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We present an algebraic model of resistance to extinction that is consistent with research on resistance to change. The model assumes that response strength is a power function of reinforcer rate and that extinction involves two additive, decremental processes: (1) the termination of the reinforcement contingency and (2) generalization decrement resulting from reinforcer omission. The model was supported by three experiments. In Experiment 1, 4 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec, VI 240-sec schedules. In two conditions, resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency and presenting response-independent reinforcers at the same rate as in training. In two further conditions, resistance to change was tested by prefeeding and by extinction. In Experiment 2, 6 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple VI 150-sec schedules with 8-sec or 2-sec reinforcers, and resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency in three conditions. In two of those conditions, brief delays were interposed between responses and response-independent reinforcers. In both Experiments 1 and 2, response rate was more resistant to change in the richer component, except for extinction in Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, 8 pigeons were trained on multiple VI 30-sec, VI 120-sec schedules. During extinction, half of the presentations of each component were accompanied by a novel stimulus to produce generalization decrement. The extinction data of Experiments 1 and 3 were well described by our model. The value of the exponent relating response strength and reinforcement was similar in all three experiments.  相似文献   

Higher order occasion setting with serially presented stimuli was investigated in an appetitively motivated, discrete-trial operant study with rats. Reinforcement of barpressing during an occasion-setting light (a discriminative stimulus) was contingent on immediately preceding second-order occasion setters (i.e., a click train or a buzzer served as a conditional discriminative stimulus). Moreover, the meanings of the clicks and buzzer were themselves indicated by a third-order occasion setter that preceded them (i.e., a white noise acted as a second-order conditional discriminative stimulus). Subjects responded more frequently and had shorter latencies to the first response in the presence of the light on trials during which barpressing was reinforced than on trials during which barpressing was not reinforced. The likelihood that the subjects solved the problem by responding to unique compound stimuli was minimized by the insertion of a 5-sec gap between the different controlling stimuli presented on each trial. Thus, these subjects appear to have mastered a second-order conditional discrimination, which is equivalent to third-order occasion setting if the discriminative stimulus (light) is viewed as a first-order occasion setter. Although the subjects learned to respond appropriately to each of the compound stimuli, differences in responding to specific stimuli were consistent with a higher order feature-positive effect. Some implications of higher order occasion setting are discussed, including the issue of independence between the different levels of occasion setting signaled by a single stimulus.  相似文献   

Delayed conditional discriminations in which a sample indicates which comparison stimulus is correct have typically been used in working memory research with animals. Following acquisition with no (0-sec) delay between the offset of the sample and the onset of the comparison stimuli, delays of variable duration are introduced. The resulting retention functions are taken as a measure of memory. We suggest that, in addition to memory loss due to the delay, the comparison of matching accuracy at the 0-sec training delay with relatively novel test delays may produce a generalization decrement that varies as a function of increasing delay. We tested this hypothesis by training pigeons with a mixed delay procedure from the start and found that the retention functions for these pigeons were significantly shallower than those for a control group trained with 0-sec delays and tested with longer delays, and, although reduced in magnitude, the differences persisted for as many as 15 sessions. We propose that a measure of animals’ working memory can be obtained uninfluenced by a generalization decrement if they have received comparable training with all of the delays that are tested.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the summation and transfer of negative occasion setting in serial feature negative (X→A?/A+) and negative patterning discriminations (X→A?/X+/A+) in a discrete-trial operant task with rats. With both discrimination procedures, negative occasion setting transferred readily (but not perfectly) to cues trained as targets in another similar discrimination procedure, but not to cues that were separately trained. Furthermore, with both discrimination procedures, the negative occasion-setting powers of features from two individual discriminations summed, both when those features were trained with the same targets and when they were trained with different targets. After negative patterning discriminations, in which the feature (X) cues were separately reinforced, this summation of negative occasion setting occurred despite the concomitant summation of the features’ excitatory control in the absence of an explicit target cue. These data, which replicated and extended previously reported data from Pavlovian feature negative procedures, are discussed in the context of hierarchical, generalization, and network models of discrimination learning.  相似文献   

In three experiments, transfer effects in appetitive serial feature-positive discrimination procedures (XA+,A?) were examined with rat subjects. Nonreinforced presentations of the feature (X) alone had little or no effect on that cue’s ability to modulate responding to the target cue with which it had originally been trained (A) but enhanced its ability to modulate responding to another cue (B), which had been the target within another serial feature-positive discrimination (YB+,B?). These effects were observed when the nonreinforcedX presentations occurred either concurrently withXA+,A? training or afterward. Regardless of whether or not nonreinforcedX presentations were administered,X did not modulate responding evoked by a cue that had not been trained within a serial feature-positive discrimination. These data help resolve conflicts in published reports of transfer or its absence in this conditioning situation, and shed light on the nature of the modulatory or occasion-setting powers of feature cues in serial feature-positive discrimination learning.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the acquisition and transfer of Pavlovian feature-positive discriminations (XA+, A?) in rat subjects. To identify the nature of the associations formed in those discriminations, the form of the conditioned responses (CRs) was examined. If the feature,X, and common element, A, cues started and ended together onXA compoud trials, associations betweenX and the food unconditioned stimulus (US) were acquired. If the onsets and/or terminations ofX preceded those of A,X acquired the ability to set the occasion for responding to A, that is, A evoked CRs only onXA compound trials. The acquisition of occasion setting was favored when (1) the onset of X preceded that of A, (2) the interval betweenX and A and/or the US was relatively long, and (3) the termination ofX occurred prior to the onset of A. The occasion-setting power ofX was fairly specific to A:X did not modulate responding evoked by another cue that had been first trained and then extinguished or by a cue that had been paired with the US only a few times. However,X did enhance responding to a cue that had been a common element in another, identical feature-positive discrimination. That transfer was somewhat greater if theX and A terminated together than ifX terminated prior to the onset of A. Implications for theories of stimulus control in Pavlovian conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats received training in which two auditory target stimuli, X and Y, were signaled by two visual stimuli, A and B, and followed by food (i.e., A-->X+, B-->Y+). The test consisted of presentations of X and Y preceded either by the same signal as during training (same trials: A-->X, B-->Y) or by the alternative signal (different trials: A-->Y, B-->X). After 8 training sessions, the animals responded less on same trials than on different trials; this effect was significantly reduced after 24 training sessions. In two additional experiments, animals that had also experienced presentations of A and B alone, either before or during training, showed the opposite pattern of results, responding more on same trials than on different trials. These results are interpreted as being due to the interaction between the effects of occasion setting and negative priming (see Wagner, 1981).  相似文献   

In two experiments using the taste-aversion paradigm, we attempted to replicate a result reported by Holland and Forbes (1980), in which exposure to the elements of a compound produced more interference with future conditioning (latent inhibition) to the compound than did exposure to the compound itself. In our first experiment, a compound of HC1 and sucrose was used and the amount of fluid consumed during exposure and the first conditioning trial was controlled. Rather than finding enhanced interference produced by exposure to the elements, we found reduced interference relative to exposure to the compound. In Experiment 2, a compound of NaCl and sucrose was used and a method similar to that used by Holland and Forbes was employed. We replicated the result of our Experiment 1. We interpret these results as posing problems for some associative accounts of latent inhibition but as being easily explained as an instance of stimulus generalization decrement.  相似文献   

将微分中值定理推广到存在单侧导数函数的场合,将积分中值定理推广到被积函数存在单侧极限或单调的场合.  相似文献   

Thought suppression appears to be a relatively ineffective and even counterproductive strategy for dealing with unwanted thoughts. However, the psychological processes responsible for unsuccessful suppression are still underspecified. One process that may be implicated is derived stimulus relations, which may underlie the formation of unintentional relations that act to hamper suppression attempts. To test this prediction, participants were trained and tested for the formation of three derived equivalence relations using a match-to-sample procedure. Subsequently, they were instructed to suppress all thoughts of a particular target word that was a member of one of the three relations and were also allowed to selectively remove words that appeared on a computer screen in front of them by pressing the space bar. Results showed, as predicted, that participants not only removed the to-be-suppressed stimulus, but also removed words in derived relations with that stimulus, thus showing transformation of suppression/interference functions via derived equivalence. The theoretical implications of this demonstration, including its potential as a model for a key psychological process involved in unsuccessful thought suppression, are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that prior learning about a set of cues may determine how new cues are processed. If subjects are taught that two reliable predictors of an outcome do not summate when the cues are presented together (i.e., subadditive pretraining), the subjects will tend to show a less profound blocking effect when trained with different cues. Three experiments investigated the conditions necessary for subadditive pretraining to generalize to new cues. Experiment 1 demonstrated that subadditive pretraining is less effective in reducing blocking when it is experienced in a context other than that in which the blocking training is experienced. In Experiment 2, the effectiveness of subadditive pretraining waned with time. Experiment 3 showed that subadditive pretraining is more effective when the temporal characteristics of pretraining cues are similar to those of the cues used in blocking training. These results provide information concerning the conditions under which learning will generalize from one set of cues to another.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(1):22-27
UK higher education appears to have generally been slow to adopt an organised means of provision for special educational needs for its students. This may be due to the fact that, historically, relatively few disabled students entered UK higher education. However, there is a growing number of disabled students entering UK higher education institutions, and the figure is likely to increase. It is therefore important and, under the UK Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001), legally binding, that UK higher education institutions make appropriate adjustments to their activities so as not to disadvantage or discriminate against disabled students. In this article Mark Taylor examines the development of the special educational needs coordinator role in a higher education setting based upon a two‐year case study in a UK university.  相似文献   

沿着经典曲线论的思路讨论了Rn中的一般螺线.将一般螺线的概念推广到欧氏空间Rn中,借助Rn中的Frenet公式,给出并证明了Rn中的曲线为一般螺线的充分必要条件,得到了Rn中一般螺线的一些性质,这些性质是三维欧氏空间中相应性质的推广.  相似文献   

采用引入参数的方法,分别给出积分第一中值定理和积分第二中值定理的推广形式.  相似文献   

For almost two decades, James Baldwin has struggled earnestly to communicate to white Americans an understanding of the racial problem with which they must come to terms. Sometimes Baldwin the literary artist strives to provide psychological insights by probing the rawest emotions of both the black man and the white. Sometimes Baldwin the humanist and moralist pleads for brotherly love. Sometimes the angry black man who is Baldwin threatens “the fire next time.”  相似文献   

欧洲学分互认体系(ECTS)于1989-1990学年开始推行。其最初目的是根据欧共体"伊拉斯莫"计划,对学生流动转学期间的学习给予认可,学生将获得经由ECTS认证的学分和一个ECTS等级,这些学分和等级可以使学生流动期间就读学校的成绩获得母校的认可。"用户手册"是欧洲学分互认体系的解释性文件。该系统的核心是,学分的授予是建立在所完成的学习任务和通过考试所获得的学习成绩上的。本演讲将详细介绍ECTS系统,以及它目前在49个国家和地区之间作为转换与累积学分体系的作用。  相似文献   

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