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留长发,蓄短髭,身着一袭妻子缝制的白衣黑裤,清瘦的体形仿佛玉树临风,一脸的不苟言笑,初见时令人不知如何与其接近。但一盏茶下去,话匣子打开,此前的疑虑一扫而空:进而发现,眼前的李真与我一样,既懂喜怒哀乐,又有七情六欲。  相似文献   

<正>The four treasures of the study, including writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper, have been favored as curios by emperors, noblemen and elite scholars in dynastic China. The appreciation and collection  相似文献   

Li Shenghong is currently the executive vice director of Chinese Calligraphy Institute under China Art Academy and has a f professional title as the state first-grade artist. He is particularly versed in cursive writing. Li's calligraphic works and critic essays have been published in "Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphy" and such professional publications as "Chinese Calligraphy",  相似文献   

Wang Anshi, born in Wuxi, southeast Jiangsu Province in February 1940, currently serves as deputv president of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, president of Hengyun Calligraphy and Painting Academy of Wuxi City, honorary chairman of China Society of Calligraphy and Painting, trustee of China Association for Painters of Traditional Chinese Painting,  相似文献   

国际收藏家踊跃购买,国内富豪将资金投入其怀抱,由此构成了当今中国艺术市场的一道独特景观。当代中国艺术家在这样的环境中崛起,再崛起。[第一段]  相似文献   

The slight breeze of early spring in Beijing deepens my reminiscence over a younger friend of mine. When his name came to my mind I was just dazed on acomplex fragrance of flowers and tree leaves that replete his residential garden as 1 dropped in his own family.  相似文献   

约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(1883~1946)在1998年的美国经济学会年会上被选为“20世纪最具影响力的经济学家”。作为当今世界经济秩序的主要奠基人,这一荣誉对凯恩斯而言,显然实至名归。但很多人却不知凯恩斯也是20世纪伟大的收藏家。他藏有约4000卷古籍善本、300卷名人手稿、亲笔信件及大量现当代绘画。凯恩斯通过其“研究性收藏”后,写出脍炙人口的论文《牛顿其人》。[第一段]  相似文献   

Huzhou, a historical city in the southeast province of Zhejiang, was dubbed as the "hometown of book collection" by Wang Guowei, a great scholar living inthe late Qing Dynasty, The most famous private collection house in Huzhou is "Jia Ye Tang" built by a local millionaire named Liu Chenggan [1881-1963] in the first half of the 20th century,  相似文献   

一直以来,王劲松因其以油画、水墨、彩墨、摄影等多种艺术语言所创作的作品,更以艺术家本人对艺术与生活与众不同的见解与认识,以及长期以来对艺术信念的执与坚持,带给观强烈的感受。此次观音堂化街开街,之所以选择王劲松的摄影作品展览,主要基于这个展览是这位艺术家10年间重要摄影作品的总结与回顾,数量不多但份量很重。尽管其作品广泛被国外艺术机构,博物馆及收藏家收藏,但在国内集中展出尚属首次。这个展览还特别推出了王劲松的新作《国字A号-72条》,它延续了艺术家在观念摄影方面的独特语言:简洁明确的内容,在规律重复的排列形式中强化一种不容质疑的观念话语霸权,不做作,不隐晦,不批判,但给人以强烈的视觉与内心之震撼……[编按]  相似文献   

“欧风汉骨,东学西行”的洽学态度,是以中学作为人文精神的主体,在中西方平等的基础上,借鉴西方文化之长,发展民族文化,树立民族自信心。多年来,王良虎走出国门,以国际视野审视书法这一中国传统文化,立足当下的角度看待书法艺术,对其当代性的发展进行了深入的思考。  相似文献   

<正>Blue and white wares are white pottery and porcelain decorated under the glaze with a blue pigment, generally cobalt oxide. The decoration is commonly applie...  相似文献   

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