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正1906年,越剧诞生在嵊县乡村,当初不过是乡民自娱自乐的小戏,而今却成为知名度唯一没有超过京剧的中国最大的地方戏。越剧从诞生之初起,就不固步自封,一直在求生存中求新求变,不断吸收中外文化的精华。如今,越剧已从一个乡村小戏种成为外国人眼中的中国歌剧。在世界舞台上,越剧有两种模样。第一种是传统模样。20世纪50年  相似文献   

由中国外文局和中国翻译协会主办的全国翻译工作座谈会暨中国翻译协会成立30周年纪念大会,于2012年12月6日在北京举行。座谈会的主题为"中国文化走出去战略与翻译工作"。没有翻译就没有现代中国这是一次里程碑式的会议。在此之前,中国的翻译工作主要是让世界的先进思想走进来,这些思想囊括了政治、经济、  相似文献   

于强 《文化交流》2008,(7):47-50
最近,上海教育电视台播放山口百惠主演的日本电视连续剧<血的锁链>,该片由瞿麦(又名朱实)翻译.瞿麦不但以翻译许多日本电影、电视连续剧著名,而且在与日本进行汉俳、俳句交流等方面有所建树,为中日友好的画锦彩绘了浓浓一笔.……  相似文献   

赵征 《文化交流》2007,(5):7-10
被誉为"西子百灵"的金永玲,是中国歌坛上的一棵花树,靓丽,馥郁,蓬勃《。祖国颂》百场巡演,使这棵花树繁花似锦,即将落下最后一场帷幕的歌剧《江姐》百场演出,更使这棵花树锦上添花。  相似文献   

《太平经》是我国道教的早期经典。关于《太平经》的作者问题,由于年代久远、资料匮乏,难以找到有力的证明材料,学界较少言及。对于《太平经》作者,历代典籍中虽较少明言,但并非全无线索。概而言之,有三种看法:一种认为是干吉和宫崇,一种认为是帛和,一种认为它“是一部集体编写的道书”。通过考证两个“帛和”与干吉的关系,可以肯定两“帛和”均不可能是《太平经》的作者。“集体编写”之说也不能成立。可以认为干吉就是《太平经》的真正作者。  相似文献   

《孝经》自战国中期成书以来,一直为传统社会所重视,行孝成为修德之大者。《孝经》展现出完整的德性思想体系,所言孝道形上形下两面兼说,使道德行为紧扣其形上根源而不失修德行善的动力。「最高理型」的「孝」表示纯粹的道德价值,这是一个文化体系的价值根源。「次级理型」的「孝」表现为道德价值的「方向」(信念),关联于具体的文化内容则为「敬」。「敬」体现孝道的基本特质,故「孝敬」连言。孝之事行虽异,但孝之理却相同;孝行发乎本心,纯粹不杂,则孝之理与孝之行一体无间。「孝」由一身开始,而及于家国天下,由至诚无私的「敬」心贯串其中,而后为孝道之大成。至于行孝可保富贵等思想,则反映了德福一致的人心大愿。  相似文献   

The binding media of the polychromy of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The “Terracotta Army” is a worldwide known archaeological finding in China. It is a part of the burial complex of the emperor Qin Shihuangdi (259–210 BC), which is still under excavation and study. The fact that the sculptures, chariots and weapons of the First Chinese Emperor's Terracotta Army were originally all painted in bright colours is still not widely known. The chemical characterisation of the paint medium was performed through an analytical procedure based on GC-MS. The proteinaceous binder was identified for the first time through a desalting procedure used in proteomics. The identification of egg as a paint binder is extremely interesting in terms of the historical significance of the work of art itself and important in terms of the method of conservation. Moreover it represents one of the first steps towards an understanding of the painting technique used on ancient sculptures in China, of which – despite their fame – nothing is yet known.  相似文献   

《中国好声音》是近期一档娱乐人民群众、影响广泛的节目,同时也是民间草根歌手展示才华的舞台。她的成功背后究竟有怎样的故事?我刊特组织本文以飨读者。似乎在一夜之间,从歌曲到故事、从节目到模式,都成为了热门话题。中秋之夜,全家人在一起观看"好声音巅峰之夜"一定会成为2012年中国人特别的记忆。《中国好声音》象征着精英阶层回归电视和大众审美趣味在电视中得到真正的尊重。定位准机会佳形式奇浙江卫视《中国好声音》定位为"大型励志音乐评论节目"。央视主持人白岩松评价道:"我觉得《中国好声音》正在  相似文献   

中国大陆的历史题材剧创作一向十分繁荣 ,尤其是二十世纪九十年代之后 ,出现了与传统历史剧在创作方法、创作内容等方面均不同的“新史剧” ,这类剧往往不是追求对以往历史的真实再现 ,而只把历史当作一个框架、一幅影象 ,对历史进行较多的虚构和假设 ,或者借以传达对历史人生的某种感悟 ;或者借以探讨一般历史发展规律、普遍人性等问题。作者往往具有一种深沉的历史忧患意识或称使命感 ,陈凯歌导演的《荆轲刺秦王》就是这样一部对历史充满个人解释和哲理思辨的电影。要言之 ,《荆轲刺秦王》的编导不想对秦始皇统一中国、荆轲刺秦王等重大事…  相似文献   

The technological shift of museums is extensively documented, even if research on the impact of technologies on cultural practices and social patterns at large is still lacking. As part of a research programme conducted by the Louvre and HEC Paris, the article proposes a conceptual analysis of ‘real’ (visiting the museum) and ‘virtual’ (visiting its website) experiences of museums. It contributes to the understanding of whether the two experiences are substitutes or complements using a newly created measurement scale. In addition, the article also aims at enriching the contemporary discussion on the artworks’ aura and the authenticity of the cultural experience in the digital age.  相似文献   

Robert Fox 《Minerva》2006,44(4):410-432
This paper offers personal reflections on the fashioning of the history of science in Europe. It presents the history of science as a discipline emerging in the twentieth century from an intellectual and political context of great complexity, and concludes with a plea for tolerance and pluralism in historiographical methods and approaches.Robert Fox held the chair of the history of science at Oxford University between 1988 and 2006. He has been active in a number of international organizations, including the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, of which he is a past president, and the European Society for the History of Science, whose founding president he became in 2004.  相似文献   

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