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探讨和研究抗日战争时期,金华作为国民政府军事委员会下令设立的五个“文化驿站”之一,担负着“输送运递宣传书报”的重要任务,在巩固发展统一战线,宣传抗日、团结御侮和唤起民众中起到独特的作用。当时,大批沦陷区的进步青年学生、知识分子和由共产党派遣的文化工作者,先后汇集于此。一时间,地处浙江省中南部的金华,报纸刊物林立,文化十分繁盛;众多报纸刊物的出版和图书的广泛发行,其影响力巨大,辐射周边省、市、县的广大区域,甚至远及西南大后方,成为抗战时期全国卓有影响的文化中心之一。在中国现代文化史上留下辉煌的一页。  相似文献   

侯震 《兰台世界》2020,(3):125-127
东北反日联合军第五军是中国共产党在吉东领导组建的抗日武装。中共吉东党组织以反日同盟军为基础,联合并团结吉东地区义勇军,结合吉东地区各抗日武装的形势,成立反日联合军第五军。面对穷凶极恶的日伪"讨伐",东北反日联合军第五军采取机动灵活的战术,固守绥宁根据地的同时,派出两支部队分进合击,扩大抗日游击根据地的同时,壮大了东北反日联合军第五军的实力。  相似文献   

This paper adopts the academic tool of discourse analysis to examine the ‘new visual turn’ of the Communist Party of China’s propaganda work since the 18th CPC National Congress when Xi Jinping was inaugurated as the leader of Chinese Communists. A thorough review of the new visual means the Party uses for photojournalism, TV news, animated cartoons and online promotional videos points to three developments markedly different from traditional discursive strategies: a full embrace of Confucian ethics, articulation of the Internet-based popular culture and subcultures, and an effort to fortify Xi’s personal authority as a political idol. The paper concludes that the ‘new visual turn’ of CPC propaganda after the 18th Party Congress suggests that the Communist discourse has evolved to a new stage where sophisticated manipulation of sleek technological tools substantiates a rigorous, dynamic CPC discursive system more at ease with itself and more powerful than ever in shaping the mainstream political culture in China.  相似文献   

Cindy Elmore 《Media History》2013,19(3):301-317
Stars and Stripes is a unique newspaper with a distinctive mission, ownership and journalistic staff unlike any in the USA. Despite its parentage in the US Department of Defense, directives give the newspaper editorial independence. Still, military commanders and Pentagon overseers have challenged and interfered with those rights since the newspaper's First World War beginnings in Europe. This study examines the published accounts of that struggle, finding that despite the newspaper's journalistic successes, the military has periodically engaged in control and interference, particularly because of the newspaper's logistical dependence upon the Department of Defense. Stars and Stripes' achievements have largely been dependent upon having the support of various military commanders in charge of US overseas military forces, having military editors or publishers who were resolute against military intrusion, or having the involvement of Congressional oversight committees and other news media willing to expose military news management at the newspaper.  相似文献   

This study concerns an American-operated clandestine short-wave radio station that broadcast as both a strategic and tactical station during the Battle of the Bulge in Germany. Operation Annie's strategic mission was to generate distrust for the Nazi leadership among troops and increase their reliance on news reports emanating from the station. Her tactical mission was to then use her reputation for truthfulness to lure listeners into a military ambush known today as the Saar Pocket, thus facilitating the capture of the Rhineland. This research reviews the development of Operation Annie and its missions and evaluates the station's success as a model of effective wartime propaganda.  相似文献   

围绕建党90周年历史主题,我省结合档案事业发展实际,全方位、多视角宣传全省档案工作,此举不仅赢得了社会各界良好反响和广泛赞誉,而且有力提升了档案部门自身形象和档案工作的社会影响力。  相似文献   

This article examines government propaganda posters of World War II as vehicles of communication from the perspectives of social psychology, us versus them propaganda techniques, and twentieth century theories of semiotics. This article also discusses the symbols used in these posters from the perspective of art as a social utility and Robert Cialdini's tendencies of human behavior. The article concludes with an examination of propaganda posters in light of narratology and the critical theories of semiotics, in particular, the writings and theories of Roland Barthes.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the war correspondents traveling in the Balkans during the period of the Balkan Wars (1912–1913) to cover military campaigns. It tries to explore the paths of information, the mechanisms of propaganda and the restrictions used by the Balkan states to control the content of the news transmitted. The Balkan Wars were among the first military events covered so extensively by newspapers all around the world. In the battle-fields the principles of the new field of journalism were highly tested. The lessons learnt in the Balkans during the Balkan Wars proved to be productive and useful for the improvement of the relationship between war correspondents and military authorities.  相似文献   

The U.S. Government's role as overseer of the World War II airwaves was significant, given the government's task of establishing a supervisory mechanism for the radio industry that would serve the need of national security and, at the same time, minimize the need for bureaucratic intrusion into program decision making. A mechanism also was needed to police the domestic airwaves for unlicensed intruders and to monitor the international airwaves for enemy propaganda. To accomplish these tasks, the government enlisted the services of three agencies: the Federal Communications Commission, the Defense Communications Board, and the Office of Censorship. This paper examines the structure, operation, and contribution of each.  相似文献   

This study analyzed images posted to Twitter by the Israel Defense Forces and Hamas' Alqassam Brigades during the November 2012 Gaza conflict to understand aspects of visual propaganda in the age of social media and online social networking. Content analysis was conducted to identify themes and frames prominently appearing in a total of 243 Twitter images posted by the two sides during a two-month period. Resistance and unity were the most prominent themes in the images posted by Israel and causalities of civilians and resistance were most prominent in Hamas-posted images. The majority of the Israeli images featured the analytical propaganda frame whereas the emotional propaganda frame was dominant in Hamas images.  相似文献   

In this article we explore the use of the #SaveDonbassPeople hashtag in the context of an online protest campaign against the military operation in Eastern Ukraine. The campaign was initiated by anti-government activists, but soon became contested by supporters of the Ukrainian government, turning Twitter into an online battleground. Our findings suggest that in the course of the campaign, Twitter was predominantly used as a propaganda outlet to broadcast opposing views on the ongoing conflict.  相似文献   

Lewis Young 《Media History》2016,22(1):123-134
On 1 January 1930 the Communist Party of Great Britain's (CPGB) new daily newspaper, the Daily Worker, was published for the first time. It was heralded by the CPGB as a maturing of the British Communist movement, and an opportunity for the Party to spread its message to a much wider audience than previous weekly newspapers would allow. With leading Party members in control of the paper, the Daily Worker was very much a Party newspaper; however, the CPGB wanted it to be much more than an internal bulletin. This paper examines the attempts by the CPGB to create a newspaper that spoke both for and with the voice of the working-classes, whilst also spreading the Party's message. It will ultimately conclude that the CPGB's depiction of it as a paper ‘by the working-classes, for the working-classes’ reflected the Party's efforts at locating its own place within the working-class movement.  相似文献   

檄文最早源自战国,发展到汉代已成为一种日常行政事务性质的普通官文书,并因此奠定了后来军事信息传播的体式基础。  相似文献   

Propaganda has been perceived as ‘poison’ in the field of communication study. Xuanchuan, propaganda’s counterpart in China with a master metaphor of ‘seeder,’ however, has different histories and traditions that do not fit into the ideology-charged theoretical framework. Drawing upon Chinese thought and scholarship on xuanchuan/propaganda, the author demonstrates a deep conceptual and perceptual gap, rooted in culture, between propaganda and xuanchuan. Revelation of the gap is of paramount importance for studying China’s propaganda, both theoretically and empirically.  相似文献   

Joseph Gibbs 《Media History》2013,19(2):205-221
The Berlin newspaper Der Panzerbär, which functioned briefly in April 1945, is of historical interest to the study of propaganda, and that of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) in particular. The newspaper's contents reveal the NSDAP propaganda machine functioning in circumstances of immediate violence and utter irrationality. The involvement of NSDAP propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels in the newspaper is documented, although it appears to have been peripheral. Its contents, which are consistent with what has been written about Goebbels’ late-war approaches, reveal the last stand of NSDAP propaganda mythology, as well as efforts to link the NSDAP cause to that of European civilization – all underscored by threats from both internal and external sources.  相似文献   


This study examines information about the display of early Soviet visual anti-religious propaganda in the past in order to conceptualize its re-presentation in the digital future. Based on recent research conducted in the Hoover Institution Library and Archive and other American and Russian collections, it considers printed visual images of the 1920s–1930s, including posters. It also investigates the theory and practices that guided their display detailed in the specialized literature and disseminated in the anti-religious periodicals Bezbozhnik and Bezbozhnik u stanka. These materials make it possible to recover the structures and contents of historic propaganda displays and to replicate and re-exhibit them virtually with digital technologies.  相似文献   

This is a study of US-based print media coverage of the indigenous-led uprising in Ecuador which occurred in January 2000. As a result of having mobilized tens of thousands of Ecuadorans, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador managed to peacefully force the resignation of a President who had presided over one of the worst recessions in Ecuador's modern history. Nevertheless, most US news dailies covered the affair as if it was purely a military coup and a threat to democracy, in spite of the existence of hundreds of citizen-led, participatory governing councils (called the “People's Parliament,” by Ecuadorans). Previous scholarship on media performance in relation to US foreign policy has proven in a variety of cases to serve as a useful analytical tool and predictive device. This article evaluates the extent that the propaganda model by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, as well as the indexing model by W. Lance Bennett, are instructive in the case of the news media performance of US which covered the uprising in Ecuador.  相似文献   

据最新史料表明:1917年5月6日,天津《大公报》最早报道了“黎里尼”(列宁),并于5月17日首次使用了“列宁”译名;1919年11月18日,《晨报》首先采用了“列宁主义”一词。十月革命前,中国人在关注俄国革命过程中“初识”列宁,为列宁主义在华初步传播奠定了舆论基础。十月革命后中国对列宁主义的介绍逐渐增多,态度也由负转正;其中,苏俄第一次对华宣言是其转折点。1920年4月,共产国际代表来华后,传播和实践并行,将马克思主义、列宁主义宣传与中国革命相结合,帮助先进中国人创建了中国共产党。中国共产党在共产国际的推动下,积极实践列宁党报思想,催生了中国无产阶级新闻事业,促进了中国共产党新闻事业兴起。  相似文献   

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