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从蒙古香蒲Typha davidiana,宽叶香蒲T.latifolia和长苞香蒲T.angustata花粉中     分别分离得到几个相同的黄酮类化合物。三个为甙元,五个为黄酮醇甙;用薄层层析分析了     五种香蒲花粉(包括上述三种)的黄酮类化合物,结果表明各种花粉黄酮成分基本一致。     从化学上把香蒲属和黑三棱属及可能相关的16个科作了比较,结果表明:香蒲属与露兜     树科相差很远;与帚灯草科,须叶藤科,谷精草科相似;与黑三棱属非常相似;因此建议把香蒲     属和黑三棱属同归于一科——香蒲科,成立香蒲目。该目可能与帚灯草目接近。这些结果与    近来的解剖学、孢粉学、血清学、胚胎学、和细胞学方面的研究结果是一致的。  相似文献   

通过研究,确定山奈酚-3,7-双葡萄糖甙和山奈酚为木贼科的特征性成分; 山奈酚-3- 双葡萄糖甙为木贼属的特征性成分; 槲皮素为问荆属的特征性成分。此外,还分离、鉴定了 山奈酚-3-双葡萄糖-7-葡萄糖甙、异槲皮甙和琥珀酸等化合物。其中,山奈酚-3-双葡萄糖和琥珀酸系首次从中药木贼中分得。  相似文献   

对芍药属牡丹组Paeonia L.sect.Moutan DC.(全部野生种)40个居群进行了基于形态学证据的系统学分析,试图建立组内种间的系统发育关系。利用PAUP (4.0)计算机程序分别构建了建立在25个形态学性状基础上的所有研究类群的距离树(UPGMA、NJ)和最大简约树(MP)。所得树的拓扑结构基本一致,差异只发生在距离树和简约树之间,在由形态和细胞学关系都很近的5个种(牡丹P.suffruticosa、矮牡丹P.jishanensis、卵叶牡丹P.qiui、紫斑牡丹P.rockii和凤丹P.o  相似文献   

对山西省南部矮牡丹3个居群连续两年的野外观察和实验研究表明,共有5种蜂和4种甲虫参 与矮牡丹的传粉。电镜观察和人工控制昆虫传粉试验证明,蜂类,特别是地蜂类是矮牡丹的主要传粉 者,而甲虫类只是一种不稳定的传粉者。矮牡丹花无蜜液,但可散发气味,主要以花粉吸引昆虫。矮牡 丹不存在无融合生殖,也没有自动自花结实现象,但同株异花能产生少量种子,具微弱的自交性。在花 少的居群中自然结实率与人工异交结实率近相等。矮牡丹的结实率低,平均只有近1/4的胚珠发育成种子。  相似文献   

芍药属的研究(1)——国产几个野生种核型的报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper 8 species with 15 populations of the genus Paeonia L. (if P. papaveracea and P. japonica are recognised as species) were collected from Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hebei provinces (see the Appendix for detail of the materials).  The micrographs of their somatic metaphase (also Mii in the case of P.veitchii) are shown in Plates 1-4, the karyo- type formulae, ranges of chromosome length and classification of karyotypes according to Steb- bins (1971) are shown in Table 5: the idiograms in Figs. 1-2, and the parameters of chromo- somes in Table 1-4.  The essential points are mentioned as follows:        (1)   Chromosomes of the various species in the section Modan have so far been examined and they are all diploid, the two species in the section Onaepia are also diploid, and thus tetraploids exist only in the section Paeonia.        (2)  Chromosomes in the genus Paeonia are relatively stable except for the differentiation of ploidy.  The karyotypes (Table 1-4) show no differences among different taxa in Sect. Modan and the same can also be said about the taxa in Sect. Paeonia (Table 1).  Not only are the karyotypes very similar, but also among the members within  either section have the same parameters of chromosomes, and, differences, if occur, are not statistically significant. Between the two sections, however, the situation is different. The arm ratios of the first pairs of chromosomes in Sect. Modan are 1.53, 1.52 and 1.48 (Table 1), but those in Sect. Paeonia are 1.12-1.28 (Table 2-4), 95% confidence limits are 1.46-1.60 for the section Modan and 1.07-1.28 (1.21-1.35 only for PB85078) for the section Paeonia, not overlapping, which indi- cates that the two sections have differentiated in respect of the first pairs of chromosomes.        (3)The population PB85024, which belongs to the P. obovata complex, has a karyotype of 2B (stebbins, 1971), which is a new one in the genus Paeonia. This karyotype is a stable one, for several individuals in the population are uniform in this respect, which shows that Steb- bins’ (1971) generalization that all the species in Paeonia have 2A does not hold true.        (4)  Three populations of P. obovata complex studied in this work from Sichuan and Shaanxi are all tetraploids, and one from Hebei is a diploid.  From the present work and the previcus reports, the materials from Japan and Korea, no matter whether flowers are pink or white, are diploids, those from Heilongjiang Province (with both pink and white flowers) (Liu Ming-yuan, personal communication) and from Heibei Province (with pink flowers) in China are also diploids, the one from Sakhalin (pink flowers) is tetraploid, those from Priamur of the Soviet Union are a tetraploid (with white flowers) and a diploid (with pink flowers), and those from Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) and western Sichuan (with both pink and white flowers) are all tetraploids.  As far as we have now known, ploidy in this parti- cular complex is correlated with the geographical distribution: diploids are found in the cen- tral part, tetraploids occur in the northern limits, and in the south  letraploids are the only cytotype.      (5)  The materials of P. mairei from western Sichuan and Shaanxi (the Qinling Range) are found all to be tetraploids, which shows that two cytotypes, diploid and tetraploid, exist in this  species,  but the geographical distribution pattern of these two cytotypes is to be revealed in the future investigation.  相似文献   

 根据存于欧洲一些大标本馆的大量标本的观察,分布于希腊爱琴海东部、土耳其南部、塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩、叙利亚、伊拉克北部的Paeonia mascula与欧洲中部至巴尔干半岛的均不相同,可确认为一个独立的亚种。绝大多数个体总有一些小叶全裂,因此小叶及裂片数为(9)12~18(23);小叶宽椭圆形至卵圆形,通常两面无毛或背面疏生柔毛。  相似文献   

为了探讨芍药属牡丹组Paeonia sect. Moutan的种间关系,对采自15个野生居群,代表牡丹组全部8个野生种的15份材料的GPAT 基因片段(外显子5和6之间2 kb的内含子)进行了PCR-RFLP分析,并对代表牡丹组全部8个野生种的9份材料进行了测序。 根据12个限制性内切酶的PCR-RFLP数据,使用Network 3.0计算机程序的RM (reduced-median)法建立了牡丹组种间亲缘关系网络树。同时根据8个种9份材料的GPAT基因片段序列,利用PAUP*4.0计算机程序建立了牡丹组GPAT基因的最大简约(MP)树和邻接(NJ)树。结果获得了具有很高自展值支持、分辨良好的牡丹组种间关系(GPAT基因)树。最重要的是,该基因树所显示的牡丹组种间关系与根据形态学证据提出的牡丹组的种间关系基本吻合,并得到其他研究证据的支持。根据这一结果,对牡丹组的种间关系进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   

研究了苏铁目泽米科Zamiaceae 2亚科的所有4族(Stevenson系统, 1992)共10种代表植物的羽片脉序及解剖学特征,结果显示泽米科羽片脉序为二歧分叉的平行脉,无中脉。小刺双子铁Dioon spinulosum、大头非洲铁Encephalartos friderici-guilielmii和摩尔大泽米Macrozamia moorei等的平行脉末端以不同的形式互相连接,而鳞木铁Lepidozamia peroffskyana、粗壮角果铁Ceratozamia mexicana var. robusta、竹叶角果铁C. hildae、佛州泽米Zamia floridana、柔叶泽米Z. debilis、鳞秕泽米Z. furfuracea和短尖泽米Z. muricata等的平行脉末端不连接而直达叶缘,其中鳞木铁、粗壮角果铁和竹叶角果铁的脉达叶缘后逐渐消失。羽片的横切面结构通常由表皮、下皮厚壁细胞和叶肉组成,表皮层包括上、下表皮各一层,叶肉可能同时分化出近上表面的栅栏组织和近下表面的栅栏组织,或仅有近上表面的栅栏组织分化,或无栅栏组织分化而完全为海绵组织。然而,泽米科没有典型的海绵组织和传输组织分化。小刺双子铁、大头非洲铁、鳞叶木铁和摩尔大泽米的羽片具有粘液道而无工字厚壁组织,在小刺双子铁中粘液道与维管束对生,在另3种中则与维管束轮生;但粗壮角果铁、竹叶角果铁、佛州泽米、柔叶泽米、鳞秕泽米和短尖泽米的羽片则具有工字厚壁组织而没有粘液道,其中粗壮角果铁和竹叶角果铁的羽片工字厚壁组织仅与上表皮相连,而佛州泽米、柔叶泽米、鳞秕泽米和短尖泽米的羽片工字厚壁组织与上、下表皮都相连。羽片脉序和解剖学特征支持Stevenson将泽米铁科分为两亚科的观点。  相似文献   

本文报道了安徽黄山和九华山产草芍药Paeonia obovata Maxim.的校型,两个居群植物的核型     均为k(2n)=2x=10=6m+2sm+2st, 未见随体。它们的最长和最短染色体的比值均为1.47;臂     比大于2的染色体的百分比均为0.2,属Stebbins的2A核型。这说明草芍药种内不同居群植物的染    色体数目和核型都是极其稳定的,而且和芍药属Paeonia内已报道的其它种的染色体数目一致。  相似文献   

刘千瑞  刘荣 《科教文汇》2021,(11):149-150
随着社会的不断发展,教育教学也要做出相应改变。线上教学作为当下重要的教学手段,对高中化学教学起到了非常重要的作用。该文分析了高中化学线上教学的现状,梳理了其中存在的问题,并运用生活化的教学理念探究线上教学的实践策略,以期为高中化学线上教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Ten milligram of pure gold foil was given by mouth for 16 days. Routine blood chemistry was done before and after gold therapy and repeated after 3 weeks of cessation of therapy. All the blood values were well within normal range and variations, except the enzymes—creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase, which decreased substantially on gold foil ingestion indicating possible inhibition of these blood enzymatic activity by gold.  相似文献   

"无机材料化学"是材料化学专业的专业基础课。针对课程特点与专业培养目标,在课程建设过程中,从教学内容、教学方法与手段等方面进行改革尝试,激发了学生的主动学习兴趣,培养了学生的创新思维能力,提升了教师的自身水平,有效提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

根据地方师范院校新时期创新人才培养模式,结合广西师范学院人才培养方案要求,文章对地方师范院校应用化学专业人才培养进行了初探,以"厚基础、宽口径、重能力"为指导原则,提出了应用化学专业创新人才培养方案设计的指导思想以及课程体系的构架。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区经济社会一体化初步研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本文分析了长江三角洲地区社会经济一体化的动力,指出一体化的条件日趋成熟,并分析了影响一体化的主要影响因素,进而提出长江三角洲地区实现社会经济一体化的模式及其战略对策。  相似文献   

孟靖华 《科教文汇》2011,(27):126-127
本文通过Fe^3+反应级数测定的实验.介绍大学化学实验教学方法的一种思路:在课前安排学生预习并思考一些问题,实验过程中以学生自己动手为主.教师适当加以引导.最后对每组的情况进行点评.此方法可调动学生的积极性,培养学生发现问题和分析解决问题的能力.激发学生曲创新音犋  相似文献   

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