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Software users have different sets of personal values, such as benevolence, self-direction, and tradition. Among other factors, these personal values influence users’ emotions, preferences, motivations, and ways of performing tasks—and hence, information needs. Studies of user acceptance indicate that personal traits like values and related soft issues are important for the user’s approval of software. If a user’s dominant personal value were known, software could automatically show an interface variant which offers information and functionality that best matches his or her dominant value. A user’s dominant personal value is the one that most strongly influences his or her attitudes and behaviors. However, existing methods for measuring a user’s values are work intensive and/or interfere with the user’s privacy needs. If interface tailoring for very large groups of users is planned, value approximation has to be achieved on a large scale to assign individualized software to all users of the software. Our work focuses on approximating the dominant values of a user with less effort and less impact on privacy. Instead of probing for a user’s values directly, we explore the potential of approximating these values based on the user’s preferences for key tasks. Producing tailored versions of software is a separate topic not in the focus here. In this paper we rather describe a method to identify user values from task preferences and an empirical study of applying parts of this method. We are proposing the method in this paper for the first time except for a preliminary version orally presented at a workshop. The method consists of a research process and an application process. In the research process a researcher has to identify key tasks occurring in a context under investigation which have a relationship to personal values. These key tasks can be used in the application process to approximate the dominant values of new users in a similar context. In this empirical study we show that the research process of our method allows us to determine key tasks which approximate values in the shared context of nursing. The majority of the nurses were found to have one of the three following dominant values: benevolence, self-direction, or hedonism. Data confirmed common expectations: that nurses with the value of benevolence, when compared to all other nurses, had a higher preference for tasks which helped people immediately or improved their circumstances of the treatment. In relation to all other nurses, participants with self-direction disliked tasks which affected their personal freedom, and users with hedonism had a lower preference for tasks which involved physical work and preferred tasks which promised gratification. Our findings advance measurement of personal values in large user groups by asking questions with less privacy concern. However, the method requires substantial efforts during the initial research process to prepare such measurements. Future work includes replicating our method in other contexts and identifying value-dependent tasks for users with other values than the three values our empirical study mainly focused on.  相似文献   

Information seeking is traditionally conducted in environments where search results are represented at the user interface by a minimal amount of meta-information such as titles and query-based summaries. The goal of this form of presentation is to give searchers sufficient context to help them make informed interaction decisions without overloading them cognitively. The principle of polyrepresentation [Ingwersen, P. (1996). Cognitive perspectives of information retrieval interaction: elements of a cognitive IR theory. Journal of Documentation 52, 3–50] suggests that information retrieval (IR) systems should provide and use different cognitive structures during acts of communication to reduce the uncertainty associated with interactive IR. In previous work we have created content-rich search interfaces that implement an aspect of polyrepresentative theory, and are capable of displaying multiple representations of the retrieved documents simultaneously at the results interface. Searcher interaction with content-rich interfaces was used as implicit relevance feedback (IRF) to construct modified queries. These interfaces have been shown to be successful in experimentation with human subjects but we do not know whether the information was presented in a way that makes good use of the display space, or positioned most useful components in easily accessible locations, for use in IRF. In this article we use simulations of searcher interaction behaviour as design tools to determine the most rational interface design for when IRF is employed. This research forms part of the iterative design of interfaces to proactively support searchers.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of user experience on user resistance to change—particularly, on the relationship between user resistance to change and its antecedents (i.e. switching costs and perceived value) in the context of the voice user interface of an in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system. This research offers several salient findings. First, it shows that user experience positively moderates the relationship between uncertainty costs (one type of switching cost) and user resistance. It also negatively moderates the association between perceived value and user resistance. Second, the research test results demonstrate that users with a high degree of prior experience with the voice user interface of other smart devices exhibit low user resistance to change to the voice user interface in an IVI system. Third, we show that three types of switching costs (transition costs, in particular) may directly influence users to resist a change to the voice user interface. Fourth, our test results empirically demonstrate that both switching costs and perceived value affect user resistance to change in the context of an IVI system, which differs from the traditional IS research setting (i.e. enterprise systems). These findings may guide not only platform leaders in designing user interfaces, user experiences, and marketing strategies, but also firms that want to defend themselves from platform envelopment while devising defensive strategies in platform and standards competition.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a profound change in how most users interact with search engines: the majority of search requests now come from mobile devices, which are used in a number of distracting contexts. This use of mobile devices in various situational contexts away from a desk presents a range of novel challenges for users and, consequently, possibilities for interface improvements. However, there is at present a lack of work that evaluates interaction in such contexts to understand what effects context and mobility have on behaviour and errors and, ultimately, users’ search performance.Through a controlled study, in which we simulate walking conditions on a treadmill and obstacle course, we use a combination of interaction logs and multiple video streams to capture interaction behaviour as participants (n = 24) complete simple search tasks. Using a bespoke tagging tool to analyse these recordings, we investigate how situational context and distractions impact user behaviour and performance, contrasting this with users in a baseline, seated condition. Our findings provide insights into the issues these common contexts cause, how users adapt and how such interfaces could be improved.  相似文献   

We present PublicationHarvester, an open-source software tool for gathering publication information on individual life scientists. The software interfaces with MEDLINE, and allows the end-user to specify up to four MEDLINE-formatted names for each researcher. Using these names along with a user-specified search query, PublicationHarvester generates yearly publication counts, optionally weighted by Journal Impact Factors. These counts are further broken-down by order on the authorship list (first, last, second, next-to-last, middle) and by publication type (clinical trials, regular journal articles, reviews, letters/editorials, etc.) The software also generates a keywords report at the scientist-year level, using the medical subject headings (MeSH) assigned by the National Library of Medicine to each publication indexed by MEDLINE. The software, source code, and user manual can be downloaded at http://www.stellman-greene.com/PublicationHarvester/.  相似文献   

Manufacturers customarily provide only a few product variants to address the average needs of users in the major segments of markets they serve. When user needs are highly heterogeneous, this approach leaves many seriously dissatisfied. One solution is to enable users to modify products on their own using “innovation toolkits.” We explore the effectiveness of this solution in an empirical study of Apache security software. We find high heterogeneity of need in that field, and also find that users modifying their own software to be significantly more satisfied than non-innovating users. We propose that the “user toolkits” solution will be useful in many markets characterized by heterogeneous demand.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with some aspects of database interfaces for casual, naive users. A “casual user” is defined as an individual who wishes to execute queries once or twice a month, and a “naive user” is someone who has little or no expertise in operating computers. The study focuses on a specific group of casual, naive users, analyzes their needs and proposes a solution. The proposed interface consists of a graphical display of a model of a database and a natural language query language. One of the unique properties of the database interface is that it allows the user to see local item names within the context of a global structure. The interface was then tested to determine whether it was acceptable to the user population and to discover the level of graphical model that the users would find most comfortable.  相似文献   

The ECDIN (Environmental Chemicals Data and Information Network) project started in 1973. During the pilot phase of operation the feasibility of the system was demonstrated using a data base of 4000 compounds and the SIMAS information retrieval system. It was quickly realised that for ECDIN data management was as important as information retrieval and in November 1977, after a study of available software, the ADABAS data base management system was installed at JRC Ispra for ECDIN and other JRC data banks. A design exercise for the ECDIN ADABAS data base has been completed and parts of the existing ECDIN data base have been converted to the new system. The problems encountered and the solutions adopted are discussed. The user interface to ECDIN is still under development. When fully operational ECDIN will be available through EURONET to both casual and specialist users and, in consequence, at least two levels of user interface will be required: (a) a user friendly conversational language designed for the casual user and capable of dealing with the more common types of question, (b) a sophisticated query language capable of answering the more difficult questions, producing “one-off” reports and probably requiring both a specialist knowledge of the data base and a programmer oriented background. The first tentative steps in this direction are described.  相似文献   

Current awareness services are designed to keep users informed about recent developments based around user need profiles. In organisational settings, they may operate through both electronic and social interactions aimed at delivering information that is relevant, pertinent and current. Understanding these interactions can reveal the tensions in current awareness dissemination and help inform ways of making services more effective and efficient. We report an in-depth, observational study of electronic current awareness use within a large London law firm. The study found that selection, re-aggregation and forwarding of information by multiple actors gives rise to a complex sociotechnical distribution network. Knowledge management staff act as a layer of “intelligent filters” sensitive to complex, local information needs; their distribution decisions address multiple situational relevance factors in a situation fraught with information overload and restrictive time-pressures. Their decisions aim to optimise conflicting constraints of recall, precision and information quantity. Critical to this is the use of dynamic profile updates which propagate back through the network through formal and informal social interactions. This supports changes to situational relevance judgements and so allows the network to ‘self-tune’. These findings lead to design requirements, including that systems should support rapid assessment of information items against an individual’s interests; that it should be possible to organise information for different subsequent uses; and that there should be back-propagation from information consumers to providers, to tune the understanding of their information needs.  相似文献   


The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   

Inferring users’ interests from their activities on social networks has been an emerging research topic in the recent years. Most existing approaches heavily rely on the explicit contributions (posts) of a user and overlook users’ implicit interests, i.e., those potential user interests that the user did not explicitly mention but might have interest in. Given a set of active topics present in a social network in a specified time interval, our goal is to build an interest profile for a user over these topics by considering both explicit and implicit interests of the user. The reason for this is that the interests of free-riders and cold start users who constitute a large majority of social network users, cannot be directly identified from their explicit contributions to the social network. Specifically, to infer users’ implicit interests, we propose a graph-based link prediction schema that operates over a representation model consisting of three types of information: user explicit contributions to topics, relationships between users, and the relatedness between topics. Through extensive experiments on different variants of our representation model and considering both homogeneous and heterogeneous link prediction, we investigate how topic relatedness and users’ homophily relation impact the quality of inferring users’ implicit interests. Comparison with state-of-the-art baselines on a real-world Twitter dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of our model in inferring users’ interests in terms of perplexity and in the context of retweet prediction application. Moreover, we further show that the impact of our work is especially meaningful when considered in case of free-riders and cold start users.  相似文献   

Pre-adoption expectations often serve as an implicit reference point in users’ evaluation of information systems and are closely associated with their goals of interactions, behaviors, and overall satisfaction. Despite the empirically confirmed impacts, users’ search expectations and their connections to tasks, users, search experiences, and behaviors have been scarcely studied in the context of online information search. To address the gap, we collected 116 sessions from 60 participants in a controlled-lab Web search study and gathered direct feedback on their in-situ expected information gains (e.g., number of useful pages) and expected search efforts (e.g., clicks and dwell time) under each query during search sessions. Our study aims to examine (1) how users’ pre-search experience, task characteristics, and in-session experience affect their current expectations and (2) how user expectations are correlated with search behaviors and satisfaction. Our results with both quantitative and qualitative evidence demonstrate that: (1) user expectation is significantly affected by task characteristics, previous and in-situ search experience; (2) user expectation is closely associated with users’ browsing behaviors and search satisfaction. The knowledge learned about user expectation advances our understanding of users’ search behavioral patterns and their evaluations of interaction experience and will also facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of expectation-aware user models, metrics, and information retrieval (IR) systems.  相似文献   

吕果  李法运 《情报探索》2014,(2):101-105,110
基于协同过滤(CF)的个性化推荐技术,提出一种移动设备个性化软件推荐系统.该系统根据协同过滤的理论,首先通过软件类别兴趣相似度的计算,筛选出软件类别相似的用户候选集,过滤所有移动用户,减小产生的用户候选推荐集;然后对用户候选推荐集进行最近邻居的相似性计算以找出目标用户的邻居集合,并且对邻居集合中的邻居评分进行实时更新;最后根据兴趣相似度最大的K个邻居形成目标用户的Top-N推荐集.在第三方手机软件管理平台上通过监测推荐软件的下载或浏览量,验证系统的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

As access to information becomes more intensive in society, a great deal of that information is becoming available through diverse channels. Accordingly, users require effective methods for accessing this information. Conversational agents can act as effective and familiar user interfaces. Although conversational agents can analyze the queries of users based on a static process, they cannot manage expressions that are more complex. In this paper, we propose a system that uses semantic Bayesian networks to infer the intentions of the user based on Bayesian networks and their semantic information. Since conversation often contains ambiguous expressions, the managing of context and uncertainty is necessary to support flexible conversational agents. The proposed method uses mixed-initiative interaction (MII) to obtain missing information and clarify spurious concepts in order to understand the intention of users correctly. We applied this to an information retrieval service for websites to verify the usefulness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Social question-and-answer (Q&A) sites have the potential to serve as a useful source of online information based on their content-focused and collaborative nature. Although previous research has examined various attributes of high-quality information on social Q&A sites (e.g., best answers), relatively less attention has been paid to what affects users’ credibility assessments of information in the social Q&A context. The present study developed a social Q&A platform-specific framework for web credibility assessment, including 21 criteria under six types of web credibility, based on a literature analysis and case study of two online Q&A communities, Stack Exchange and Wikipedia Reference Desk. Using the selected sites’ policies and guidelines (n = 46) as the source of evidence, the case study revealed that content-related attributes (e.g., evidence-based, pertinence) were most frequently identified (12 of 21 criteria) as potential cues and heuristics for web credibility assessments of social Q&A sites, followed by author-related (five of 21; e.g., reputation) and design-related (four of 21; e.g., engaging design) factors. Design-related criteria were rarely included in previous models of web credibility on social Q&A or similar peer-knowledge production platforms. However, our findings showing that both Stack Exchange and Wikipedia Reference Desk have policies regarding all four design-related criteria in our framework—engaging design, moderation, design appropriateness, and ease of use—indicate the potential influences of design features on users’ web credibility assessment on social Q&A sites. Some differences emerged between the two cases, such as policies regarding the answerer's credentials or semantic accuracy that are present on Wikipedia Reference Desk but absent on Stack Exchange. Such differences in the sites’ policies reflect how they position themselves as social Q&A communities—Wikipedia, of which Wikipedia Reference Desk is a part, as an encyclopedia, and Stack Exchange as a community-based platform for learning, sharing knowledge, and building careers of users.  相似文献   

Interactive query expansion (IQE) (c.f. [Efthimiadis, E. N. (1996). Query expansion. Annual Review of Information Systems and Technology, 31, 121–187]) is a potentially useful technique to help searchers formulate improved query statements, and ultimately retrieve better search results. However, IQE is seldom used in operational settings. Two possible explanations for this are that IQE is generally not integrated into searchers’ established information-seeking behaviors (e.g., examining lists of documents), and it may not be offered at a time in the search when it is needed most (i.e., during the initial query formulation). These challenges can be addressed by coupling IQE more closely with familiar search activities, rather than as a separate functionality that searchers must learn. In this article we introduce and evaluate a variant of IQE known as Real-Time Query Expansion (RTQE). As a searcher enters their query in a text box at the interface, RTQE provides a list of suggested additional query terms, in effect offering query expansion options while the query is formulated. To investigate how the technique is used – and when it may be useful – we conducted a user study comparing three search interfaces: a baseline interface with no query expansion support; an interface that provides expansion options during query entry, and a third interface that provides options after queries have been submitted to a search system. The results show that offering RTQE leads to better quality initial queries, more engagement in the search, and an increase in the uptake of query expansion. However, the results also imply that care must be taken when implementing RTQE interactively. Our findings have broad implications for how IQE should be offered, and form part of our research on the development of techniques to support the increased use of query expansion.  相似文献   

With the increasing provenance of hedonic and social information systems, systems are observed to employ other forms of feedback and design than purely informational in order to increase user engagement and motivation. Three principle classes of motivational design pursuing user engagement have become increasingly established; gamification, quantified-self and social networking. This study investigates how the perceived prominence of these three design classes in users’ use of information system facilitate experiences of affective, informational and social feedback as well as user’s perceived benefits from a system and their continued use intentions. We employ survey data (N = 167) gathered from users of HeiaHeia; an exercise encouragement system that employs features belonging to the three design classes. The results indicate that gamification is positively associated with experiences of affective feedback, quantified-self with experiences of both affective and informational feedback and social networking with experiences of social feedback. Experiences of affective feedback are further strongly associated with user perceived benefits and continued use intentions, whereas experiences of informational feedback are only associated with continued use intentions. Experiences of social feedback had no significant relationship with neither. The findings provide practical insights into how systems can be designed to facilitate different types of feedback that increases users’ engagement, benefits and intentions to continue the use of a system.  相似文献   

In large companies, whose business is critically dependent on the effectiveness of their R&D function, the provision of effective means to access and share all forms of technical information is an acute problem. It is often easier to repeat an activity than it is to determine whether work has been carried out before.In this paper we present experiences in implementing and evaluating the MEMOIR system. MEMOIR is an open framework, i.e., it is extensible and adaptable to an organization’s infrastructure and applications, and it provides its user interface via standard Web browsers. It uses trails, open hypermedia link services and a set of software agents to assist users in accessing and navigating vast amounts of information in Intranet environments. Additionally, MEMOIR exploits trail data to support users in finding colleagues with similar interests. The MEMOIR system has been installed and evaluated by two end-user organizations. This paper describes the results obtained in this evaluation.  相似文献   

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