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陈婷 《海外英语》2013,(2X):171-173
This article chiefly analyzes Shelley’s social background, personality and the relationship between the creation of Shelly’s"Ode to the West Wind"and the social background of Shelley’s age and his personality."Ode to the West Wind"was the representative of all his works and a masterpiece of the romantic poetry. It praised the spirit of the west wind in order to encourage the British people to fight against the old system, which expressed his optimism in eliminating tyranny and eventually achieving a bright future.  相似文献   

The elements of Sartre’s existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery: The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness; people can be the hell to each other; an individual has a free choice and act, but should be responsible for his or her behavior. Shirley discusses the problem of the existence of an individual in the complex web of society and environment in The Lottery, just as Sartre in his works of existentialism.  相似文献   

陈晨 《海外英语》2012,(12):191-193
Tess of the d’Urbervilles,Tomas Hardy’s masterpiece,was published in 1891,marking a turning point in Hardy’s literary life.This essay attempts to analyze Tess of the d’Urbervilles in the light of Ecocriticism and seeks to throw a new light on this novel.Through a close study of the relationship between Tess and nature,the essay interprets the process of Tess’s tragedy as the inharmonious relationship between nature and the modern civilization which is represented by Alec and Angel.In this way,this thesis tries to provide a fresh perspective that may enable us to realize the importance of environmental protection and have a better understanding of this novel.  相似文献   

李弘 《海外英语》2012,(23):181-182,184
Ralph Ellison’s great work Invisible Man explores the theme of man’s search for his identity and place in society,as seen from the perspective of an unnamed black man.The narrator is"invisible"because he finds out that"people refuse to see"him,and thus experiences a kind of dissociation and disconnection with the reality.The narrator finally wakes up from the disillusionment and begins to ask himself questions which reflects his inner force of liberating himself from the outer force and become essentially self-freeing.This paper intends to discover the reason of the narrator’s changes and its meaning to the improvement of the human beings and society as well.  相似文献   

孙静 《海外英语》2014,(20):162-163,167
This paper explores the relationship between the original and its translation by interpreting Benjamin’s three metaphors from his The Translator’s Task. The exploration starts with the metaphor of“the tangent of a circle”,where it is interpreted that although the translated version should be faithful to its original in terms of meaning,yet it is a deviation due to different internal and external factors. Then,in the metaphor of“afterlife”,the discussion demonstrates that the translated version proceeds from the original,but the original depends on it for its survival and afterlife in different eras. Later,based on the metaphor of“fragments of a vessel”,the author states that the original and its translation are equal and complementary,just like the fragments of a vessel,responsible for the development and renewal of each other through translation. Finally,it is concluded that a better understanding of their relationship can offer us a new perspective in translation studies and practice.  相似文献   

刘龙章 《海外英语》2012,(10):233-238
In the thesis the author explores the humor of the actor’ s lines in If You Are the One from the perspective of cooperative princi ple and its four maxims in the context of pragmatics.Through analyzing the purposeful violation of the maxims in the environment of the cooperation principle,the author intends to probe into the ways the actors figure out the implicature of humorous utterances and manage to carry on the conversation and the reproduction of the amusing effect.  相似文献   

孔静芳  胡小红 《海外英语》2013,(4X):174-176
David Henry Hwang is the first and the only Asian American playwright ever to win Tony Award for Best Play.His latest play Yellow Face combines signs,representation and the issue of identity on the stage with those in the real life,vividly interpreting the fluidity of identity.Therefore,this essay attempts to concentrate on a semiotic study of Yellow Face from the perspective of Stuart Hall’s Cultural Studies,especially the discursive approach.Through the analysis of various signs in the plays to be discussed and how these signs construct meaning to represent culture,this essay explores the relationships between symbolic representations and cultural identity,shedding a new light on Yellow Face.  相似文献   

贾宁宁 《海外英语》2013,(22):219-222
This paper sets out to analyze the menace of Harold Pinter’s play,The Dumb Waiter,from the following aspects,the ar rangement of the plot,the language,and the portrayal of characters.Further,through the contrast between the closed room and outside intrusion,between the language of violence and the language of silence,between Ben and Gus’s shared threat and Ben’s menace to Gus,it’s expected to reveal the omnipresent threat to readers through and through.  相似文献   

陆飏 《海外英语》2013,(23):260-261
According to the relationship between symbol and meaning in semiotics,this paper analyzes the symbolic meaning of the imaginary son and the meaning of killing him in Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?,and concludes that killing the imaginary son is the only way to escape the bondage of rigid social morality and come back to the reality.  相似文献   

田杰 《海外英语》2012,(17):192-193,206
Greimas’s Semiotic Square is a new approach in analyzing literary works.Based on Sassure and Jacnson’s claim on binary opposition,Gereimas extends it to four actants and adds contradictory relationships.By assign meanings to the four actants,an analysis of the complicated relationship between the roles in a text can be made and a revelation of the theme of the text can be realized.Previous studies of this novel take it as an excellent work revealing loneliness and isolation is thought to be the basic condition of human existence.Other study covers the effects of the unrequited love.Quiet differently,this paper tries to interpret this novel by Greimas’semiotic square and thereby revealing the widely accepted theme of this novel that isolation and loneliness is the final destiny of human being in modern society.  相似文献   

苏华 《承德师专学报》2005,25(4):56-56,68
自由是对客观必然性的认识以及对必然性的利用,是主客观统一的过程;而实践也是同样包含着主客观统一的主客体的统一,即人们利用、改造客观必然性的活动:主体性也是在对客观必然性的认识、克服、改造中得以确立起来.自由、实践、主体性三者为同一概念的不同表述形态,各有侧重.马克思主义哲学的主体性是从自由和实践引发开来的,作为自由和实践的主体在对客观对象的认识、作用和改造中达到的与客体世界的统一.  相似文献   

《围城》通过方鸿渐的漂泊,借助看似"开放"实则"封闭"的空间转移对20世纪三四十年代的中国及中国知识分子作了入木三分的描绘,多侧面地对所谓文明社会的各种弊端作了无情揭露和嘲讽,使方鸿渐们在不同的世情背景下,呈现出既复杂又真实的人性、人情和人生。  相似文献   

虽然有效教学反思已倡导多时,但并不能无条件地接受它,要在对它本身有深刻理解的基础上才能真正指导自己的教学。因此,对其概念的梳理和思考是必需的。本文认为有效教学反思是有着多方面涵义的实实在在的概念,其"有效"所言传的是一种"发展"和"进步"的意义,体现了对一种理想状态的追求。具体来说,有效教学反思体现为一种教学反思形态、思维形式、理想和境界以及多指向的动态过程。  相似文献   

“时代”、“地区”和“民族”性类目常常并列列出,归类时可以从有关相近相邻类目的内容划分中找出划分标准;分析主表中注释隐含的划分标准;分析类目包含的主要内容成分判断或参考一些相关类目规定的划分标准,来寻找到合理的归类方法。  相似文献   

由沃尔夫冈·彼得森执导的电影《特洛伊》取材于荷马史诗《伊利亚特》,它以直观的音像形式重现了古希腊的一场战争,同时也融入了现代的商业因素.影片在故事的基本情节、人物的塑造及文化的内涵上,对原作既遵从、又疏离,使得作品从一部反映部落英雄战争的史诗,转向更为深邃的人性拷问,更契合现代人的审美趋向;但如果仅凭影片去理解史诗,则会有失偏颇.  相似文献   

<到灯塔去>(To the Light house)是一部经典的意识流小说,它以完美与和谐的艺术形式充分展示了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)非凡的艺术功力.本文以<到灯塔去>为文本,提出了对"非个人化"手法在两个层次上的理解并探讨了伍尔夫如何娴熟的使用这一手法来揭示人物变化多端的内心世界,揭示人的本质.  相似文献   

一直以来,许多研究者忽视了鲁迅写作《阿Q正传》时的思想观点和文艺观点,仅仅一般地根据中国资产阶级民主主义革命中关于农民问题的正确思想来解释阿Q的“革命”问题。事实上,阿Q的“革命”,不过是他的“精神胜利法”在客观环境发生变化后的另一种表现的形式而已。  相似文献   

原始的雅、俗都和“礼”有着密切的关系。是否遵循礼的规范,是区分雅俗的重要标准。礼最初是俗的一种体现.经过贵族加工和发展后.礼更加规范。约束力更强。雅依从于这种规范后的礼.最早在音乐领域诞生,借以和未经规范的、不能体现礼的精神的“俗乐”相区分。雅的观念产生以后。雅俗之间才开始有了区分。  相似文献   

《西游记》中的“游”作为希望的载体,对于游者本身的意义,主要在于为师徒们提供了新生的机会,由此引起了师徒们身份的重构,并使他们融为一体。游的“流动性”与“滞”的因素相对举,以及作者对结局的淡化处理,揭示了“游”这个行动所产生的永恒意义。  相似文献   

《颜氏家训·音辞》中"败"、"好"、"恶"三个字的语音在汉语史中有一个演变的过程,其词性、语义也有着相应的变化。经过考察,可以发现"败"、"好"、"恶"语音声、韵、调的发展和更替具有规律性;词性、词义的演变和发展具有不平衡性;上古到中古和从中古到现代,语音演变趋势呈现不一致性。  相似文献   

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