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新中国成立前夕,美国采取了两手对华政策。面对西方国家的封锁和不承认态度,中国政府制定了“另起炉灶”和“一边倒”的外交方针,并与苏联签订了友好互助条约。在阻止中苏结盟的构想落空后,美国很快确立了“孤立”、“遏制”中国的政策。随着朝鲜战争的爆发,两国进入全面对抗时期。  相似文献   

克林顿政府与中美关系的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克林顿政府执政初期 ,由于对中国情况不了解 ,以及受大选政治和国内反华势力的影响 ,对华实行“遏制”与“接触”政策 ,不断在人权、贸易、台湾和军售等问题上制造事端 ,使中美关系一直走下坡路 ,并降到中美建交以来的最低点。进入第二任期后 ,克林顿随着个人地位的巩固和政治外交上的成熟 ,在对华政策上所受干扰和压力减少 ,能以务实的态度来处理中美关系 ,对对华政策做出调整 ,用全面接触政策替代了孤立遏制政策 ,从此中美关系进入了较成熟稳定发展的新时期  相似文献   

冷战结束以后,中美关系失去“向苏看”的特点,进入了一个新的时期.中国的崛起引起了美国的特别关注。美国对中国采取“接触加遏制”的政策,而中国则采取积极主动的应对措施,从而使两国关系形成了一些新的特征并给双方带来了影响.中美双方应当在和平共处五项原则的基础上扩大双方的合作,以塑造一种稳定、和谐与共赢的中美关系.  相似文献   

李承晚时期是美韩同盟的奠基阶段,同盟对外遏制共产主义与对内规制盟国行为的功能通过美国对该政权的政策得到了生动体现。通过解读美国对李承晚政权内外行为的政策,可揭示出该政权在美国决策层中形成“价值”与“负担”的双重认知,进一步剖析美国在冷战背景下由国家安全和制度竞争双重目标带来的决策困境——在遏制共产主义与规范盟国行为之间的两难选择,从而以李承晚时期美韩同盟为个案,探讨冷战时期的政权特性与同盟关系之关联。  相似文献   

从遏制中国、实现其亚太及全球战略和维护其在台的经济利益等方面看,美国都将 台湾作为其“不沉的航空母舰”。而从政治、军事和经济等方面考虑,美国又不能与中国全面 对抗。这样,美国在台湾问题上就陷入了两难困境:如不干预,让中国统一台湾,则其“航 母”沉没;如干预,则可能与中国全面对抗。美国左右权衡,应付这种两难困境的办法就是 避重就轻,维持现状。  相似文献   

坚定不移地维护和坚持我们党的党性原则朱海风在《马克思主义与现实》1996年第2期上撰文说:西方敌对势力决不希望看到一个强大的社会主义中国出现在世界的东方,因此,加紧对我实施“西化”、“分化”占略和一整套“诱压兼施”、“遏制+接触”的策略,阻止我们前进...  相似文献   

秦汉时期所谓“少年”,系指那些从“父老”统治下游离出来,处于社会下层,从事卑贱职业,游手好闲的社会群体。少年犯罪表现为结成“群盗”,劫掠财物,“借交报仇”,“任侠并兼”以及充当权贵或地方豪强的爪牙,为害乡里等。少年屡犯法禁,对社会治安产生消极作用,因而受到专制政府的打击与遏制;但少年任侠狂逸的性格特征又反映出秦汉时代的社会风貌和价值取向,在下层社会尤受推紫,所以统治者在打击“恶少年”的同时,又利用其力量,将政府的影响力与触角深入到民间社会。这种打击与利用相结合的方式,对秦汉基层社会秩序的形成产生了深刻影响。本文试图从秦汉时期少年犯罪的社会原因与特点、对社会的危害以及政府的防治措施等方面,来认识秦汉时期这一特殊社会现象。  相似文献   

最近两三个月来,中美关系急剧滑坡。在这一背景下,美国一些报刊接连发表文章,鼓吹“遏制”中国,主张“中国在亚洲行使影响之前就应该限制中国这根苗长大”;西方国家要结成统一战线,共同制定一项对中国“积极制约”的战略;对中国应采取“经济上接触和战略上遏制”的政策,必要时考虑“恢复东南亚条约组织以威慑中国”。美国《时代》周刊甚至发出了“颠覆中国政权”的叫嚣。 与此同时,美国国会通过了一个又一个反华议案。最为严重的是,美国政府改变过去的政策,允许李登辉访美,公然制造“两个中国”或“一中一台”。 面对“遏制中国论”的喧嚣,助理国务卿温斯顿·洛德说:“我们寻求同中国接触,而不是遏制它。遏制可能意味着我们把中国当作敌人对待,这是完全不必要的。”  相似文献   

自从1997年网络技术开始在中国旅游业应用以来,网络技术在中国旅游业的应用得到了飞速发展,特别是在2003年“非典时期”,网络技术由于具有方便快捷和无须与相关人员接触等特点,显示了与其它方式无可比拟的优势。据有关专家预测,非典过后,网上订票、订房、订景点、订旅游路线将成为游客时髦的话题和自觉的行动。本文拟结合“非典时期”网络技术应用的状况对网络技术在中国旅游业的应用进行一定的分析。  相似文献   

本文根据国际资本主义势力反对社会主义的方式和手段的变化,将两种社会制度之间的斗争分为两大时期五个阶段:第一时期即十月革命至50年代初期,包括干涉与反干涉,侵略与反侵略,和颠覆与反颠覆、遏制与反遏制等三个阶段的斗争;第二时期即50年代中期至90年代第一春,包括干涉、渗透与反干涉、反渗透、和演变与反演变、制裁与反制裁等两个阶段的斗争。这些启示我们:在当代历史条件下,务必着重警惕所谓“和平演变”战略的阴谋。  相似文献   

Simulation methodology development for rotating blade containment analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An experimental and numerical investigation on the aeroengine blade/case containment analysis is presented. Blade out containment capability analysis is an essential step in the new aeroengine design, but containment tests are time-consuming and incur significant costs; thus, developing a short-period and low-cost numerical method is warranted. Using explicit nonlinear dynamic finite element analysis software, the present study numerically investigated the high-speed impact process for simulated blade containment tests which were carried out on high-speed spin testing facility. A number of simulations were conducted using finite element models with different mesh sizes and different values of both the contact penalty factor and the friction coefficient. Detailed comparisons between the experimental and numerical results reveal that the mesh size and the friction coefficient have a considerable impact on the results produced. It is shown that a finer mesh will predict lower containment capability of the case, which is closer to the test data. A larger value of the friction coefficient also predicts lower containment capability. However, the contact penalty factor has little effect on the simulation results if it is large enough to avoid false penetration.  相似文献   

明代黔中西堡、宁谷、十二营、康佐、募役、定营等六长官司,在开设之初皆有副长官司。正、副长官司辖地、治权各不相同,形成相互牵制的政区实体,各自以独立身份与明王朝建立联系。在明清土司制度研究中,同司正副分治的现象应予重视。  相似文献   

Six-month-old infants' categorization of containment spatial relations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six-month-old infants' ability to form an abstract category of containment was examined using a standard infant categorization task. Infants were habituated to 4 pairs of objects in a containment relation. Following habituation, infants were tested with a novel example of the familiar containment relation and an example of an unfamiliar relation. Results indicate that infants look reliably longer at the unfamiliar versus familiar relation, indicating that they can form a categorical representation of containment. A second experiment demonstrated that infants do not rely on object occlusion to discriminate containment from a support or a behind spatial relation. Together, the results indicate that by 6 months, infants can recognize a containment relation from different angles and across different pairs of objects.  相似文献   

Containment of high-speed rotating disk fragments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Disk burst accidents sometimes happen in aeroengines. To avoid tragic consequences, aeroengine casings must have sufficient containment capability. Experiments and simulations need to be conducted to study the impact, distortion, and perforation caused by disk burst and which may give important clues to potential failure mechanisms. This paper presents some containment tests of high-speed rotating disk fragments, in which the original disks were burst into three equal fragments within a predetermined rotating speed range. The failure modes of the containment casing varied significantly with the thickness of the containment casing. Shearing, tearing, tensile fracture, and large plastic stretching deformation occurred in a thin-walled containment casing, while a thick-walled casing could contain disk fragments and withstand large plastic deformation. Numerical simulations were carried out to study the impact process and failure modes further. Good agreement was found between the results of the simulations and the tests.  相似文献   

跨国公司的高新技术专利遏制战略是隶属于其宗主国的国家经济战略的子战略。专利遏制战略已成为国家安全战略的核心内容之一。专利遏制战略源于二战后西方国家的两种安全战略。并受国家经济战略特征的影响。在高新技术领域,跨国公司对我国企业不断强化专利遏制战略。我国企业崛起于世界舞台的过程,就是一步一步打破外国专利遏制战略。跻身世界一流企业之列的过程。  相似文献   

固体浮子式围油栏模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围油栏广泛应用于开阔海域、港湾、码头、海洋石油平台和船舶抢险等溢油水域。本模型试验对固体浮子围油栏在水流作用下的有效深度及在浪流联合作用下的围油性能进行了试验研究。  相似文献   

Strain growth is a phenomenon observed in containment vessels subjected to internal blast loading. The elastic response of the vessel may become larger in a later stage compared to its response during the initial stage. The dynamic responses of infinitely long cylindrical containment vessels subjected to uniformly-distributed internal blast loading are studied using LS-DYNA. The development of bending modes and the interaction between the breathing mode and bending modes are observed. The methodology developed for dynamic elastic buckling analysis is employed to study the strain growth phenomenon in explosion containment vessels. It is shown that the dynamic instable vibration of a containment vessel is the basic mechanism of strain growth.  相似文献   

In each of 2 experiments, 2 measures were used to assess infants' understanding of the concept of "containment." After being habituated to videotaped episodes of sand being poured into and out of a cylinder, infants saw a "possible" event and then an "impossible" event. Infants who understand containment were expected to look longer at the "impossible" event. In the second test, infants were involved in a game of dropping blocks into a cup. In Experiment 1, 14-month-olds were contrasted with 20-month-olds to establish that the latter but not the former demonstrate an understanding of containment on both tasks. This age effect was obtained. In Experiment 2, we examined whether this understanding could be acquired by 14-month-olds. 50 infants were randomly assigned to 5 training conditions. 1 condition was effective in leading to the development of an understanding of containment: Infants who played with both cans and tubes in their home for 1 month performed in both tests similarly to untrained 20-month-olds.  相似文献   

大学生犯罪是目前存在的一个很严重的社会问题。本文就大学生犯罪心理进行分析,阐述了犯罪心理的表现、诱因、自我调适和预防措施,以期对当前大学生犯罪的遏制有所裨益。  相似文献   

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