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Collection development and the management of access to electronic resources in large academic libraries increasingly requires close cooperation between collection development librarians, public service librarians, and systems librarians and staff. Many libraries, both public and academic, have created new positions or converted existing ones with titles such as ‘electronic resources librarian’ or ‘electronic information coordinator.’ Two years ago, the Washington State University (WSU) Libraries decided to take a different approach to managing these two vital library functions by creating the new position of Assistant Director for Collections and Systems. This paper explores the convergence of collection development and systems in a research library. It sets forth the philosophical underpinnings of that convergence, and it discusses issues encountered in the integration of the two services in the WSU Libraries. Finally, it explores strategic issues for future collection development and management from the perspective of this new organizational paradigm. [1]  相似文献   

巴赫金的话语理论及其对批判学派的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在批判学派的学术资源中 ,话语理论 (TheoriesofDiscourse)向为欧洲传播学界所倚重 ,而在话语理论的形成过程中 ,前苏联学者巴赫金又是首屈一指的先驱。他的交往与对话学说、“超语言学”理论以及意识形态话语观等一整套话语理论 ,为人们批判性地解剖各种传播活动的深层机制、社会情态、历史渊源等 ,无不提供了朴实而新颖的视角 ,留下了自然而深长的启迪 ,并事实上开启了当今福柯“话语 /权力”的著名思路。  相似文献   


Studies of classical, medieval, and contemporary theories of human discourse illustrate timeless questions and problems facing scholars of rhetoric, literature, and criticism.  相似文献   

It has been more than 20 years since Everett Rogers first outlined the elements of the ‘new’, ‘Another Development’, ‘plurality’ paradigm of development. This paradigm was later radicalized and extended by Jan Servaes, who called it ‘multiplicity’. While the paradigm was developed in response to the shortcomings of the earlier modernization paradigm, policy makers in Third World countries continue to use the recommendations of the older paradigm.

This paper suggests that the failure of the new paradigm to replace the older one may be due to its own contradictions and inconsistencies. The paper presents the various elements of this paradigm and then critically evaluates them. It discusses why the conceptualizations in the new paradigm are not always useful, and notes that while some of the voices being used in it may be new, the ideas are really quite old. The overall purpose of the paper is to initiate a systematic critique of the new paradigm—a task the authors feel is long neglected.  相似文献   

档案利用新范例——当前版权法改革的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在这篇报告中,作主要阐述两项可能会导致澳大利亚版权法发生巨大变化的改革,它们对图书馆和档案馆来说意义重大:一项是被称作“数字议程”(DigitalAgenda)的修正法案,一项是最近由版权法评审委员会(theCopyrigheLawReviewCommittee简称CLRC)提议的“版权法简化(Simplification of the Copyright Act)”报告。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the global discourse of democracy and human rights, and specifically the western emphasis on individual civil and political rights, on the multi-ethnic movement in opposition to the military regime in Burma (Myanmar). The impact of rights discourse on refugees and ethnic minorities from Burma is detailed within the context of changes in international refugee policy and the development of Burmese opposition media. The study demonstrates how narrow interpretations of human rights can act to reinforce stereotypes that create or reify inequalities among the various groups in a multi-party coalition or multi-ethnic state, and calls on political communication researchers and practitioners to attend to the varying and highly contextualized effects of such discourses on marginalized peoples whose perspectives are not normally represented in media.  相似文献   

This article uses the Chipko movement in northeastern India to propose an additional way to think alternatively about communication and development. The Chipko movement took place in the 1970s. Movement members demanded better local resource management by the state and for a greater voice in the determining the use of the local forests. Acknowledging that alternatives to the dominant paradigm of communication and development already exist (the participatory communication models and the participatory action research models), this essay shows even these alternatives did not address certain problems associated with the dominant paradigm. After a brief review of the dominant paradigm and the alternatives this article examines certain dimensions of the Chipko movement, such as the role of movement leaders, resource management, and strategies of communication, and argues that a Chipko-based ‘regions in protest’ model should take a place among the various models posed as alternatives to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

“用新的理念推动文化的发展繁荣”是温家宝总理在关于转变经济发展方式讲话中的有力表述。图书馆从满足大众日益增长的文化需求到更加注重个人的幸福和尊严感,不仅仅是完成了对自身公共性使命的传扬,也是一种重要的价值取向。以人的自由和全面发展为目标的转变模式,以尊严为发展驱动力,体现的是以人为终极目标的核心价值观。  相似文献   

Fostering conservation as a discursive and contextual practice, this essay examines transitional media that necessitate new ways of thinking about continuity. It looks at two examples of artworks with the objective of unraveling the varying modes of their transition. An event score, event-performance, object, and film drawn from the artistic legacies of George Brecht and Nam June Paik illustrate that ideas of permanence and impermanence are linked with an understanding of artworks in time and duration. While conservation reveals itself as an intervention in the temporal dimension of artworks, the theories of duration allow us to better understand the reciprocal relations between materials and meanings. In doing so, these theories acknowledge and attempt to make sense of the performative materiality of these works.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the concept of ‘Asia’, the cultural differences and similarities between Asia and the West, and what constructing an ‘Asian communication theory’ means. It then examines the background against which the current stage is set for Asian commication research, and the intricate changes in approaching theory building in the community.  相似文献   

体育明星的媒介话语生产:姚明、男性气质与国家形象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹晋 《新闻大学》2007,16(4):143-152
本文运用符号学原理,检视了《解放日报》对姚明作为全球化背景中的国际体坛明星、企业代言人、国家形象的体育修辞,指出媒介文化产业制造全球消费的体育明星形象,也是塑造后殖民国家实力的新闻议程的重要符号。NBA篮球运动实际再现了美国的霸权的男性气质,姚明自2002年10月以"状元秀"的业绩加盟著名的休斯敦火箭队(Houston Rockets)以来,就成功地以他高大的身躯洗去了中国在西方世界的"东亚病夫"身份,并且将体育实践和商业利益充分结合,书写了中国人跻身全球资本主义体育世界的跨国精英迷思。  相似文献   

There are many challenges facing new librarians in the academic environment, including collection development. This article analyzes the topic of collection development and how it relates to new professionals in the field of librarianship. The article contains a literature review of papers discussing the collection development curriculum in library and information science programs, expected skills required of collection development offices, and library training programs for new librarians. The article also provides practical advise by recent graduates and their collection development experiences. Topics of discussion include acclimation to a new environment, collection development policies and procedures, liaison work, resource selection, and time management.  相似文献   

The role of recordkeeping in our personal and professional lives is rarely perceived as a topic of mainstream interest outside the world of professional records managers and archivists. While corporate records management has been written about throughout the recordkeeping literature, there has traditionally been less focus on what McKemmish describes as the role of ‘personal recordkeeping cultures’. Yet personal recordkeeping can play a role in creating a sense of belonging, especially for children and families. For example, within the field of Australian early childhood education, one of the key policy documents replicates a similar theme with the aptly titled ‘Early Years Learning Framework – Belonging, Being & Becoming’. By reflecting on her own personal recordkeeping story and that of her family, the author aims to explore the purpose of recordkeeping awareness and the role this plays in the wider profession. This article will draw upon relevant recordkeeping theory as well as some key early childhood education literature to introduce how ‘recordkeeping awareness’ could be reconceptualised as ‘recordkeeping literacy’. She will also explore what impact a reconceptualised understanding of continuum-based ‘recordkeeping literacy’ may have upon evolving recordkeeping theory and practice.  相似文献   

This study explores the uses of Islamic television content in bridging the gap between Javanese and Malay identity among the Malay women of Javanese descent in Malaysia. Malaysian religious television programmes have constantly promoted the Islamic identifications of Malayness, enabling the Malay audience to reconstruct the culturally religious identity. While the reconstruction of Islamic identity through television viewing simply represents a lived experience for the majority of the Malay society, it has some cultural meanings for certain Malay sub-ethnic communities, such as the Javanese. This ethnographic study on a Malaysian Javanese community reveals that the interpretive engagement of this particular community in Islamic television viewing serves the purpose of negotiating Malay identity. The results of this study suggest that religious content can serve as an engaging platform to construct multi-ethnic identities beside popular and ethnic-related contents.  相似文献   

出版工作室的现状与发展 工作室在中国源于何时?中国大陆第一家工作室又是哪家?可能谁都无从查考,然而工作室现象却实实在在影响着出版业.采用工作室这种方式介入出版业,其原因大致有三: 其一,确实想参与出版的群体.他们大多是意识到出版潜藏的巨大利润,受利益驱使而为之.也有一部分是因为共同兴趣走到一起共同撰稿而形成的作者队伍类型.  相似文献   

The need is considered to integrate the concept of information in the course of the development of a new info(rmo)logical and documentological paradigm through the concept of an intellectual product that is realized by the use of sign systems. The formation of this paradigm allows for coordination of the emergence of theoretical concepts with the basic schemes of metatheory or general theory rather than with the definitions of terms in the regulatory literature.  相似文献   


Amid rising controversy around the alleged distinctions between merit and excellence lies a familiar refrain, scarcity. The narrative of academic scarcity, proclaiming the insufficient numbers of scholars and academics of color, permeates conversations in higher education. We suggest that the academic scarcity narrative, a remnant of stagnant logics of diversity, circulates as a contemporary mechanism of what we name disciplinary containment. Extending disciplinary conversations around rhetorical containment, we argue that disciplinary containment perpetuates whiteness.  相似文献   

通过对《中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划》中资助期刊的学术影响力的分析,了解中国科协等6部门对创办国际一流科技期刊的发展战略与构想,提出资助科技期刊优先选择的3个层次,指出以人为本、依靠创新是提升期刊影响力的关键,在重视英文科技期刊发展的同时,也要对最具国际影响力、国际影响力优秀的中文科技期刊给予重视,展望获得资助英文科技期刊对我国科技发展的引导作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the intergroup language used by young heterosexual Australians in conversations about HIV/AIDS and safe sex. Sixty male and 72 female heterosexuals participated in four‐person facilitated conversations (same‐sex or mixed‐sex) about HIV/AIDS and safe sex, which were recorded and transcribed. We focused on extracts concerning strangers or malevolent individuals who appear to be group members, along with extracts involving foreign national groups. Discourse analysis showed that groups at lower levels of social distance were constructed mainly in terms of individual responsibility. At moderate social distance, stereotypes were more negative, but sub‐typing was common, whereas at the highest levels, people were constructed entirely in intergroup terms. The findings of this study suggest that HTV prevention programs should make reference to all salient outgroups, so as to neutralize communicative strategies that strengthen intergroup boundaries as a means of reducing perceived personal threat of HIV infection.  相似文献   

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