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本文探讨了新课程标准下高中英语教师的角色转变。当前,一名英语教师不再仅仅是知识的传授者,同时也是课堂活动的设计者、组织者和参与者,是学生学习中的引导者、帮助者。因此,教师必须在具备了相应的素质基础之上,将原先单纯“传道者”的角色转变为集多重角色于一身;将原先唱“独角戏”的角色转变为师生“互动双主”角色;将原先封建家长制角色转变为师生平等的朋友角色。  相似文献   

残疾人在获得自致角色方面遇到了生理、心理和社会的阻力;在角色扮演的过程中在角色期待和角色领悟之间存在较大的落差;在承担角色方面存在着角色中断,角色冲突和角色不对等的问题,问题的解决是一个系统的工程,需要残疾人自身和社会共同加以关注,寻找解决的途径。  相似文献   

研究性学习的实施关键在于教师。本文通过对中学研究性学习任课教师的调查 ,分析了研究性学习中教师角色认识和转变的基本情况。其结论 :把研究性学习设置为独立课程需要进一步实验研究 ;研究性学习中教师的理想角色和实践角色存在差距 ;升学考试是教师角色转变不明显的主要原因 ;教师自身是教师角色转变明显的主要原因 ;不同教龄、不同性别、不同任教科目的教师在角色认识和角色转变方面均无显著差异。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是学校学生思想教育和管理工作最基层的力量.随着经济的快速发展和高等教育改革的深入,辅导员的角色职能已经由单一的思想政治教育者向以学生成才为核心的教育者、管理者和服务者的多元化方向发展,本文着重总结了辅导员承担的多重角色职能,其中教育职能是辅导员角色的核心职能;管理职能是基础职能;服务职能是关键职能,并在此基础上,重点分析了辅导员多重角色之间频繁冲突的表现,通过分析认为辅导员的角色冲突主要表现在辅导员角色过载、角色要求差异、角色期望差异和角色能力不足四个方面.  相似文献   

<正>教师角色应赋予新内涵。美国心理学家林格伦说:"角色是建立在我们对自己的期望上面的。这些期望,从另一方面说来,是来自别人对我们期望的主要方面。"因此,教师角色特点体现了社会对教师角色的素质要求和教师对自己承担的任务的自觉意识。国外社会学家普遍认为,教师在社会变革中所担负的使命及角色起了变化。欧美一些人士认为,未来教师角色应具有人文特  相似文献   

副校长是个角色集,扮演着多重角色:"副手"角色,须摆正位、坐正位、补好位;分管领导角色,要熟悉并胜任所分管的工作领域;协调者角色,要营造和谐的学校内外部公共关系;带头人角色,要在师资队伍建设中发挥引领作用;教育科研者角色,要做教育研究。  相似文献   

教师角色认同是个体对自己的教师角色或教师身份的确认,是对自己担当的教师角色或教师身份的认可和接纳。采用问卷法和访谈法从角色认知、角色情感、角色行为三个维度对298名职前幼儿教师角色认同现状及影响因素进行了研究。研究表明:职前幼儿教师的角色认同水平较高;女性角色认同感总体高于男性;不同生源、入学动机不同的职前幼儿教师角色认同水平有显著差异;同时个人因素、重要他人因素、校本文化和社会地位显著正向影响职前幼儿教师的角色认同。根据上述研究结论,有针对性的提出促进职前幼儿教师专业发展的对策和建议。  相似文献   

一、角色与职业概述角色是与职业相联系的。角色是在社会分工的基础上形成的对人们在社会关系中特别是生产关系中所处职业的“定格”,它也是一个人在社会经济关系中的特别地位,要胜任社会分工所赋予的职业角色,基本的要求有两点:一是要有自觉的角色意识;二是要严格按照角色规范去调整自己的行为。角色意识是对自己所担当的角色的认同。自觉的角色意识包括:认识本角色在社会分工中的地位和作用;接受社会关系对本角色的客观要求;维护本角色的荣誉;追求本角色的理想和价值。自觉的角色意识意味着要严格执行角色规范,主动按照角色要求调整自己的行为。从职业道德建  相似文献   

以社会学语境下的角色认同为研究视角,对传统武术传承方式进行学理分析,认为先赋角色的疏离使传统武术的血缘传承缺失清晰的传承理解与自觉;自致角色的隔离使师徒传承缺乏内生的传承意识与素养;开放角色的游离则使社会传承缺少辩证的认知和实践反思。基于此,唤醒传承者的自我认同,厚植传承者角色认同基因是保障先赋角色前行的基石;开辟由师徒到师生的话语通道,打破传承者角色传统认知是创设自致角色生存空间的保障;建构由结社到社会的集体记忆,重拾与加固群体角色认同是构筑开放角色话语体系的途径。  相似文献   

当前,我国在高职院校“双师型”教师发展规模上颇有起色,制度建设上颇有成效,角色定位上多重交织。从角色理论视野考量,高职院校“双师型”教师是职业场域角色、社会场域角色、家庭场域角色和自我场域角色组成的“角色集”。基于此,高职院校“双师型”教师成长培育路径是:强化角色意识,建立“角色冲突—角色适应”培育链路;提升角色认知,建立“角色期望—角色规范”合作链路;增进角色认同,建立“角色认知—角色行为”认同链路;增强角色技能,建立“角色学习—角色训练”生长链路。  相似文献   

技术社会角色依照角色载体,可区分为技术人工社会角色、技术实体社会角色和技术工艺社会角色。经过一定科学理论和专门技能训练的“技术人”,属于技术人工社会角色;以某种实物形态存在,具有特定功能的技术性“人工物”,属于技术实体角色;以知识、理论、方法的形式存在的技术,属于技术工艺社会角色。不同的技术社会角色展现出各自独特的角色形象、作用和影响,具有不同的社会地位、权利、责任和行为模式。  相似文献   


Although the significance of student-teacher perception of student role in elementary school classroom verbal interaction has been shown, a void has tended to exist in such research at the secondary level. Therefore, using the Flanders Interaction Analysis system to quantify and record classroom verbal interaction and the Feshbach Situation test to sample student-teacher perception of student role, an investigation was conducted in 11th and 12th grade classrooms. An analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the mean number of indirect student-teacher verbalizations preceding and following the talk of selected role groups. Differences were also found among the eight role groups in the mean number of student responses to student-teacher questions and in the mean number of episodes of talk initiated by the variously perceived role groups.  相似文献   


The social work literature often mentions the value and importance of faculty and field instructors serving as role models for students. Unlike allied disciplines, the influence of role models in social work education remains relatively unexplored. This article includes a search of two electronic databases on role models and social work education, identifies the various conceptual references the social work literature makes to the topic, and then discusses its inclusion as a variable in empirical studies. It argues that more qualitative investigation is needed into role modeling as an inextricable component of social work students' socialization to the profession.  相似文献   


The entire entering freshman class of a medium-sized Midwestern liberal arts college students were asked to rate the importance of three college professor roles: the teaching role, the research role, and the character-building role. The students rated the teaching role as most important and the research role as least important. The parents assigned equally high ratings to the teaching and character-building roles and lower ratings to the research role. Ratings of character-building function by the parents were significantly higher than those of the student group. The students and parents did not differ significantly in their ratings of the teaching and research roles.  相似文献   

学校是儿童社会化的主体之一,在个体性别角色的社会化过程中起着重要的作用.文章回顾了性别角色社会化的相关理论,以此分析学校教育促进个体性别角色社会化的主要方面及其影响.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the role of education and poverty in the current global development agenda. It intends to analyse the emergence, evolution and consolidation of a global agenda, which attributes a key role to education in the fight against poverty. With this objective, the paper addresses four main issues: first, it analyses the context in which the emergence of the agenda must be placed, analysing specifically the changes generated by globalisation; second, it focuses on the role of the actors, and especially on the role of the World Bank in setting the agenda; third, it explains the consolidation of the agenda by the Education for All Conferences and the Millennium Development Goals; finally it presents some of the main limitations of the hegemonic agenda.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of the motivational self-regulation in academic procrastination under the personality framework. Therefore, the aims of the study were to investigate: (a) the role of personality dimensions in the self-regulation of motivation; (b) the role of self-regulation of motivation in procrastination; and (c) the mediating role of the self-regulation of motivation. The participants were 274 university students (M?=?21 years). The Big Five traits explained from 6% to 17% variance of the individual motivational regulation strategies (MRSs). Both personality (conscientiousness) and the MRS (environmental control) were significant predictors of academic procrastination. Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and intellect showed an indirect effect on reducing academic procrastination, mediated through the strategy of environmental control, thus additionally suggesting the important role of this motivational strategy. Since this strategy can be taught, these findings have a strong practical value.  相似文献   

The impact of role congruence and role conflict on work, marital, and life satisfaction was studied using Super’s life-span, life-space theory. A conceptual model of relationships between these variables was proposed, and gender differences were examined. Participants were 35 male and 60 female college graduates who completed surveys by mail. Results indicated adequate fit for the proposed model. Results of gender analyses indicated that women in this study participated more in parenting and housework, whereas men participated more in career and leisure activities. Despite the differences in actual role participation, no gender differences were found regarding ideal role participation. Both men and women reported that the parent role was most rewarding. Implications for counselors and directions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

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