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Linda Batty's Retrospective Index to Film Periodicals: 1930-1971 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1975—$24.50)

Karen Jones, ed. International Index to Film Periodicals (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974-date—$27.50 per year)

Alan G. Dyment's Literature of the Film: A Bibliographic Guide to the Film as Art and Entertainment, 1936-1970 (Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1975—price not given)

A.G.S. Enser's Filmed Books and Plays, 1928-1974 (New York: Academic Press, 1974—price not given)

Richard Heinzkill's Film Criticism: An Index to Critics' Anthologies (Metuchen, N.J.: Scareco'w Press, 1975—$6.50)  相似文献   

Estelle Jussim's Visual Communication and the Graphic Arts: Photographic Technologies in the Nineteenth Century (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1974—$25.00)

Donald Chase's Filmmaking: The Collaborative Art (Boston: Little, Brown, 1975—$9.95)

D.J. Wenden's The Birth of the Movies (New York: Dutton Paperbacks, 1975—$5.95, paper)

Peter Bowen, Martin Hayden, and Frank Riess' Screen Test: A Quiz Book About the Movies (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974—$2.50, paper)  相似文献   

Victor Strauss' The Printing Industry: An Introduction to its Many Branches, Processes and Products New York: Bowker, 1967— $24.50).

Charles B. Anderson (ed.) Bookselling in America and the World: Some Observations and Recollections (New York: quadrangle, 1975—$9.50).

Richard Armour's The Happy Bookers (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976—$6.95)  相似文献   

Arthur Hezlet's Electronics and Sea Power (New York: Stein & Day, 1975—$15.00)

W.M. Dalton's The Story of Radio (London: Adam Hilger Ltd., 1975—about $9.00 for each of three volumes)

Anita Klever's Women in Television (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1975—$5.95)

Donald L. Guimary's Citizen's GrouRs and Broadcasting (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975—$14.00)

John Blair & Co.'s Statistical-Trends in Broadcasting 1975: 11th Edition (New York: John Blair & Co., 1975—$2.50, paper)

Natan Katzman's Public Television Program Content: 1974 (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975—price not given, paper)

James W. Brown (ed.) Educational Media Yearbook: 1975-76 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1975—$21.95)

Alan Bermingham et al. The Small TV Studio: Equipment and Facilities (New York: Hastings House, 1975—$7.95, paper)

John H. Barwick and Stewart Kranz's Profiles in Video: Who's Using Television and How (White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industries Publications, 1975— $27.50)  相似文献   

Ted Perry (ed.) Performing Arts Resources: 1974 (New York: Drama Books Specialists/Theater Library Association, 1974—price not known)

George N. Gordon's Communications and Media: Constructing a Cross-Discipline (New York: Hastings House, 1975—$12.50/6.95)

Francisco J. Lewels Jr.'s The Uses of the Media by the Chicano Movement: A Study in Minority Access (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1974— $15.00)

Lester Asheim and Sara I. Fenwick's Differentiating the Media (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975—$5.95)

C.A. Schicke's Revolution in Sound: A Biography of the Recording Industry (Boston: Little, Brown, 1974—$6.95)

T. Jan Wiseman and Molly J. Wiseman's Creative Communicati Teaching Mass Media (Minneapolis: National Scholastic Press Association at the University of Minnesota, 1974—price not given, paper)  相似文献   

Leslie Halliwell's The Filmgoer's Companion (New York: Hill and Wang, 1974—$25.00)

Ray Armes' Film and Reality: An Historical Survey (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974—$1.95, paper)

Peter Harcourt 's Six European Directors: Essays on the Meaning of Film Style (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974—$2.50, paper)

James Robert Parish' The RKO Gals (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974—$14.95)

Lee R. Bowker's Elements of Film (New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1974—$5.95, paper)

Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Cinema (3138 West Schubert, Chicago, Ill. 60647—$3.00 for 6 issues a year, or 50c each)

William Kuhns' Themes Two (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum/Standard, 1974—$4.95, paper)

Raoul Walsh's Each Man in His Time: The Life Story of a Director (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974– $10.00)  相似文献   

Jack Lyle's The People Look at Public Television: 1974 (Washington: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1975—$1.00, paper)

Ken Coleman's So You Want to be a Sportscaster (New York: Hawthron Books, 1973—$5.95)

Joseph Fletcher Littell (ed.) Coping with Television (Evanston, Ill.: McDougal, Littell, 1973— cost not given, paper)

Joseph Julian's This Was Radio: A Personal Memoir (New York: Viking, 1975—$8.85)

Dick Cavett and Christopher Porterfield's Cavett (New York: Harcourt, Brace Jevanovich, 1974—$8.95)  相似文献   

Reese V. Jenkins' Images & Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry, 1839 to 1925 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975—$20.00)

R. C. Smith's Antique Cameras (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1976—$12.95)

Gerald Mast's A Short History Movies (Indianapolis: Bobbs- Merrill, 1976—$7.50, paper)

Lix-Anne Bawden's The Oxford Companion to Film (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976—$24.95)

John Brosnan's Marie Manic: The Story of Special Effects in the Cinema (New York: New American Library Plume Books, 1976—$3.95, paper)

Ronald Gottesman and Harry Geduld (eds.) The Girl in the Hairi Paw:King Kong as Mtyh, Magic, and Monster (New York: Avon Books, 1976—$5.95)

Guy Phelps' Film Censorship (London: Victor Gollancz, 1975—about $10.00)

James Robert Parish, et al. Film Directors Guide: Western Europe (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976—$11.00)

James Robert Parish and Don E. Stanke's The Swashbucklers (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1976—$19.95)

Andrew Sarris' The John Ford Movie Mystery (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1976—$8.95)

Laurence Goldstein and Jay Kaufman's Into Film (New York: Dutton, 1976—$19.95/12.95)

Daniel Arijon's Grammar of the Film Language (New York: Hastings House, 1976—$27.50)  相似文献   

Ion Trewin's The Professions: Journalism (North Pomfret, Vt.: David & Charles, 1976—$9.95)

Charles Husband (ed.) White Media and Black Britain: A Critical Look at the Role of the Media in Race Relations Today (London: Arrow Books, Ltd., 1975—about $3.50, paper)

Peter Douglas' Television Today (London: Osprey Publishing, 1975—about $9.00)

Louis L. Snyder's Encyclopedia of the Third Reich (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976—$24.95)

Leo Bogart's Premises for Propaganda: The United States Information Agency's Operating Assumptions in the ColdWar (New York: Free Press, 1976—$12.95)

Marcellus S. Snow's International Commercial Satellite Communications: Economic and Political Issues of the First Decade of Intelsat (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1976—$16.50)

Charles Sherman and Donald Browne (eds) Broadcast Monographs No. 2: Issues in International Broadcasting (BEA, 1771 N. St. NW, Washington D.C. 20036—$5.00, with a $4.00 price to BEA members, paper)

Access: Technology and Access to Communications Media by B.R. Webster (54 pp., $2.65, paper)

Towards Realistic Communication Policies: Recent Trends and Ideas Compiled and Analysed by John A.R. Lee (59 pp., $2.65, paper)

Mehra Masani, Broadcasting and the People (179 pp., Rs 10.25, paper)

Narayana Menon, The Communications Revolution (89 pp., Rs 5.75, paper)  相似文献   

Ken Marsh's Independent Video (San Francisco: Straight Arrow Books, 1974—$7.95, paper)

Richard H. Davis and Allen E. Edwards' Television: A Therapeutic Tool for the Aged (Publication and Media Projects, Andrus Gerontology Center, University Park, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007—$2.25, paper)

Irving W. Larson (ed.) EIA Electronics Multimedia Handbook (Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams, 1975—price not known, paper)

Kendall Webster Sessions' 2nd Class FCC Encyclopedia (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$10.95/7.95)

Mary Louise Hollowell (ed.) Cable Handbook: 1975-1976—A Guide to Cable and New Communications Technologies (Communications Press, 1346 Connecticutt Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036—$7.35, including postage, paper)

Gilbert Gillespie's Public Access Cable Television in the United States and Canada (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975—price not given, but likely around $12.00 or so)  相似文献   

Thomas R. Asher and J. Victor Hahn's Broadcast Media Guide for Candidates (Washington: Media Access Project, 1910 N Street N.W., 1974—price not given, but about $3.00, paper).

Bruce Herschensohn's The Gods of Antenna (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1975—$7.95)

Robert M. Batscha's Foreign Affairs News and the Broadcast Journalist (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1975-$15.00)

Stanley Field's The Mini-Documentary: Serializing TV News (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1975—$12.95)

Walter Winchell's Winchell Exclusive (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975—$8.95)  相似文献   

Hillier Krieghbaum's Pressures on the Press (New York: Crowell, 1972—$6.95)

John R. Coyne, Jr. The Impudent Snobs: Agnew vs. the Intellectual Establishment (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1972— 8.95)

James Keogh's President Nixon and the Press (New York: Funk & Wagnalls with distribution by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1972—$6.95),

Leo Bogart's Silent Politics: Polls and the Awareness of Public Opinion (New York: Wiley/Interscience, 1972—$9.95)

Ray Hiebert, Robert Jones, John Lorenz, and Ernest Lotito (eds.) The Political Image Mergants: Strategies in the New Politics (Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books, 1971—$7.95/4.95)

Delmer D. Dunn's Financing Presidential Campaigns (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1972— $5.95/2.95)  相似文献   

Ralph M. Jennings and Pamela Richard's How to Protect Your Rights in Television and Radio (Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, 289 Park Ave. South, New York 10010—price not given, paper)

Ted C. Smythe and George A. Mastroianni's Issues in Broadcasting: Radio, Television, and Cable (Palo Alto, Calif.: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1975—price not given but around $7.00 we learned from editors, paper)

James D. Secrest's Electronic Industries Association: The First 50 Years (Washington: EIA, 1974—price not given)

Ann M. Velia's KOB: Goddard's Magic Mast, Fifty Years of Pioneer Broadcasting (Las Cruces, N.M.: New Mexico State University Press, 1972—$6.95)

Harold Niven's Broadcast Education 1975: 14th Report (Washington: National Association of Broadcasters, 1975—$5.00, paper)

Broadcast Programming and Production (bimonthly/$7.00 per year, with first three issues free on request)

Joel L. Efrein, Cablecasting Production Handbook (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1975—$12.95)

NCTA is Over the Cable (Washington: National Cable Television Association, 1975—free on request, paper)

Community Antenna Television Journal (4209 N.W. 23rd St., Suite 106, Oklahoma City 73107)  相似文献   

Popular Music     
Harry Castleman and Walter J. Podrazik (eds.) All Together Now: The First Complete Beatles Discography 1961-1975 (New York: Ballantine Books, 1976—$5.95, paper)

Edwin Goodgold and Dan Carlinsky's The Complete Beatles Quiz Book (New York: Warner Books, 1975—$1.25, paper)

Irwin Stambler's Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock and Soul (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976—$6.95, paper)

Kristin Baggelaar and Donald Milton's Folk Music: More than a Song (New York: T.Y. Crowell, 1976—$14.95)

Cole Porter: A Musical Anthology (New York: Chappell Music Co., 1976—$14.95)

David Reck's Music of the Whole Earth (New York: Scribner's, 1977—$19.95/9.95)  相似文献   

Sidney Shemel and M. William Krasilovsky's This Business of Music (New York: Billboard Publications, 1977— $16.95)

Marianne Lindvall's ABBA: The Ultimate Pop Group (New York: A&W Publishers, 1977—$6.95, paper)

Caroline Coon's 1988: The New Wave Punk Rock Explosion (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1978—$4.95, paper)

Mark C. Gridley's Jazz Styles (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978—price not given, paper)

Raoul Abdul's Blacks in Classical Music (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1977—$8.95)

David Horn's The Literature of American Music in Books and Folk Music Collections: A Fully Annotated Bibliography (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977—$20.00)

Arthur Jacobs' British Music Yearbook: 1977-78 (New York and London: Bowker, 1977— $27.50)

The Book of Music (London: Macdonald Educational Ltd., 1977—E8.50 or about $17.00)  相似文献   

More Film Books     
Paul Trent and Richard Lawton's The Image Makers: Sixty Years of Hollywood Glamour (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972—$20.00, but $16.95 before January 1, 1977)

Laurence Kardish's Reel Plastic Magic: A History of Films and Filmmaking in America (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972—$7.50)

David Manning White and Richard Averson's The Celluloid Weapon: Social Comment in the American Film (Boston: Beacon Press, 1972—$14.95)

Edward Mapp's Blacks in American Films: Today and Yesterday (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1972—$7.50)

Charles Higham's Hollywood at Sunset (New York: Saturday Review Press, 1972—$6.95)

Jean Narbonl and Tom Milne (eds), Godard on Godard: Critical Writings by Jean-Luc Godard (New York: Viking Press, 1972—$10.00)

Kenneth H. Roberts and Win Sharples, Jr. A Primer for Film-Making: A Complete Guide to 16 and 35 mm. Film Prodution (New York: Pegasus/Bobbs-Merrill, $15.00/6.95)

Stephen Farber's The Movie Rating Game (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1972—$4.50)  相似文献   

Donald R. McCoy The National Archives: America's Ministry of Documents, 1934-1968 (Chapel Hill, Yniversity of North Carolina Press, 1978—$19.00)

Madeleine B. Stern Books and Book People in 19th Century America (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1978—$25.00)

Susan Otis Thompson American Book Design and William Morris (New York: Bowker, 1977—$29.95)  相似文献   

Larry James Gianakos' Television Drama Series Programming: A Comprehensive Chronicle, 1959-1975 (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$27.50)

Albert C. Book and Norman D. Cary's The Radio and Television Commercial (Chicago: Crain Books, 1978—$6.95, paper)

Jay S. Harris's TV Guide: The First 25 Years (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978—$14.95)

Steven R. Rivkin's A New Guide to Federal Cable Television Regulations (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1978—$25.00)

Felix Chin's Cable Television: A Comprehensive Bibliography (New York: Plenum Publishing, 1978—$45.00)  相似文献   

Bernard Rubin's Media, Politics &;amp; Democracy (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977- $8.00/4.00)

Forrest P. Chisman's Attitude Psychology and the Study of Public Opinion (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977—$13.50)

Sidney Kraus, ed. The Great Debates: Kennedy vs. Nixon, 1960 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977—$17.50/5.95)

Jean Schwoebel, Newsroom Democracy: The Case for Independence of the Press (Monograph Series No. 2, Iowa Center for Communication Study, School of Journalism, Yniversity of Iowa, Iowa City 52242—$2.50, paper)

Rex Winsbury, New Technology and the Journalist (Thomson Foundation Editorial Study Centre, Thomson House, Cardiff, CF1 1WR, Great Britain-75p or about $1.25, paper)

Laura Longley Babb, ed. The Editorial Page (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1977 &;ndash;price not given, paper)

Bob Roberts, for telling us about Magazine Studies Quarterly (MSQ Ltd., Box 2054, Muncie, Indiana 47302—about $5.00 per year for four issues)

Morgan Harris and Patti Karp's How to Make News and Influence People (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1976—$7.95, with a paperback edition available, for which no price given)

Alice Payne Hackett and James Henry Burke's 80 Years of Best Sellers: 1895-1975 (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1977—$14.95)

Mort Walker's Backstage at the Strips (New York: A&;amp;W Publishers, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016—$6.95, paper)

Peter Haining's Terror: A History of Horror Illustrations from Pulp Magazines (New York: A&;amp;W Publishers, 1977—$12.50/6.95)  相似文献   

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