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一个朋友的母亲,是一个很优秀的知识女性,多年从事聚合物的研究,在专业方面很有成就.可是,在生活方面,这位女性非常不快乐,她对周围的一切充满敌意,她总是生活在"赌气"的情绪里.  相似文献   

当年曾以“扬眉剑出鞘”风靡世界的“天下第一剑”栾菊杰走了,在她身后,中国剑坛一派寂静。或许是栾菊杰过于辉煌,以至于在她之后的任何一位中国剑客,实在是难于表现自己。  相似文献   

范克平 《武当》2004,(2):64-65
这篇文章的主人公,在当今中国拥有三个第一。她是目前国内年龄最大,唯一健在的百岁红军女战士;她是当年中国工农红军第四方面军妇女独立团近万名女战士中的唯一幸存者;也是目前中国武术圈内女性年龄最大,资格最老的行家里手。——题记  相似文献   

除了皮划艇,费舍尔的生活里当然还有很多精彩之处,比如说集邮,她会连续三个小时来整理邮票,直到自己满意为止。训练之后,她会选择阅读书籍和聆听古典音乐来放松自己,或者带着孩子去郊外露营。看起来似乎最平淡的生活,却也是最幸福的。  相似文献   

张爱玲有着独特的女性意识,"即女人还原为真正的女人,回归其原来的生存状态",但她摆脱不了传统思想的桎梏,最终导致她们的悲剧性命运。文章从她这种女性意识着手,明确她对女性主题书写的特殊之处,即从女性的沉默匮乏出发,进一步运用女性丑怪身体揭示其焦虑压抑的心理的写作策略。通过揭示女性的丑怪身体和焦虑心理,从而反映生活在男权社会下的被压迫的女性,处于被排斥和自我否定的位置,但也存在着些许的反抗,最终表现了她对女性遭受贬压的一种抗衡,实现了她在现实生活中难以实现的反叛。  相似文献   

最近两年,契斯嘉科娃的照片和名字在苏联和国外的体育报刊及杂志上不时出现,她和民主德国的女跳远运动员道特(不久前以7.45米创造女子跳远世界纪录)被视为是当今最有可能突破7.50米的选手。契斯嘉科娃是上一届欧洲田径锦标赛跳远冠军,去年曾以7.25米创世界室内最高成绩。今年7月初,在莫斯科“友好运动会”上又以7.27米获得第一名。目前,她的最好成  相似文献   

刘爱玲——一个响亮的名字。 在外人看来,她是一位杰出的女性,她用脚下的足球书写着自己对事业的执着,她为祖国赢得了太多的荣誉;而在夫君眼中,刘爱玲只是一个平凡得不能再平凡的女人,她有妻子的贤惠,也有媳妇的孝顺,既会在集市中与小贩讨价还价,也会因女性天生的爱美之心,在梳妆台前轻描淡画,衬出一份女性固有的温柔。 描绘这样一位女性,似乎也只有她的夫君刘军才最有发言权。那么,我们不妨听听刘军说说他的——  相似文献   

在新一届国家女排中,来自浙江队的小姑娘罗瑜的背景很特别,她是一位自小生活在海岛上的渔家姑娘,这在历届国家队选手中还是凤毛麟角。她还是全队中参加排球训练时闻最短的选手,也是学历最低的"待业"青年。  相似文献   

吴梦 《收藏》2013,(16):83-85,82
"她的生活没有目的:她的心全用于生育或料理诸如食物、衣服和住所等只不过是一种手段的物上面。……主妇就是生活在这种实用性的层面上,她没有奢望自己并不仅仅是一个对家人有用的人。……也正是因为如此,她才采纳了亚里士多德的中庸至上,亦即平庸的道德观。人们怎么可以期望她表现得大胆、热情、无私和崇高呢?这些品质只有在自由人奋勇地穿过开放的未来、远远地超越了一切既定现实时才可以出现"。这是波伏娃在1949年写就的《第二性》中对大多数女性生存状态的描写。  相似文献   

钱多了以后怎么用,对女性来说永远是问题。关于如何消费这"富裕"的一部分钱,也已经不是一天两天的问题。越来越多的女性选择了健身,这是一种观念上的改变,不同于化妆品,也不同于服装首饰,更多的女性选择了让身体本身发生变化,而不再仅仅局限于外表的修饰。她们有自己的理由,有选择更健康生活方式的能力,她们自己可以看到这些变化,这些变化,也在影响着周围的人,这是一种用健身来传递健康的方式。  相似文献   

Maria Lenk is widely recognized as an exceptional athlete who participated in women's sport from around 1930 until 1950. In 1932, at the age of seventeen, she was the first woman to be included in a Latin American delegation to the Olympic Games. As a swimmer, she still sets world records at the age of eighty-six. This super-champion's sporting achievements and her persistent dedication to the advancement of sport still impress and surprise todays professional swimmers and researchers. Contextualised in the male-dominated society of Brazil during the first half of the twentieth century, this chapter traces the achievement, and rise to international fame, of Maria Lenk. It examines the factors that enabled her to emerge not only as an important figure in sport but also as an icon of female emancipation in Brazilian and Latin American society. The focus is on Lenk's influence on the issues which affected the development of women's sport in Latin America. It also highlights the significance of Lenk's contribution to the changing place of women in Brazilian and South American society.  相似文献   

Sir Galahad, alias Bertha Eckstein-Diener, was a famous Austrian author writing in the first half of the twentieth century. Her most important books include the novel The Conic Sections of God (Die Kegelschnitte Gottes [1921]), which contains much autobiographical material, and Mothers and Amazons (Mütter und Amazone [1932]), a cultural history of women focusing on matriarchies. Bertha Eckstein-Diener had an unusual life: the daughter of a well-to-do factory owner, she grew up in Vienna, married polymath Friedrich Eckstein against her father's will, divorced her husband after several years of marriage, survived a tragic love affair and travelled constantly. She was proud both of her slim figure and of her sporting achievements. As a young woman, she was one of Vienna's best figure skaters, an excellent horse rider and a mountaineer. She gave up skating for skiing, which became her main pastime in winter. She also learned ski jumping. The little information that is available about her skiing activities clearly demonstrates that this sport played a key role in her life. Besides perfectly keeping up with her self-image as a competent woman, skiing provided her with the opportunity of escaping normal life and experiencing freedom and adventure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine organizational treatment discrimination (i.e., when members of a group receive fewer rewards, opportunities, or resources than they legitimately deserve based on job-related criteria) in the context of women's athletics. Data were collected from 170 assistant coaches of women's teams (i.e., women's basketball, softball, track, volleyball, soccer, and tennis). Results indicate that women's perceived work experiences and outcomes were comparable, and sometimes better, than those of men. We present competing explanations for this finding. First, it is possible that these women were not subjected to treatment discrimination. Alternatively, it is possible that this demonstrates the existence of the "paradox of the contented working woman." Additional analyses indicate that work experiences explained a large portion of the variance in organizational commitment and turnover intentions, thereby demonstrating their importance in the workplace.  相似文献   

通过文献资料与逻辑分析等方法,对近10年有关女性体育研究的现状进行综述,分别从女性体育发展历程、女性体育与奥林匹克、媒介体育报道中的性别差异、女性体育锻炼与健身、女性体育消费、女性体育交叉学科研究等几个方面对2000年1月1日至2010年12月30日期间CNKI数据库收录的文章进行统计与研究分析。提出了未来我国女性体育研究中存在的问题和今后的研究建议。  相似文献   

雅典奥运会中国女排快攻战术分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
马金凤 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):115-117
对2004年雅典奥运会女子排球赛中国、俄罗斯、古巴等参赛队的最佳扣球手快攻战术和扣球手的扣球成功率进行比较分析.结果表明:中国女子排球队最佳扣球手的快攻战术扣球的成功率高于俄罗斯、古巴;"快速多变"的战术是中国女子排球队夺冠的重要因素.  相似文献   

通过跟队训练,运用计算机田径运动员训练负荷统计软件,采集了国家田径集训队优秀女子撑竿跳高运动员孙蕾2004年冬训期的训练负荷数据,共记录427个训练手段,从速度、力量、体操、专项辅助练习、专项技术5个方面统计分析其完成训练负荷情况,为我国高水平女子撑竿跳高的训练提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   

It is argued here that Margaret Stansfeld, as Principal of Bedford Physical Training College from 1903 to 1945, succeeded in developing a strong and distinctive 'female tradition' which was widely disseminated by her students. She was realistic in recognizing the strength of opposition from a male-dominated society to women's participation in sport and physical exercise, and steadily overcame it. She achieved this partly by insisting on acceptably 'ladylike' behaviour from her students in conventional social situations, and also by bringing the work of the college into the public arena, through displays of gymnastics, through the use of elementary schools for part of the student teaching experience, through the running of a physiotherapy clinic where treatment was given free of charge, and through the use of students in the outpatients ward of the local hospital. Stansfeld herself was PE organizer for Bedford from 1923. But she was not afraid to fight against prejudice which was demonstrably based on false premises, e.g. medical opposition to women taking part in strenuous physical exercise, or to insist on appropriate clothing for women, however indecorous some might have considered it. The college's long-term success resulted from a series of factors: its curriculum and ethos, the networking process it fostered, the quality of the teachers it produced, the strength of the Old Students' Association, Stansfeld's willingness to embrace new ideas, and the growing academic respectability of the subject. The pivot of the whole process was Stansfeld herself - autocratic, austere, but an inspirational teacher - feared and loved. Students who succeeded were empowered - 'She prepared us for LIFE!' The success of her Old Students was the most important feature, e.g. Phyllis Colson, originator and director of the Central Council of Physical Recreation. Hundreds of others, less well known, in schools all over Britain and abroad, gave their pupils pride in themselves, not only through the experience of games, gymnastics and dance, but through moral example - 'fair play' - and many brought the newest innovations into schools (e.g. Elizabeth Swallow was the first to introduce Laban into a maintained school in 1939). Stansfeld's indomitable spirit was always in evidence, even at the end of her life - she returned to the office of Principal in 1948 at age 88, three years before her own death, after the unexpected death of her successor. It was this strength of will and character above all else which empowered her students as women and as teachers, and which enabled them in their turn to empower their own pupils, and so to replace the myth that physical activities were damaging to women with the growing realization that sport and physical recreation are as beneficial to women as they are to men. Stansfeld was justifiably recognized in her time as a pioneer in the advancement of women's PE, e.g. by the McNair Report (1942), which argued that nothing comparable had been achieved for men. She was the last survivor of the originators of women's PE, and the most influential. It is ironic that the rise of feminism in the second half of the century coincided with the dissipation of the female tradition, epitomised by Stansfeld, as physical education for women, developed by women, in the first half of the century increasingly came to be controlled by men in the second half. It is perhaps the ultimate demonstration of the success of Stansfeld's work that, despite this, at the beginning of the twenty-first century women are free to participate in and enjoy sport and physical leisure in a way that would have seemed impossible at the beginning of the twentieth.  相似文献   

This chapter traces the way in which Nellie Kleinsmidt, known as the grandmother of karate in Africa, has negotiated discriminatory practices and overcome race and gender-related struggles, including the struggle to free the female body, in pursuit of empowerment. It explores her expectations and the constraints and frustrations she experienced, as well as the many contributions she has made to women's karate in South Africa. Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, which began in 1965, coincided with the early developments of South African karate. As a woman of colour her life and karate career were significantly shaped by apartheid legislation. It divided the country into areas of occupancy and residency according to race and was designed to prevent contact between the people of the government defined race groups. Black karate-kas were prohibited by law from practising karate in white designated areas. Lack of facilities and qualified instructors in areas allocated to Kleinsmidt's race group meant that she received very little formal karate instruction between 1966 and 1973. Soon after, she met Johan Roux, a white male. He was to become her chief karate instructor and life-long companion. They defied the apartheid legislation and in 1978 set up home together. They organized defiance campaigns, resisting the pressures from government to close their dojo because of its non-racial policies. Freeing her body at the broader political level involved the abolition of the race categories and all other apartheid legislation which impacted on her life choices and experiences. Initially this struggle and that of freeing her body occurred simultaneously. In her ongoing struggle against gender discrimination in the sport, it was in karate that Nellie Kleinsmidt could strive for the personal empowerment she sought. She could however not translate this into freedom in South African society itself. The impact of apartheid legislation together with the imposition of a sports moratorium by the South African Council on Sports (SACOS), hindered the growth of Nellie Kleinsmidt's karate career, yet she managed to obtain her sixth Dan Black Belt in 1998. This was a remarkable achievement given the constraints she had to overcome. In karate, Kleinsmidt was often viewed as a female first. The problem of female access is exacerbated by the overwhelming number of male instructors perpetuating the notion that the martial arts are inherently male sports. Accessing the various levels of karate has involved claiming physical and symbolic space on the dojo floor as well as involvement in the decision-making arenas of karate. In 1992 with the unification of karate in South Africa, Sensei Nellie began to extend her involvement with the refereeing arena and jointly established a Women's Karate Forum in her province. She has subsequently become a South African national referee and has earned the status of continental judge with the Union of African Karate Federation (UFAK). Nellie Kleinsmidt is the first and only woman of colour to have been appointed to the Referee's Board of South Africa and the only woman of colour in Africa to have obtained a sixth Dan Black belt.  相似文献   

Women’s participation in adventure tourism is growing, yet few studies have explored this group of tourists. This conceptual paper seeks to extend our understanding of female adventure tourists by examining the empowering journey women can take through constraint negotiation to enjoy the benefits of adventure tourism. Using content analysis to review the literature on women’s adventure experiences in tourism and recreation settings reveals prominent themes that have been consolidated to propose constraint, negotiation and benefit categories. A conceptual model is presented that illustrates the opportunities for women’s empowerment within these categories and examines the interrelationships and interdependency between them. The model shows that constraints, negotiations and benefits can be experienced simultaneously, at different points in a woman’s adventure tourism journey and used as a vehicle for empowerment. Women will also re-evaluate these categories before, during and after their adventure tourism experience. Therefore, the categories are not fixed and evolve each time a woman participates in adventure tourism throughout her life. Suggestions are made for further study in this under-researched area.  相似文献   

第14届世锦赛中国女篮投篮技术运用能力的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、观察统计法和比较研究等方法,对第14届女篮世锦赛45场比赛中投篮技术运用能力进行技术统计分析,结果表明中国女篮的罚球技术强于俄罗斯、澳大利亚,但2分球和3分球的命中率与世界强国还存在一定差距。  相似文献   

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