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Change源于拉丁语中的cambire一词。Cambire在英语中是“toexchange(交换)”的意思,源于欧洲一个常见的词根“kamb”,意思是“tobend(弯曲)”。现代西班牙语和意大利语仍在分别使用“cambiar”和“cambiare”来表示变化的意思。  相似文献   

The Developmental Roots of Disaffection?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have shown that self‐esteem may play an important role in the onset of disaffection among secondary age pupils. It has been suggested that low‐achieving pupils deal with the threat posed to their self‐esteem by poor academic achievement by re‐organising their domain‐specific evaluations so that investment is increased in potentially more rewarding areas (in being part of a scholastic counter‐culture). In this vein, an exploratory study was conducted in which self‐esteem, mood/affect, and perceptions of social support were examined in 62 high and low achieving Year 7 (mean age: 11.8) pupils. We found differences between high‐ and low‐achieving pupils in a variety of constructs, including academic self‐esteem, mood/affect, and global self‐worth. Further, within‐group correlations revealed distinct differences between high and low achieving pupils, in the relationships between self‐esteem, mood/affect, and social support. The findings are discussed in relation to suggested psychosocial mechanisms in the onset of disaffection. In particular, differences between the findings of this and other studies involving older participants are examined, and Year 7 is tentatively suggested as a critical period of self‐esteem re‐organisation for low achievers.  相似文献   

Much of the mathematical reasoning employed in the typical introductory physics course can be traced to Pythagorean roots planted over two thousand years ago. Besides obvious examples involving the Pythagorean theorem, I draw attention to standard physics problems and derivations which often unknowingly rely upon the Pythagoreans’ work on proportion, music, geometry, harmony, the golden ratio, and cosmology. Examples are drawn from mechanics, electricity, sound, optics, energy conservation and relativity. An awareness of the primary sources of the mathematical techniques employed in the physics classroom could especially benefit students and educators at schools which encourage integration of their various courses in history, science, philosophy, and the arts.  相似文献   

The success of doctoral student mentoring is largely dependent upon faculty members, but structural and institutional obstacles compound deficiencies in the performance of all participants. University leaders must emphasize the value of mentorship in stimulating positive learning conditions and stress the importance of recognizing faculty members engaged in teaching beyond the classroom. Without organizational attention to a quality mentoring program and rewards for mentoring efforts, some faculty members perform as trainers, illusionists, tricksters, and escapists, potentially turning academia into a doctoral circus. If the quality of doctoral mentoring in today's academia is to improve, systemic change is crucial.  相似文献   

人类政治的根脉,可以追溯到人类祖先尚处于动物世界的时代。灵长类动物祖先,过着一种竞争性的群居生活,形成了一种以支配—服从关系为核心的社会秩序。群体秩序之形成,是自然演化的结果,也是人类社会的自然法则。作为个体的生存诉求与作为群体的稳定秩序,构成了群居动物的必然生存境遇。支配—服从等级结构必然伴随权力斗争与权力更替。群居动物权力斗争的目的,在于取得支配权。支配权能够带来物质利益、优越感及性特权。权力野心,是一种政治本能。群体成员之所以会服从是因为恐惧、利益或忍辱负重。支配者必须获得群体成员的拥护和支持,必须掌握灵活的政治技艺,包括将人类视为"政治美德"的东西作为一种"政治策略",以便争取群体成员的最大支持并打击竞争对手。智人时代开启了"人类政治"的历史阶段。智人具备抽象思维能力与语言沟通能力,能够通过"虚构"故事来实现群体秩序的稳定。人类历史就是一场围绕着支配—服从的权力结构与社会秩序、依据各种虚构故事而展开的权力博弈。人类政治思想史,实则人类在各个历史阶段围绕政治问题而"层累地"虚构各种故事的历史。以支配—服从为核心的社会秩序是人类作为群居动物无可逃避的宿命。  相似文献   

Our schools and educators face a compelling responsibility to serve society by fostering the transformations needed to set us on a path to sustainable development in the 21st century. Education for Sustainability is a new paradigm, that is based on a life long learning process that leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem solving skills, scientific, technological, and social literacy, and a commitment to engage in responsible actions that will help ensure an environmentally sound and economically prosperous future for all. This paper and the following paper, from a soon to be published book, Education for a Sustainable Future: A Paradigm of Hope, edited by Keith A. Wheeler, focus on the need to have science imbedded at the core of the Education for Sustainability paradigm and the need to increase and enhance teacher education to better be able to create the necessary interdisciplinary thinking critical to transform learners for the next millennium.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

屈国胜 《安康学院学报》2003,15(2):10-12,18
基于可持续发展理论,结合我国可持续发展策略、安康环境资源状况及经济发展的制约因素,分析了经营绿色与安康可持续发展的内在联系,经营绿色是生态、经济和社会相统一的发展策略,实施经营绿色战略对传统增长方式的冲击可能会产生消极因素,化消极为积极的关键是推进增长方式的转变,加强生物资源开发可望成为推动经济增长方式转变的切入点。  相似文献   

The relation between education and sustainability cannot be an external, still less an instrumental one. Sustainability means humans, as individuals and societies, consciously trying to go with the grain of nature. Learning to understand the natural world and the human place in it can only be an active process through which our sense of what counts as going with the grain of nature is continuously constituted and recreated. This process cannot have its agenda set to subserve sustainability criteria which it actually makes meaningful. The policy discourse, parameters and indices of operational sustainability are heuristics, and the conditions for deploying them intelligently are at one and the same time the conditions for a genuinely learning and for a deeply sustainable society. This suggests, too, a basis for reclaiming education in general from the instrumentalising approaches that currently beset it.  相似文献   

2010年5月澳大利亚联邦政府颁布《可持续发展课程框架》,作为相关课程开发者和政策制定者的指导性文件。该框架依据可持续发展行动过程、生态和人类系统的知识、实践的指令系统三大结构对三个学龄段的可持续发展课程进行了描述,具有实践性、发展性、协调性和弹性强等特点。其对中国中小学更好地推进可持续发展教育有如下启示:依托特定课程实施可持续发展教育,建立可持续课程框架;凸显课程开发实践性特点,加强可持续发展行为产生机制研究;建构可持续发展课程内容体系,加强儿童可持续发展学习心理研究。  相似文献   

生存心态是实践活动的“强有力的生成机制”.学校教育角色化有其广泛而深刻的生存心态根源.教育行动者的生存心态是教育场域中导致学校教育角色化的直接生存心态根源,社会行动者的生存心态是导致学校教育角色化问题的深层社会生存心态根源,国家的生存心态与教育价值取向是导致学校教育角色化的终极生存心态根源.  相似文献   

Sustainability of educational change: The role of social geographies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper examines the conceptual and strategicrole of social geographies in contributing toor undermining sustainable school improvement.It develops a four-fold definition ofsustainability as involving improvement overtime, within available or achievable resourcesthat does not impact negatively on thesurrounding environment and that promotesecological diversity and capacity more widely.A conceptual framework of social geographies isdeveloped along with its implications forsustainability. This analysis is then appliedto a further framework of seven strategicgeographies of educational change whichdeliberately try to arrange, order or exploitspace in particular ways to secure schoolchange. These are market geographies, networkgeographies, virtual geographies, geographiesof scaling up, standardized geographies,differential geographies and geographies ofsocial movements. The paper concludes byreviewing the other contributions to the volumeon the theme of social geographies ofeducational change, and describes the SpencerFoundation funded conference from which theysprang.  相似文献   

对大学生面向基层就业若干问题的调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对广西高校大学生基层就业状况的调查显示,当前大学生能够准确把握就业形势,愿意选择到基层就业,但是目前也存在制约高校大学生面向基层就业的诸多因素,需要政府、人事劳动部门、用人单位、高校、毕业生等多方面共同努力,才能有效推动高校毕业生面向基层就业工作的开展.  相似文献   

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