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OCLC in Europe     

Viktor Ergert, 50 Jahre Rundfunk in Osterreich [50 Years of Broadcasting in Austria], Volume III: 1955-1967 (Residenz Verlag-Publishing House, Imbergstrasse 9, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria—250 Austrian schillings)

Hans Heinz Fabris and Herta Kreuzhuber. Das Internationale Jahr Der Frau 1975 Und die Darstellung von Frauenthemen in den Osterreichischen Massenmedien International Women Year and Its Effects on Austrian Mas s Media (Prof. Dorothea Gaudart, Federal Ministry of Social Administration, Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria—apparently free on request)

Hans Fellinger, Medien Und Gewerkschaften [Media and the Trade Unions] (Verlag des OeGB, Raffaelgasse 12-14, A-1200 Vienna, Austria—75 Austrian schillings)

Juergen Prott, Bewusstsein von Journalisten [Consciousness of Journalists] (Europaische Verlagsanstalt, Deutz-Kalker-Strasse 46, Box 210 140, D-5000, Cologne 21, Federal Republic of Germany—about $10.00 (U.S. funds) but check with the publisher)

Winfried B. Lerg and Rolf Steininger, Rundfunk und Politik[Broadcastinq and Politics], 1923-1973 (Verlag Volker Spiess, Grossgorschenstrasse 6, D-1 Berlin 32, Federal Republic of Germany—about $14.00 in U.S. funds)

Verbizh Rainer and Peter Hueber, Lokales Fernsehen [Local Television]. (Videoinitiative Graz, Videostudio, Paulustorgasse 4, A-8010 Graz, Austria— 80 Austrian schillings)

Klaus-Detlef Funke and Ernst Theilen, Pressefreiheit und Mitbestimmung EPress Freedom and Participation] (Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, Koelner Str. 143, D-5300 Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Federal Republic of Germany—DM 16.00)

Marlene Stein-Hilbers, Kriminalitaet im Fernsehen [The Portrayal of Crime on TV] (Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Herdweg 63, D-7000, Stuttgart 1, Federal Republic of Germany— about $13.00 in U.S. funds)

Pierre Albert, Histoire de la Presse Politique Nationale au Début de la IIIène République (1871-1879) (to be published in fall of 1978: Librairie Champion, 7 rue Malaquais, 75007 Paris—apply for price)

Pierce Albert, La France, Les Etats-Unis et Leurs Presses (Centre National d'Art de la Culture Georges Pompidou, 1977—140 French francs)

Renge Bgdarida Les Armes de L'Esprit: Témoignage Chrétien (Paris: Editions Ouvrieres, 1977—60 FF)

Proscop Media: Le Marché des Media en France, 1977/1978 (Institut Proscop, 25 rue Marbeuf, 75008 Paris—300 FF)  相似文献   

中国国家广播电影电视总局局长阁下,中国传媒大学校长,女士们、先生们:感谢中国传媒大学的盛情邀请, 很荣幸能有这个机会向贵校师生发表演讲!每次出访, 我都很愿意到大学中来。在我看来, 同年轻一代多交流是一种很重要的经历, 更是一项不可多得的乐趣。我所接触的他们对于现实和未来都满怀着各种不同的期望。能够访问中国信息传播教育的最高学府是我的莫大荣幸。时代赋予中国传媒大学的重大使命, 是为21 世纪的中国培养高级传媒人才。也就在今天, 我们即将和贵校签署设立葡萄牙语中心的协议。来听我演讲的诸位, 今天是坐满大礼堂的学生, 将…  相似文献   


During the 2002 Helsinki meeting of the LIBER Groupe des Cartothecaires Working Group for Education, it was suggested that a survey of map usage in European libraries should be undertaken, using Jan Smits' 1987-88 survey as a basis. The goal of the survey was to re-examine map usage in the early twenty-first century in map libraries in Europe, and to identify changing requirements induced by the rapidly changing technological advances being made in cartography. Principal differences with the 1987-88 survey were identified, as were those areas where change has been limited. A main concern with the 2003 version was the poor response rate of questionnaires returned.  相似文献   

The article gives a survey about the development of archival education in some central European countries within the past 15 years. Although there are similar problems and challenges in all these countries, the different Universities and Archives Schools have developed different strategies for dealing with them. The range of reactions reaches from small reforms of the curriculum to completely new orientations of the entire education.  相似文献   

This paper aims at clarifying the role of repositories in some European countries in preserving research and other library materials in the country. The functional environment of repositories varies from country to country. Typically, the main actor in preserving national literature and national print heritage is the national library institution. The main means of this for national libraries has been legal deposit legislation, which in some countries is almost as old as printing.While the paper focuses on the development of the National Depository Library in Finland, examples in this paper are also drawn from the repositories in Norway, Estonia, and Ilê de France, Paris. The driving concept behind participating in these repository programs is cost reduction through the rationalization of storage and access on a regional—and even national—level. In this model, the repository creates one collection, which it owns and maintains. This allows the depository to employ deduplication and other strategies to rationalize storage. The role of the repository then is to keep the material available and serve as the library of last resort for many research materials.  相似文献   


This piece is a continuation of a previous article about Russian RSS feeds, but with a new focus on feeds originating from or about other Eastern European countries. It also includes a brief discussion of the features of web-based readers and using the Firefox browser to locate feeds. It is intended for a non-technical audience.  相似文献   

Europe is gradually embracing freedom of information principles while at the same time restricting dissemination of information generated by public agencies through electronic databases. Both Britain and Germany are moving to adopt freedom of information laws, and the European Commission has published a regulation allowing access to European institution materials. These developments are important for the rest of the world, including the United States, because the Internet is already becoming a vast virtual library facilitating global access to statutes, court decisions, and administrative agency decisions that make up the raw ingredients of a rule of law. Meanwhile, however, the European Commission issued a directive limiting certain uses of electronic databases, broadly enough drafted to include electronic repositories of primary legal information. This kind of state-sponsored monopoly over public information is inimical to a rule of law and democratic values. Europeans and Americans should work to realize the increased transparency promised by the freedom of information developments, and work to minimize the extent to which the database directive and similar proposals on this side of the Atlantic restrict redissemination of primary legal information.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article is devoted to the career of Sergius Yakobson, a librarian, historian, and educator. Its first part focuses on his role in the development of the Slavic collections of the Library of Congress in the 1940s to 1950s after his emigration to the United States. In the second part, the author compares ways in which Slavica, Rossica, and Sovetica developed in America and France during and after World War II, using materials from Yakobson's survey of Paris Slavic collections made in 1953. The final part briefly discusses his work as a Sovietologist.  相似文献   

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