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"大学物理实验"是面向理工科学院学生开授的通识必修基础课,该课程要求学生在学习了大学物理的基本知识后,能够借助物理实验室提供的实验仪器,通过自己动手操作,完成相应的物理实验项目,加深对物理理论的理解和融会贯通,同时增强学生的实践能力,对学生后续的专业实验和实践起到承前启后的引导作用。大学物理实验教学改革是本科教学发展的需求,重视学生独立自主学习、开拓创新,以学生为中心进行教育教学。学校"大学物理实验"教学改革中融入了课程思政,加入了虚拟仿真实验,实现了线上线下混合式的教学模式,做到推陈出新、虚实结合。  相似文献   

以大学物理和大学物理实验为核心课程的物理类通识教育课程,是全国高校各理工科学生必修的重要基础课程,如何使物理类通识教育课程与思政理论课程形成协同效应,就成为急需深入研究的课题。实践业已表明,融入“思政教育”的物理类通识教育课程在厚植学生的爱国主义情怀、树立辩证唯物主义的世界观和方法论、培养学生的科学素养和实践能力等方面都发挥着不可替代的独特作用。  相似文献   

新工科创新型人才是适应并满足未来新兴产业和新经济需要的,具有更强实践能力、创新能力、国际竞争力的高素质、复合型人才。物理实验课和物理实验竞赛在新工科人才培养中发挥重要作用。优质的物理实验课程可以培养学生的创新能力和提高学生的实践技能,而物理实验竞赛不仅能够让优秀人才脱颖而出,而且也能让普通学生的创新和实践能力得到锻炼和提高。北京市物理实验竞赛的宗旨是创新、实践、合作,竞赛采用半开放的命题方式,可以充分发挥参赛者的创新思维及与工科专业结合。在大学物理实验课的基础上,把物理实验竞赛作为实践教学平台,更有利于新工科创新型人才的培养。  相似文献   

For many years the traditional engineering physics course was the pivotal subject in the engineering curriculum. It provided an adequate basis in macrophysics to support traditional engineering. The course is still offered, virtually unchanged for the past forty years except in minor details; the evolution of microphysics, structural chemistry, and physical metallurgy has made little impact upon this course. Engineering physics is now a sacred cow a dis-service course. This course has been cancelled at the University of Arizona and classical macrophysics is taught by the engineering departments in the various and usual subdivisions of mechanics, thermodynamics, electric and magnetic fields, and electric circuits. A new course, at the junior level, has been introduced by the Physics Department to cover Microphysics. It is offered under the title of "Structure of Matter" and covers electrons, atoms, chemical bonds, crystals, the energy band theory of crystals, and other topics from wave, statistical, and quantum mechanics. The course has been offered for three years. While it is under constant revision there is little doubt now that this represents a positive solution to a part of the problem posed to engineering educators by recent advances in contemporary science.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we propose an alternative, based on constructivism, to the conventional way of teaching basic physics courses at the university level. We call this approach ‘coherent teaching’ and the underlying philosophy of teaching science and engineering ‘need-based learning’. We have been applying this philosophy in practice in a basic physics course at the Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics of Helsinki University of Technology. Here we present the main ideas of the new approach and how we have implemented them, as well as discuss how coherent teaching has affected the students' opinions about the course and how it has changed the learning results.  相似文献   

In Victoria, students intending to become physics teachers must choose to study physics in the final two years of high school, and then for at least two years at tertiary level. For those who have not taken this route there has been little access to the study of physics at a tertiary level and to a career in physics teaching. The Graduate Diploma in Physics and Education at La Trobe University offers graduates who have not studied physics as part of their undergraduate degree an opportunity to train as physics teachers. Implementation of the diploma has entailed a re-examination of the content and teaching style of undergraduate physics. In this paper, the course structure as a whole will be outlined and the physics taught as part of the diploma described. The preliminary results of the on-going course evaluation will be presented. Specializations: Physics education, gender and science teaching. Specializations: Physics education.  相似文献   

知识经济时代需要大量创新型、复合型的高素质人才。通识教育是培养高素质人才的重要手段之一,而旨在培养创新性思维的物理学科是对大学生进行素质教育的最佳学科。因此,开设物理通识教育课程对培养学生健全的人格、构建学生合理的知识结构等都有着不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

在职业教育日渐发展的今天,基础课程——物理的地位略显尴尬,在物理课中实践情境教学应该会对激发学生的学习欲望,激活学生思维,提高学生实践和创新能力起到重要作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a teaching proposal used in an Introductory Physics course to civil engineering students from Porto's Engineering Institute/Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). The proposal was born from the need to change students’ perception and motivation for learning physics. It consists in the use of an integrator element, called the physics elevator project. This integrator element allows us to use, in a single project, all the content taught in the course and uses several active learning strategies. In this paper, we analyse this project as: (i) a clarifying element of the contents covered in the course; (ii) a promoter element of motivation and active participation in class and finally and (iii) a link between the contents covered in the course and the ‘real world’. The data were collected by a questionnaire and interviews to students. From the data collected, it seems that the integrator element improves students’ motivation towards physics and develops several skills that they consider to be important to their professional future. It also acts as a clarifying element and makes the connection between the physics that is taught and the ‘real world’.  相似文献   

工科物理是中国和美国大学工科学生的必修课,在培养学生的基本科学素养中起着重要的作用。文章详细介绍了美国俄亥俄州立大学工科物理教学的各个环节,并对中美工科物理的异同点进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   

葛艺 《成才之路》2021,(13):118-119
新一轮基础教育课程改革的不断深化与实施,对物理课堂提出了更高的标准。物理学科与日常实际生活具有十分紧密的关联,以核心素养为前提的物理教学,在提高学生学习能力、提升学生学科素养等方面具有十分显著的推进作用。文章从培养学生物理观念、引领学生用科学思维探索问题、培养学生科学态度与责任几个方面对以核心素养为导向的物理教学策略进行研究。  相似文献   

《操作系统》是网络工程专业一门重要的专业必修课程。为适应新工科建设需要,对《操作系统》课程教学环节进行改革。通过分析《操作系统》课程教学现状和存在的问题,提出基于工程实践能力培养的《操作系统》课程改革方案。首先,以工程教育理念为指引,确定课程教学目标和核心知识点;然后采用翻转课堂改革理论教学方式,制定进阶式实验项目更新实践环节;最后提出新的课程考核内容与方式。实践表明,该教学改革方案有效提高了学生的专业实践创新能力,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的介入,手工制图逐渐淡出图学舞台。但绘图理论作为画法几何与工程制图课程的核心内容为许多工科专业的课程奠定坚实的基础。在当前新工科建设及工程专业认证两大政策导向下,如何在有限的课时内改革制图课程,使之更能向培养新工科应用型人才方向迈进,是授课教师亟待思考的重要问题。  相似文献   

课程思政是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措。“土木工程材料”是土木类专业的一门专业教育课,水泥是该课程教学的核心内容,也是土木工程中的主要胶凝材料。针对课程的内容特点及水泥教学基本内容,挖掘水泥教学内容中的思政元素和育人资源,探讨水泥教学中思政元素的融入方法,将思想政治教育隐性地融入专业知识传授过程中,形成一系列水泥教学思想政治案例,承载了课程思政的育人功能。  相似文献   

试行开放实验室及考核办法初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以物理与电气工程系实验室的开放为例,阐述实验在物理教学中的地位和作用,探讨现行实验模式存在的弊端.  相似文献   

A course entitled ‘Science and Engineering Education: Interdisciplinary Aspects’ was designed to expose undergraduate students of science and engineering education to the attributes of interdisciplinary education which integrates science and engineering. The core of the course is an interdisciplinary lesson, which each student is supposed to teach his/her peers. Sixteen students at advanced stages of their studies attended the course. The research presented here used qualitative instruments to characterise students’ attitudes towards interdisciplinary learning and teaching of science and engineering. According to the findings, despite the significant challenge which characterises interdisciplinary teaching, a notable improvement was evident throughout the course in the percentage of students who expressed willingness to teach interdisciplinary classes in future.  相似文献   

物理是初中阶段的重要课程,也是学生对世界进行基本科学认知的引导课程.在学生系统学习了近两年的物理后,学校和教师应对学生进行物理核心素养评价和学业质量检测.在物理核心素质评价与学业质量检测中,只有从物理观念、科学探究、科学思维、科学态度与责任入手,才能让评价与检测全面、丰富和多元.  相似文献   

“大气污染控制工程”是环境工程专业主干课程之一。按照新形势下工程教育认证要求,“大气污染控制工程”从正向院校系统培养(教学内容—课程目标—毕业要求—培养目标)和逆向多元评价体系(考试考核审核—教学目标达成度—毕业要求达成度—毕业能力达成度)两个维度,清晰地梳理了教学内容、课程目标、毕业要求和培养目标四者之间的逻辑关系,从而自查自省并用于持续改进,切实提升课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

食品工程原理是食品科学与工程专业本科的主干课程,对学生整个专业学习及工程素质培养有着至关重要的作用。在地方院校应用型本科建设的大背景下,要在教学思维和方式上不断探索创新,把学生工程素质和能力培养作为培养核心,从而提高食品工程原理课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

詹姆斯·杜德斯达特(James Duderstadt)博士,密西根大学荣休校长兼科学与工程校级教授,国际知名的核工程专家和高等教育战略思想家,美国国家工程院院士,曾任美国国家科学委员会主席,1964年毕业于耶鲁大学电子工程专业,以优等生获学士学位,1967年毕业于加州理工学院,获工程科学与物理学博士学位,1968年起在密西根大学执教,先后担任过密西根大学工程学院院长和教务长,1988至1996年间任密西根大学校长。面对信息化和全球化合流的时代大背景,杜德斯达特在执掌密西根大学期间,就公立研究型大学的创新发展进行了卓越的实践探索和深刻的理论总结,在全球高等教育界产生了广泛影响,其知名的高等教育著作包括《21世纪的大学》、《超越十字路口:美国公立大学的未来》、《数字时代的高等教育:美国高等院校的技术议题与战略》、《舵手的视界:在变革时代领导美国大学》等。本刊记者有幸先后两次拜访杜德斯达特博士,得以一睹这位国际知名高等教育战略思想家的风采,在此把访谈内容整理出来以飨读者。全文根据录音整理,有删减。  相似文献   

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