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聋生与听力正常学生在非对称性视觉搜索中的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了比较聋生和听力正常学生在非对称性视觉搜索中的差异,本实验选取了20名聋生和20名听力正常学生作为被试,以中文汉字作为实验材料,采用传统的视觉搜索实验范式进行了研究。结果显示,在对中文汉字的视觉搜索中同样能够明显地发现非对称性现象;聋生和听力正常学生一样,也在视觉搜索中表现出非对称性,但随着视觉搜索任务难度的增大,聋生比听力正常学生表现出更高的搜索效率。  相似文献   

小学数学中的文字题是介于计算题与应用题之间的一种特殊题型,它既是应用题数量关系的概括,又是式题的语言表述形式。文字题教学可以训练学生掌握运算顺序,培养有序、有据的逻辑思维,还可以培养运用数学语言的能力和综合运算的能力。聋生学习文字题往往出现一些问题:一是盲目性。聋生由于言语障碍,怕读题,有时为了图省事,会不读题或只看个别词语就列式计算,做错之后又不思考,就直接改变运算符号。二是机械模仿。聋生有时看“懂”了,但脑中并没能真正理解,作业只是对例题的机械复制。三是依赖性。  相似文献   

黄惠 《西藏教育》2014,(1):13-13
<正>聋生由于听力的缺陷,在说话、朗读能力方面与正常学生相比,存在较大的差距。特别是听力完全丧失的聋生,朗读对于他们非常困难。故在聋校的语文课堂上,很难听到琅琅的读书声,更难听到师生之间的语言互动。因此语文老师常常忽略朗读课文这一重要环节。但笔者在八年的聋校语文教学实践中,认识到朗读是聋生语文学习的一个非常重要的,不可替代的手段,不能忽视读聋哑学生朗读的训练。一、聋生朗读中易犯的错误  相似文献   

聋生智力与行为问题的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用瑞文标准推理测验和Rutter儿童行为问卷对深圳唯一的一所特殊学校的在校聋生进行调查,分析、比较聋生中存在的智力与行为问题。结论聋生中存在一定比例的有听力、智力、行为问题等双重或多重障碍的学生,行为问题以情绪问题为主;聋生行为问题的出现在不同智力水平的学生之间有显著差别,而与学生的性别、年龄没有显著的相关;注意力不集中或短暂是所有学生的突出特点。  相似文献   

<正>聋生由于听力受损,善于用视觉观察事物,但语言能力和抽象思维发展缓慢,只停留在看到什么学什么,不会根据自己的需求主动提出问题,主动探究问题,主动创造问题。让聋生自主提问更能丰富知识和思维的源泉。在聋校教学活动中,教师应该根据聋生认知活动的特点,通过师生双边活动,充分调动聋生学习的主动性、积极性,应该从主观拟定问题转变为围绕着学生学习中产生的问题而展开。让学生自主提问,把提问题的权利交给学生,使他们有较多的机会去发现、去研究,对启发聋生独立思考,开发聋生的智力,帮助聋生发展思维能力,提高聋生的记忆力,锻炼聋生的语言能力和培养他们的创造力有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

加减能力是个体数学认知结构中最为核心的能力之一。本研究采用纵向研究设计,通过个别测查,运用实物题、口头文字题和符号计算题三种不同呈现方式的任务,考察99名大班幼儿在不同任务呈现方式下加减能力发展的共同性与差异性。结果表明,幼儿6岁时的加减能力比5岁时有显著提高;在5~6岁期间,幼儿解决三种不同呈现方式加减问题能力的发展速度不同,符号加减题的解决能力发展最快。幼儿园数学教育应改变以往过于注重技能训练与口诀背诵的教法,而更为重视幼儿数概念的形成与数学思维能力的发展。  相似文献   

为了探索聋生听力状况与数学能力的关系,本研究以某特校中、高年级聋生为研究对象,进行问卷调查与能力测试的实验研究和分析。其结果表明:在聋生群体内部,聋生的听力损失、补偿情况与其数学能力之间均不存在显著的正相关。聋校数学教师在教学时,不要以听力损失、补偿情况的差异区别对待聋生,而要采取行之有效的教学策略,提高聋生数学学习效果。  相似文献   

律动课是聋校一至三年级学生的必修课.是针对听力残疾学生的特点特设的一门重要学科.体操则是律动教学中的主要内容之一。律动教学中体操的内容很丰富,包括徒手操、轻器械操、表演操、健美操的基本步伐和动作、自由体操基本训练及组合等。体操能够增强聋生的体质.起着发展聋生正常的生理机能的作用.能够弥补聋生因失去听力而造成的平衡能力差、呼吸急促、自我控制能力差等不足;矫治和完善聋生的体态,使聋生逐渐形成体态匀称、举止大方、动作灵敏洒脱、外貌端正而又精神饱满的气质。  相似文献   

本研究通过启动技术比较了语言发展前全聋学生与听力正常学生在句子表征水平上的加工特点。结果表明:在限时实验条件下,语言发展前全聋学生与低于其3个年级的听力正常学生具有相同的句子表征加工模式,但加工效果与低于其3个年级的听力正常学生有差距。  相似文献   

聋生竞争意识的内隐认知实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验采用Jacoby的加工分离程序(PDP) ,以及2X3X2三因素混合设计,考察了聋学生40名,正常学生40名被试对良性竞争语词和过渡竞争语词、中性词三类刺激材料内隐与外显记忆贡献。结果显示:( 1 )聋生与正常生竞争性具有内隐特征;( 2 )聋生表现出无意识性提取贡献大于意识性提取贡献;( 3)聋生在良性竞争性和过渡竞争性维度上,没有明显的差别;( 4 )聋生和正常生竞争性的两个维度在意识性提取贡献上有非常显著的差异,在无意识提取贡献上差别不显著,且在良性竞争性维度上聋生强于正常生,在过渡竞争性维度上正常生强于聋生  相似文献   

This study determines the relative difficulty and associated strategy use of arithmetic (addition and subtraction) story problems when presented in American Sign Language to primary level (K-3) deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Results showed that deaf and hard-of-hearing students may consider and respond to arithmetic story problems differently than their hearing peers, with the critical dimension in problem difficulty being based on the operation typically used to solve the problem, not the story within the problem. The types of strategies used by the students supported the order of problem difficulty. The visual-spatial nature of the problem presentation appeared not to assist the deaf and hard-of-hearing students in solving the problems. Factors that may have contributed to this pattern of problem difficulty are discussed so that educators can better align mathematics instruction to the thinking of the deaf child.  相似文献   

探讨考察聋童与普通儿童在解决加减文字题上是否存在差异以及这种差异与字词意识发展的关系。被试为二、三年级的普通儿童51人和三、四、五年级的聋童49人。研究结果表明:(1)聋童解决加减文字题的正确率显著地低于普通儿童,聋童和普通儿童解决合并题的正确率均好于变化题和比较题;(2)聋童和普通儿童在解决三种类型的加减文字题上均存在着年级差异;(3)聋童字词意识好的比例低于普通儿童;(4)字词意识对聋童的影响小于对普通儿童的影响。  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-three mathematics teachers of deaf students from grades 6-12 responded to a survey on mathematics word problem-solving practices. Half the respondents were teachers from center schools and the other half from mainstream programs. The latter group represented both integrated and self-contained classes. The findings clearly show that regardless of instructional setting, deaf students are not being sufficiently engaged in cognitively challenging word problem situations. Overall, teachers were found to focus more on practice exercises than on true problem-solving situations. They also emphasize problem features, possibly related to concerns about language and reading skills of their students, rather than analytical and thinking strategies. Consistent with these emphases, teachers gave more instructional attention to concrete visualizing strategies than to analytical strategies. Based on the results of this study, it appears that in two of the three types of educational settings, the majority of instructors teaching mathematics and word problem solving to deaf students lack adequate preparation and certification in mathematics to teach these skills. The responses of the certified mathematics teachers support the notion that preparation and certification in mathematics makes a difference in the kinds of word problem-solving challenges provided to deaf students.  相似文献   

When solving word problems, many children encounter difficulties in making sense of the information and integrate it into a meaningful schema. This is the fundamental phase on which subsequent problem solution depends. To better understand the processing underlying this fundamental phase, this study examined the roles of schema construction and knowledge of mathematical vocabularies in word problem solving. The participants were 139 Chinese third graders studying in Hong Kong. Path analysis showed that there were two kinds of pathways to word problem solving: language-related and number-related. In particular, reading fluency was related to word problem solving in two mediated language-related pathways: one via schema construction, the other via knowledge of mathematical vocabularies. In the number-related pathway, arithmetic concept was related to word problem solving via knowledge of mathematical vocabularies. These findings highlight the specific roles of schema construction and mathematical vocabulary in word problem solving, thereby providing useful implications of how best to support children in understanding and integrating the information from the problem.  相似文献   

A Word Problem Enrichment programme (WPE) has been found to increase student word problem solving performance when facing non-routine and application problems. However, it is unknown if the WPE has an impact on student beliefs about word problem solving and how the WPE works for students with different motivation in learning mathematics. This study investigated the impact of the WPE on student beliefs about word problem solving by using Latent Profile Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling to analyse relations among the different cognitive, motivation, and belief factors. A total of 170 fourth- and sixth-grade students from elementary schools participated. Results showed that the effects of WPE are various depending on students’ initial motivation level. The impacts of the WPE on student beliefs were found only in students with a low initial motivation level, while its impacts on student problem-solving performance were found only in students with a high initial motivation level.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) consistently struggle with word problem solving in mathematics classes. This difficulty has made curricular, state, and national tests particularly stressful, as word problem solving has become a predominant feature of such student performance assessments. Research suggests that students with LD perform poorly on word problem‐solving items due primarily to deficits in problem representation. Therefore, it is imperative that teachers provide these students with supplemental problem‐solving instruction that specifically targets the development of representational strategies. This article describes how one representational strategy, using number lines, can be used to model word problems as part of a comprehensive problem‐solving intervention to improve the conceptual understanding of math word problems and, subsequently, the problem‐solving performance of students with LD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of cognitive strategy instruction (CSI) on mathematical word problem solving of students with mathematics disabilities. A sample of fourth-grade students in a Chinese primary school was divided into a treatment group (75 students) and a comparison group (75 students). The sample consisted of students with mathematics disabilities only, students with both mathematics and reading disabilities, as well as average- and high-achieving students. Results showed that students at all ability levels (except high-achieving students) in the treatment group outperformed significantly their counterparts in the comparison group; the intervention effect was stronger for students with mathematics disabilities only than for those with both mathematics and reading disabilities. The present study indicates that CSI is a contextually and pedagogically appropriate model that has a strong potential to improve mathematical word problem solving.  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which domain-specific knowledge predicted proportional word problem-solving performance. We tested 411 seventh-grade students on conceptual and procedural fraction knowledge, conceptual and procedural proportion knowledge, and proportional word problem solving. Multiple regression analyses indicated that all four domain-specific knowledge variables (i.e., conceptual and procedural fraction knowledge, conceptual and procedural proportion knowledge) significantly predicted proportional word problem-solving performance. Conceptual fraction and procedural proportion knowledge contributed the most unique variance (10.0 and 6.7%, respectively, of the total variance) to proportional word problem solving. Procedural fraction and conceptual proportion knowledge each also contributed significant unique variance to proportional word problem solving explaining 5.6 and 2.8%, respectively. The results support the notion that both conceptual fraction and proportion knowledge and procedural fraction and proportion knowledge play a major role in understanding individual differences in proportional word problem-solving performance to inform interventions.  相似文献   

通过整理近年来关于小学数学应用题的相关研究,总结学生在应用题解题过程中普遍存在的认知障碍,结合现有解题系统分析研究各类型的认知工具对小学应用题解题障碍的支持,为帮助学生选择合适的认知工具提供借鉴,并在此基础上提出基于问题解决障碍的小学数学应用题解题系统的模型构建,为新的认知工具的设计开发提供新的角度。  相似文献   

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