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由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨,是当前基础教育的热点问题之一,尽管人们在思考这一问题时,认识不完全统一,对素质、素质教育的内涵还有不同见解。但针对那种一切教育活动均以在升学考试竞争中取得好成绩为主要目标的应试教育模式,提出按教育规律办学,以学生在德、智、体等方面的素质得到全面提高为主要目标的素质教育是正确的,它应该成为教育改革核心。 一、从面向未来的角度来认识素质教育。 1、人们在很长时间内,坚信教育的选拔功能,即通过一级一级的考试,淘汰一部分人,选拔一部分人;被淘汰者被认为不是人才,被人瞧不起;而被选拔者成为佼佼者,被人羡慕。随着现代化社会的发展,随着对人的研究的深入,人们对教育有了本质的认识,认为教育就是要促进人的发展,学校的教育就在于创造条件,使每个学生都达到他所能达到的最高水平。这一点不少国家已写入了教育法规之中,我们应该转变观念,坚持教育的发展功能。“追求发展不追求分数,追求卓越而不追求完美”。  相似文献   

教育理想是指人们对未来教育状态的完美设想,表现为教育目的和教育行为的应然状态。人的全面发展作为教育目的的应然状态,其实质是教育的理想追求;而教育平等与社会平等作为教育理想实现的两个基本条件,则与人的全面发展有着必然的联系。  相似文献   

列夫·托尔斯泰说过:“人类的使命在于自强不息地追求完美。”,英国教育家斯宾塞在他的《教育论》中也提出了“为完满生活做准备”的教育思想。的确如此,教育与人息息相关,教育指向人、为了人、提升人,从某种意义上讲,可以没有完美的个人,但可以有追求完美的教育。所谓完美教育,就是不断追求、不断超越、全心全意为学生的发展而提供细致服务的教育过程。  相似文献   

“让每一个生命都精彩”,是每个教育人的梦想。“让每一篇文章都精彩”,是每个编辑的梦想。我们清楚,万事万物,完美是理想态,不完美才是常态。但我们希望,这种追求完美的热情和能力,会一直贯串每个人的教育之路、研究之路、写作之路。我们希望您在《中小学管理》上发表的文章,不管主题大小,不拘篇幅长短,无论理论还是实践,都能成为您职业生涯的代表作。即将开启的2021年,我们将坚持不变的价值与信念,坚守恒久的责任与情怀,同时我们也希望通过栏目的局部调整,为您呈现另一种打开方式,让您在不同栏目中都能够感受到理想的高度、思想的深度、行动的力度、情感的温度。  相似文献   

邓艳  朱方长 《教育导刊》2004,(21):12-14
教育理想是指人们对未来教育状态的完美设想,表现为教育目的和教育行为的应然状态。人的全面发展作为教育目的的应然状态,其实质是教育的理想追求;而教育平等与社会平等作为教育理想实现的两个基本条件,则与人的全面发展有着必然的联系。  相似文献   

“完美”一词,在《词典》中的解释为“完备美好,不缺少什么”。追求的是做细,做精,做到极致。所谓“完美教室”是相对于教室的不完美而提出来的。什么样的教室才是完美的?每个教者的定义或许都不同,也都有自己的理由。我认为完美教室里流淌的是没有各种异于或无助于教育的设施,没有闲置的图书及各种教学设备:没有对体罚和精神惩罚的恐惧,没有对分数、名次的恐惧,没有对沉重负担的恐惧,没有孤独,没有弄虚作假……  相似文献   

每个教师在不断追求自我完美的过程中,都会把主要精力投入到追求每个学生不断完美的进程中。面对群体中千差万别的学生个体,教师须用完美的眼光关爱每一个学生,从每一个学生都会成为完美的个体的意愿出发,不断丰富教育内容,不断完善自己的教育方法,不断实现群体的完美,不断实现教学相长,共同成长。  相似文献   

孤独的自由——论托克维尔的自由主义思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为自由主义的思想家,托克维尔一生矢志追求自由,反对专制,认为自由是与专制暴政相对立的一种政治体制,是人的权利和生存状态。从政治体制而言,必须做到制度性的安排,确保每个个人的自由;就每个人来说,要有对自由追求和热爱的心态。由此,才能防止专制暴政的出现,保证自由的实现。他还认为民主必须与自由相结合,并以自由作基础,否则这种民主将会导致多数人的暴政,蜕变为“民主专制制度”。  相似文献   

幸福是人所追求的生存状态与存在方式,是人的物质需要与精神需要得到统一满足时的和谐感,是人的身心健康和谐和人格充盈的完美状态。学校的教育教学的过程应该是人感受成功与幸福的过程。让学生在课堂中享受学习的幸福,体验课堂生活的幸福,是贯彻以人为本,尤其是以学生的发展为本的集中体现。  相似文献   

素质教育,是关于人的德、智、体、能全面发展的教育,它将促进人的发展与社会的发展相统一,促进个体的自我完善与社会的充分完善相统一.它包括了思想品德素质教育与文化素质或者是知识素质教育,并通过这两方面的教育活动,来实现人的全面发展的培养目标.人的教育与培养,人的全面发展,塑造一个完美的人格,体现着素质教育的重要意义.实际上,它的重要意义,正是儒家教育思想一直努力探索的一个非常重要内容,在复杂、多变的社会环境中,在经历着社会矛盾剧烈冲突的社会实践当中,儒家教育家们就一直在寻求着人格的如何完美体现,人的培养与人的全面发展的问题.这一目标的实现当然将通过“素质教育”来完成.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the part played by liberal democratic ideology in the regulation of female work, in particular, the work of women teacher educators and contract researchers in British and Canadian teacher education departments. My goal is to examine the relationship between symbolic notions of female domesticity and service as they have been expressed in liberal understandings of the nation state across time, together with accounts of contemporary working life as described by differently positioned women workers in teacher education. Central to the argument I make is the assertion that women's work and its symbolic representation in teacher education constitute powerful symbolic elements in the ongoing regulation of women as non-citizens. In following the work of feminist political theorists and cultural sociologists, I also examine the cultural, material, and social power of historicized visions of the female as “domestic servant”, as daughter of the nation state, and as “deviant non-citizen” as they are reflected in the contemporary working lives of women teacher educators.  相似文献   

In which areas and domains do individual teacher educators prefer to work on their professional development? What kind of learning activities do they want to take on and with whom? Are there significant differences in these preferences between teacher educators? This article reports on a recent survey (N = 268) about the professional development of teacher educators and differences in learning preferences between less and more experienced teacher educators and between university-based and school-based teacher educators. Findings show, for example, that while most university-based teacher educators were mainly interested in improving their teaching, less experienced school-based teacher educators were more focussed on aspects such as coaching skills. In this study, ‘learning profiles’ have been developed for four categories of teacher educators. These profiles may help to create more meaningful arrangements for teacher educators’ initial education and further professional development in a context where teacher education is required to have a more school-based as well as a more research-based orientation.  相似文献   


Drawing chiefly from Paul Shepard's (1982) Nature and Madness and David Abram's (1996) The Spell of the Sensuous, this essay draws attention to two underlying foundations of educational thought: the process of human social development and the emergence of language and literacy. A reading of Shepard and Abram implies that the meaning of human social development and the meaning of literacy must be recovered from our shared human heritage in which human beings developed a sense of interconnection with nonhuman others. This perspective suggests many challenges to environmental educators including (a) the need to take a more philosophical (and less instrumental) approach to our work, (b) the need for a working theory of development and literacy in education that takes nonhuman otherness seriously, (c) the need to advocate for more regular and extended experiences in the natural world in order to nurture relationship with otherness, (d) the need to reinvent “accountability” in education, (e) and the need to develop in all learners, including ourselves, a sense of at-homeness.  相似文献   

Using on information gathered from five female feminist physical education teachers in Brisbane, Australia, this paper examines the relationship between theoretical debates in feminism and feminist practice in secondary schools. Specifically, this paper is concerned with the ongoing debate in feminism over the notion of equality. It is problematic that calls for equality for women are currently understood as calls for sameness to men, leaving men and their life experience as the only standard of analysis. In this paper, how this theoretical struggle between feminists is dealt with in sport and physical education is explored. The teachers articulated various feminist perspectives, but placed their feminism on the physical education agenda piecemeal. Moreover, they failed to challenge the notion of an equality for women based on their sameness to men. Given the duress under which these women articulate their feminism, notions of sameness may be all that is achievable in the current physical education curriculum.  相似文献   

Adult education and lifelong learning together form one of the priorities for development in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The important historical and social context in which the professional development of adult educators has been taking place in the Baltic States since they regained their independence in the 1990s is the changes that occurred in the socio-political, economic and social life since then. There is greater concern about the need to qualify adult education practitioners so as to enhance quality in the provision of adult education and training. However, the prerequisites for the professional development of adult educators are a neglected area of research when compared with other fields of education and training.
In this article, we shall analyse the professional development of adult educators as follows:
  • How transformational changes in the Baltic States during the past decade have influenced adult education policy and practice, the adult education profession itself and the professional development of adult educators;

  • How adult education policies, initial education and training practices affect the process of professional development among adult educators;

  • What the professional development of adult educators consists in.


伴随着高等教育的大众化,大量特困生享受国家大学生资助政策进入大学校园。以某高职三名特困生为研究对象,采用无结构式访谈的研究方法,从他们在校经济收入、消费支出、学习生活状况以及心理健康状况等多视角来探讨特困生的生存状态,结果表明特困生社会支持资源缺乏,收入来源有限,消费支出项目多,生活压力大;无偿资助造成心理困扰,他们更渴望有偿资助和匿名资助;因兼职打工多,影响学业和发展;他们心理状态有好的特质,但心理健康水平欠佳。  相似文献   

职业是现代社会生活的核心,也是高职教育的根本,然而当今高职传统人文教育缺乏现代意识,和职业生活严重脱节,面临不少困境。为适应社会发展和高等教育要求,作为高职人文教育工作者,有必要在理念和实践层面展开创新,认真思索建构全新的面向现代职业生活的高职人文教育体系。  相似文献   

Many adult educators are familiar with the term dialogue ‐akey concept in education guided by a sense of social justice. In this paper I want to reclaim some of the political agendas which are lost when the term is incorporated into education paradigms which present justice as a product to be distributed to the ‘disadvantaged’. This approach seems to ignore the role ‘advantaged’ groups play in maintaining ‘disadvantage’ (Lankshear, 1991). It also evades the issue of relations of power; relations which remain unchanged through the simple redistribution of resources. In recent times an orientation to competency based teaching has encouraged educators to focus their energy on identifying the learning outcomes one might expect from a course of study and to gear teaching behaviour to meet these outcomes. While learning outcomes are important I believe it is unrealistic to create simplistic links between teaching acts and learning outcomes. My concern is that complex and highly political processes like dialogue are being reduced, at least in some training discourses, to a series of orderly steps. This has two consequences. First, it falsely presents classroom life as a relatively predictable event. Second, these orderly steps imply that educational success lies in efficient and effective delivery techniques which may or may not take account of the political and social context of learning settings. If the techniques do not “work” educators may be left wondering what they did wrong rather than considering the viability of the steps in the first place.  相似文献   

The capacity of online education to produce learning environments that are supportive of hybrid identities, complex discourses, and multiple relations among learners raises questions about the ethical response of online educators. To investigate the ethics of online education, we discuss two questions: How are identity and communication constituted in online education? What are the features of an ethical pedagogy in online education? Such questions help us think in alternative ways about the ethical dimensions of online education. We argue that Emmanuel Levinas's views on ethics and otherness can overcome some of the ethical challenges inherent in online education by helping educators and learners become more aware of how they respond to the Other and consider their ethical responsibility to the Other's multiple and complex identities. An ethical pedagogy for online education that takes seriously the unknowable and irreducible Other has the potential to provide us with a different notion of what constitutes ethical pedagogies.  相似文献   

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