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《红楼梦》中的强本节用动因有三:第一就是空架子,理省俭,须运筹谋画,建立进货环节的验收制度和付款环节的监控体系。第二就是破荷叶、草根子,应综合利用,树立开源节流的财务管理理念,探讨经营承包机制的建立。第三,登利禄,处运筹,通尧舜孔孟,提出强本之策和节用之计。在强本节用措施上分三步走:一是定人选,选项目,搞责任承包;二是辟财路,找措施,须深挖细掘;三是既遵制,又创新,共建和谐园区。  相似文献   

雷动良 《中等数学》2006,(11):13-14
如果f"(x)>0(a<x<b),则曲线y=f(x)[a,b]上,[1]说是凸的,[2]说是凹的,教辅书[3]说是下凸的,因此,导致三难,用起来很不方便.在拜读了叶彦谦老先生译《微积分学教程》(人民教育出版社1956年新1版)后,并思索看图习惯,函数的凸凹性应是:  相似文献   

It is a widely held belief that anchor tests should be miniature versions (i.e., minitests), with respect to content and statistical characteristics, of the tests being equated. This article examines the foundations for this belief regarding statistical characteristics. It examines the requirement of statistical representativeness of anchor tests that are content representative. The equating performance of several types of anchor tests, including those having statistical characteristics that differ from those of the tests being equated, is examined through several simulation studies and a real data example. Anchor tests with a spread of item difficulties less than that of a total test seem to perform as well as a minitest with respect to equating bias and equating standard error. Hence, the results demonstrate that requiring an anchor test to mimic the statistical characteristics of the total test may be too restrictive and need not be optimal. As a side benefit, this article also provides a comparison of the equating performance of post-stratification equating and chain equipercentile equating.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃电大省开课程试卷连续6次命题质量评审结果进行分析,探讨了甘肃电大省开课程试卷命题中存在的问题,并提出应从加快省开课程试题库的建设、加强考试对教学的反馈作用、加大省开课程考核改革力度、深化课程考核评价方式等方面着手,深化电大考试与教学模式改革。  相似文献   

The paper uses the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data system (IPEDS) data to simulate the 2020 American Graduation Initiative (AGI) goal introduced by President Obama in the summer of 2009. We estimate community college graduation rates and completion numbers under different scenarios that include the following sets of variables: (a) internal education variables; (b) external workforce development variables; and (c) state and national environmental factors. Our analysis suggests that the likelihood of success of meeting the AGI goal increases dramatically if community colleges are able to raise graduation rates and increase completion numbers by doing the following: (a) lowering the inherent risk factors that prevent students from graduating by implementing proactive retention and completion strategies; (b) operating in economic and workforce development environments of low unemployment levels and (c) taking into consideration the ever-growing globally competitive environment.  相似文献   


The majority of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students are educated at least part of the day in general education classrooms taught by teachers who may not have any experience working with this population. DHH students make up a unique, heterogeneous group with a wide range of communication modalities, technology utilization, early intervention experiences, and educational placements. In addition to providing direct service to support these students, teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing (ToDHH) collaborate and consult with classroom teachers and school staff on classroom accommodations and modifications. However, recent research shows that ToDHH often feel unprepared to engage in the consultative aspect of their role. Since the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed 43 years ago, the field of deaf education has increasingly called for research on consultation models to apply to their unique population and to teach in their teacher preparation programs. This article identifies the characteristics of DHH learners and synthesizes current research on consultation in the field of deaf education. Three consultation models are examined to determine their level of fit within the field of deaf education. The author ends with a call for future research that can best be met through an interdisciplinary research approach between the field of deaf education and the fields of educational and psychological consultation.  相似文献   

同为清代诗人,王士祯、郑板桥笔下的渔家诗却风韵各异,笔者在赏析的基础上,从时代背景、取材视角、艺术追求三个方面将两首诗加以比较。  相似文献   

现行司法体系中存在的行政化、地方化、低职业化等现象要求进行司法体制改革,而法检省级统管是司法体制改革的基层探索,是最终实现顶层设计的必要步骤。法检省级统管首先必须以司法体制独立、司法体系完整和司法权衡制约为实现司法公正价值的形式目标,并从主体和配套机制两方面出发完善司法体制,设立审判委员会,推行拟垂直模式,并行监督机制以构建省级统管制度。同时,严防法检省级统管中出现的制度风险,最终从价值目标和制度设计上探索司法体制改革省级统管制度。  相似文献   

动态分层 因材施教 积极探索层级递进的个性化教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育日趋社会化、大众化 ,但高校入学学生水平参差不齐 ,传统的行政班级授课制已不能适应高等教育人性化的要求 ,实行“动态分层”的教学模式 ,在实施全面教育和素质教育的基础上 ,实现因材施教、突出学生的个性化发展 ,成为实施学分制管理必然要求 ,也是高校教学改革的必然方向。  相似文献   

课改后中考物理计算多从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观的“三维目标”来考查,为提高学生的应试能力,在教学中要加强“双基”和实验教学,注重思维能力、分析能力、数学能力和良好的解题习惯培养。  相似文献   

略论清政府经营轮船招商局的成败   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代中国的航运业是被迫开放的最早行业之一,也正是在这个行业,清政府比较成功地利用了资本主义国家资本输出在客观上提供的有利条件,借鉴了先进的生产工具和经营管理方式,创办了中国第一个民用企业轮船招商局,招商局从成立伊始就是为外资航运业的对立面出现的,在洋务派的扶持和保护下,轮船招商局采取切可行的措施,努力扩充自己的力量,积极参与国际竞争,并取得了一定的成绩。但封建的清政府终究不能使它在竞争取得彻底的胜利。  相似文献   

西周时期,今湖北境内分布有不同类别和不同规模的国家.然而,迄今为止,尚未见对此探讨的专文.为此,本文将文献记载同考古发现结合起来并相互参验,对西周时期今湖北境内众多的国家进行系统研究.为便利起见,本文的研讨将以地区为序展开.  相似文献   

探讨酸碱催化下1,2-环氧开环反应区域选择性,结果表明:对烷基取代的环氧乙烷而言,酸或碱催化,亲核试剂一般进攻环氧化合物位阻较小的1-位碳原子,但是芳基取代的环氧乙烷(如苯基环氧乙烷),亲核性一般的亲核试剂进攻环氧化合物的2-位碳原子,亲核性特别强的亲核试剂,进攻环氧化合物的1-位碳原子。纠正部分教科书中对于1,2-环氧开环反应的区域选择性不全面解释。  相似文献   

中国共产党80年风雨征程,三代中央领导人继承了马克思主义建党理论,并为保持和增进党的先进性,高瞻远瞩、殚精竭虑,作出了不可磨灭的卓越贡献。不断提高执政水平,在激烈竞争的国际风云中,始终立于不败之地。  相似文献   

嵇康的《声无哀乐论》是音乐美学史上的重要文献,他的理论对后世有非常大的影响。时代的政治环境、哲学基础、时代艺术成果和作者本人的音乐修养是作品主要的形成原因。  相似文献   

The characterization of complexes is particularly critical for quality control and development of gene delivery systems. Here, the method of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) for the characterization of DNA and poly-L-lysine (MW 28 500) or DNA and poly-L-lysine modified with polyethylene glycol (MW10000) complexes at various charge ratios in phos-phate buffer is described firstly. During the characterization, DNA complexes can be separated into various components with different charge-to-mass ratio, i.e, components with single physicochemical property. And also the size and zeta potential of complexes were characterized by using photon correlation spectroscopy. This method is useful to characterize various com-plexes formed by DNA and polycations, and has the potential to separate complexes into homogeneous component for better transfection efficiency in vitro and in vivo in future.  相似文献   

宋代理学的重要支派--心学派是以"存心、养心、求放心"为其核心思想的.在此基础上,该派提出了独特的"天籁自鸣"说,其主要观点是天籁自鸣之境界的前提是作者须依据本心,心无邪思;天籁自鸣之境界产生的基础是物我一体;天籁自鸣之境界的根本特色是与雕琢造作相对应的天成自然.  相似文献   

使用目的论及归化异化翻译方法的理论,比较大卫.霍克思和杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的《红楼梦》两译本中对称谓语翻译的5个例子,用以解释国内外读者对二译本反响不同这个问题,即不同的翻译目的决定了译者采取不同的翻译方法和策略,并因此决定了读者对译作的接受程度。  相似文献   

抓住晏几道和纳兰性德词中“月”这一关键意象进行比较。着重分析二人笔下的“月”在内容、作用、形态、意象群方面的相似和相异性。并从词体演变角度探讨了产生这些异同性的原因。  相似文献   

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