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1半乳糖血症半乳糖是一种含有6个碳原子的单糖,它是乳糖、蜜二糖和棉籽糖等的组成成分,也是某些糖苷以及神经节苷脂的组成成分。半乳糖血症是一种遗传病,患者不能将体内的半乳糖转化为葡萄糖。原因是缺乏半乳糖-1-磷酸尿苷酰转移酶,  相似文献   

我国从2000年开始实施"学生饮用奶计划",在各级政府的统一领导和各有关部门的通力协作和配合下,国家"学生饮用奶计划"取得了可喜的进展,产生了显著的社会效益。2006年4月温家宝总理题词"我有一个梦想,让每个中国人,首先是孩子,每天能够喝上一斤奶。"温总理的题词体现了我国政府对青少年营养健康的关注。培养大学生饮奶习惯是国家"学生饮奶计划"的延伸,能改善大学生的营养状况,提高他们的健康素质。要对大学生开展营养教育,提高他们的营养意识,帮助他们养成每天饮奶的习惯。  相似文献   

朱海峤 《幼儿教育》2008,(Z2):58-59
<正>牛奶,是我们身边最接近完美的食品,除了不含纤维素外几乎含有人体所需要的各种营养素。牛奶制品五花八门,妈妈不要挑花眼目前市场上销售的奶制品种类繁多,如鲜奶、奶粉、酸奶、奶酪、炼乳、黄油,等等,虽然都是从牛奶加工而来,但其性状、口感、  相似文献   

每月提醒秋瓜坏肚,不可多吃俗话说秋瓜坏肚,是指立秋以后不宜继续生吃大量的瓜果,否则容易引发呕吐、腹泻、腹痛、便溏等急慢性胃肠道疾病。在秋季,瓜果类容易被滋生的细菌所污染,造成肠胃感染。从中医学的角度来说,秋天阳气渐收,阴气慢慢增加,在寒气渐重的时节,过多食用一些凉性的瓜果,比如西瓜、香瓜等,容易损伤脾胃的阳气,导致呕吐、腹痛、腹泻等疾病。如果孩子平时脾胃就虚弱,秋季更要慎吃瓜类。  相似文献   

正如果你有问题向专家请教,欢迎给我们来信,或者发送邮件至healthykids@126.com,我们将收集的问题有选择地发给专家,并刊发在杂志上。耳后有肿块需要手术吗?Q我家宝宝2岁多,他右边耳朵后面有个一肿包,直径1.5厘米左右,外表皮肤颜色正常,不按不疼,手摸着感觉会移动。有的医生说是淋巴结肿大,有的医生说要做手术。请问这个肿包是什么?需要手术治疗吗?  相似文献   

眼睛里透明的小水泡是什么? 在宝宝2个多周时,我们突然发现他眼睛的眼自处有一个透明的小水泡。带他去医院检查,医生说只要它不长大就没什么事,平时注意眼睛的卫生就可以了,如果小水泡变大再做手术。现在宝宝已经5个多用了,小水泡倒是没有了,但宝宝却老揉那只眼睛,特别是在他要睡觉的时候。  相似文献   

目的:探究社区健康教育在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)患者治疗中的应用。方法:随机选取112例腰椎间盘突出症患者,均分为对照组与观察组,对照组门诊治疗时、住院治疗给予常规健康教育,观察组在对照组基础治疗上,出院后继续给予社区健康教育。观察并比较两组患者疗效、掌握健康知识测评得分、JOA得分、随访后健康教育结果。结果:观察组总有效率100%显著高于对照组83.93%,χ2=9.061,P=0.000;观察组基本治愈36例(64.29%)显著高于对照组28例(50.00%),观察组无效0例(0.00%)显著低于对照组9例(16.07%),P<0.05;观察组健康知识测评得分(8土1.27)分显著高于对照组(4±1.10)分,P<0.05;健康教育后,观察组JOA得分(22.54±3.57)分显著高于对照组(18.54±2.68)分,P<0.01;健康教育满意度观察组54例(96.43%)、复发率3例(5.37%)显著优于对照组,P<0.01;结论:社区健康教育应用于防治LDH,防治效果显著,复发率低,安全性高,具有较高的应用价值,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:了解医学生卫生健康行为意识及症状情况。方法:对广东省内5所高等医药院校622名五年制医学生卫生健康行为意识及相关症状进行问卷调查。结果:医学生在上述19个项目意识上认为是不良习惯的比例在30.93%-99.96%之间,但是在行为上没有不良习惯的比例在3.68%-40.76%之间;相关不良习惯引起一系列不良症状。结论:作为广大患者将来健康守护神的医学生,承担着健康教育的责任,他们的卫生健康意识和行为有待进一步提高,这也是医学院校需要重视的课题。  相似文献   

通过调查学生对健康知识和保健工作的认知状况,以及学生存在的不良生活方式和行为习惯,了解健康教育和保健工作开展的现状,为进一步探讨健康教育与保健工作开展的思路与措施奠定基础,积极推进健康教育和保健工作的发展.  相似文献   

<正>我们在高考复习中将分散在三本教材中与健康有关的内容,列举、绘成了网络,并新编了一些关于人体健康的原创练习,供同学们参考。一、与健康有关的知识网络图  相似文献   

Conclusion The findings show that Thai schoolchildren interpret the causes of health and sickness using their cultural knowledge and commonsense knowledge as well as school knowledge learned in the classroom. The cultural and commonsense knowledge are remarkedly different from what they are taught. More importantly, when the children employ school knowledge, the explanations are still very much commonsense interpretations. What do these findings imply then? They suggest that despite lengthy training in the classroom, the influence of the culture in which the children are growing up and their everyday experiences play an important role in their learning process. The basis of their understanding of the causes of health and sickness still seems to be in cultural and commonsense knowledge.  相似文献   

This article reviews the practice of special consideration for students who have been unable to complete examinations or assignments due to temporary incapacity such as illness or bereavement. A literature review revealed no meaningful academic discussion on the place of such special consideration in higher education. A broad overview of the international situation is presented and the courses of action used in various institutions are identified. While it is a widely accepted practice that some form of special consideration is offered to students, there is no generally argued justification for it. The key argument offered in this article is that special consideration can be offered while still being fair and while maintaining academic rigour. The broad social values that can be used to justify special academic consideration are presented, as are the general conditions which must exist for special consideration to be justified and verified. The paper closes with a brief review of potential further research in this area.  相似文献   

After feeding in the presence of a cagemate (Group S, n = 16), food-deprived starlings were intubated with the toxicant methiocarb (Group E, n = 8) or its nontoxic carrier, propylene glycol (Group C, n = 8). During the 4 days after intubation, the birds in Groups E and C were presented on 2 days with the Group S bird that was present during gavage (S+ bird) and on the other 2 days with another Group S bird (S? bird). Group E (but not Group C) birds were more agonistic toward S+ birds than S? birds, fed less in their presence, and were less likely to enter and perch in the same cage quadrant with them. A second experiment suggested that such differential behavior was probably not the result of behaviors exhibited by the S+ birds. Few calls were recorded in either experiment. Although acoustic signals might have been involved, we suggest that the starlings might have used visual cues to recognize individual conspecifics that were present during aversion learning.  相似文献   

杨潇  冯韶文 《高中生》2011,(7):32-33
考点解读《2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(数学)》中明确指出:能综合应用所学数学知识、思想和方法解决问题.包括解决在相关学科、生产、生活中简单的数学问题:能理解对问题陈述的材料,并对所提供的信息资料进行归纳、  相似文献   

探讨了当代大学生健康人格培养的必要性和重要性,并就大学生健康人格培养的途径、方法提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济尚处于恢复转型期,在此状况下,如何确保我国高等院校的社会主义办学方向,培育出具有国家责任感的社会责任感的大学生,为高等学校尤其是高校思想政治工作,提出了一个值得研究的课题。  相似文献   

In this column, the author reprises recent selections from the Lamaze International research blog, Science & Sensibility. Each selection discusses the mismatch between data commonly collected at the time of birth and the data needed to measure optimal care for physiologic birth. Selections include the importance of documenting duration of skin-to-skin contact after birth, the role of qualitative research in improving care in the second stage of labor, and pitfalls of meta-analyzing data on the safety of planned home birth.  相似文献   

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