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在美国许多城市的高校分布格局中 ,一种由众多高校群集而成的高校群落现象极为普遍。高校群落所在社区通常是高校与社会间发生直接互动的微观场景。因此 ,关注这种特殊的人文生态现象 ,并对它加以全面研究不仅会丰富我们对高等教育与社会间关系的理解 ,而且对于城市高校分布格局的规划会提供一些启示  相似文献   

略论高校文化安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校文化安全是国家文化安全中一项重要内容,关系到大学生的政治观念、民族文化、道德评价的培养,同时涉及到高校文化成果和高校文化传播的安全等诸多方面问题。本文提出高校文化安全问题,有利于高等教育部门从国家安全的角度出发,加强维护高校文化安全的意识,使代表我国先进文化的高等教育在众多的外来文化当中保持教育的独立性和安全性,在教育和防范两个方面保证我国高等教育的方向和质量。  相似文献   

美国高校在对大学生进行道德与公民教育方面,一直保持着优良的传统.但是上个世纪末以来,随着社会的变革与高等教育的飞速发展,高校中的公民教育受到前所未有的挑战,面临弱化的趋势,对此,美国的大学也进行了积极的应对.本文通过分析美国高校面临的挑战与应对措施,希望对加强我国大学生的公民教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

在西部大开发和高教大改革中,民族地区的高等学校遇到了前所未有的挑战和机遇,何去何从是人们探讨较多的话题。民族地区的高等专科学校是区域服务性很强的一类学校,是为民族地区培养一线基础性专业人才的摇篮,因此,根植于民族地区,服务于民族地区才是它根本宗旨,否则将失去它存在的意义。  相似文献   

高校校园文化在我国的社会主义文化中占据着重要地位,是促进社会文化发展进步的中坚力量。高职院校作为高等院校的重要组成部分,应该从自身特色出发,加强校园文化的建设,提升学生的职业素质,为社会培养具有良好素质的高技能人才。从职业特色在高职院校校园文化建设中的重要性出发,对高职院校在校园文化建设中如何凸显职业素质进行了设想。  相似文献   

The number of women attending institutions of higher education in Iran has been steadily increasing since 1989. Growing enrollment rates for women in colleges and universities have sparked wide social and political debates in that country. The basic question of why young Iranian women might even choose to pursue tertiary education, however, has not been adequately addressed in the critical literature. This study gives voice to young women who explain for themselves why they are interested in higher education. It reveals that college or university studies represent for female students many things: a sphere of hope, a refuge, and a place to experience limited freedom beyond restrictive family environments; an asset that can increase a woman’s value in the marriage market; a right that may make possible financial independence; and a vehicle that can earn respect for women. On the whole, the desire for higher education illuminates the challenges facing women in Muslim nations and the ways in which Muslim women are using this institution to change their social status.  相似文献   

新世纪高校道德教育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,我国高校的道德教育应当从教育创新的高度,研究新问题,开辟新思路。当前的高校道德教育面临着三大挑战:道德哲学向“生活世界”回归的大趋势将深刻地改变高校道德教育的旨趣,“新经济”在全球的迅猛发展必将极大地拓展高校道德教育的内容和方法,全球一体化进程的发展将对高校道德教育的民族特色提出更新更高的要求。 面对新的挑战,我国高校道德教育必须在教育内容、教育方法以及德育目标体系的建构上有所创新。  相似文献   

Like the spring wind causing ripples on the surface of a pool of water, in recent years the phenomenon of having various colleges and universities join together to promote and run educational enterprises, and the diverse types of experimentation in reform, such as having institutions of higher education being built in cooperation with one another, or the affairs of more than one institution being run and administered jointly by a common system—this latter phenomenon being one that has developed most rapidly in these last few years—has brought a new vitality and hope to the reform of the higher educational system. Therefore it has also captured the attention not only of educators but of all sectors of society. People anticipate that it will be from this very point that the establishment of a new higher educational system in our country will be launched.  相似文献   

潘百林 《柳州师专学报》2009,24(4):114-116,125
劳动关系是经济社会中生产关系最基本的组成部分。为了适应经济社会的发展和市场经济的要求,高校人事管理应转向协调劳动关系,用劳动法规调整高校劳动关系。高校人力资源管理要应对挑战,完善聘用制,建立和谐的劳动关系,促进高等教育发展。  相似文献   

Internationalisation of higher education in Malaysia is seen as a means for improving and empowering higher education so that the higher education institutions in the country can become comparable to the best in the world. While the government has spelt out the directions as well as some of the targets for internationalisation, higher education institutions in the country have been internationalising for different reasons and with different levels of priority and intensity. Public universities, especially the older ones, have been engaged in internationalisation as part of their academic growth and development. Concurrently, a variety of private institutions of higher learning has evolved since the opening up of private higher education from the 1980s. These include private universities that have been established by large corporations, smaller private colleges that have been elevated to the status of degree-conferring institutions as well as branch campuses of foreign universities. The objective of this paper is to examine the different concepts and challenges of internationalisation faced by the different types of higher education institutions in the country, using the case study approach. It was found that in each of these cases, the concept of internationalisation and the challenges faced are different, although funding is raised as a problem in three of the four cases. These different challenges imply that current policies may have to be fine-tuned in order to address the different needs of these institutions in their respective efforts to internationalise.  相似文献   

Education is today in question, both in its institutional forms and in its conceptual remit. The sense of a knowledge explosion and a world in rapid change challenges the curricula of schools, universities, vocational colleges. And the institutions seem to have to account for themselves in new ways, as if their purposes have subtly shifted. Outside formal institutions the possibilities of new technologies and new forms of communication are highly visible. Do we need education when we have information? What happens to education when it is all about learning? And what is the role of education research in any of this? In this 2011 Radford Lecture, Lyn Yates discusses challenges and transformations evident across the education spectrum today, and why, in the flux of new possibilities and new kinds of institutions, there is a need to talk again about the distinct purposes of education and education institutions.  相似文献   

在终身学习型社会的构建过程中,继续教育担负着举足轻重的作用;同时,普通院校的本科教育也会遇到各种各样的冲击,整个教育结构也面临调整的问题;本文从分析继续教育和普通高等院校的本科教育之间的关系入手,对正确处理两者之间的关系做了尝试。  相似文献   

声乐课是高师院校音乐教育专业一门重要的专业基础课。高师院校声乐教学一直套用艺术院校的教学模式 ,采用师生“一对一”的教学方法 ,使具有师范特色的班级课堂教学优势得不到充分发挥。因此 ,适当安排声乐集体课可以加强声乐基础理论教学和课堂演唱实践 ,对学生演唱心态的调整、情绪的调动也能起到促进作用  相似文献   

通过对高等学校在新一轮高等教育国际化的浪潮中主体作用的揭示,分析了现时代我国高校国际化的WTO背景及“后发优势”,对我国高校国际化的战略选择与范式提出了思考,以期对我国高等学校的国际化进程有所帮助。  相似文献   

Richard Florida's The rise of the creative class (2002) delivered a strong wake-up call to higher education institutions worldwide. By linking creativity to technological innovation and economic prosperity, Florida argued that universities and colleges should nurture creativity in their students. But for many years, the higher education enterprise has been criticised for dampening creativity rather than fostering it. This paper explores the subversive nature of creativity, the value of creative teaching and proposes a number of strategies higher education should consider if they hope to graduate the future leaders of twenty-first century society.  相似文献   

将现代教育技术应用到高等院校的教育中,促进高等教育发展,指导高等院校的自身建设。现代教育技术的创新发展不仅是实现教育进步的关键,也是实现社会更好发展的核心问题。就高校教育现状指出当前我国高校在教学中对现代技术应用的过程中存在的一些问题,并提出相应的解决措施,为以后的高校教育技术不断创新提出一些观点和建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

教育质量是高等院校的生命线,建立有效的教育质量管理体系,是提高高等院校教育质量的重要保障之一。在新的形势下,民族高等院校面临着诸多挑战,建立和完善富有特色的、切实有效的教育质量管理体系,是民族高等院校教育改革和发展的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

论奥林匹克精神对民族高等院校德育工作的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
怎样提高德育教育的有效性是民族高等院校面临的问题。奥林匹克运动作为一种极具文化价值、政治价值和经济价值的世界性运动,它所具有的普遍性原则、公平竞争原则、和平性原则等精神内涵具有巨大的感召力和教化力;奥林匹克精神不仅可以作为民族高等院校德育的有效载体,而且它所体现的爱国主义、拼搏、竞争的传统丰富了民族高等院校德育工作的内容,对民族高等院校的德育工作具有巨大的意义。  相似文献   

青年教师是高校普遍存在的问题,它不仅直接导致一些学科梯队后继乏人,影响教学质量的提高及教学工作的开展,还影响着我国高等教育能不于发展;高等教育投入的低水平,教师待遇偏低,高校内部改革滞后,缺乏竞争机制、专业思想教育弱化是导致青年教师流失的直接原因,加强教师的政治思想及职业道德教育,增加教育投入,改善办学条件,建立有效的竞争激励机制,创造有利于青年教师健康成长和优秀人才脱颖而出的良好环境,是稳定青年教师队伍的有效措施。  相似文献   

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