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Student evaluation questionnaires are used to measure academics’ performance in most English universities. Academics are assumed to respond professionally to student feedback, making appropriate improvements to their teaching. This paper describes a small-scale study into lecturers’ responses to student feedback. The evidence from semi-structured interviews suggests that the process is complex and is influenced by lecturers’ perceptions, beliefs and feelings. A typology of lecturers’ responses is developed, linked to concepts of performativity and professionalism, and consisting of four possible reactions: shame, blame, tame (the students) and reframe (the negative as something positive).  相似文献   

This research focuses on the everyday challenge in academic learning of assessment, and argues that academic buoyancy is a key factor in academic success. To scaffold students’ learning and effectively support academic buoyancy, there is arguably a need for a better understanding of: (i) what students find most and least useful in their assessment feedback; (ii) how students use feedback to approach future assessments; and (iii) how students respond to feedback in terms of what they think, feel and do. Key findings from survey responses of 91 undergraduate students were that students use their feedback more than anticipated and look for specific information to help their future performance. In addition, five indicators of academically buoyant behaviour were identified: an internal locus of control, understanding the grade, being forward looking, being improvement focused and being action orientated. These indicators suggested a distinction between students who were academically buoyant because they were constructive in their response to feedback, and those who appeared less so because they were not action orientated, but more focused on their emotional response. These findings have implications for the provision of assessment feedback in higher education and offer insight into opportunities for the development of academic buoyancy.  相似文献   

While feedback is a key factor for improving student learning, little is known about how students understand and experience feedback within the classroom. This study analysed 193 New Zealand primary and secondary students’ survey responses alongside drawings of their understandings and experiences of feedback to examine how they experience, understand, and respond to feedback. It found that despite New Zealand’s strong commitment to student-centred Assessment for Learning practices, the majority of students still drew, selected, and endorsed teacher-led feedback practices, with pictures dominated by written comments or grades. However, they generally depicted and described this feedback as positive and constructive, suggesting that negative emotional responses to evaluative comments and grades may be lessened if students perceive such feedback will help them improve.  相似文献   

This article reports a small scale study into teacher feedback in the reception class and its associations with young children's positive adjustment to school. Striking differences were found between the feedback given to the children according to their perceived adjustment. The article also highlights the rather narrow repertoire of feedback used by teachers and their emphasis on negative rather than positive feedback to the children who had not settled. The issues raised are pertinent throughout the primary age phase and may alert teachers to the possibility of over-reliance on some feedback styles and their negative influence on children's learning.  相似文献   

在电子技术教学中,分析运算放大器系统时,应根据运算放大器系统的反馈情况,判断它的工作状态;分析工作状态时,要充分考虑运放系统是处于线性区还是饱和区。线性区可按虚短或虚地原则处理,饱和时不能按虚短原则处理,应用“虚短”和“虚地”时应注意“虚短”是“虚地”的特殊形式。  相似文献   

反馈语在对外汉语课堂中扮演着重要的角色。反馈语可以是书面反馈语、口语反馈语,也可以是体态语,而反馈语又分为积极反馈和消极反馈。在课堂中,学生犯错是不可避免的,老师不当的消极反馈会挫伤学生的自信心,降低学生的学习积极性。本文将对对外汉语课堂中的消极反馈展开研究,对比四位教师课堂中的消极反馈,并提出改善建议。  相似文献   


Academic self-efficacy, the belief that one can achieve desired academic goals plays an important role in learning. This study aimed to determine the extent to which academic self-efficacy mediates relationships between students’ perceptions of feedback and their academic attainment. An opportunity sample of 232 students (123 female) in their first year of higher education reported their academic self-efficacy and evaluated their assessment experience, including the perceived quantity and quality of feedback and the extent to which this feedback elicited an active response. Positive associations were observed between academic attainment and students’ confidence that they could achieve their desired grades and adopt appropriate study behaviours. A negative association was identified between attainment and confidence to talk about their studies. Attainment was not related to the perceived quantity or quality of feedback, but did bear a significant association with the reported use to which feedback was put. Positive associations were generally identified between academic self-efficacy and perceptions of feedback. Path models revealed that inter-relationships were best represented by a model wherein academic self-efficacy mediated links between students’ perceptions of feedback and academic attainment. The findings highlight the need to incorporate characteristics of the individual into an understanding of student engagement with feedback.  相似文献   

Feedback can play a vital role in fostering teacher self-efficacy. Social comparisons and feedback valence (positive vs. negative feedback) are assumed to have a large impact on self-efficacy. Therefore, how pre-service teachers perceive social comparisons and feedback valence in peer feedback and the extent to which pre-service teachers (bachelor/master students) and teacher trainers incorporate comments that can have an impact on self-efficacy into their peer feedback merit investigation. Two studies were conducted. The first showed that peer feedback consisting of a social comparison and with positive feedback valence resulted in greater willingness to improve and positive affect. The second study revealed that teacher trainers’ feedback was more specific, whereas bachelor students’ feedback contained more social comparisons than did master students’ and teacher trainers’. Future research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

在网络环境下,大学生消极心理信息传递呈现出生态模式:传递过程分为发送、传递、接收与反馈三个环节,信源和信宿无时无刻不与网络进行着信息交换,并受到网络外政治、经济、文化、社会环境的影响,整个信息生态系统应具有良好的自净能力和修复能力,能够在不断的新陈代谢中消除消极心理信息的不良影响,从而成为社会信息生态文明的一个组成部分。  相似文献   

A natural language based system has been used to author and mark short-answer free-text assessment tasks. Students attempt the questions online and are given tailored and relatively detailed feedback on incorrect and incomplete responses, and have the opportunity to repeat the task immediately so as to learn from the feedback provided. The answer matching has been developed in the light of student responses to the questions. A small number of the questions are now in low-stakes summative use, alongside other e-assessment tasks and tutor-marked assignments, to give students instantaneous feedback on constructed response items, to help them to monitor their progress and to encourage dialogue with their tutor. The answer matching has been demonstrated to be of similar or greater accuracy than specialist human markers. Students have been observed attempting the questions and have been seen to respond in differing ways to both the questions themselves and the feedback provided. We discuss features of appropriate items for assessment of this type.  相似文献   

Individuals vary in their mindsets—their implicit beliefs regarding the malleability of human attributes in general, including their own. Because individuals’ mindsets influence their self‐regulating activities, it is assumable that employees' mindsets will influence how they respond to feedback. Using a policy‐capturing approach, I examine how four different feedback‐related factors may vary in their influence and how these factors interact in relation to stated motives after feedback. My findings suggest that those who believe human attributes can change through effort are more likely to report wanting similar feedback and to improve after receiving negative feedback or when the feedback comes from a highly credible source. The opposite was found for those who believe attributes are fixed, but those with a fixed mindset were sensitive to the feedback standard. My results suggest that employees’ beliefs about their ability influence how negative feedback affects employees’ motivation to receive diagnostic information and to improve.  相似文献   

互联网发展与知识生产社会化正推动高等院校艺术理论课程教学改革。依托知识生产模式转型理论与联通主义学习论,以互联网知识产品生产为导向的艺术理论课程教学模式改革将教学过程划分为产品的设计、产品的样品制作与验证、产品的发布和产品使用效果反馈四个阶段。该模式将构建多位一体的课程资源体系,推动师生角色转变为知识生产的共同主体,出产形式丰富的教学成果,并形成多主体、多角度的教学评价体系,有助于提升学生的学习动力和知识的创新利用,实现艺术理论创意向产品转化,推进高校艺术理论知识生产向社会开放、与市场接轨,最终将艺术理论课堂打造成内外相互促进、持续更新的互联网知识产品生产动态系统。  相似文献   

本研究主要探讨重铸、元语言反馈和要求澄清三种修正性反馈方式对中国中学生英语冠词习得的不同作用,并检测男女生不同性别是否会对这三种反馈方式产生不同效果。本研究经过约8周的实验,结果显示,重铸和元语言反馈在即时后测和延时后测中表现显著有效性,而要求澄清的效果不明显,不接受任何反馈的控制组的前后检测结果无显著差异。与元语言反馈相比,重铸在中国中学生英语冠词学习中表现出稳定且持久的效果。本研究还表明女生对这三种负向反馈方式的效果均要好于男生。  相似文献   

通过对体育专业体育系学生田径运动技术教学课进行长达两年的对比教学实验研究发现:在技术动作初学阶段,即刻反馈的反馈效能优于延迟反馈;在技术动作熟练阶段,适当的延迟反馈其反馈效能优于即刻反馈;在技术动作初学阶段,教师提供即刻反馈,技术动作熟练后,提供适当的延迟反馈,这种反馈时机模式的反馈效能优于单纯的即刻反馈或延迟反馈.  相似文献   

放大电路引入负反馈,能有效改善电路性能。本文通过Multisim2001软件,对负反馈放大电路进行了静态和动态的仿真运行,分析输出电压失真的原因,并阐述性能改善的原理。为使电路获得最佳性能,通过对比,分析反馈元件不同参量对反馈性能的影响,验证了在低频线性放大电路中,只有引入合适的反馈量才能使电路获得理想的效果。  相似文献   

The increase in the use of technology-enhanced learning in higher education has included a growing interest in new approaches to enhance the quality of feedback given to students. Audio feedback is one method that has become more popular, yet evaluating its role in feedback delivery is still an emerging area for research. This paper is based on a small-scale study which examined the perceptions of first and final-year undergraduates who received feedback from tutors in audio form and considers the impact of this method of feedback delivery as a formative process. The paper examines the extent to which students respond to and engage with audio feedback, and how the method might facilitate a better understanding of the role of feedback amongst teachers and students alike. The two cohorts in the study express differences, but also commonalities in what they require from audio feedback. A conceptual framework is developed from the study’s findings, which highlights best practice and guides practitioners in their effective utilisation of this form of feedback.  相似文献   

The impact of computer-based performance feedback on students’ affective-motivational state may be very different, depending on the positive or negative direction of the feedback message and its specific content. This experiment investigated whether more elaborated error messages improve students’ affective-motivational response to negative (i.e., corrective) feedback. We systematically varied the presence and complexity of corrective feedback messages (1 × 4 between-subjects design) and analyzed the effects of the provided feedback on students’ emotions, task-related perceived usefulness, and expectancy-value beliefs. University students (N = 439) worked on a low-stakes test with 12 constructed-response geometry tasks. They received either no feedback or different complexities of immediate corrective feedback after incorrect responses (i.e., Knowledge of Results [KR], Knowledge of Correct Response [KCR], or Elaborated Feedback [EF]), paired with immediate confirmatory KCR feedback after correct responses (i.e., confirming their response). Our data showed that students’ task-level performance moderated the emotional impact of feedback (i.e., beneficial effects after correct responses; detrimental effects after incorrect responses). Students’ performance further moderated several feedback effects on students’ expectancy-value beliefs. Regarding error message complexity, we found that students reported higher levels of positive emotions after receiving EF or KCR compared to KR, while only EF decreased students' level of negative emotions compared to KR and increased students' task-related perceived usefulness compared to all other groups. Overall, our results suggest that performance feedback is likely to improve students’ affective-motivational state when the feedback confirms a correct response. Moreover, when reporting an error, EF (or KCR messages) were more beneficial to affective-motivational outcomes than simple KR notifications.  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of social persuasion from parents and teachers on students’ self-efficacy in reading comprehension in English as a foreign language. Ninety-nine Grade 8 Chinese students in a secondary school in Hong Kong completed a questionnaire with six scenarios which tapped their self-efficacy after receiving positive and negative feedback that were described as coming from their teacher, mother and father. Students decreased their self-efficacy after receiving negative feedback and the source of feedback did not make a statistically significant difference. Conversely, positive feedback led to an increase in self-efficacy with the mother’s positive feedback leading to a higher increase in self-efficacy than feedback from the teacher and the father. No statistically significant difference was noted in the change in self-efficacy after receiving feedback from the father and the teacher. Parents and teachers should increase the use of positive feedback and decrease that of negative feedback. Implications for collaboration between teachers and parents in providing positive feedback on students’ academic performance were discussed.  相似文献   

移动学习已经影响大学英语写作教学模式及学习方式,移动学习技术对写作反馈途径、反馈来源、反馈形式、反馈方式以及反馈性质等产生了巨大影响,这将有利于高效、积极和个性化的写作反馈模式形成。因此,结合对移动写作反馈的实现技术分析和对受试学生写作反馈需求分析,讨论了基于移动学习的大学英语写作反馈模式构建要素,以期促进适合中国大学英语写作教学现状的写作反馈模式构建,提高写作反馈资源的利用率和共享率。  相似文献   

Assessment feedback is increasingly being provided in digital modes, from electronic annotations to digital recordings. Digitally recorded feedback is generally considered to be more detailed than text-based feedback. However, few studies have compared digital recordings with other common feedback modes, including non-digital forms such as face-to-face conversations. It is also unclear whether providing multiple feedback modes is better than a single mode. To explore these possibilities, an online survey asked 4514 Australian university students to rate the level of detail, personalisation and usability of the feedback comments they had most recently received. Of the students who received a single feedback mode only, electronic annotations and digital recordings were rated most highly on the three quality indicators. Students who received multiple modes were more likely to agree with all three indicators than those who received a single mode. Finally, students who received multiple modes were more likely to agree that the comments were detailed and usable when one of those modes was a digital recording. These findings enhance our understanding of feedback design, indicating that it is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of particular modes, and the value of offering multiple modes.  相似文献   

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