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国际教育成绩评估的发展历程、研究项目及其争论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐波 《比较教育研究》2008,30(10):71-75
国际教育成绩评估在IEA和oEcD等国际组织的推动下逐步发展了起来,数学、科学、阅读、公民教育、信息技术是大多数评估项目的首选学科,TIMSS、PISA、ICCS是当前影响较大的几个评估项目.在国际教育成绩评估的发展历程中,也出现了一些争论,主要集中在评估的目标定位、评估过程的组织实施、评估对推动教育发展的功效及评估本身的影响等方面.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the interest of policy-makers in participating in studies from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has been growing rapidly over the past two decades. These studies offer the opportunity to relate the teaching and learning context to student achievement. This article presents the results of a systematic review of the research literature on TIMSS. Its main purpose is to find out to what extent TIMSS has contributed to insights into ‘what works in education and what does not’, particularly with regard to school and classroom factors. The review was guided by a generic framework developed within the tradition of educational effectiveness research. The review showed that: (a) since 2000, the number of publications which use TIMSS data for secondary analyses aimed at explaining differences in student achievement has increased strongly; (b) a number of studies, especially older ones, did not take account of the specific sample and test design of TIMSS; and (c) there are large differences between countries in school and classroom factors associated with student achievement. In the light of these results, we discuss the benefits and limitations of country and system comparisons.  相似文献   

A surprising result of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is that computer use was negatively associated with high student achievement in some countries. More specifically, the students from all three countries who indicated that they use computers in the classroom most frequently were those with the lowest achievement on the TIMSS in 1995. For the purpose of this study, a similar comparison was made for 15-year-old U.S.A. students, based on the data from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). The results of this study show that it is not computer use itself that has a positive or negative effect on the science achievement of students, but the way in which computers are used. For example, after controlling for the student's socioeconomic status in the United States of America, the results indicated that the students who used computers frequently at home, including for the purpose of writing papers, tended to have higher science achievement. However, the results of this study also show that science achievement was negatively related to the use of certain types of educational software. This indicates a result similar to that found in the TIMSS data, which might reflect the fact that teachers assign the use of the computer and of educational software to the lower achieving students more frequently, so that these students can obtain more personal and direct feedback through educational software.  相似文献   

Within the educational field, measurements such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) suggest we are living in a time of competition. This article takes a critical view of the modern drive to measure, evaluate, and rank programs within the educational field. Using Ken Wilber's epistemological quadrant-model, I analyze the question, “What is a good school?”  相似文献   

Australia's continuing participation in international science studies such as TIMSS provides a useful lens through which to monitor achievement in science over time. Gender differences in science were not evident in the early years of TIMSS but appear to be growing. This article examines gender differences in science achievement in early secondary schooling in Australia using data from the TIMSS 2003 study. The aim is to explore the cultural, social, structural and institutional factors that may differentially influence science achievement, with the aim of identifying which are more important for males and for females.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to conduct an analysis of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2003 database and to determine how negative school factors, such as aggression, are associated to the mathematical and science achievement of students. The analyses were conducted separately for national and international data. National analyses for Slovenia show significant associations between math and science achievement and the experience of aggressive behaviour. Students who experienced aggressive behaviour scored lower in math and science, both in the fourth and in the eighth grade. The results of the regression analysis show that negative factors, such as aggressive behaviour, are good predictors of educational achievement in Slovenia. International analyses for the selected countries (high‐ and low‐achieving countries from the whole TIMSS population) confirm that this type of finding is culturally impartial as well as valid for the level of achievement both in math and in science.  相似文献   

Research on educational quality has been scarce in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, whereas the debates over educational quality date from 1966 in the USA with the Coleman Report. Fortunately TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) starts to fill this gap by providing data on students’ achievement and for many MENA countries this is the first time that such data are available. The paper gives an overview of the quality of education in MENA using TIMSS’ 2007 data. The research questions addressed here are why is achievement low? And why is the gap between the top‐performing countries and MENA countries large? In order to answer these questions, the paper focuses on several aspects: the first is the inefficiency of acquiring the language, the second is the inefficiency of time devoted to homework, the third is the meagre intended curriculum which is translated into a weaker implemented curriculum, the fourth aspect deals with the inefficiency of public resources devoted to the education sector. Finally, the paper highlights two other factors believed to affect students’ achievement: family background and students’ attitudes towards mathematics and science.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative overview of teacher education variables associated with primary science in 13 TIMSS educational systems. While using TIMSS mean cohort performances at the Year 4 level to rank the sample systems, the study went beyond TIMSS in that it was at the whole-system level and took into account developments since those tests. The study reinforced the view that primary teacher training ideally occurs in a university, and involves a 4-year degree programme that preferably adheres to common standards across institutions. Teachers’ attainment at high school emerged as a principal correlate with TIMSS rankings. Better rankings were also associated with the existence of mandatory science ‘content’ studies as part of teacher training. These observations are consistent with the axiom that teachers’ competence in primary science arises largely from their own mastery of scientific concepts. The authors propose that candidates for primary teacher training programmes should have been awarded passes in science, including physical science, at minimally the middle secondary level, and urge primary teacher training institutions to include compulsory science ‘content’ as well as science pedagogy courses in their programmes.  相似文献   


This study examines the influence of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 results on mathematics education policy in Israel. Analyzing various documents, the study shows how these results transformed policymakers’ discourse regarding mathematics education. In order to achieve improvement in Israel’s ranking, the middle school mathematics curriculum was aligned with the TIMSS test. Following this change, the scores of Israeli students rose considerably in TIMSS 2011. Parallel results from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Israeli internal standardized tests, however, do not show comparable improvement in mathematics achievement. High school matriculation data for the same period of time show a decline in the percentage of students who took the most advanced mathematics courses. Furthermore, none of these data sources show any noticeable reduction in social inequality in mathematics achievement. On the basis of theoretical insights from political science, it is argued that international tests influence the way educational problems are framed and defined. Thus, instead of enriching educational decision-making processes, these tests can create a tunnel vision effect that restricts policymakers’ attention to ‘problems’ and ‘solutions’ defined by the tests themselves.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts school science achievement between two top scoring nations, Japan and Singapore, on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessments. The first part of the study is devoted to examining cross-national comparisons on selected background questions administered in the TIMSS survey, while the second part examines selected educational attributes and practices that might help explain their consistently high achievement in science. Attention to TIMSS data has chiefly focused on the achievement gap between US and other nations. This report moves beyond US deficit comparisons to examine results and programs of high achieving nations to better inform efforts to close the gaps.  相似文献   

The key question in international comparative studies of educational achievement is whether results can be trusted. The answer is unknown unless what is measured at one point in time can be compared with measurement at some other point in time. Results from the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in Slovenia can fortunately be compared with results from the International Assessment of Educational Progress (IAEP) collected in 1991. Although TIMSS sampling was grade-based and IAEP sampling was age-based, allowing for differences in sampling shows that Slovene children, as well as those from all other compared countries performed approximately at the same level at both points in time. Age-based comparison placed Slovenia's 13-year-olds much lower on the international rankings list than the TIMSS grade-based comparison. But taking samples based on age and comparing only 13-year-olds in both samples shows very little difference in the results of these two studies. Furthermore, achievement varies very similarly in both studies with variables such as time used for school at home, time spent watching television and the disposal of study aids. Despite the different approach used in each study, comparison of achievement between TIMSS and IAEP reveals exceptional similarity.  相似文献   

TIMSS 2019数学评价发现,中小学生的数学学习成绩正在逐渐提高,达到国际基准的比例也在提高,并存在区域、性别、领域和认识差异。同时,家庭与学校环境、师生教学准备、学生数学学习态度和数学课程与教学等背景因素都影响数学学习。为了促进我国数学教育的健康发展,我们要继承中华优秀教育传统,吸收先进教育理念,更新数学课程内容,优化教育教学评价,培养积极学习态度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how Year 8 students answered Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) questions and whether the test questions represented the scientific understanding of these students. One hundred and seventy-seven students were tested using written test questions taken from the science test used in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. The degree to which a sample of 38 children represented their understanding of the topics in a written test compared to the level of understanding that could be elicited by an interview is presented in this paper. In exploring student responses in the interview situation this study hoped to gain some insight into the science knowledge that students held and whether or not the test items had been able to elicit this knowledge successfully. We question the usefulness and quality of data from large-scale summative assessments on their own to represent student scientific understanding and conclude that large scale written test items, such as TIMSS, on their own are not a valid way of exploring students' understanding of scientific concepts. Considerable caution is therefore needed in exploiting the outcomes of international achievement testing when considering educational policy changes or using TIMSS data on their own to represent student understanding.  相似文献   

二十年来,大规模学生评估对教育研究、学校体系和教育政策产生了深远影响。“国际中学生评估项目”(PISA)、“国际学生数学与科学能力动态项目”(TIMSS)和“国际学生阅读能力进步研究项目”(PIRLS)使各个国家学生成绩值具有一定可比性,由此,人们能更细致地从学校内部来观察不同国家学校工作的差异度。大规模学生评估还为学校发展、教育领导以及学生成绩的改进提供必要数据。本文以PIRLS为例,旨在从德国视角为中国今后开展大规模国际学生评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The PISA survey influences educational policies through an international competitive process which is not wholly rationally-oriented. Firstly, PISA league tables act normatively upon the definition of formal educational aims while the survey tests cannot evaluate the educational systems’ relative strengths with regards to such aims. We argue that they measure a kind of academic potential of the students. Secondly, errors in interpreting national success or failure stem from the causal inferences developed from observing national cases. In order to give such comparisons a stronger basis, we distinguish five main educational models within the OECD countries and compare their PISA 2006 results to their population’s socio-cultural levels as well as their performance recorded in an academic-programme-based survey such as TIMSS. Our conclusions contrast heavily with the usual lessons inferred from PISA, which follow OECD-promoted guidelines, and explain French students’ weakening as well as Finnish students’ success.  相似文献   

学生学习质量的评价已经成为当前国际教育研究和实践中的重要领域。目前,在中小学阶段,国际上不仅有PISA和TIMSS两大全球性的测评体系,还出现了美国的NAEP测验,英国的Kassel测验,日本的学力测验和法国的诊断性测验等区域性的重要测评体系。其中的数学学习测评设计都体现了一个基本特点:聚焦于学生基本素养发展。本文在研究上述六个数学测试项目的基础上,从多个角度分析了国外中小学的数学测评的基本趋势,从中探索当前国际数学教学质量监控的基本特点。了解国际数学学习测评的基本趋势,对于我国当前正在进行的教育质量监控体系的构建具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a comparative assessment of the achievement of students in many countries. In the present study, a rigorous independent evaluation was conducted of a representative sample of TIMSS science test items because item quality influences the validity of the scores used to inform educational policy in those countries. The items had been administered internationally to 16,009 students in their eighth year of formal schooling. The evaluation had three components. First, the Rasch model, which emphasizes high quality items, was used to evaluate the items psychometrically. Second, readability and vocabulary analyses were used to evaluate the wording of the items to ensure they were comprehensible to the students. And third, item development guidelines were used by a focus group of science teachers to evaluate the items in light of the TIMSS assessment framework, which specified the format, content, and cognitive domains of the items. The evaluation components indicated that the majority of the items were of high quality, thereby contributing to the validity of TIMSS scores. These items had good psychometric characteristics, readability, vocabulary, and compliance with the assessment framework. Overall, the items tended to be difficult: constructed response items assessing reasoning or application were the most difficult, and multiple choice items assessing knowledge or application were less difficult. The teachers revised some of the sampled items to improve their clarity of content, conciseness of wording, and fit with format specifications. For TIMSS, the findings imply that some of the non‐sampled items may need revision, too. For researchers and teachers, the findings imply that the TIMSS science items and the Rasch model are valuable resources for assessing the achievement of students. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1321–1344, 2012  相似文献   

课堂微观研究与教育技术“新革命”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
课堂教学研究在教学互动分析技术和TIMSS录像研究技术两次重大突破的影响下,进一步向微观化、技术化的纵深路向发展,使课堂微观研究进入了信息技术的鼎盛时期。教学互动分析技术是一种适合从微观上探索行为规律和性质,综合运用结构性观察、话语分析等多种方法的研究技术。TIMSS录像研究技术则是在互动分析技术的基础上,从跨文化、跨学科的视角对课堂教学进行整体研究和系统研究的新技术,特别是大型课堂教学录像数据库和数字化分析平台的创建,极大地显示了信息技术在当前教学研究和教育教学改革中的巨大威力。  相似文献   

The ranking of the United States in major international tests such as the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is used as the driving force and rationale for the current educational reforms in the United States. Through current reforms, the United States is preparing to “race to the top” of the international rankings. However, using international test results as the ultimate indicator of a country's educational achievement might not be an appropriate measure. Additionally, replicating some aspects of high-achieving countries’ education systems or standards may not guarantee success for U.S. public schools. In this article, four reasons are presented explaining why there is no guaranteed success in comparing the United States to other countries’ educational standards and to their achievement in international tests. In order to successfully implement reforms in U.S. public schools, educational leaders and reformers should carefully consider the four points discussed in this article and use tests to inform their reforms, rather than to create uniformity.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyse the predictive power of home and school environment-related factors for determining pupils’ aggression. The multiple regression analyses are performed for fourth- and eighth-grade pupils based on the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 (N = 8394) and TIMSS 2011 (N = 9415) databases for Slovenia. At the national level, the Lestvica agresivnosti aggression scale was administered in both TIMSS cycles. For home environment variables, we included those related to socio-economic status, pupils’ educational aspirations, parental activities with their children and pupils’ free time activities. The results show that the variables related to socio-economic status, spare time activities and parental activities are significant predictors. The results differ in both analysed data-sets. For school environment variables, we include those related to the school climate, pupils’ attitudes towards school and school subjects and pupils’ achievement in mathematics. We find that the variables related to school climate and students’ self-confidence are significant predictors. These results are stable in both years. The predictive power of the school characteristics model (including only the school environment variables) is larger (based on the proportion of explained variance) compared with the home characteristics model. The hierarchical linear model of data from 2007 to 2011 shows small differences in aggression between schools. The inclusion of two data cycles collected in two time- periods allows us to observe changes in aggression predictors over time. Practical implications are finally included.  相似文献   

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