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Roger D. Kinkle's The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz: 1900-1950 (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1974—$75.00 for set of four volumes)

Clive Davis and James Willwerth, Clive: Inside Inside the Record Business (New York: Morrow, 1974—$8.95)

Studies in Jazz Discography I (Institute of Jazz Studies University Extension Division, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.—$3.25, paper)

Walter E. Hurst and William Storm Hale's Your Introduction to Music/Record Copyright, Contracts and other Business and Law (Seven Arts Press, Inc., 6605 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028—$10.00/5.00)  相似文献   

Paul P. Ashley's Say it Safely: Legal Limits in Publishing, Radio, and Television (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976—$9.50)

David E. Price, The Commerce Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Commerce Committees ($16.50, 358 pp.)

Peter N. Schuck, The Judiciary Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees ($16.50, 446 pp.)

Harry R. Olsson, Jr.'s Legal and Business Problems of Television and Radio (Practicing Law Institute, 810 Seventh Ave., New York 10019—$20.00, paper)

Robert Agranoff's The Management of Election Campaigns (Boston: Holbrook Press, 1976—price not given)  相似文献   

Book Publishing     
The Oxford University Press and the Spread of Learning: An Illustrated History, by Nicolas Barker (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1978 —$25.00)

The Oxford University Press: An Informal History, by Peter Sutcliffe (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1978—$15.00)

Mary Hill and Wendell Cochran's Into Print: A Practical Guide to Writing, Illustrating, and Publishing (Los Altos, Calif.: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1977—$12.00/6.951)

Stanley Rice's Book Design: Systematic Aspects (274 pp., $17.50)

Stanley Rice's Book Design: Text Format Models (215 pp., $17.50)

John Y. Cole, ed. The Library of Congress in Perspective: A Volume Based on the Reports of the 1976 Librarian's Task Force and A visory Groups (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1978—$21.95)

Literary Market Place: 1978 Edition (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1978— $22.50, paper)  相似文献   

Jack Temple Kirby's Media-Made Dixie: The South in the American Imagination. (Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1978—$9.95)

Dan Nimmo's Political Communication and Public Opinion in America (Santa Monica, Calif.: Goodyear Publishing Co., 1978—price not given, but available in hard and paper editions)

Raymond G. Smith's The Message Measurement Inventory: A Profile for Communication Analysis (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1978—$12.50)

Fred Fedler's An Introduction to the Mass Media (New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, 1978—price not given, paper)

Rolf Myller's Symbols and their Meaning (New York: Atheneum, 1978—$9.95)

William E. Francois, Mass Media Law and Regulation (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, Inc., 1978—price not given)

James Leigh and Claude R. Martin, Jr., Current Issues and Research in Advertising (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1978—$4.75, paper)

Philip Ward Burton's Advertising Copywriting (Columbus, Ohio: Grid, 1978—$12.95)

Postal and Allied Arenas–Research Task Specifications, Phase I: Arena Survey by John F. McLaughlin (October 1977, 39 pp., $10.90, paper, Working Paper W-77-9)

The Communications Act Policy Toward Competition: A Failure to Communicate by G. Hamilton Loeb (October 1977, 95 pp., $23.40, paper, Publication P-77-3)

Roland E. Wolseley's Careers in Religious Communications (Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa. 15683—$4.95, paper)

Roland Barthes' Image-Music- Text (New York: Hill & Wang, 1977—$8.95)

Jacques Barzun and Henry F. Graff's The Modern Researcher (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977—$6.95 in paper, and also available in hardback)  相似文献   

Rudy Bretz' A Taxonomy of Communication Media (Educational Technology Publications, 140 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632, $4.95)

Donald F. Theall's The Ledium is the Rear View Mirror: Understanding McLuhan (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, $2.65 paperback)

John Hohenberg's Free Press/Free People: The Best Cause (Columbia University Press, $9.95)

Robert Cirino's Don't Blame Me: How the News Media Use Bias, Distortion and Censorship to Manipulate Public Opinion. (Diversity Press, Box 45764, Los Angeles 90045, $2.95 paperback)

Barbara J. Love (ed.) Foremost qomen in Comunications: A Biographical Work on Accomplished Women in Broadcasting, Publishing, Advertising, Public Relations, and Allied Professions. (Foremost American Publishing co./R.R. Bowker, $25.00)

Robert L. Breeden (chief ed.) Those Inventive Afcricans (National Geographic Society, Washington D.C. 20036, $4.25)

Black Comnunicator (Suite 405, 1730 11 St. NU, Washington D.C., 20036, $5.00 annually)

Arthur R. Miller's The Assault on Privacy: Coaputers, Data Banks, and Dossiers (University of Michigan Press, $7.95)

George Katona, Burkhard Strumpel and Ernest Zahn's Aspirations and Affluence (McGraw-Hill, $12.95)  相似文献   

Motion Pictures     
George Rehrauer's Cinema Booklist: Supplement Two (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977– $15.00), a 482 page update to the main volume (1972–see 4:1:9)

Bab-bars Anne Price and Theodore Price, Federico Felini: An Annotated International Bibliography (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$11.00).

Dennis R. Bohnenkamp and Sam L. Grogg Jr., eds. The American Film Institute Guide to College Courses in Film and Television (Princeton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, 1978—$9.75, paper)

Ian C. Jarvie's Movies as Social Criticism: Aspects of their Social Psychology (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$10.00)

Robert Stanley's The Celluloid Empire: A History of the American Motion Picture Industry (New York: Hastings House, 1978—$15.75/7.95)

Richard Koszarski, ed. Hollywood Directors 1941-1976 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977—$4.95, paper)

Andre Bazin's Orson Welles: A Critical View (New York: Harper & Row, 1978— $10.00)

James Naremore's The Magic World of Orson Welles (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978—$15.95)

Paul Michael's The Academy Awards: 50th Anniversary Edition (New York: Crown, 1978— $14.95)

James Beveridge's John Grierson, Film Master (New York: Macmillan, 1978— $17.95)

John McCabe's Charlie Chaplin (New York: Doubleday, 1978—$10.00)

Leonard Maltin's The Great Movie Comedians, From Charlie Chaplin to Woody Allen (New York: Crown, 1978—$10.95)

S. C. Earley An Introduction to American Movies (New York: New American Library Mentor Books, 1978—$2.25, paper)

Ron Haydock's Deerstalker! Holmes and Watson on Screen (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1978—$12.50)

Matthew J. Bruccoli, ed., F.Scott Fitzgerald's Screenplay for Three Comrades (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978—$10.00/3.95)  相似文献   

Pearl Aldrich's The Impact of Mass Media (Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Co., 1975—$7.99/4.75)

Alan Wells' Mass Media and Society (Palo Alto, Calif: Mayfield Publishing, 1975—price not given, paper)

Harry M. Clor (ed.) The Mass Media and Modern Democracy (Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co., 1974—price not given, paper)

Joan Valdes and Jeanne Crow (eds.) The Media Reader (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1975—$11.95/7.95 with lower net costs to schools–and a teacher's guide available for $2.95, paper).

James F. Evans and Rodolfo N. Salcedo's Communications in Agriculture: The American Farm Press (Ames: Iowa State University Press 1974—price not given, paper)

Suzanne rallies' Science Fiction Primer for Teachers (Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum, 1974– $5.95, paper).

Francesco M Nicosia's Advertising, Management and Society: A Business Point of View (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974— $10.95 with paperback available as well)  相似文献   

Mass Media     
Robert C. Toll's On with the Show: The First Century of Show Business in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976---$19.95)

Edwin Fisher, et al., eds. The Art in Cartooning: Seventy-five Years of American Magazine Cartoons (New York : Scribner's, 1975---$14.95)

Vaughncille Molden's Telecommunications and Black Americans: A Survey of Ownership, Participation and Control (Center for Development Technology and Program in Technology and Human Affairs, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. 63130-48.50, paper)

Working Papers in Culture and Communication (Department of Anthropology, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. 19122-- $2.00, paper)  相似文献   

John M. Smith and Tim Cawkwell (eds.) The World Encyclopedia of the Film (New York: World, 1972 -- $25.00)

The Working Teacher's Personal Guide to Film Sources (Stanford, Ca.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Media and Technology, 1972 -- single copies free on request, paper)

D. Richard Bach (ed.) The Film Buff's Bible of Motion Pictures (1915-1972) (Hollywood, Calif.: Hollywood Film Archive, 8344 Melrose Ave., 1972 -- $24.00)

John Willis' Screen World: 1972 (New York: Crown Publishers, 1972 -- $8.95)

George Sadoul, Dictionary of Films, and Dictionary of Film Makers (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972 -- $16.50/5.95 and $14.50/4.95 respectively)

Clifford McCarty's Published Screenplays: A Checklist (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1971 -- $6.50)

James M. Salem, A Guide to Critical Reviews, Part IV: The Screenplay from the Jazz Singer to Dr. Strangelove (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1971 -- S30.00 for the set)

Cinema Catalog (Larry Edmunds Bookshop Inc., 6658 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, California 90028 -- $2.95, paper)

Catalog of Film Literature (Cinemabilia, 10 Cornelia St., New York 10014 -- $2.50, paper)  相似文献   

Melly de Camargo and Virgilio B. Noya Pinto's Communication Policies in Brazil (Paris: Unesco Press [New York: Unipub], 1975— $4.95, paper)

John K. Mayo, et al., Educational Reform with Television: The El Salvador Experience (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1976—$11.50).

John A. Lent's Mass Media in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Recent Bibliographic Sources (Philadelphia: Temple University School of Communications and Theater, Communications Research Reports No. 7, 1976— $2.50, paper).

Alexander S. Birkos' Soviet Cinema: Directors and Films (Hamden, Coon.: Archon Tools /Shoe String Press, 1976—$17.5n).  相似文献   

William E. Francois, Introduction to Mass Communications and Mass Media (Columbus, Ohio: Grid Publishing Co., 1977—$9.95, paper)

John M. Phelan's Mediaworld: Programming the Public (New York: Seabury Press, 1977—$8.95)

Harvey L. Zuckman and Martin J. Gaynes' Mass Communications Law in a Nutshell (St. Paul, Minn.: West Publishing Co., 1977—price not given but under $10.00, paper)

Communication Abstracts (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, quarterly beginning Spring 1978/$30.00 for individuals; $54.00 for institutions, and these are introductory rates)

Margaret Harmon, ed. Working with Words: Careers for Writers (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1977—$7.95)

Walter Fox's Writing the News: Print Journalism in the Electronic Age (New York: Hastings House, 1977—$8.95/4.50)

Lee Finkle's Forum for Protest: The Black Press During World War II (Ruthorford, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1975—$12.50)

Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin's The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 1450-1800 (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press [London: NLB], 1976—$27.00)

George Seldes' Even the Gods Can't Change History: The Facts Speak for Themselves (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1976—$10.00)

Denis McQuail's Review of Sociological Writing on the Press (London: IIMSO, 1976—£16 or about $2.00, paper, including postage)  相似文献   

Media Ecology Review (New York: NYU School of Education, 1972—$7.00 for 16 issues which make up the year's volume)

Frederick D. Wilhelmsen and Jane Bret's The War in Man: Media and Machines (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1970—$4.50)

Carl Belz' The Story of Rock (New York: Oxford University Press, 1972—$7.50)

Roger Karshner's The Music Machine (Los Angeles: Nash, 1971—$7.95)

Ann Christine Heintz' Persuasion (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1970—$3.20, paper)  相似文献   

Harry Sova's American Radio: 1927 (available from the author c/o Department of Radio and Television, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, 4)1.00).

Robert Lewis Shayon's Open to Criticism (Beacon Press, $9.95)

LeRoy E. Kennel's Ecology of the Airwaves (Focal Pamphlet No. 21, Herald Press, Scottsdale, Arizona 15683, $1.50 paper).

Noel B. Gerson's Talk Show (William morrow, $6.95) which deals with a Carson or Cavett-like personality and you guessed it–his sex hang-ups which lead to his TV Downfall. The second is Allan Prior's The Contract (Simon and Schuster, $7.95)

John M. Stormes and James P. Crumpler's Television Communications Systems for Business and Industry (Wiley/Interscience, 4)11.95).  相似文献   

Print Media     
Herbert S. Bailey's The Art and Science of Book Publishing (Harper & Row, $7.95).

Robert J. Glessingts The Underground Press in America (Indiana University Press, $6.50).

Ruth Kent's The Language of Journalism (Kent State University Press, $5.00/1.95)

Harold D. Lasswell and Daniel Lerner's The Prestige Press: A Comparative Study of Political Symbols (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, $12.00).  相似文献   

Stephen Heath, QUESTIONS OF CINEMA (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981—$22.50/$9.95)

Rick Altman, ed., GENRE: THE MUSICAL (London: Routledge and Regan Paul, 1981—$19.95)

A.J. Prats, THE ALTIONOMOUS IMAGE: CINEMATIC NARRATION AND HUMANISM (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1981—$14.50)

Thomas Allen Nelson, KUBRICK: INSIDE A FILM ARTIST'S MAZE (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982—$37.50/$9.95)

Ingmar Bergman can be found in Paisley Livingston, INGMAR BERGMAN AND THE RITUALS OF ART (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982—$19.95)

Annette Kuhn, WOMEN'S PICTURES: FEMINISM AND CINEMA (London: Routledge Et Kegan Paul, 1982—$9.95 paper)

Herbert Eagle ( ed . ) , RUSSIAN FORMALIST FILM THEORY (Av ailable from Michigan Slavic Publications, 3040 MLB, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor'48109 —no price given)


Gerald Mast, HOWARD HAWKS, STORYTELLER (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982—$29 95)

John R. May and Michael Bird (ed.), RELIGION IN FILM (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1982—$16.50/$7.95)  相似文献   

Kenneth R. Sparks' A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Television and Radio (School of Journalism, Newhouse Communications Center, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210, $3.50 paperback)

Joseph Keeley's The Left Leaning Antenna: Political Bias in Television (Arlington House, $8.95)

James Aronson's Packaging the News: A Critical Survey of Press, Radio, TV. (Little New World Paperbacks, available from International Publishers, 381 Park Ave. South, New York 10016, $1.45 paperback)

Walter Cronkite and Fred W. Friendly's I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties (Columbia Records M3X 30353, $9.95 for the set)

Phyllis Feinstein's All About Sesame Street (Tower T-075-19, 75¢)

Bruce F. Elving's FM Station Atlas (contact the author c/o WUWM Radio, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53201, $2.00)

Takeo Furo's The Function of Television for Children and Adolescents (Tokyo: Sophia University: available in this country from Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland, Vt., $9.50)

Richard Averson and David Manning White's Electronic Drama. Television Plays of the Sixties (Beacon Press, $9.95)

Bernard Wilkie's The Technique of Special Effects in Television (Hastings House, $16.50)

Action For Children's Television issued occasionally for a membership fee of $5.00 per year

Cable Television: Communications Medium of the Seventies (Samson Science Corp., Quantam Science Corp., 245 Park Ave., New York 10017, $195)  相似文献   

William T. Pilkington and Don Graham, eds., Western Movies (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1979–$13.95/$6.95)

William R. Meyer, The Making of the Great Westerns (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1979 – $20.00)

Michael Pitts, Famous Movie Detectives (Metuchen, New Jerseys Scarecrow Press, 1979 – $11.95)

Gerald Mast's The Comic Mind (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1979– $7.95 paper)  相似文献   

Motion Pictures     
Leonard Maltin's Movie Comedy Teams (Signet W4453, $1.50)

Edward Wagenknecht's The Movies in the Age of Innocence (Originally issues in 1962 by University of Oklahoma Press, re-issued by Ballantine at $2.95)

Jay Leyda's Films Begat Film (originally issued in 1964, re-issued by Hill & Wang at $1.95 paper and $4.95 hardback)

Rachel Madcluy, Stirling Sillipaant and Neil D. Isaacs' Fiction into Film: A Walk in the Spring Rain (University of Tennessee Press, $10.50)

Charles Sweeting, A Film Course Manual (McCutchan Publishing Corp., 2526 Grove St., Berkeley, Calif. 94704, $2.25)  相似文献   

Joseph S. Johnson and Kenneth K. Jones' Modern Radio Station Practices (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1972—$7.95)

Edd Routt (double letters in each name correct) The Business of Radio Broadcasting (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1972— $12.95)

Giraud Chester, Garnet Garrison, and Edgar Willis' Television and Radio (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971—$11.95)

Evelyn Sarson (ed.). Action for Children's Television (New York: Avon Discus Books, 1971— $1.25, paper)

The Fourth Network (New York: The Network Project, 102 Earl Hall, Columbia University, 1971—$3.00, paper)

William Kuhns' Exploring Television (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1971—$3.20, paper; with a Teacher's Guide available for $1.00, paper)

Wayne Green's (ed.), The Fascinating World of Radio Communications (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1971—$6.95/3.95)

The Wit and Wisdom of Archie Bunker (New York: Popular Library, 1971—.95, paper)  相似文献   

Henry 0. Hart's Mass Communication and Social Change Process and Practice (An Attempted Extension of Basic Models) (East European Area Audience and Opinion Research Dept., RFE/RL, Inc., Oettingenstrasse, 67 AM Englischen Garten, 8000 Munich 22, West Germany—apparently free on request, paper)

World Directory of Mass Communication Periodicals ($15.00)

Mass Communication Research–Current Documentation ($10.00 per volume)

Directory of Mass Media Research Centres in European Socialist Countries ($5.00)

Harold D. Lasswell, Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, eds. Propaganda and Communication in World History, Volume II: Emergence of Public Opinion in the West (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1980-825.00)

Stephen L. Vaughn's Holding Fast the Inner Lines: Democracy, Nationalism, and the Committee on Public Information (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980—$21.00)

Mock and Larson's Words That Won the War (1939)

Oswald H. Ganley's The United States-Canadian Communications and Information Resources Relationship and its Possible Significance for Worldwide Diplomacy (Working Paper W-79-7, November 1979—$10.90, paper, 97 pp.)

Anthony Crawford's Posters of World War I and World War II in the George C. Marshall Research Foundation (Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, 1979—$9.95)  相似文献   

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