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Infant crying and maternal responsiveness   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  

Since it was introduced in 1972, the concept of rhetorical sensitivity has generated much interest among communication scholars. However, the theoretical assumptions underlying the concept remain unarticulated. This essay identifies the assumptions implicit in the concept of rhetorical sensitivity and examines how these assumptions extend traditional rhetorical thought in useful ways to interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

This study investigated dopamine receptor genes (DRD2 and DRD4) and maternal sensitivity as predictors of infant respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) and RSA reactivity, purported indices of vagal tone and vagal regulation, in a challenge task at 3, 6, and 12 months in 173 infant-mother dyads. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) revealed that at 3 and 6 months, RSA withdrawal in response to maternal separation was greater (suggesting expected physiological regulation) in infants without the DRD2 risk allele than those with the risk allele. At 12 months, infants with the risk allele who were also exposed to maternal sensitivity showed levels of RSA withdrawal comparable to infants who were not at genetic risk. Findings demonstrate the importance of developmental analysis of gene-environment interaction.  相似文献   

A differential susceptibility hypothesis proposes that children may differ in the degree to which parenting qualities affect aspects of child development. Infants with difficult temperaments may be more susceptible to the effects of parenting than infants with less difficult temperaments. Using latent change curve analyses to analyze data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care, the current study found that temperament moderated associations between maternal parenting styles during early childhood and children's first-grade academic competence, social skills, and relationships with teachers and peers. Relations between parenting and first-grade outcomes were stronger for difficult than for less difficult infants. Infants with difficult temperaments had better adjustment than less difficult infants when parenting quality was high and poorer adjustment when parenting quality was lower.  相似文献   

The reactions of 112 10-month-old male infants to the property of curvature were examined using a habituation paradigm with lever pressing as an instrumental response. 4 levels of curvature (straightt line, minimal curve, moderate curve, large curve) each served as a standard (habituation) stimulus and as a transformation stimulus in 9 separate experimental conditions. Results revealed a greater initial dishabituation of reinforced instrumental responding in those conditions crossing the curved/straight boundary; furthermore, this initial dishabituation was sustained throughout the transformation phase of the experiment in those conditions which involved changes from straight to curved, but not curved to straight. Results are interpreted as implying a special attention-recruiting value for curvature in 10-month old infants.  相似文献   

从传统范式到现阶段范式,不同礼貌研究路径在两大争论焦点上持有不同立场:其一,礼貌研究的视角;其二,礼貌现象的解释层面。作为前沿研究成果之一,Long(2016)面向关系工作提出的社会认知路径尝试解决上述争论。该路径侧重交际中人际关系的探讨,对于礼貌研究两大争议的解决具有借鉴意义,但受自身研究背景的局限,未能对人际交往与社会认知过程提出完整的解释。因此,更为完善的人际交往社会认知路径还有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

托尔曼认知行为主义理论及其对幼儿学习的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
托尔曼是新行为主义的代表,在他的理论中,他以整体行为反对华生的分子行为,并在此基础上提出了中介变量,即注重有机体自身的内部状态。此外,他认为有机体的学习是形成“认知地图”的过程,从而提出了三个概念:期待、位置学习、潜伏学习。托尔曼的认知行为主义理论对幼儿的学习有重要启示,即要注重幼儿学习的整体性、中介性,明确幼儿具有主动学习的愿望.注重幼儿学习中的不随意性。  相似文献   

Drawing from a domain specificity perspective, we assert that maternal sensitivity to infant distress cues is distinct from maternal sensitivity to non-distress cues. We review evidence from prior research demonstrating that the two constructs have more unshared than shared variance and that sensitivity to infant distress is a unique predictor of infants' early emotional well-being when both types of sensitivity are examined as simultaneous predictors. In addition, we present new evidence to test the hypothesis that maternal sensitivity to infant distress and non-distress have different origins. We draw on data from a subset of mothers and infants who participated in Phase I of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care (Study 1) and from 101 mother-infant dyads who participated in a longitudinal study of the origins of maternal sensitivity (Study 2). In both studies, maternal sensitivity to distress and non-distress were rated when infants were 6 months old. In both studies, socio-demographic risk (i.e., young, unmarried, low income mothers) was a stronger predictor of sensitivity to non-distress than of sensitivity to distress. In Study 2, mothers' emotional and cognitive responses to videotapes of crying infants during the prenatal period predicted maternal sensitivity during tasks designed to elicit infant fear and frustration but were unrelated to maternal sensitivity in a non-arousing free play context. Maternal sensitivity during infancy can be further divided into specific sub-types that have unique origins and unique effects on subsequent child well-being. Methodological, theoretical, and applied implications of such an approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Infant visual and vocal responses to television.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To provide a first assessment of television influences on infants in the naturalistic setting of the home, visual and vocal behaviors of 72 infants 6 months of age were recorded during 4 days of exposure to various components of broadcast television programs: sound only, picture only, sound plus picture, or a control stimulus of unpatterned sound plus picture. Infants looked longer at the television set during the sound-plus-picture condition than during the picture-only condition, and they looked longer during both of these patterned picture conditions than during both of the other conditions that lacked a patterned picture. Also, infants vocalized more during the picture-only condition than during the sound-only condition. These findings demonstrate that infants attend to the naturalistic presentation of television stimulation and that they respond differentially to the visual and auditory components of television. The results are discussed in terms of the question of the long-term influence on infants' social responsiveness of substantial levels of exposure to the noncontingent, quasi-social stimulation provided by television.  相似文献   

良心是指在成人或社会化媒介控制的外部调节系统向儿童自我控制的内部系统转化的过程中,儿童形成遵守社会行为准则和抑制自私和破坏性冲动的内部调节机制。这种内部机制形成的标志就是即使在没有成人监督的情况下。儿童也能遵守规则和抑制行为。本文将从影响儿童良心的因素出发探讨促进儿童良心发展的有效措施。  相似文献   

Infant emotional and cortisol responses to goal blockage   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined the relation of infant emotional responses of anger and sadness to cortisol response in 2 goal blockage situations. One goal blockage with 4-month-old infants (N = 56) involved a contingency learning procedure where infants' learned response was no longer effective in reinstating an event. The other goal blockage with 6-month-old infants (N = 84) involved the still face procedure where infants' reactions to their mothers' lack of responsivity were not effective in reestablishing interaction. For both blockages, sadness was related to cortisol response, though anger was not--the greater the sadness, the higher the cortisol response. This differential relation is consistent with other evidence indicating the more positive role of anger as opposed to sadness in overcoming an obstacle.  相似文献   

Infant Sensitivity to Adult Eye Direction   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Adult eye direction was manipulated while adults interacted with 3–6-month-olds over closed-circuit television (Experiment 1) or in person (Experiment 2). Infants received 4 1-min interaction periods. For experimental groups, adult eye contact was maintained during Periods 1 and 3, and averted during Periods 2 and 4 (by viewing infants on a television monitor to maintain contingency). Control infants received eye contact during all periods. Experimental infants' smiling declined whenever adults looked away; their visual attention simply decreased across periods. Control infants showed little change in gaze or smiling across periods. The implications of these results for Baron-Cohen's model of infant theory of mind and Morton and Johnson's 2-process theory of infant face perception are discussed.  相似文献   

从社会心理学的角度浅谈大学生的人际交往   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何人都生活在社会群体中,必然会发生与他人交往关系。在社会心理学上,人际关系主要是指人与人间的心理关系,心理距离小相容性大,则人际关系融洽,反之,则心理上相互排斥,人际关系恶化。……  相似文献   

以小孔流量公式为依据,全面系统地分析了进油调速回路的调速过程,建立了临界通流面积的概念,分析了溢流阀的设定压力对临界通流面积及节流阀灵敏度的影响,并以图线的方式给出了其变化规律.  相似文献   

正确认识和理解早期阅读教育的内涵及价值,为幼儿早期阅读提供必要的环境支持和有效指导是幼儿早期阅读教育研究的一个重要课题.文章拟从分析早期阅读的内涵入手,全面阐述早期阅读对儿童发展的积极影响,并进一步探讨早期阅读教育的指导策略,以促进幼儿基本阅读能力的形成.  相似文献   

人际关系和谐是社会发展在人际关系方面的一种理想状态,是社会发展的目标之一.物质利益在人际关系中具有不可忽视的作用.物质利益关系是人际关系中的主要关系.促进人际关系和谐,首先需要均衡人们之间的物质利益关系,实现社会的物质利益公平正义;其次,要建立与相对均衡的利益分配格局相一致的、合理的社会成员构成结构;第三,要协调好人民内部之间的矛盾.另外,实现人际关系的和谐,还需要整个社会共同努力.  相似文献   

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