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ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISES: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE by the Office of Technology Assessment (Washington: Government Printing Office, May 1994—$12.00, Superintendent of Documents No. 052–003–01375–4, 176 pp.)

INTELLIGENT NETWORKS by Jan Thorner (Norwood, MA: Artech, 1994—price not given, ISBN 0–89006–706–6, 191 pp.)

COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY UPDATE edited by August E. Grant (Newton, MA: Focal Press, 1994— $34.95, paper, ISBN 0–7506–9593–5, 350 pp.)

NAB 1993 GUIDE TO HDTV IMPLEMENTATION COSTS by S. Merrill Weiss and Rupert L. Stow (1993—$75.00, paper, ISBN 0–89324–167–9, about 200 pp.)

UNDERSTANDING DAB: A GUIDE FOR BROADCAST MANAGERS & ENGINEERS by Kenneth Springer and Janella Newsome (1994—$40,00, paper, ISBN 0–89324–152–0, 167 pp.)

DBS: THE TIME IS NOW by Michael S. Alpert and Marcia L. De Sonne (1994—$29.50, paper, ISBN 0–89324–213–6, 150 pp.)

CONVERGENCE: TRANSITION TO THE ELECTRONIC SUPERHIGHWAY edited by Marcia L. De Sonne (1994—$395, paper, ISBN 0–89324–212–8,260 pp.)

MULTIMEDIA WORLD JOURNAL (1994—$50.00, paper. ISBN 0–89324–217–5, 528 pp.)

1994 FM SUBCARRIER MARKET REPORT by Kenneth D. Springer and Mark R. Fratrik (1994_$30.00, paper, ISBN 0–89324–215–2, 17 pp.)

DICTIONARY OF IMAGE TECHNOLOGY by BKSTS (Newton,MA: Focal Press, 1994— $29.95, paper, ISBN 0–240–51364–9, 168 pp.)

PUBLIC TELEVISION IN THE INFORMATION AGE by James Trautman and Paul Bortz (Association of America's Public Television Stations, 1350 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036—apparently free on request, paper, 45 pp.)

COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY FOR EVERYONE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CLASSROOM AND BEYOND by Peter David Blanck (Washington: Annenberg Program, 1994—free on request, 24 pp.)  相似文献   

第三世界人民渴望科学 ,媒体在科学信息社会化、大众化的历程中 ,肩负着义不容辞的重任。另一方面 ,科学的社会化传播 ,离不开新闻记者与科学家的不断交流和沟通 ,也离不开知识的民主化和新技术的普及。只有调动科学家积极参与科学传播 ,和记者学会正确传播科学 ,科学才能真正服务于社会。  相似文献   

李曦珍  楚雪  胡辰 《新闻与传播研究》2012,(1):23-33,108,109
随媒介技术的进化演进而来的传播信道,始终处于人类传播活动的核心地位。从不断演进的传播信道角度可将人类社会先后出现的传播形式大体归纳为道路传播、纸路传播和电路传播,与此相对应的媒介形态就有实物媒介、纸质媒介和电子媒介。同时,在媒介技术进化的过程中既暗含着不断演变的媒介时空辩证关系,又意味着传播和媒介的含义逐渐被狭义化的必然之势。因此,本文将以传播信道演进的历史轨迹为主线,并批判地运用麦克卢汉主义的唯技术史观分析人类传播活动的时空辩证关系、梳理三种传播形式和媒介形态的演变历程。  相似文献   

INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: VISIONS AND REALITIES edited by William H. Dutton (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996— price not given, ISBN 0–19–877459–1 hard, 0–19–877496–6 paper, 464 pp., figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index)

ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS by J. Vernon Jensen (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$49.95/ 27.50, ISBN 0–8058–2035–3 hard, 0–8058–2036–1 paper, 236 pp., notes, bibliography, index)

TEXT ANALYSIS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: METHODS FOR DRAWING STATISTICAL INFERENCES. FROM TEXTS AND TRANSCRIPTS edited by Carl W. Roberts (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$74.50/ 34.95, ISBN 0–8058–1734–4 hard, 0–8058–1735–2 paper, 316 pp., charts, notes, references, index)

TOTAL PROPAGANDA: FROM MASS CULTURE TO POPULAR CULTURE by Alex Edelstein (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997—$79.95/29.95, ISBN 0–8058–0892–2 hard, 0–8058–0892–2 paper, 345 pp., notes, index)

RELIGION, AND CULTURE by Stewart M. Hoover and Knut Lundby (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1997‐$24.95, paper, ISBN 0–7619–0171‐X, 332 pp.. notes, index)  相似文献   

MEDIA ECONOMICS: THEORY AND PRACTICE edited by Alison Alexander, James Owers and Rod Carveth (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993— price not given, paper, ISBN 0–8058–1307–1, 391 pp.)

MEDIA MANAGEMENT: A CASEBOOK APPROACH by Stephen Lacy, Ardyth B. Sohn and Jan LeBlanc Wicks (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1993—price not given, paper, ISBN 0–8058–1308‐X, 391 pp.)

MEDIA ANTHROPOLOGY: INFORMING GLOBAL CITIZENS edited by Susan L. Allen (Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey/Greenwood, 1994—$49.95, ISBN 0–89789–342–5, 208 pp.)  相似文献   

Communication design is first and foremost about creating, engineering, or critiquing approaches to communication that achieve specific goals or values. A design approach acts as an integrative perspective for finding the relevance of theory to a specific site of intervention. Communication design processes are illustrated through work on ombuds processes and organ donation campaigns. This research highlights four propositions related to communication design. First, design should be about both creation and critique. Second, design is complementary to, and strengthens, theory (and vice versa). Third, design can be both unique to an intervention or context and iterative from previous designs. Finally, design helps us uncover unexpected and unintended consequences, uncovering hidden properties of communication and leading to opportunities for modifying and correcting communication practices. These unintended consequences and other design successes and failures provide opportunities for learning and creating better systems. In these ways, a commitment to design processes strengthens both our research and our practice of communication across a variety of communication contexts and across different levels of communication.  相似文献   

本文分析了镜式、灯式、神话式等三种传播研究方式,认为我国传播学研究存在三种态势,建议我国的传播学研究走“学术趣味”+“现实关怀”的道路。  相似文献   

ELOQUENCE IN AN ELECTRONIC AGE: THE TRANSFORMATION OF POLITICAL SPEECHMAKING by Kathleen Hall Jamieson (New York: Oxford, 1988—$24.95, ISBN 0-10-503826-6)

TELEVISED PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES AND PUBLIC POLICY by Sidney Kraus (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988—$14.95, paper, ISBN 0-8058-0008-5)

THE SPOT: THE RISE OF POLITICAL ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION by Edwin Diamond and Stephen Bates (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1988—$25.00/10.95, ISBNs 0-262-04095-6 and 0-262-54049-5)

THE ELECTRONIC COMMONWEALTH: THE IMPACT OF NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES ON DEMOCRATIC POLITICS by Jeffrey B. Abramson, et al.(New York: Basic Books, 1988—$21.95, ISBN 0-465-01878-5)

TEE IOWA PRECINCT CAUCUSES: THE MAKING OF A MEDIA EVENT by Hugh Winebrenner (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1987—$15.95, ISBN 0-8138-1001-9)  相似文献   

FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, SECOND SUPPLEMENT 1978–1992 by Ralph E. McCoy (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994—$ 100.00, ISBN 0–8093–1583–1, 443 pp.)

COMMUNICATIONS LAW 1993 (Practicing Law Institute, 810 Seventh Ave., New York, 10019— $90.00, three vols, paper, ISBN not given)

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POLICY STUDIES, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, edited by Stuart S. Nagel (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1994—$195.00, but available in classroom quantity at $65.00, ISBN 0–8247–9142–8, 956 pp.)

THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE FOURTH ESTATE by T. Barton Carter, Marc A. Franklin and Jay B Wright (Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, 1994—price not given, ISBN 1–56662–147‐X, 925 pp.)  相似文献   

Armand Mattelart's Multinational Corporations and the Control of Culture: The Ideological Apparatuses of Imperialism (Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Press Ltd./Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979 ---$37.50)

Unesco, two other reports on media in developing nations

Statistics on Radio and Television, 1960-1976, Statistical Reports and Studios No. 23 (1979, 124 pp.---$4.75, paper)  相似文献   

Gerd D. Wallenstein, International Telecommunication Agreements (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, 1977—$175.00 for a two volume set)

Oswald H. Ganley and Gladys D. canley, International Implications of United States Communications and Information Resources (price is $990 with a discount for noncommercial institutions, paper)  相似文献   

CSIS, two recent papers from

ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND POLITICS IN WESTERN EUROPE: EUROMEDIA RESEARCH GROUP HANDBOOK OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS edited by Hans J. Kleinsteuber, et al (Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, 1986—price not given, paper)

THE POLITICS OF THE COMMUNICATION REVOLUTION IN WESTERN EUROPE edited by Kenneth Dyson and Peter Humphreys (London and Totowa, NJ: Frank Cass & Co., 1986—$29.50)

EMERGING CORPORATE INFORMATION NETWORKS: REGULATORY AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY IN JAPAN by Takashi Yokokura (Program on Information Resources Polic y, 200 Aiken, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138—price not given, paper)

WORLD BROADCASTING SYSTEMS: Update Notes, December 1987 by Sydney W. Head (available from Martha Sanchez, Kinko's Copies, 1212 South Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, FL 33146—$7.00 spiral bound)  相似文献   

Using grounded theory, 57 narratives of communication scholars detailing their experiences and relationships with institutional review boards (IRBs) were examined. From this analysis, 24 concepts emerged constituting five larger categories characterizing the communication relationship between communication scholars and IRBs: antagonistic actions of IRBs, negative perceptions of IRBs, actions of researchers, positive perceptions of IRBs, and protagonistic actions of IRBs. Results indicate that the main difference between positive and negative experiences with IRBs was associated with the nature of the relationship between scholars and IRBs. Scholars who saw their IRBs as adversarial bureaucracies had the most negative experiences, whereas scholars who saw their IRBs as partners in the research process had the most positive experiences. Recommendations for how both IRBs and researchers can improve their relationships conclude this essay.  相似文献   

This study examined the degree to which six self-perceived communication traits are related to self-perceived communication competence (SPCC), both individually and collectively. The results indicate communication apprehension and shyness were strongly and inversely related to SPCC, whereas willingness to communicate was strongly and positively associated with SPCC. When examined collectively, several communication traits were found to predict SPCC.  相似文献   

Gertrude Joch Robinson, News Agencies and World News in Canada, the United States and Yugoslavia: Methods and Data (Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication Research, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland 1981—price not given, paper)

Uplink: The Newsletter of the Rural Satellite Program (AID Rural Satellite Program, Academy for Educational Development, 1414 22nd St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20037—free on request/quarterly)

Thesaurus of Development Communication (Clearinghouse on Development Communication, 1414 22nd St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20037—$4.00, paper)

William E. McCavitt's Broadcasting Around the World (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1981—$22.95)

Judith Budd, Register of Current British Research on Mass Media and Mass Communication: December 1980 (Leicester Documentation Centre for Mass Communication Research, Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 104 Regent Rd., Leicester LEI 7LT, United Kingdom—price not given, paper)

Peter Calvocoressi, Freedom to Publish (Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 07716—$15.50, paper)  相似文献   

E.B. Ogle, Long Distance Please: The Story of the TransCanada Telephone System (Toronto: Collins, 1979—$14.95)

Stuart McFadyen, et al., Canadian Broadcasting: Market Structure and Economic Performance (Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy/available in U.S. from Renouf, Old Post Rd., Brookfield, Vt. 05036—$15.95, paper)

The Information Revolution and its Implications for Canada by Shirley Serafini and Michel Andrieu (November 1980, 113 pp. —$4.95, paper)

Telecommunications and Canada: Consultative Committee on the Implications of Telecommunications for Canadian Sovereignty (March 1979, 98 pp.—$6.00, paper)

The 1980s: A Decade of Diversity–Broadcasting, Satellites, and Pay-TV (.July 1980, 94 pp.—$3.95, paper)

Attitudes of Canadians Toward Advertising on Television (1978, 55 pp.—$2.00, paper)  相似文献   

PRAY TV: TELEVANGELISM IN AMERICA by Steven Bruce (New York: Routledge, Chapman &; Hall, 1990–$16.95, paper, ISBN 0-415-03098-6, 272 pp.)

RELIGIOUS TELEVISION: CONTROVERSIES AND CONCLUSIONS edited by Robert Abelman and Stewart M. Hoover (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1990—price not given, ISBN 0-89391-643-9, 366 pp.)

THE GAME BEHIND THE GAME: HIGH STAKES, HIGH PRESSURE IN TELEVISION SPORTS by Terry O'Neil (New York: Harper &; Row [now HarperCollins], 1989—$17.95, ISBN 0-06-016019-5, 291 pp.)

GAMES AND SETS: THE CHANGING FACE OF SPORT ON TELEVISION by Steven Barnett (London: British Film Institute/Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990—$35.00/13.95, ISBN 0-85170-267-8 hard, 0-85170-268-6 paper, 214 pp.)

SPLIT IMAGE: AFRICAN AMERICANS IN THE MASS MEDIA edited by Jannette L. Dates and William Barlow (Howard University Press, 2900 Van Ness St. NW, Washington, DC 20008—$29.95/14.95, ISBN 0-88258-035-3 hard, 0-88258-063-9 paper, 492 pp.)

TELEVISION AND WOMEN'S CULTURE: THE POLITICS OF THE POPULAR edited by Mary Ellen Brown (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990—$45.00/18.95, ISBN 0-8039-8228-3 hard, and 0-8039-8229-1 paper, 244 pp.)

SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF VCR USE edited by Julia R. Dobrow (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1990—$29.95, ISBN 0-8058-0499-4, 219 pp.)

ADVENTURES ON PRIME TIME: THE TELEVISION PROGRAMS OF STEPHEN J. CANNELL by Robert J. Thompson (New York: Praeger, 1990—$37.95, ISBN 0-275-93330-X, 143 pp.)  相似文献   

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