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THE ALTERNATIVE PRESS IN SOUTH AFRICA edited by Keyan Tomaselli and P. Eric Louw (London: James Currey/Bellville, South Africa: Anthropos, 1991—L11.95, paper, ISBN 0–85255–312–9, 236 pp.).

CONSUMING TECHNOLOGIES: MEDIA AND INFORMATION IN DOMESTIC SPACES edited by Roger Silverstone and Eric Hirsch (London: Routledge, 1992— L40.00, ISBN 0–415–06990–4, 241 pp.)

TELEVISION, AUDIENCES & CULTURAL STUDIES by David Morley (London: Routledge, 1992— LI 1.99, paper, ISBN 0–415–05445–1. 125 pp.)

VIDEO PLAYTIME: THE GENDERING OF A LEISURE TECHNOLOGY by Ann Gray (London: Routledge, 1992—price not given, paper, ISBN 0–415. 05865–1, 269 pp.)

ARAB & AFRICAN FILM MAKING by Lizbeth Malkmus and Roy Armes (London: Zed Books Ltd, 1991—price not given, paper, ISBN 0–86232–917–5)

GOD & CULTURE edited by D.A. Carson and John D Woodbridge, Editors. (Carlisle, England: The Paternoster Press/ Grand Rapids, MI: Wm B Eerdmans, 1993—L28.95, ISBN 0–85364–553–1, 398 pp.)

THE EVOLUTION OF INFORMATION LINEAGES IN GENE, CULTURE AND ARTEFACT by Susantha Goonatilake (London: Pinter Publishers, 1991—no price given, ISBN 0–86187–895–7, 203 pp.)  相似文献   

1. General

Am Ende der Gutenberg‐Galaxis: Die neuen Kommunikation‐sverhältnisse / AT THE END OF THE GUTENBERG GALAXY: THE NEW COMMUNICATION RELATIONS by Norbert Bolz (München: Fink, 1993—DM 38,‐ISBN 3–7705–2871–9, 249pp.)

Informations‐System Medienpädagogik: Literarurdokumentation Version 2.0 / INFORMATION SYSTEM MEDIA PEDAGOGY: DOCUMENTATION OF LITERATURE, VERSION 2.0 (Opladen: Leske & Budrich, 1993—DM 168,‐ ISBN 3–8100–1194–0, three 3.5‐inch discs plus a handbook of 205 pp.)

Literatur zur deutschsprachigen Presse: Eine Bibliographie, von den Anfängen bis 1970/ LITERATURE OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE PRESS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY FROM THE BEGINNINGS TO 1970, Vol. 4 edited by Gert Hagelweide (München: Saur, 1993—DM 320,‐for the volume, ISBN 3–598–21284–4 for the series, 546 pp.)

Journalismus als Beruf: Bilanz der Kommunikatorforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum von 1945 bis 1990 / JOURNALISM AS A PROFESSION: A SUMMARY OF COMMUNICATOR RESEARCH IN GERMAN‐SPEAKING COUNTRIES 1945–1990 by Frank Böckelmann (Konstanz: Universitäts‐verlag Konstanz [Schriften der Deutschen Gesellschaft für COMNET. 10], 1993— DM 98,‐ ISBN 3–87940–455–0, 566 pp.)

Massenmedien in Österreich, Medienbericht 4: Berichtszeitraum 1986 bis 1992 / MASS MEDIA IN AUSTRIA: MEDIA REPORT 4 FOR THE PERIOD 1986–1992 edited by Thomas Steinmaurer (Buchkultur Verlagsges, Währinger Str. 104, A‐1180 Wien, 1993—DM 98,‐ ISBN 3–901052–08–9, 560 pp.)

Werbeboom und Medien: Zur Krise am Werbemarkt. Eine medienökonomische Bewertung / ADVERTISING BOOM AND MEDIA: TOWARDS THE CRISIS OF THE ADVERTISING MARKET. A MEDIA ECONOMICS APPRAISAL edited by Peter A. Bruck (Wien: Buchkultur Verlagsges [address given above], 1993—DM 118,‐ ISBN 3–901052–14–3, 243 pp.)

Journalismus in der Schweiz: Fakten, Uberlegungen, Möglichkeiten / JOURNALISM IN SWITZERLAND: FACTS, THOUGHTS, POSSIBILITIES edited by Michael Schanne and Peter Schulz (Aarau: Sauerländer, 1993—SFr. 49.‐ ISBN 3–7941–3679–9, 268 pp.)

MEDIA CONCENTRATION IN EUROPE: COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST by Alfonso Sánchez‐Tabernero, et.al. (The European Institute for the Media, Kaistr. 13, D‐40221 Düsseldorf, 1993—DM 70,‐ ISBN 3–929673–02–0, 270 pp.)

Medienkonzentration in Deutschland: Medienverflechtungen und Branchenvernetzungen / MEDIA CONCENTRATION IN GERMANY: MEDIA INTERLOCKS AND INTEGRATION by Horst Röper & Ulrich Pätzold (Düsseldorf: Europäisches Medieninstitut, 1993—no price or ISBN given, 214 pp.)

2. Press and news agencies

NS‐Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit: Edition und Dokumentation / NS‐PRESS ORDERS FOR THE PRE‐WAR PERIOD Vol.4,1–4: 1936 edited by Gabriele Toepser‐Ziegert (München: Saur, 1993—DM 498,‐for this volume, ISBN 3–598–10551–7 for the series, 1,858 pp. in four vols.)

Agenturen im Nachrichtenmarkt / AGENCIES IN THE NEWS MARKET edited by Jürgen Wilke (Köln: Böhlau, 1993—DM 58,‐ISBN 3–412–02793–6, 309 pp.)

Medienpolitik für die Dritte Welt: Inter Press Service / MEDIA POLITICS FOR THE THIRD WORLD: INTER PRESS SERVICE by Daniel Federico Salamanca Orrego (Frankfurt: Lang, 1993—DM 98,‐ ISBN 3–631–44981‐x, 344 pp.)

Die Geschichte der “Bunten” (1948–1988)/THE HISTORY OF BUNTE (1948–1988) by Säbine Hilgenstock (Frankfurt: Lang [European University Studies, Ser. 40, Vol.33], 1993—DM 89,‐ ISBN 3–631–45216–0, 266 pp.)

3. Television

Das Fernsehen im Produktverbund mit anderen Medien: Untersuchungen zum Fernsehjahr 1988/TELEVISION PRODUCTS AND OTHER MEDIA: STUDIES FROM THE TV YEAR 1988 edited by Werner Faulstich.(Heidelberg: Winter, 1993—DM 84,‐ ISBN 3–8253‐ 0113–3, 380 pp.)

Gewalt‐ und Sexdarstellungen im Fernsehen / VIOLENCE AND SEX IN TELEVISION by Rainer Scholz and Peter Joseph (Bonn: Forum Verlag Godesberg, 1993— DM 96,‐ ISBN 3–927066–72–9, 352 pp.)

4. Media use

Lesesozialisation: Vol.1: Leseklima in der Familie. Vol.2: Leserfahrungen und Lesekarrieren / READING SOCIALIZATION. Vol.1: READING CLIMATE IN THE FAMILY. Vol.2: READING EXPERIENCES AND READING CAREERS (Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1993. —DM 24,80 each, ISBNs 3–89204–82–6 and 3–89204–85–0, 377 and 374 pp.)

5. Law

Medienrecht / MEDIA LAW by Marian Paschke (Berlin: Springer, 1993. —DM 38,‐ ISBN 3–540–56803–4, 223 pp.)

Das Datenschutzrechtliche “Presseprivileg” im Spannungsfeld zwischen Pressefreiheit und Persönlichkeitsrecht / PRESS PRIVILEGE ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS VERSUS PERSONAL RIGHTS by Thomas‐Alexander Hubert (Baden‐Baden: Nomos Verlagsges, 1993—DM 78,‐ ISBN 3–7890–3142–9, 305 pp.)

Wirtschaftswerbung und Meinungsfreiheit / ADVERTISING AND FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION by Armin Hatje (Baden‐Baden: Nomos Verlagsges, 1993—DM 48,‐ ISBN 3–7890–2955–6, 138 pp.)

Privater Rundfunk vor der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention / PRIVATE BROADCASTING UNDER THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS by Christoph Engel (Baden‐Baden: Nomos Verlagsges [Law and Economics of International Telecommunications, Vol.19], 1993—DM 125, ‐ISBN 3–7890–2870–3, 487 pp.)  相似文献   

CONDITIONS OF LIBERTY: CIVIL SOCIETY AND ITS RIVALS by Ernest Gellner. New York: Penguin, 1994; $27.95.

LISTEN UP: VOICES FROM THE NEXT FEMINIST GENERATION. Edited by Barbara Findlen. Seattle, Washington: Seal, 1995; pp. xi‐264. $12.95.

“I GOTTA TELL YOU”;: SPEECHES OF LEE IACOCCA. Edited by Matthew W. Seeger. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994. 335 pages. $27.50 (hardcover). $15.00 (paperback).

A IS FOR OX: VIOLENCE, ELECTRONIC MEDIA, AND THE SILENCING OF THE WRITTEN WORD by Barry Sanders; New York: Pantheon Books; 1994; 271 pages, $23.00.

HOW THINGS GOT BETTER: SPEECH, WRITING, PRINTING, AND CULTURAL CHANGE by Henry J. Perkinson; Westport, Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey; 1995; 173 pages; $49.95.

CONCEPTUALIZING SEXUAL HARASSMENT AS DISCURSIVE PRACTICE. Edited by Shereen G. Bingham. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1994; pp. 206. $55.00

APPLIED COMMUNICATION IN THE 21st CENTURY; edited by Kenneth N. Cissna; Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates, 1995; 218 pages, $19.95  相似文献   

New books     

LANGUAGE ‐ MAN ‐ SOCIETY: READINGS IN COMMUNICATION. Ed. Harold E. Briggs. New York: Rinehart and Co., 1949; pp. xv + 707. $3.50.

THE ART OF FORCEFUL SPEAKING. By Richard C. Reager. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1949; pp. xvi + 302. $1.49.

HOW TO PUT YOUR IDEAS ACROSS. By Richard W. Wetherill. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1949; pp. x + 435. $2.75.

PUBLIC SPEAKING WITHOUT FEAR AND TREMBLING. By Mark Hanna. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 166. $2.75.

BASIC PUBLIC SPEAKING. By Paul L. Soper. New York: Oxford University Press, 1949; pp. xxi + 394. $2.50.

HANDBOOK OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. Revised Edition. By A. R. Thompr son. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xix + 177. $1.50.

BASIC TRAINING IN SPEECH. Brief Edition. By Lester Thonssen and Howard Gilkinson. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. 249. $2.25

HOW TO TALK MORE EFFECTIVELY. By Jean Bordeaux and T. W. Tanaka. Chicago: American Technical Society, 1949; pp. x + 218. $2.75.

DEMOCRACY THROUGH DISCUSSION. By Bruno Lasker. New York: The W. H. Wilson Co., 1949; pp. xvii + 376. $3.50.

THE HUMAN NATURE OF PLAYWRITING. By Samson Raphaelson. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. viii + 267. $4.00.

PLAY PRODUCTION AND DIRECTION. By C. Lowell Lees. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1948; pp. xiii + 311. $5.00.

HOW TO SPEAK THE WRITTEN WORD. By Nedra Newkirk Lamar. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1949; pp. 175. $2.50.

THE ART OF GOOD SPEECH. By Dwight Bolinger and Ralph Weiman. 4 v. Philadelphia: Russell Press, 1948; pp. 159. $9.50.

GENERAL SPEECH: AN INTRODUCTION. By A. Craig Baird and Franklin H. Knower. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1949; pp. ix + 500. $3.50.

PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR BUSINESS. By William G. Hoffman. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1949; pp. xiii + 412. $3.50.

THE LANGUAGE OF WISDOM AND FOLLY: BACKGROUND HEADINGS IN SEMANTICS. Ed. Irving J. Lee. New York; Harper and Brothers, 1949; pp. xxii + 361. $3.00.  相似文献   

New books     

PUBLIC SPEAKING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. By Giles Wilkeson Gray and Waldo W. Braden. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1951; pp. xiv + 581. $4.00.

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEAKING. By Wilbur E. Gilman, Bower Aly, and Loren D. Reid. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1951; pp. vx + 608. $4.00.

BASIC EXPERIENCES IN SPEECH. By Seth A. Fessenden and Wayne N. Thompson. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1951; pp. xii + 427. $3.75.

ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE: TECHNIQUES OF A FREE SOCIETY. By James H. McBurney, James M. O'Neill, and Glen E. Mills. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1951; pp. vii + 336. $3.50.

GROUP LEADERSHIP AND DEMOCRATIC ACTION. By Franklyn S. Haiman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1951; pp. vii + 309. $2.50.

DISCUSSION AND DEBATE. By Henry Lee Ewbank and J. Jeffry Auer. Second Edition. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1951; pp. x + 492. $3.50.

DISCUSSION METHODS: By J. V. Garland. Third Edition Revised. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1951; pp. 376. $3.00.

CREATIVE BROADCASTING With Twelve Scripts for Broadcast. By H. J. Skornia, Robert H. Lee, and Fred Brewer. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1950; pp.x + 407. $4.50.

TEACHING SPEECH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Karl F. Robinson. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951; pp. vii + 438. $4.00.

GERRIT J. DIEKEMA, ORATOR. By William Schrier. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1950; pp. xix + 269. $3.50.

A TREASURY OF THE THEATRE: From Agamemnon to A Month in the County. Edited by John Gassner. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1951; pp. xvii + 718. $4.50.  相似文献   

从数字化古籍是古籍整理与研究的基础保证展开论述,阐述了数字化古籍激起了古籍整理与研究的新一轮高潮,分析了数字化古籍对古籍目录发展与版本研究的影响。  相似文献   

细节中的人生 杰克和汤姆经过一家五星级饭店,看到一辆豪华轿车停在门口。杰克不屑地对汤姆说:“据我所知,坐这种车的人,脑子里一定没有什么学问!”汤姆则轻描淡写地回答:“据我所知,说这种话的人,口袋里一定没有多少钱!” 评:因不同的人会有不同的立场,而不同的立场总是和不同  相似文献   

《Communication Studies》2013,64(2):44-45
DISCUSSION by William S. Howell, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Speech and Theatre Arts, University of Minnesota, and Donald K. Smith, Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre Arts, University of Minnesota … 1956, 292 pages, 5 ¾ × 8½, $4.00 … The Macmillan Company.

COMMUNICATIVE READING, by Otis J. Aggertt, Associate Professor of Speech, Albion College, and Elbert R. Bowen, Professor of Speech and Drama, Central Michigan College … 1956, 480 pages, 5 ¾ × 8½, $4.25 … The Macmillan Company.

SPEECH CORRECTION IN THE SCHOOLS, by Jon Eisenson, Professor of Speech and Director of Speech and Hearing Clinic, Queens College, and Mardel Ogilvie, Assistant Professor of Speech, Queens College … 1957, 294 pages, 5¼ × 8, $4.25 … The Macmillan Company.

SPEECH FOR YOU by Charles Masten, Assistant Professor of Speech, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, and George R. R. Pflaum, Head of Department of Speech, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia. vii + 311 pages. $2.40 … Row, Peterson and Company.

WHITE BEAUTY. Poems by Mildred Jones Keefe. $1.50 … Expression Company, Magnolia, Mass.

HANDBOOK OF SPEECH IMPROVEMENT, by Charles Kenneth Thomas, Professor of Speech and Director of the Speech Clinic, Cornell University. 1956 … 135 pages, 5 3/8× 8, 16 illustrations … The Ronald Press Company.

PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE SIMPLIFIED, by Melanie F. Menderson, teacher of parliamentary procedure and parliamentarian of many leading national organizations for the past 20 years … New third edition, 164 pages, $2.75 … The Dale Press, 1077 Celestial Street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio.

COMMUNICATION: HANDLING IDEAS EFFECTIVELY, by Roy Ivan Johnson, The University of Florida; Marie Schalekamp, Head of the Communication Skills Department, Mason City Junior College; and Lloyd A. Garrison, Dean of the Graduate College and Professor of Education, University of Denver … 1956, 361 pages, 6×9, $4.50. McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc.

FUNDAMENTALS OF COMMUNICATION. An Integrated Approach, by Wayne N. Thompson, Associate Professor of Humanities, Chicago Undergraduate Division, University of Illinois … 1957, 582 pages, 6× 9, $5.00 … McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc.

COMPETITIVE DEBATE. Rules and Techniques, 3rd Rev. Edition, by George McCoy Musgrave ... 170 pages, 5¼ × 7 7/8 ... 1957, $2.50 … The H. W. Wilson Company.  相似文献   

A DICTIONARY OF SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND THERAPY by S. D. Robbins, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Emerson College, formerly President of the American Speech and Hearing Association and for twenty years Chairman of its Nomenclature Committee ... Limited Edition. Attractive stiff paperbound edition, $1.90 postpaid ... Library Text Edition, $2.95 postpaid... Sci‐Art Publishers, Harvard Square, Cambridge 38, Mass.

RADIO CLASSICS, adapted by Norman A. Bailey, Romulus Linney, and Dominik Cascio. Copyright 1956, 169 pages, 8½ × 11, mimeoprint, spiral bound. Price open. Burgess Publishing Company.

THE ABC's OF PLAY PRODUCING by Howard Bailey... 1955. 276 pages, $3.50... David McKay Company, Inc.

NTRODUCTION TO OPERA: A Guidebook Sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera Guild. Edited by Mary Ellis Peltz with an Annotated List of Recordings by C. J. Luten … 332 pages … 51/8 × 81/8… $1.65 (Paperbound Everyday Handbook) ... Barnes & Noble, Inc.

SPEAK CORRECTLY by Lillian Haut, Speech teacher, New York City Schools... 56 pages, soft cover. 5½ × 8½. $1.50 … Speech Handbooks, 105 West 72nd St., New York 23, N. Y.

BUSINESS SPEAKING by James F. Clyne, Charles A. Dwyer, Edward J. Kilduff, Ralph M. Zink, all of the school of Commerce, Accounts, and Finance, New York University ... 246 pages, 10 illus., $3.75, Oxford University Press, Inc. (to be published Fall, 1956.

BASIC PUBLIC SPEAKING by Paul L. Soper, Professor of English and Speech... Chairman of the Speech Staff, University of Tennessee... New second edition. 400 pages. 12 photographs. $3.85 (college ed.) ...Oxford University Press, Inc. (March, 1956)

THE ROAD TO PERSUASION by William Muehl, Associate Professor of Public Speaking, Yale University … 282 pages, $3.95 … Oxford University Press, Inc. (Published September, 1956)

DISCUSSION by William S. Howell, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Speech and Theatre Arts, University of Minnesota, and Donald K. Smith, Associate Professor of Speech and Theatre Arts, University of Minnesota... 1956, 292 pages, 5¾ × 82½, $4.00 … The Macmillan Company.

COMMUNICATIVE READING, by Otis J. Aggertt, Associate Professor of Speech, Albion College, and Elbert R. Bowen, Professor of Speech and Drama, Central Michigan College … 1956, 480 pages, 5¾× 8½, $4.25 … The Macmillan Company.

SPEECH CORRECTION IN THE SCHOOLS, by Jon Eisenson, Professor of Speech and Director of Speech and Hearing Clinic, Queens College, and Mardel Ogilvie, Assistant Professor of Speech, Queens College ... Published in November ... The Macmillan Company.

LANGUAGE: A MODERN SYNTHESIS, by Joshua Whatmough, Professor of Comparative Philology and Chairman of the Department of Linguistics at Harvard University. With Appendixes, Glossary, Index; illustrated with diagrams, spectrogram, and map. Pp. ix+270. 1956. $4.75. St. Martin's Press, Inc., 103 Park Avenue, New York 17, New York.  相似文献   

现代图书分类法及中医图书分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了现代图书分类法的特点,分析了中医图书分类及发展方向,论述了中医图书得到充分利用的有效途径.  相似文献   

根据跨学科书籍及系列丛书的特点,分析了这两类书籍分类排架存在的弊端,提出了排架方法的改进方案,以提高读者索书的成功率。  相似文献   

通过古旧图书的拍卖活动,以引起人们对旧平装书的重视,从而探讨对其的保藏和利用。  相似文献   

合订图书是指由若干种著作合订在一起的图书,它可以是同一责任者的若干种著作的合订,也可以是不同责任者的若干种著作的合订.在MARC记录的200字段中,由于只有第一个$a子字段的内容(即第一种著作的书名)被自动抽出用作检索点,为了能让读者检索到与之合订的其它著作的书名,故需另外制作其它著作书名的检索点.其制作方法有两种:一是另建记录;二是直接制作检索点.  相似文献   

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