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Film Directors     
Alexander Sesonske, Jean Renoir: The French Films, 1924-1939 ( Cambridge: Harvard University Press -- $25.00 cloth/ $9.95 paper)

Martin Williams, Griffith: First Artist of of the Movies (New York: Oxford University Press -- $12.95)

Tony Rayns (ed.), Fas sbinder ($8.25 paper/$17.50 cloth)

Peter Baxter (ed.), Sternberg ($9.50 paper/$17.50 cloth)

G. K. Hall "Reference Publications III Film" series (Boston: C.K. Hall, 1979 except 1980 for Penn volume -- at prices shown below)  相似文献   

Film Directors     
Andrew Sinclair, John Ford (New York: The Dial Press, 1979 – $11.95)

Jeanne Basinger, Anthony Mann (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1979 – $10.95)

Richard Leiterman by Alison Reid (120 pages, $5.50 in paper)

Federico Fellini: A Guide to References and Resources by John C. Stubbs with Constance D. Markley and Marc Lenzini (246 pages, $30.00)

Richard Lester: A Guide to References and Resources by Diane Rosenfeldt (152 pages, $15.00)

Ernest Lubitsch: A Guide to References and Resources by Robert Carringer and Barry Sabath (262 pages, $20.00)

Sidney Lumet: A Guide to References and Resources by Stephen E. Bowles (151 pages, $15.50)

Ken Russell: A Guide to References and Resources by Diane Rosenfeldt (140 pages, $14.00)

John Schlesinger: A Guide to References and Resources by Nancy J. Brooker (130 pages, $14.00)

Frederick Wiseman: A Guide to References and Resources by Liz Ellsworth (212 pages, $ 24.95)  相似文献   

Film Directors     
Peter Lehman and William Luhr, Blake Edwards (Athens: Ohio University Press, 1981 -- $8.95 paper/$18.95 cloth).

David Lean: A Guide to References and Resources by Louis P. Castelli ($18.50)

Stanley Kubrick: A Guide to References and Resources by Wallace Coyle ($24.00).

Jon Tuska (editor), Close Up: The Contemporary Director (Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, 1981 -- $22.50).

Frederick Lamster, Souls Made Great Through Love and Adversity: The Film Work of Frank Borzage (Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, 1981 -- $12.50).

Renata Berg-Pan, Leni Reifenstahl (1980, $13.95, 222 pages).

Georg Gaston, Karel Reisz (1980, $13.95, 166 pages).

Bettina Knapp, Sacha Guitry (1981, $14.95, 245 pages).

John Kreidl, Jean-Luc Godard (198. 0, $12.95, 273 pages).

Barbara Learning, Gri ore Kozintsev (1980, 14.95, 212 pages).

Charles J. Maland, Frank Capra (1980, $10.95, 218 pages).

Gene D. Phillips, John Schlesinger (19817714.95, 199 pages).

Stephen Snyder, Pier Paolo Pasolini (1980, $13.95, 199 pages).

William R. Taylor, Sydney Pollack (1981-, $14.95, 170 pages).

Louis Giannetti, Masters of the American Cinema (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1981 -- $11.95 paper).  相似文献   

Eric Sherman's Directing the Film: Film Directors on Their Art (Boston: Little, Brown, 1976---$15.00)

Donald Spoto's The Art of Alfred Hitchcock: Fifty Years of His Motion Pictures (New York: Hopkinson and Blake, 1976---$13.00/8.95)

Kemp R. Niver's D.W. Griffith: His Biograph Films in Perspective (Historical Films, P.O. Box 46505, Los Angeles, Calif. 90046---$12.00)

Stephen Pendo's Raymond Chandler on Screen: His Novels into Film (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976---$10.00)

Ronald Lloyd's American Film Directors: The World as They See It (New York: New Viewpoints/Franklin Watts, 1976---price not given, paper)

Maureen Lambray's The American Film Directors (New York: Whirlwind/Pathe Press, 1976---$22.50)

Bob Thomas' Walt Disney: An American Original (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1976---$9.95)

Richard Koszarski's Hollywood Directors, 1914-1940 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976---$13.95/3.95)

Philip Cecchettini and Don Whittemore's Passport to Hollywood: Film Immigramts (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976---413.50)

Beatriz Reyes Nevares' The Mexican Cinema: Interviews with Thirteen Directors (Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico Press, 1976---$9.95/4.50)

Francisco Aranda's Luis Bunuel: A Critical Biography (New York: Da Capo Press, 1976---44.95, paper)

Glenn B. Infield's Leni Riefenstahl: The Fallen Film Goddess (New York: Crowell, 1976---$9.95)

Stuart Rosenthal's The Cinema of Federico Fellini (Cranbury, N.J.: A.S. Barnes, 1976---$9.95)

Edward Murray's Fellini the Artist (New York: Ungar, 1976---$10.00)  相似文献   

国家图书馆老馆长访谈录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春花秋实 ,又闻蝉鸣。不知不觉中 ,国家图书馆已悄然走过九十五个春秋。九十五年 ,对于生命而言已经耄耋 ,对于精神而言不过垂髫。翻开印制精美的《国家图书馆简介》 ,上面赫然记载着国家图书馆由稚嫩转变为成熟的每一步脚印。“1 90 9年 (清宣统元年 ) 9月 9日宣统皇帝御批兴建京师图书馆 ,……辛亥革命后 ,京师图书馆由北京政府教育部接管 ,并于 1 91 2年 8月 2 7日开馆接待读者。 1 91 6年京师图书馆按规定正式接受国内出版物呈缴本 ,标志着她开始履行国家图书馆的重要职能。1 92 8年 7月更名为国立北平图书馆 ,馆舍迁至中南海居仁堂。 1…  相似文献   

This is the third in a series of articles exploring various factors contributing to success of motion picture films in televison showings—the first dealt with repeat audiences for films and the second focused on the role of movie awards and TV viewing audience size (see note 7 for citations). Here, the author reports that a film director's reputation plays a significant part in building or diminishing TV audience size. Dr. Taylor is a member of the economics faculty of Northern Illinois University at DeKalb.  相似文献   

The consortium executive director is passionate about working with libraries and cultural organizations to connect similar and diverse institutions, enabling them to do things beyond their singular capability. Many library consortium executive directors worked in libraries before working at a consortium, but the job of the library consortium ED is in many ways different from that of a library director. A better understanding of these differences may help build stronger alliances between the consortium and its members. This article draws on the nonprofit leadership literature, library collaboration literature, and the responses to a brief survey of library consortia executive directors to explain the role and skills of the consortium executive director along with the challenges and opportunities for consortia.  相似文献   

Academic library administration is challenging work, and this is especially the case during a leader's transition into a new director role. This phenomenological study examines the transition experience of three academic library directors who have been in their positions for approximately one year. This study investigates strategies for success, lessons learned, and pitfalls during the transition period. The findings explore actions and strategies that were taken by the participants to help ensure success during their own transitions, information that may prove useful to new and aspiring academic library directors.  相似文献   

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对信息时代图书馆馆长的主要素质及其层次模型提出了构想,并假设了三位候选人,根据层次分析法的原理,推算出最合适的馆长人选  相似文献   

Universities and natural science museums have a long, productive history; however, this has been an uneasy alliance in the United States at least since the 1880s. Decreasing resources and increasing expectations have made the position of all museum directors extremely difficult, but the situation for university natural science museum directors is probably the most complicated among these because they direct museums that are small administrative units within larger university organizations. Some of their challenges include conflict between museum and university missions, governance issues, relationship between director and the university administrator/board member, lack of understanding of museum functions, middle management role of the director, lack of control of staff time, lack of staff support, public access to museum, and limited public and fiscal support. Solutions offered to meet these challenges include a written mission statement, recognition of education as the primary goal of the museum, a written strategic plan, accreditation, a highly active faculty/staff, documentation of the museum's economic impact, the creation and building of a public support organization, the formation of alliances with local cultural organizations, continuing education for staff, and an open decision-making process.  相似文献   

我国图书馆馆长的职业资格认证问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
图书馆事业的发展需要具备专业知识的管理者.要求图书馆馆长具备专业学识是国际化趋势.实行职业准入制度有利于改善和提升我国图书馆馆长队伍的专业素质.但在目前的条件下,要求馆长与员工同时转入职业资格认证的轨道时机尚不成熟,有些问题需要解决:馆长认证的标准问题、专业认证与图书馆职业的开放性关系、职业认证与人事管理权限的矛盾.  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长学习共同体研究-以杭州部分高校为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过杭州部分高校图书馆馆长近年来的实践发现,馆长学习共同体的形成有利于校际图书馆高层交流和沟通,促进互相学习和互相指引。学习共同体为不同高校的馆长们提供了职业上的归属感、信任感、互惠感和分享感。馆长学习共同体的主要特征有自我认同、自我控制、自我适应和自我发展。学习共同体能提升馆长的实践性智慧,促进馆长知识共享,提升馆长效能和生成馆长学习的动态环境。这种学习共同体是对高校图书馆在职学习方式的重要创新,对全面提高高校图书馆管理水平有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

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武三琳 《图书情报工作》1998,42(3):42-44,40
论述馆长与馆员的协调艺术的三个方面,即:信任馆员的艺术;非权力影响力的艺术;“感情投资”的艺术。  相似文献   

图书馆馆长群体现状的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以当今图书馆馆长为研究重点,对调查所得的数据进行分析比较,在主观幸福感、工作满意度两项指标中,馆长们的满意度高于总体水平。在对组织承诺水平的测评中,馆长们的情感承诺高于总体水平,而继续承诺明显低于总体水平。当今馆长群体存在三个方面的问题:高学历馆长缺乏;工作量大;高工作满意度与低继续承诺水平的矛盾。  相似文献   


Previous employment and educational background are two important criteria used to evaluate candidates for vacant library director positions. Search committee members seek individuals who demonstrate the potential and ability to provide inspirational and visionary leadership. This study examines previous employment and educational background of library directors from the Association of American Universities (AAU). Results indicate that most directors have previously worked as a library director or associate director in large, complex library systems. Their responsibilities in previous positions show an upward trajectory of advanced administrative activities. In addition, 88% of the directors have earned the MLIS, while 38% had attained a doctorate.  相似文献   

高校图书馆馆长素质新探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了高校图书馆馆长,应具备的两类知识、三层理念和四种能力。  相似文献   

This study examines the horizontal communication between producers and directors as they put together a television newscast. Results of the Internet survey show that producers tend to be younger and less experienced than the directors they work with, that producers and directors don't communicate often or effectively in the process of putting together a daily newscast, and that they don't believe their counterpart contributes the information they need in order to best perform their jobs. Correlations between the amount of information relayed between producers and directors and ratings performance indicate a link between internal communication and market profitability.  相似文献   

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