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WHO Clarifies Smallpox[[医]天花] RecommendationThe World Health Organization is considering allowing a genetic modification of the deadly smallpox virus to be made for research purposes. A WHO spokesman says that though a decision has been made, the controversial policy still needs to pass through a review process.  相似文献   

The bird flu(流感) virus is only two mutations(变种) away from a form that can spread easily among people, a UN official said in an interview published in Portugal on February 11, 2006. "Only two mutations are needed for it to become easily transmissible among humans," thus sparking a pandemic in which millions of people could die, David Nabarro, the world body's coordinator on avian  相似文献   

陈睿 《今日中学生》2013,(29):27-28
Grandparents Day Grandparents Day was celebrated on 9th September in the US and in October in the UK in 2012.Grandparents are important to children in so many ways.They have patience and time when parents are busy.They have stories to tell and interesting games to play.Children need them from time to time.In America,National Grandparents Day began in 1978.In the UK  相似文献   

英国前总统克林顿做完心脏搭桥术后返回位于纽约郊区的家中进行休养。医生嘱咐其服用降低胆固醇的药物,并建议其进行低盐、低脂肪饮食。医生说在其康复后,有望恢复正常活动。  相似文献   

news 1Britney Spears is getting married again. Spears willwalk down the aisle for the second time to wed herboyfriend of two months, dancer Kevin Federline.Spears is becoming better known for her life off-stage(私人生活的,舞台下的)rather than her music.小甜甜再传婚讯。  相似文献   

news1Dan Flavin's Fantastic LightsThe late artist used fluorescent tubes and color to create brilliant sculptures, transforming ordinary, everyday objects into dazzling and moving displays of imagination 艺术家应用荧光灯和色彩创造一副副美妙绝伦的映像塑雕。  相似文献   

news 1 Wiggle While You Work: Fidgeting May Fight Fat Overweight "couch potatoes" bum fewer calories a day because they sit more than their naturally lean counterparts, who tend to be more fidgety and restless, a new study shows. The findings suggest small changes in daily activity could have a major impact on weight loss. 多活动有助于减肥  相似文献   

news 1Study: Acupuncture Can Ease Osteoarthritis PainNew research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows acupuncture can dramatically decrease pain among patients suffering from osteoarthritis. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which can affect people of any age and is thought to be an autoimmune disease, osteoarthritis is primarily a degenerative disease suffered by older individuals.研究表明针灸可减轻骨关节炎病人的疼痛  相似文献   

news 1Hippie DictionaryAre you feeling screwed, blued and tattooed because the man slipped it to you? Like, stay loose, hit the pad and share a thumb with your pash. Huh?If that made no sense to you, check out "The Hippie Dictionary" by John McCleary who spent eight years writing and compiling the 700-page tome. Using the new book to translate, readers come up with the more conventional: Are you feeling mistreated by the authorities? Relax, go home to bed and share a very large marijuana cigarette with your significant other.  相似文献   

news 1A San Francisco Bookshop Shows Its ColorsAdobe Bookshop in San Francisco has an unusual organizational method, at least for the next few weeks. The store's 20,000 used books have been rearranged and grouped according to the colors of the rainbow.旧金山一书店按彩虹的色彩排放20,000册二手图书  相似文献   

After months of arduous (艰苦的) negotiations, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly(压倒性地) on a March 15 resolution to set up a new Human Rights Council to replace the much-criticized Human Rights Commission. By the terms of the resolution, the membership of the new council would be based on equitable geographic distribution, and the 47 seats will be distributed among regional groups with 13 from Africa, 13 from Asia, 6 from Eastern Europe, 8 from Latin America and the Caribbean, and 7 from Western Europe and other countries.  相似文献   

英大学提高中国学生奖学金为了方便中国留学生,英国使馆文化处领事正在跟英国各大学磋商,建议他们设立更多的奖学金项目。使中国的留学生在不久的将来,能够获得更多的奖学金,使奖学金的申请更加容易。今年开始,英国将首次在中国设立博士生奖学金。另外,苏格兰国际奖学金也将在中国设立9个名额。《星岛日报》美名牌大学亚裔人口多美国的亚裔人口只占全国人口的4%,但在美国大学,特别是名牌大学中的亚裔学生比例却远远高于在人口中的比例。在美国人口最多的加州,公立大学中亚裔学生的比例遥遥领先于其他族裔,高居榜首。而加州高等教育界人士23…  相似文献   

塔克博士决定到广袤无垠的非洲大陆去畅游一番。这可是千载难逢的大好机会,相信同学们一定不会放弃这个机会,肯定会跟他一起去的,对吧?不过塔  相似文献   

亲爱的读者,我们已经介绍讨塔克博士如何游历亚、非、欧、美这些大洲的,现在,塔克博士还想去地球的南北极游览一下,他说,如果不去地球的南北极看一看,就不能称为是"环球游记"啦!所以他决心再忙也要抽空去一趟。不过两极地区的人文地貌无法与其他大洲相比,于是塔克博士只能把包括西伯利亚、阿拉斯加在内的地区也匆匆走马观花游览一下了。  相似文献   

塔克博士精力充沛,在去过欧洲与非洲后,他又对地处南半球的澳大利亚跃跃欲试了。反正无论是时间或空间都不能挡得住他  相似文献   

’98上海远距离开放教育国际研讨会于今年4月15日至17日在上海电视大学召开。本次会议云集国内外百余名专家学者,并收到论文近百篇,其中相当部分具有较高学术价值。为让广大读者了解这次会议,本刊除刊登部分中文文稿全文外,还将在本栏陆续刊登与会专家学者的部分英文文稿摘要。读者若对英文文摘稿产生兴趣并欲了解原文,可来函与编辑部联系。  相似文献   

TheNecessityandCertaintyofDevelopingDistanceEducationbyZhangDeming  OnJanuary 2 4thof2 0 0 0 ,ShanghaiDistanceEducationBlocwasfounded,asaneces sityofthefurtheringofShanghaieducationalreformandthedevelopmentofeducationindus tryforthepurposeofservingeconomicco…  相似文献   

ContinuingEducationinaGlobalizedandKnowledge -basedEconomyWangYibin  Inthenewsocialparadigmofglobalizationandknowledge basedeconomy ,theguidelinewillbeglobalskills ,internationalunderstanding ,newtechnology ,information ,knowledgeandwisdom .Thisnecessitates…  相似文献   

STVU ,AModelinAsiainits 50 ?WangYibin  STVUbecameamodelofopenuniversityinChinain 4 0years,IpersonallywouldliketoraiseandproposeavisionforSTVUtobeamodelofopenuniversityinAsiaatits 50s.Thisisnotimpossible .However,tomakethevisionareality ,requiresnewthinking,newm…  相似文献   

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on whichfathers are honored by their children. On the thirdSunday in June, fathers all across the United Statesare given presents, treated to dinner or otherwisemade to fe…  相似文献   

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