van Nostrand, 1981, 144 pp., 16.95, cloth )

The Armchair Detective (Mysterious Press, 129 W. 56th St., NYC 10019, $16 USA, $20 elsewhere)

Bruce Pollock's When Rock Was Young: A Nostalgic Review of the Top 40 Era (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981, 214pp., 6.95 pb)

Jack Ziegler's Hamburger Madness (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1978, 5.95 pb)

Vincent Lynch and Bill Henkin's Jukebox, the Golden Age (Berkeley: Lancaster-Miller, 1981, llOpp., 12.95 cloth)

Blamin Technology: The Irrational Search for Scapegoats (NY: St. Martin's Press, 1981, -207 pp., 12.95 cloth)

Terry Hounsome and Tim Chambre's Rock Record (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1981, 9.95 pb)

David Dary's Cowboy Culture: A Saga of Five Centuries (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984, 17.95, cloth)  相似文献   

Popular Culture     
WAITING FOR PRIME TIME: THE WOMEN OF TELEVISION NEWS by Marlene Sanders and Marcia Rock (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988—$19.95, ISBN 0-252-01435-9)

FAIR PLAY: CBS, GENERAL WESTMORELAND, AND HOW A TELEVISION DOCUMENTARY WENT WRONG by Burton Benjamin (New York: Harper &; Row, 1988—$17.95, ISBN 0-06-015928-6)

BEHIND THE FRONT PAGE: A CANDID LOOK AT HOW THE NEWS IS MADE by David S. Broder (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987—$8.95, paper, ISBN 0-671-65721-6)

BAD TIDINGS: COMMUNICATION AND CATASTROPHE edited by Lynne Masel Walters, Lee Wilkins, and Tim Walters ((Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989—price not given, ISBN 0-89859-951-2)

MEDIA, MYTHS AND NARRATIVES: TELEVISION AND THE PRESS edited by James W. Carey (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988—$35.00/16.95, ISBN 0-8039-3049-6, paper)


JOURNALISTS AT WAR: THE DYNAMICS OF NEWS REPORTING DURING THE FALKLAND'S CONFLICT by David E. Morrison and Howard Tumber (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988—$49.95/18.95, ISBN 0-8039-8057-4, hard 0-8039-8058-2, soft)

NEWS COVERAGE OF THE SANDINISTA REVOLUTION by Joshua Muravchik (American Enterprise Institute, 4720 Boston Way, Lanham, MD 20706—$19.95/9.95, ISBN 0-8447-3661-9 hard, and 0-8447-3662-7, soft)

IMAGE WARS: PROTECTING YOUR COMPANY WHEN THERE'S NO PLACE TO HIDE by Stan Sauerhaft and Chris Atkins (New York: John Wiley, 1989—$22.95, ISBN O471-60936-6)

THE IQ CONTROVERSY: THE MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC by Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman (Rutgers, NJ: Transaction Books, 1988—$24.95, ISBN 0-88738-151-0)


BEYOND MALICE: THE MEDIA'S YEARS OF RECKONING by Richard M. Clurman (Transaction Books, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903—$24.95, ISBN 0-88738-234-7)

MASS MEDIA, CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS AND STREET GOSSIP: HOW COMMUNICATION AFFECTS THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN AN URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD by W. Phillips Davison (New York: Gannett Center for Media Studies, Columbia University, 1988—price not given, paper, ISBN not provided)

NEWS AND NUMBERS: A GUIDE TO REPORTING STATISTICAL CLAIMS AND CONTROVERSIES IN HEALTH AND OTHER FIELDS by Victor Cohn (Iowa State University Press, 2121 South State Ave., Ames, Iowa 50010—$17.95, ISBN 0-8138-1442-1)  相似文献   

Popular Culture     
10 titles (some from Frank Oglesbee) are described  相似文献   

Popular Culture     
Joseph C. Smith The Day the Music Died (New York: Grove Press, Inc., 1981, 12.95 cloth)

Five Thousand Years of Popular Culture: Popular Culture Before Printing (Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Press, 1980, 9.95 pb)

Barnard Rudofsky Now I Lay Me Down to Eat: Notes and Footnotes on the Lost Art of Living (Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1980, 19.95, cloth).

Seymour and Rhoda L. Fisher's Pretend the World is Funny and Forever: A Psychological Analysis of Comedians, Clowns, and Actors (Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1981, 19.95, cloth)

Jock Kinneir, in Words & Buildings: The Art and Practice of Architectural Graphics (New York: Watson-Guptill, - 1980, 32.50, cloth).  相似文献   

Popular Culture     
CATALOG (Vestal Press, Box 97, 320 N. Jensen Rd., Vestal, NY 13850---$2.00, paper)

MANGA! MANGA!: THE WORLD OF JAPANESE COMICS by Frederik L. Schodt (New York: Harper and Row, 1983---$19.95)

COMEDY IN SPACE, TIME, AND THE IMAGINATION by Paul H. Grawe (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1983---$27.95)

OUTRAGEOUS ACTS AND EVERYDAY REBELLIONS by Gloria Steinem (New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1983---$14.95)  相似文献   

Gaye Tuchman, Arlene Kaplan Daniels, and James Benet, eds. Hearth and Home: Ima9es of llomen in the Mass Media (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978—no price given, but available in hardback and paperback)

Maurice Horn's Women in the Comics (New York: Chelsea House, 1977—$15.00)

Charles K. Wolfe's Tennessee Strings: The Story of Country Music in Tennessee (Knoxville, Yniversity of Tennessee Press, 1977—$3.50, paper)

Anthony Hopkins' Downbeat Music Guide (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1977—$4.95)

Peter L. Skolnik's Fads: America's Crazes, Fevers & Fancies From the 1890s to the 1970s (New York: Crowell, 1978—$9.95)  相似文献   

A content analysis examined how well alcohol ads from televised sporting events adhered to self-regulatory advertising guidelines. Although nearly every ad followed the guidelines literally, there were numerous instances of strategically ambiguous content that could be interpreted as violating the guidelines' spirit. For example, a joke about designated drivers hinted at drunkenness without explicitly showing it, and many ads showed drinking as well as risky activities like driving or swimming, although not necessarily occurring simultaneously. The study also confirmed that alcohol ads are common in televised sporting events, and that the most frequent themes are humor, friendship, sex, and romance, a potentially troubling finding given that beliefs about the social benefits of alcohol predict drinking in young people. These findings suggest that alcohol advertising might contribute to the formation of expectancies in young people, and that current self-regulation may not be an effective way to prevent alcohol advertising from appealing to people under the age of 21.  相似文献   

The importance of popular culture collections in academic libraries and special problems of managing separately housed popular culture collections are discussed.  相似文献   

Randall P. Harrison, The Cartoon: Communication to the Quick (Beverly Hills: SAGE Publications, SAGE ComnText series, 1982, 14.00 cloth, 6.95 pb)

John Caldwell Mug Shots (21 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12210: Fantaco enterprises, 1980, 2.95 pb, unpaginated),

Jan Harold Brunvand The Vanishing_Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings (NY: W.W. Norton, 1981, 208 pp., 14.95 cloth)

Richard Lipsky How We Play the Game: Why Sports Dominate American Life (Boston: Beacon Press, 1981, 189 pp., 7.25, pb)

Alan Gowans Learning to See: Historical Perspectives on Modern Popular Commercial Arts (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1981, 22.95 cloth, 13.95 pb, 514 pp.)  相似文献   

作为当代大众文化叙事的中国电视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历经了50年发展的中国电视,作为当今最具影响力的大众叙事文化形式,在商业文化、主流文化与精英文化兼容并包的形态当中,表现出特有的雅俗并举、传统与时尚并存以及寓教于乐的二元文化价值取向.只有在一种不可避免的审美化的趋势下,坚持电视文化叙事的人本化立场,当今的中国电视才有可能避免成为单一的政治的"传声筒",或者在激烈的市场竞争中避免走上一味媚俗的歧途.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,我国的文化生活环境发生了巨大的变化.信息时代、文化工业时代、文化商品时代、文化消费时代的种种表现和特点,真切地让人们感受到了大众文化的潮流和力量.  相似文献   

技术和市场在文化领域的强力介入使当今时代出现了一种明显的文化泛化与审美泛化的趋势,其具体表现就是大众文化的崛起与日常生活审美化的转型.面对这种深刻的世俗化和广泛的民主化浪潮,高雅文化的至高地位和传统研究的学科视野受到强大冲击,传统的经典艺术的创造方式和审美批评理念不再适用于新兴的大众文化或者大众艺术.从经典艺术美的陶冶到关注身体感觉和生理欲念的快感美学,从经典艺术的"人"之代言到当代文化的大众体验,从经典艺术的文字想象到大众文化的图像复现,从经典艺术的观念幻象到大众文化的身体喜剧,经典美学迅速进入了自身的当代转型和现实重构,其文化立场和理论视域作出了全面调整.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

大众文化传播的德育意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化传播是人们共享文化的过程,也是社会价值观念、社会道德规范不断被传送、强化和人们接受社会教化的过程,它具有强烈的社会学、教育学性质.特别是随着大众文化传播的发展,大众文化传播的方式、行为对学生道德教育的影响,已愈来愈引起社会学家、教育工作者的重视.在大众文化传播高度信息化的现代社会,如何加快德育现代化进程,如何与学校德育保持协调,已经成为社会转型时期学校德育面临的一个崭新课题.  相似文献   

The Italian linguistic situation is characterized by the presence, alongside the national language, of diverse linguistic traditions: italo-romance dialects (which developed parallel to Italian and in such a way as to be relatively autonomous); neolatin, non italo-romance languages (Occitan, Franco-provençal, Catalan, Sardinian, Ladino, and Friulian); non-neolatin languages (Slavic, German, Albanian, Greek, and Gypsy): all are idioms which correspond frequently to local cultural realities markedly different from each other. The love of dialects is still well-rooted in the linguistic behavior of Italians. For example, the results of a 1982 Doxa study showed that 46.7% of the respondents used mainly a dialect at home; 29.4% use Italian; and 23.9% alternate between two languages. Nevertheless, the use of local speech, in particular the italo-romance dialects which in the course of the 20th century have assumed a connotation of social inferiority to the extent that they are diffused most prevalently among the lower classes, has been constantly diminishing in the face of the expansion of Italian because of a variety of social and economic factors. At the same time, a "theoretical" revaluation of dialectical speech is in progress, especially on the part of linguists who maintain that the learning of national language and culture, surely indispensible for civic growth, can take place in a milieu of local linguistic and cultural wealth. The public school system, which in the past stood out in the struggle against dialects, has taken these ideas into account. In some regions, moreover, local groups have formed as expressions of the real needs of a deeply rooted culture; these groups have among their proper aims the guardianship of dialects and regional culture. This guardianship is, however, sometimes put into practice in an acritical fashion which tends to promote an exaggerated particularism and micronationalistic ethnic revival with repercussions in the field of political action. In any case, the most revealing and positive phenomenon in this period of crisis for dialects as spoken languages is their use as literary languages. Since the second world war, but especially in the past 10 years, authors born and raised in a dialect-loving milieu have composed some of the most significant works of contemporary poetry. Dialects are by now integral parts of the 20th century Italian literature. The interest in local cultures, beyond the negative proliferation of artificial folkloric manifestations, has contributed to the foundation of museums of material culture of considerable interest and of regional, privincial, and communal institutes for the documentation and study of various aspects of folk culture. These phenomena, typical of the cultural activity of the left in the 1960s, have diminished in the course of the 1970s. The development of attention to local languages and cultures can be verified whether on a scientific level, in the domain of academic research (Italian university courses in dialectology, history of popular traditions, ethnomusicology), or on an unspecialized level with primarily editorial results. Beyond the great production of publications of a strictly local character, there have been editorial initiatives of vast scope which have brought together the diverse linguistic and cultural traditions. Moreover, the national dailies and weeklies have treated the subject at repeated intervals, which testifies to the timeliness and liveliness of the interest raised by such themes. The aspects and problems of the publishing world and of bibliographic information in this field are discussed.  相似文献   

自然化问题的讨论是巴特大众文化理论的一个重要组成部分,本文指出了巴特自然化的多重涵义,同时还对巴特提出自然化的问题、其讨论的理论旨趣及理论价值作出了探析。  相似文献   

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