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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Julian Hale's Radio Power: Propaganda and International Broadcasting (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1975—$12.50)

Jay W. Baird's The Mythical World of Nazi War Propaganda, 1939-1945 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975—$15.00)

Unesco Statistical Yearbook (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub)

New Media in Education in the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Secretariat Publications, Marlborough House, London SW1Y SHX, England—E3.00, or about $7.00, paper)

World Guide to Technical Information and Documentation Services (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub), 1975— $19.80, paper)

May Katzen's Mass Communication: Teachin and Studies at Universities (Paris: Unesco (New York: Unipub), 1975—$14.85, paper)  相似文献   

THE SOVIET PROPAGANDA MACHINE by Martin Ebon (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987—$22.95)


ASSIGNED TO LISTEN: THE EVESHAM EXPERIENCE, 1939–43 by Olive Renier and Vladimir Rubinstein (London: BBC External Services, 1986—L3.95, paper, plus 25% more to cover postage and packing outside of the U.K.)


FOLLOWING THE FOOTPRINTS: PROTECTING FILM AND TV RIGHTS IN THE WORLD SATELLITE MARKETPLACE edited by Charles Firestone and Daniel Brenner (Communications Law Program, UCLA School of Law, University of California, Los Angeles 90024—price not given, paper)  相似文献   

Church, Communication, Development (Committee on Society, Development, and Peace; Publications Department; Ecumenical Centre, 150 Route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, $3.50)

Ithiel de Sola Pool, Philip Stone and Alexander Szalai's Communications, Computers and Automation for Development (UNITAR Research Reports No. 6, UNITAR, 801 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017, $2.00)

George Melly's Revolt into Style: the Pop Arts in Britain (Penguin [hardback], $8.95)

T.C. Worsley's Television: The Ephemeral Art (London: Alan Ross, $9.00)

D.G. Bridson's Prospero and Ariel: The Rise and Fall of Radio—A Personal Recollection (London: Gollancz, $10.50)

Raymond Durgnat's A Mirror for England: British Movies from Austerity to Affluence (Praeger, $11.95)

Asa Briggs History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom (Oxford University Press, 1961, 1965)  相似文献   

Lawrence W. Lichty's (ed.) World and International droadcasting: A Bibliography (Association for Professional Broadcasting Education, 1771 N St. Washington, D. C.) $15.00 ($10.00 to APBE individual members) paperbound)

William A. Hachten's Muffled Drums: The News Media in Africa (Iowa State University Press, $9.50)

Lynne Svenning's Modernization Among Peasants: Impact of Communications (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, $8.00)

Will A. Boelke's The Secret Conferences of Dr. Goebbels: The Nazi Propaganda War 1939-43.

James W. Markham's (ed.) International Commnication as a Field of Study (University of Iowa Department of Publications, $3.00)  相似文献   

Henry 0. Hart's Mass Communication and Social Change Process and Practice (An Attempted Extension of Basic Models) (East European Area Audience and Opinion Research Dept., RFE/RL, Inc., Oettingenstrasse, 67 AM Englischen Garten, 8000 Munich 22, West Germany—apparently free on request, paper)

World Directory of Mass Communication Periodicals ($15.00)

Mass Communication Research–Current Documentation ($10.00 per volume)

Directory of Mass Media Research Centres in European Socialist Countries ($5.00)

Harold D. Lasswell, Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, eds. Propaganda and Communication in World History, Volume II: Emergence of Public Opinion in the West (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980-825.00)

Stephen L. Vaughn's Holding Fast the Inner Lines: Democracy, Nationalism, and the Committee on Public Information (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980—$21.00)

Mock and Larson's Words That Won the War (1939)

Oswald H. Ganley's The United States-Canadian Communications and Information Resources Relationship and its Possible Significance for Worldwide Diplomacy (Working Paper W-79-7, November 1979—$10.90, paper, 97 pp.)

Anthony Crawford's Posters of World War I and World War II in the George C. Marshall Research Foundation (Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1979—$9.95)  相似文献   

Alan P.L. Liu, Communications and National Integration in Communist China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971—$8.50)

Hamid Mowlana's International Communication: A Selected Bibliography (Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1971—$3.75, paper)

Joan Bakewell and Nicholas Garnham, The New Priesthood: British Television Today, (London: Penguin Press, 1970—about $7.00)

Michel Verhayden, La Radio-Television Face Au Pouvior: L'experience Belge (Louvain: Universities Catholique, Centre des Techniques de Diffusion, 1970—$5.20, paper)  相似文献   

James L. Tyson, TARGET AMERICA: THE INFLUENCE OF COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA ON U.S. MEDIA (Chicago: Regnery Gateway Inc., 1981—$12.95)

Harry L. Helms, HOW TO TUNE THE SECRET SHORTWAVE SPECTRUM (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: TAB Books, 1981—$7.95, paper)

U.S. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY'S OVERSEAS PROGRAMS: SOME MORE USEFUL THAN OTHERS (Washington: GAO, Report ID-82-1, February 11, 1982, —free on request, paper)

"New Communication Order," HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE MASS MEDIA DECLARATION (Paris: Unesco, n.d., but 1981—free on request, paper)  相似文献   

Benjamin D. Singer, ed. Communications in Canadian Society (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1975—price not given, paper)

Svennik Hoyer, Stig Hadenius, and Lennart Weibull's The Politics and Exonomics of the Press: A Developmental Perspective (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1975—$2.50, paper)  相似文献   

Final Report of the Royal Commission on the Press (London: HMSO Cmnd Paper No. 6810, 1977—E4.25 or about $8.50, paper)

Jonathan Hill's The Cat's Lihisker: 50 Years of Wireless Design (London: Oresko Books, 1977—E8.95/4.95 or about $18.00/10.00)

Manuel Alvarado and Edward Buscombe's Hazell: The Making of a TV Series (London: British Film Institute and Latimer New Dimensions Ltd., 1978— E6.95/2.95 or about $l4.00/6.00)

Steve Chibnall's Law-and-Order-News: An Aspect of Crime Reporting in the British Press (London: Tavistock House, 1977— E3.50 or about $7.25, paper with hardback also available)

Robert Collins' A Voice from Afar: The History of Telecommunications in Canada (Scarborough, Ontario: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1977—$14.95)

Godwin C. Chu's Radical Change Through Communication in Mao's China (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977—$14.00)  相似文献   

CONGLOMERATES AND THE MEDIA by Erik Barnouw, et al. (New York: The New Press, 1998‐$23.00, ISBN 1–56584–386‐X, 190 pp., photos, notes)

THE MEDIA IN QUESTION: POPULAR CULTURES AND PUBLIC INTERESTS by Kees Brants, Joke Hermes, and Liesbet van Zoonen (London: Sage, 1998‐$26.50, paper, ISBN 0–7619–5723–5, 184 pp., references, index)

POLITICS IN WIRED NATIONS: SELECTED WRITINGS OF ITHIEL DE SOLA POOL edited by Lloyd S. Etheredge (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998‐$44.95, ISBN 1–56000–344–8, 395 pp., tables, figures, notes, bibliography of Pool's works, index)

FREE EXPRESSION AND CENSORSHIP IN AMERICA: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA by Herbert N. Foerstel (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997‐$65.00, ISBN 0–313–29231–0, 260 pp., table of cases, bibliography, index)

BANNED IN THE MEDIA: A REFERENCE GUIDE TO CENSORSHIP IN THE PRESS, MOTION PICTURES, BROADCASTING, AND THE INTERNET by Herbert N. Foerstel (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998‐price not given, ISBN 0–313–30245–6, 252 pp., notes, appendices, bibliography, index)

MEDIAMAKING: MASS MEDIA IN A POPULAR CULTURE by Lawrence Grossberg, Ellen Wartella, and D. Charles Whitney (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998‐$31.95, ISBN 0–7619–1177–4, paper, 442 pp., diagrams, boxed features, references, index)

SEMINAR ON INTELLIGENCE, COMMAND, AND CONTROL: GUEST PRESENTATIONS, SPRING 1997 (Incidental paper 1–98–2, April 1998, ISBN 1–879716–47‐X, 220 pp.)

AT THE HEART OF EVOLVING LITERACY: A FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION by Morris L. Ernst (Publication P‐97–3, December 1997, ISBN 1–879716–44–5, 115 pp.)

STANDARDS FOR PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES by David J. Goodman (Publication P‐98–1, April 1998, ISBN 1–879716–46–1, 64 pp.)

CONTEXT FOR DECISIONS: GLOBAL AND LOCAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ISSUES by Anthony Oettinger (Incidental Paper I‐98–1, January 1998, ISBN 1–879716–3, 23 pp.)

PLUNKETT'S ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA INDUSTRY ALMANAC by Jack W. Plunkett (Houston, TX: Plunkett Research, 1998‐$149.99, ISBN 0–9638268–6‐7, 626 pp., tables, index)

MEDIA LITERACY by W. James Potter (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998‐price not given, paper, ISBN 0–7619–0925–7, 406 pp., tables, boxed features, references, annotated chapter guides to further reading, index)

MEDIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW edited by Charles Warner (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997‐$39.50/22.50, ISBN 0–8058–1787–5 hard, 0–8058–1788–3 paper; 197 pp., tables, notes, index)  相似文献   

Herbert 5. Dordick, The Emerging Network Markeplace (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1981—$24.95)

Herbert I. Schiller, Who Knows: Information in the Age of the Fortune 500 (Norwood,N.J.: Ablex, 1981—$17.95)

G. Cleveland Wilhoit and Harold de Bock, eds. Mass Communication Review Yearbook, Volume 2 (Beverly Hills Ca.: Sage, 1981 -7707730).  相似文献   

Brigitte L. Kenney (ed.) Cable Television for Librarians which is issued as Vol. 9, No. 1 and 2 of Drexel Library Quarter (Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 — $6.00, paper)

Richard C. Kletter Cable Television: Making Public Access Effective (R-1142-NSF, May 1973, 74 pp., $3.00)

Stephen H. Unger, Technology to Facilitate Citizen Participation in Government (18 pp., $1,25)

Philip J. Brendel, Incasting and the Telephone Network (36 pp., $1.25)

Richard Calhoun, Public Television Channels in New York City: The First Six Months (55 pp., $1.25)

Ted Werntz, A Preliminary Review of CATV as a Two-Way System (18 pp., $1.25)

Noam Lemelshtrich, Design Analysis of a Home Terminal for Two-Way Communications (50 pp., $1.25)

Leonard M. Ross, Economic and Legal Aspects of CATV Systems (150 pp., $4.00)  相似文献   

Brent D. Ruben, ed. Communication Yearbook 2 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books (Rutgers), 1978---$24.95)

Eric A. Havelock and Jackson P. Hershbell, eds. Communication Arts in the Ancient World (New York: Hastings House, J978---$12.50)

Kit Laybourne and Pauline Cianciolo's Doing the Media (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978---$6.95, paper, with both library and trade hardbacks also available)

Periodicals: just begun under the (temporary) auspices of the Institute of Communication Research (122B Armory, University of Illinois, Champaign, Ill. 61820)

Warren K. Agee, Phillip H. Ault, and Edwin Emery's Introduction to Mass Communications (New York: Harper & Row, 1979---$7.95, paper)

Godwin C. Chu and Brent Cassan, Modern Communication Technology in a Changing Society: A Bibliography (1977, 162 pp., $1.50)

Syed A. Rahim, et al. Planning Methods, Models, and Organization: A Review Study for Communication Policy Making and Planning (1978, 260 pp., $3.00):  相似文献   

Copyright Primer, by Harry G. Henn (1979, 785 pp.—$40.00, hardbound)

Current Developments in Copyright Law 1979 (Course Handbook 101, 1979, 721 pp. —$20.00, paper)

Copyright Primer for Film and Video (Northwest Media Project, P.O. Box 4093, Portland, Ore. 97208—$2.00, paper)  相似文献   

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