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全国计算机等级考试共有四级,C程序设计语言是二级等级考试的一门语言,考试分笔试和上机两个部分。文章通过分析考试系统的评分办法、按照上机考试的答题步骤来讨论二级C上机考试填空题的应试策略。  相似文献   

计算机等级考试二级C语言中,编程部分考生普遍失分较多,主要原因在于考生对函数相关知识点掌握不够全面。在全面阐述计算机等级考试二级C语言中函数概念、参数分类及参数传递方式的基础上,进行实例剖析。  相似文献   

结合历年全国计算机等级考试C语言二级笔试试卷,对考试范围、考查知识点、易出错点等进行了系统分析,同时对C语言学习、复习的方法与技巧提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着全国计算机等级考试(NCRE)的内容和考核方式的不断创新,为提高广大学生的计算机等级考试通过率,文章通过分析全国计算机等级考试改革中二级C语言程序设计考试的特点,有针对性地提出了以MOOC为教学平台,结合传统教学方法,利用翻转课堂、阶段性考试等先进的教育手段对C语言程序设计课堂教学进行了相应的改革,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

归纳分析了C语言二级考试中一些常考的算法,通过分析机试题型的系统评判原则,提出了机试应对策略.  相似文献   

根据我院非计算机专业计算机语言必修课或公选课的教学,结合学生计算机等级考试(C语言二级)辅导、考试实际情况,总结了若干在计算机语言教学中普遍存在的问题,并提出几点教改建议.  相似文献   

随着全国计算机等级考试(NCRE)内容和考核方式的不断创新,为提高广大学生计算机等级考试通过率,文章对全国计算机等级考试改革中二级C语言程序设计考试题型进行分析,并通过分析等级考试大纲及历年考试要点,针对公共基础知识部分任务重、课时少的特点,对计算机基础中的公共基础知识部分教学进行相应的探讨。  相似文献   

计算机等级考试作为在校大学生的一种能力测试,主要面向非计算机专业学生,以推动计算机知识的普及,促进计算机技术的应用。主要讨论了二级考试和一级考试的区别,分析了二级考试的特点和VB语言的特点,总结出二级考试的一些常用的技巧和策略。  相似文献   

文章通过对大学C语言程序设计考试过程的实践,对传统C语言程序设计教学考试的弊端进行了客观分析,阐述了进行无纸化考试的优势,并根据所在学校的考试改革实践情况,介绍了C语言程序设计无纸化考试的改革。  相似文献   

中小学生汉语考试,是面向第一语言非汉语的中小学生汉语学习者的国际性考试。该考试共分为三级。本文以中小学生汉语考试(二级)的实测数据为研究对象基础,讨论了中小学生汉语考试(二级)的信度与效度问题。研究结果表明,中小学生汉语考试(二级)的题目质量较好,难度控制理想,试卷结构合理,信度较高。  相似文献   

This study was originally planned to examine the effects of a story-based cognitive behavior modification procedure specifically designed to help the fifth grade elementary school students to manage their anxiety before they attend a nation-wide secondary school entrance examination. The examination was cancelled after the children attended. This naturally occurred treatment was included in the study and the effect of the cancellation on the maintenance of the treatment outcome was also investigated. Twenty subjects (10 girls, 10 boys) were selected out of a total of 144 fifth grade children who would attend the exam, on the basis of the Turkish version of Test Anxiety Inventory and, assigned to treatment and control groups. The results showed that the story based cognitive behavior modification procedure was more effective than no treatment in reducing the subjects' test anxiety and the effect was maintained after cancellation of the first and three days prior to the second examination. The results also demonstrated that the effectiveness of the procedure was superior in modifying the emotionality component of test anxiety and this effectiveness continued after the cancellation of the examination.  相似文献   

Multiple-choice examination answer copying was indexed by a comparison of the numbers of items answered incorrectly, and in the same way, as adjacent and distant classmates. In Experiment I, which involved a regular university examination, significant copying did occur, did not differ from front to rear of the lecture hall, and appeared primarily among individuals seated next to one another. Copying was not related to the order in which the examinations were returned. Number correct was related to turn-in order in a U-shaped fashion. No significant copying appeared in a second experiment, where test performance did not contribute to course grade.  相似文献   

以南莫中学高二(1)班和高二(5)班共103人为调查对象,采用调查问卷来探究学生对"同伴互评"(PR)的态度。利用江苏省2010和2012这两套高考试卷作文考察学生的前测和后测作文水平,以此来观察"同伴互评"(PR)是否比"教师全批全改"(NR)更能促进学生写作能力的提高,培养彼此间的合作精神。  相似文献   

为适应培养应用型人才的目标,对传统的高等职业教育考核方法必须进行改革。对于高职汽车检测与诊断技术课程考核标准,通过研究,确定其成绩构成为课堂提问、作业、笔试、实验、口试、实操及考勤几部分。考核采用笔试、口试及实际操作的方式。所有各项考核均结束后,由任课教师对各项考核成绩进行汇总,得出每位考生的课程总成绩。  相似文献   

影响试卷质量的因素很多,本文主要利用正态性和三度指标(难度、区分度、信度)来对试卷质量进行综合评价,提出了一种合理的、可操作性强的综合评价试卷质量的方法,并以某班《离散数学》期末考试试卷为例进行了实例分析.  相似文献   

In this article we report data from a longitudinal study of one–to–one tutoring for students at risk for reading disabilities. Participants were at–risk students who received phonics–based tutoring in first grade, students who were tutored in comprehension skills in second grade, and students tutored in both grades 1 and 2. At second–grade posttest, there were significant differences in word identification and word attack between students who were tutored in first grade only compared to students who were also tutored in second grade, favoring students who were tutored in first grade only. Overall, there were no advantages to a second year of tutoring. For students tutored in second grade only, there were no differences at second–grade posttest compared to controls. Schools may have selected students who did not respond to first–grade tutoring for continued tutoring in second grade. Findings are discussed in light of decisions schools make when using tutors to supplement reading instruction for students with reading difficulties.  相似文献   

“一年多考”是当下我国大学招生考试制度改革的重要方向,英国普通教育证书高级水平考试(GCE-A)在课程设置、时间部署、评价内容和成绩检定等环节构建了成熟的“一年多考”的考试评价体系。其“一年多考”政策有效地降低高利害考试失利的偶然性,消除一考定终身的弊端,同时将形成性评价与终结性评价相结合,为考生提供了成绩提升的发展空间。但是在高利害考试中实施“一年多考”政策也引发了考生分数膨胀、考试甄选能力弱化、学生知识体系零散、学业负担加重以及教师的课程教学受到钳制等负面影响并引起强烈的社会争论。为回应其弊端,英国政府及其考试机构正着手减少考试次数并讨论取消大学招生考试中的“一年多考”政策。  相似文献   

Students in one school system in grades 5 through 11( 522 boys, 548 girls) responded to an objective examination which incorporated a measure of risk taking. The study was replicated in a second school system (600 boys, 691 girls). In each case the proportion of risk-taking variance associated with variation in grade level was approximately . 10 (significant at the . 05 level), with higher risk in grades 5, 6, and 7 than in grades 8, 9, 10, and 11. Boys took greater risks than girls in both school systems, but the proportion of risk-taking variance explained by sex was low ( approximately . 01) and significant (at the . 05 level) in only one school system. There was no interaction between grade level and sex.  相似文献   

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