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<正>王夫之曾说过:"意犹帅也,无帅之兵谓之乌合"。此话足见文章立意的重要性。现在的高考作文不主张在立意上为难学生,所以做到立意合理并不是一件难事。然而,众多合理的立意当中,深刻高远的立意则是备受阅卷老师青睐的。那么如何在紧张的考场上牢牢锁定深刻高远的立意,从而占尽先机呢?我认为要想文章立意深刻高远需具备"两种思维,三种情怀",即透视思维、辐射式思维、家国情怀、文化情怀、哲理思辨情  相似文献   

在中考语文阅读中,面对议论文阅读题,往往考生会望而生畏."理清结构为最要,作答问题抓要害"."理清结构为最要",就是指根据议论文的特点,抓住议论文的基本结构方式,迅速理清文章思路,把握文章结构."作答问题抓要害"是指基于三要素,理清文章结构,抓住关键、切中要害作答问题.  相似文献   

议论文写作能力的高低基本能反映一名学生思想认识水平、逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力的强弱。作文教学中,教师要有计划、有步骤培养学生的写作热情和能力。依据教材,议论文写作训练是按"立意—论据—论证—横向、纵向展开论述"的程序安排的。以往的作文教学计划就是按照教材制定的序列组织教学的:高一第二学期开始进行议论文写作训练,是必修三、四的"多思普想学习选择立论的角度"、"学会宽容学习选择和使用论据"、"善待生命学习论证"、"爱的奉献学习议论中的记叙"、"解读时间学习横向展开议论"、"发现幸福学习纵向展开议论"、"确立自信学习反驳"、"善于思  相似文献   

谈智慧 《文教资料》2013,(21):32-33
"主问题"是阅读教学中立意高远的有质量的课堂教学问题。教师应从抓标题、扣脉眼、品文眼、觅疑眼四方面入手设计主问题。  相似文献   

<正>陶行知先生曾说:"千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。"毫无疑问,陶行知先生所指"千教万教"之"教",应该是"真教"",教人求真"之"真",理应包含"真知"和"真智"。何谓"真教"?古人指纯真的教化,如明代刘元卿在《贤奕编·警喻》中写道:"彼其所以章轨真教,敦典崇礼,敷政明刑,其术万方,无非使人同归于善而已。"古人立意高远,"真教"归善,是从教育的宏观层面理解的。我们所提倡的"真教"是"基于规律的教",这主要是从学科  相似文献   

王夫之说:"意犹帅也,无帅之兵,谓之乌合。"立意是一篇文章的根本,它直接关系到文章的选材,布局,乃至文章的深度。中考是验收和选拔的综合考试。中考作文多是命题或半命题作文,均有明确的标准,如何立意至关重要。总的说来立意主要依从以下原则:高远,深刻,新颖,简约。一、高远:只缘身在最高层考场作文,做到立意正确是前提,但仅仅正确还远远不够,还要尽可能地追求立意高远、大气磅礴。正如古人云:意高则文胜。同学们都有这样的经验:  相似文献   

《敌戒》是柳宗元被贬永州时所作的一篇议论文,立意高远地论说敌人存在的鉴戒作用,深刻地论述了"敌存"和"敌去"与"利"和"害"之间的辩证关系,强调了忧患意识的重要性。这种思想对于当代中国处理国际关系及个人为人处世、学习、工作都有一定的启迪和重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

一、执教者谈教学构想(一 )教学目标及设计依据按照新课程关注学生的知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度的原则 ,本节课制定如下教学目标 :1.知识目标 :懂得正论与反驳相结合的论证方式及其效果。2 .能力目标 :能自主发现疑点并合作探究解决问题。3.情感目标 :认识发问的重要性 ,培养爱思善问的精神。新课标在第四学段明确提出了这条要求 :“对课文的内容和表达有自己的心得 ,能提出自己的看法和疑问。”而本篇议论文将正论与反驳相结合 ,在写法上很有特色 ,所以制定上述“知识目标” ,以期提高学生阅读和写作议论文的能力。…  相似文献   

高考作文的发展等级有三个要求:结构严谨、脉络清晰,语言流畅、文采斐然,见解深刻、意境高远。对于学生而言,考场作文很难达到发展等级的一个关键因素是审题立意"跑偏了"。而审题立意又至关重要,是作文的灵魂,直接决定了文章的层次。  相似文献   

在文章写作过程中,尤其是议论文的写作,构思是最为重要的环节,正确审题,巧妙拟题,准确立意,最终才能写成一篇完美的议论文。  相似文献   

本文以认知参照点理论和图式理论为基础,归纳出三种模型(延伸型、交叉型和隐性参照点型)来解释语篇连贯,并通过四个不同的语篇(记叙性、描写性、说明性和议论性语篇)来验证三个模型的有效性和可操作性。  相似文献   

采用倾向值匹配方法,以全国16个省78所院校5433名大四本科生能力测评数据为基础,探讨了学 习性投入对大学生批判性思维能力增值的影响。结果发现,总体上,学习性投入正向作用于批判性思维能力 增值;较之个体性学习投入,侧重交流、互动的社会性学习投入更有利于批判性思维能力增值;但是,并非所有 的社会性学习投入都显著作用于批判性思维能力增值,确切地说,大学生同龄群体间交流、互动性质的社会性 学习投入显著促进了批判性思维能力增值。深入分析后发现,学习性投入能否影响批判性思维能力增值的关 键在于它是否生成了论证性对话情境。深入、全面的论证性对话是批判性思维能力发展的核心动力。  相似文献   

The development of argumentative writing is studied here by examining the structural organization of argumentative texts. It is assumed that the ability to construct supporting relationships, that is, a conclusion statement supported by argument statements, is acquired gradually with age. The following stages of acquisition are postulated: (1) a preargumentation stage, where at first no explicit position is stated, and then an explicit position is stated but is not supported by an argument; (2) a minimal argumentation stage, where a position is explicitly taken and supported by one argument; and (3) an elaborated argumentation stage, where at least two unrelated supporting arguments are used, and then two related arguments are used. Two corpora were gathered under similar conditions: collective debate in the classroom, followed by individual essays written on the chosen topic. The first corpus was produced by 147 children aged 7 to 14, and a group of 34 college students. The second corpus included the protocols of 92 children aged 11 to 16 the essays were graded for the presence or absence of each structural level, and then classified at the highest structural level exhibited. The resulting classification largely confirmed the hypothesized order for the stages of argumentative development. The minimal argumentative structure (standpoint + one supporting argument) was mastered by nearly 90% of the 7 and 8 year-olds. The most elaborate structural level in our model (two related arguments) was attained later: less than one out of four 7–8 year olds versus three out of four beyond age 14. Techniques involving more complex argumentative relations such as refutations and counterarguments, or restriction of one argument by another, are mastered even later and seem to be strongly linked to the nature of the issues under debate. Three main conclusions can be drawn from these results: precocious argumentative skills exist in children before age 11 or 12, argumentative discourse complexity continues to increase up to age 14 and beyond, and the characteristics of the referential domain of argumentation have an impact on this structural elaboration process.  相似文献   

就法治的解构与分析而言,法治是一个动态的运作机制。贯穿于这种运作机制的始终不可或缺的主线就是法律自治。法律自治既是法治的题中之意,又是通向法治之境的路径。法律自治包括三重意境,即法律的权威来自法律、法律人是法律自治的动因、法律自治要求平等待人。  相似文献   


The implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at school is one of the challenges of education in the twenty-first century, especially concerning the development of critical thinking during argumentative interactions. In this paper, I refer to an interdisciplinary approach with the aim to analyze the implicit inferential reasoning emerging in argumentative discussions among children during scientific activities. The study involved 25 preschool children at a kindergarten engaged in three problem solving tasks. The first activity was to build a tunnel, the second to build a bridge—both with the use of Lego©—and the third to build an hourglass with recycled materials. The tasks were video-recorded and the discussions transcribed. The analysis implied different steps: first, I identified the argumentative structure of each exchange according to the pragma-dialectical approach; then, I found the implicit premises using the Argumentum Model of Topics; afterward, I analyzed the argumentative discussions according to a sociocultural approach. The findings show a predominance of arguments based on causal relationships and indicate how children reason regarding complex aspects of a problem, such as the negative consequences of an action, the adequacy of the available tools, and the (possible) future conditions connected to the scientific activity they are involved in. The study opens a possibility to shift from how to implement STEM activities to what children already do when engaged in scientific tasks. It also encourages the adoption of an interdisciplinary approach to investigating the complex process of argumentation in preschool children.


The analysis of argumentative discourse produced by 68 students aged 10–17 reveals two facets: argumentative discourse involves both dialogal and argumentative operations. When the dialogue goal calls for the speakers to reach a compromise on a debate topic, they are prompted to negotiate the discourse object: negotiation on content of the exchanges (argumentative cooperativeness which presupposes an articulation of each partner’s arguments with the other partner’) and on the level of the formal argumentative markers of negotiation. The key finding is that dialogal and argumentative operations are functionally linked: the percentage of markers of utterance involvement, axiological forms and modalizations is much higher in argumentative cooperative discourse as compared to discourse where cooperativeness is only dialogal (in which the speakers merely regulate turn taking and maintain thematic continuity). Furthermore, the differentiation in frequency of use of negotiation markers as a function of type of cooperativeness increases with age. Argumentative dialogue thus emerges as a complex form of language behavior which brings interconnected language operations into play.  相似文献   

我国的民族法制建设已形成一个基础的框架体系,但存在以下问题:民族法制建设观念过于保守;立法技术落后和法律协调机制不健全;民族法规的执法监督机制远未形成。加快民族经济发展的法制建设的三个关键是:民族法制观念由注重政治功能转为注重经济功能,经济立法成为立法中心;立法技术由笼统、简单,中央立法层面的稀缺和法律规范部分的缺失到立法的细化、完备、针对性强的技术提升以及协调机制的确立;完善执法监督机制。  相似文献   

从简谐振动系统的特点出发,介绍了如何用能量法分析简谐振动,并利用机械能守恒定律导出了简谐振动方程的一般形式,讨论了方程解的物理意义。在此基础上,利用牛顿定律分析法和能量法对具体实例分别进行求解,从而比较得出:能量法是一种研究分析简谐振动问题的有效方法,可更方便地解出简谐振动的全过程。  相似文献   

The inclusion of argumentative practices in classrooms as an epistemic tool to foster learning and reasoning has become widespread. However, studies on argumentation show that not all kinds of argumentation are equally effective in fostering this potential, and that argumentative goals are determining factors in the argumentative discourse — in particular, persuasive and deliberative goals, the latter posited as being the ones with the greatest epistemic potential. Eighty students in the Master in Secondary Teacher Training took up positions on an energy dilemma and wrote two argumentative texts, before and after a dialogue with a classmate who defended the opposite thesis. Of the total of 40 dyads, 21 conversed with a persuasive goal and 19 with a deliberative goal. The results show that the dialogue had a positive effect on the argumentative quality under both conditions. However, in the consensus group, the bias of the post-text diminished while meta-statements and counterarguments increased. A case study of one dyad under each condition illustrates these differences.  相似文献   

结构刻板、材料俗滥、语体混乱是学生议论文写作的三大弊病.其根源在于教师指导思想朦胧、指导方法简单和学生写作茫昧、写作习惯不良.要改变这种状况,教师必须始终把提高学生的理性思维水平放在首位,并在命题方式和训练方法上作相应的变革.  相似文献   

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