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"新工科"通识教育是连接传统通识教育与工科专业教育的桥梁,应以全面发展教育理念、结果导向理念、证据导向理念为核心。作为通识教育中"科技文明"板块的通识课程"名师研讨课",旨在通过邀请高水平的名师嘉宾,探索基于学生自主学习、名师指导、师生研讨的教学模式,使学生在领略名师教学风采和人格魅力的同时,提升学习、分析、表达、合作等综合素质能力,激发探索兴趣,挖掘研究潜能。文章对"名师研讨课"的课程定位、教学主题、教学方法、教学模式与教学内容等进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to draw attention to the extent to which liberatory pedagogical intentions can function as part of a technology of surveillance unless, as socially critical educators, we actively work against our own tendency to totalising educational discourse. It notes a number of folkloric traditions in pre‐service teacher education that derive from discursive practices which position students either as inevitably acting out a well‐documented scenario or as ‘victims’ of the dominant technocratic model of teacher education. This paper suggests a way forward for teacher educators through the application of post‐positivist theorising to what has come to be understood as ‘proven’ by past and current educational research. This process is exemplified in the discussion by the application of post‐structuralist deconstructive techniques to avant garde educational text in order to bring forward for scrutiny the binary oppositions in our own ‘transformative’ educational discourse. The implications of ‘advocacy’ research are discussed and a plea made for pedagogy that intervenes in socially critical practices by making problematic our own ‘versions’ of student teacher needs.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of technology to student learning, technology has become a vital part of teacher education programs across the country. In order to fully understand technology integration in teacher education, it is important to examine current faculty technology integration practices. This study examined how this faculty infused technology into their education courses in an effort to train teacher candidates to be successful digital educators.  相似文献   

Continuing emphasis given to computer technology resourcing in schools presents potential for web-based initiatives which focus on quality arts teaching and learning, as ways to improve arts outcomes for all students. An arts e-learning collaborative research project between specialist on-line teacher/researchers and generalist primary teachers was designed to investigate student learning, quality teaching, and implementation factors. Constructionist-based teaching activities using on-line technology were designed to engage students in a learner-centred e-learning environment where students and teachers collaborated to produce a media and learning artefact. A case study highlights the outcomes for four students who transferred learnt drama skills to other classroom contexts. This model has potential to provide drama learning for students and professional development for primary generalist teachers, contingent on the availability of rigorously planned and well-resourced programmes.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a two-year classroom investigation of primary school (Years 1–8) technology education. The first year of the project explored emerging classroom practices in technology. In the second year intervention strategies were developed to enhance teaching, learning and assessment practices. Findings from the first year revealed that assessment was often seen in terms of social and managerial aspects, such as teamwork, turn taking and co-operative skills, rather than procedural and conceptual technological aspects. Existing formative interactions with students distorted the learning away from the procedural and conceptual aspects of the subject. The second year explored the development of teachers' technological knowledge in order to enhance formative assessment practices in technology, to inform classroom practice in technology, and to enhance student learning. Intervention strategies were designed to enhance the development of procedural, conceptual, societal and technical aspects of technology for teachers and students. The results from this intervention were very positive. This paper highlights the importance of developing teacher expertise pertaining to broad concepts of technology, detailed concepts in different technological areas and general pedagogical knowledge. The findings from this research therefore have implications for thinking about teaching, learning and assessment in technology.  相似文献   

从翻转课堂的视角探讨在基于学生思辨素养的英语演绎教学案例中所呈现现的教学模式、师生交流、教学环境、学习内容等方面的变化。在对教师和学生的综合能力和知识结构进行分析讨论后,梳理了TPACK(整合技术的学科和教学知识)框架的不足,进而从学生的角度提出TSACK(整合技术的学科和策略知识)框架。翻转课堂不仅体现了课堂形式的翻转,也体现了TPACK和TSACK之间的相互影响、相互促进。师生知识结构的交流与结合为信息时代的教学研究提供了一个新思路,也为翻转课堂的发展提供了新的实证案例。  相似文献   

The use of controversial practices unsupported by research is a concern in special education, especially for students with high support needs. Internet sites of Australian schools enrolling students with moderate to severe intellectual disability (moderate to severe learning difficulties) were located and reviewed to determine the kinds of controversial practices employed and the number of schools reporting their use. Almost half the sample reported utilising at least one unsupported practice and in general there were few convincing rationales provided for the adoption of these practices. The use of unsupported practices in schools may be related to the inaccessibility of research, teacher mistrust of research, teacher reliance on more informal and personal sources of information, and teacher desire to achieve results and build positive relationships. More research is needed to understand why these practices are adopted and the ways in which they are used.  相似文献   

This article will address three issues relating to professional development and lifelong learning. The context of the discussion is teaching, research and learning with respect to the researcher teacher within higher education in the UK. A definition of professional development is given, and used to explain how it may contribute to the process of teaching, research and learning. Considering teaching as part of scholarship helps the discussion. Underpinning the discussion is the premise that professional development is essential to the role of the researcher teacher, and has significant implications for lifelong learning for those involved in higher education.  相似文献   


This article explores the tensions between the potential of computer conferencing as represented by theoretical models and its actual uses in higher education. An overview of the literature highlights major themes that run throughout this body of research, including claims that the medium: 1. provides a democratic environment due to the equal access afforded to participants; 2. enhances active learning and collaboration; 3. shifts the role of the teacher from classroom leader to facilitator of learning; and 4. encourages more thoughtful participation due to the text-based, asynchronous nature of interaction. Against this backdrop, case studies of courses taught through The New School for Social Research's on-line programme provide empirical data that challenge many of these claims. A discussion of teaching practices related to student participation and perceptions of computer conferencing is also offered to serve practitioners and teacher education efforts.  相似文献   


Drawing upon recent theorising of numbers and data, and applications to schooling, this paper reveals how tensions between more accountability-oriented logics, and more contextually-situated conceptions of engagement with data, played out in one school in a regional community in northern Queensland, Australia. The research reveals that at the same time teachers’ work and learning were heavily influenced by more reductive processes of quantification to account for teachers’ practices, teachers also sought to draw upon the attention to numeric markers of student achievement to foster more substantive teacher learning for student learning. These tensions were expressed in relation to: efforts to foster improved student learning through collection of evidence via ‘short-term data cycles’; engagement in various ‘data conversations’ with senior members of staff, and coaching by more experienced teachers, and; broader teacher learning initiatives focused on enhancing outcomes for specified groups of students identified as able to perform at higher levels of attainment. The research cautions that such practices present a quandary; even as broader processes of quantification of education may stimulate instances of more ongoing, substantive teacher learning for student learning, more performative applications of these numbers and data mitigate against the educative potential of such practices, and substantive learning for all students.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the literature on teacher inquiry (TI) to explore the possibility that this process can equip teachers to investigate students’ learning as a step towards the process of formative assessment. We draw a distinction between formative assessment and summative forms of assessment [CRELL. (2009). The transition to computer-based assessment: New approaches to skills assessment and implications for large-scale testing. In F. Scheuermann & J. Björnsson (Eds.), JRC Scientific and technical reports. Ispra: Author; Webb, M. (2010). Beginning teacher education and collaborative formative e-assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35, 597–618; EACEA. (2009). National testing of pupils in Europe: Objectives, organisation and use of results. Brussels: Eurydice; OECD. (2010b). Assessing the effects of ICT in education (F. Scheuermann & E. Pedró, Eds.). Paris: JRC, OECD]. Our review of TI is combined with a review of the research concerning the way that practices with technology can support the assessment process. We conclude with a comparison of TI and teacher design research from which we extract the characteristics for a method of TI that can be used to develop technology-enhanced formative assessment: teacher inquiry into student learning. In this review, our primary focus is upon enabling teachers to use technology effectively to inquire about their students’ learning progress.  相似文献   


Teachers are increasingly expected to employ integrated technology practices in their classrooms to help students learn more, better, faster and cheaper. Unfortunately, teachers generally have not been provided education or training on how to employ these technology practices. Attempting to get integrated technology practices into pre‐service and in‐service teacher education, especially in reading and language arts, is at the core of this article. An overview of technology integration is provided along with discussions about: (a) goals and content for teacher education courses or training, (b) research on integrating technology into reading and language arts education, (c) integration without education and training, and finally (d) issues that affect integration.  相似文献   

Little research has examined the critical components of successful K‐12 online schools, due in part to the theoretical focus of current frameworks on higher education rather than characteristics of K‐12 online learners and environments. Using K‐12 online research, this paper examined teaching presence as explained by the Community of Inquiry framework and identified additional teacher roles that needed stronger emphasis. We termed the new construct teacher engagement. Teacher engagement was shown to be helpful in describing and identifying effective teacher practices at the Open High School of Utah (OHSU), a successful online charter school. Through a series of 22 interviews with over half of the OHSU faculty, it was found that teachers worked to improve student outcomes by (1) designing and organizing learning activities, (2) facilitating discourse with students and parents, (3) providing students with one‐on‐one instruction, (4) nurturing a safe and caring learning environment, (5) motivating students to engage in learning activities and (6) closely monitoring student behavior and learning. These six elements describe the core of teacher engagement.  相似文献   

教育技术能力是教师专业素质的重要组成部分,职前教师教育中一般通过开设《现代教育技术》课程来培养师范生的教育技术能力,但文献调研、问卷调查、实地考察与访谈都显示:师范生的教育技术能力养成状况欠佳.在终身学习视野下,教师职前教育应依据基础教育的实际需求、师范生成长的规律以及高校人才培养的特点,建构教师教育技术能力体系,培养师范生的教育技术能力.职前教师教育中教育技术能力体系由信息技术基础能力、教学软件制作能力、教学软件运用能力、技术与课程整合能力、技术支持专业发展能力递进式构成.教育技术能力体系可以通过系列课程平台和系列课外学习活动来建构,针对这些课程和学习活动还需提供配套技术平台支持.  相似文献   

Past research has considered the reflective practices of the teacher as an important activity in the learning cycle. Some of it has introduced the term ‘reflective teacher’, showing that such practice has become increasingly important.

This paper discusses literature related to various means of collecting feedback from students, the socio-technical approach to management information systems (MISs) and reflective models. It documents the reflective practices that the author followed while teaching an MIS distance education course.

The findings of this research show that actively reflecting on feedback collected from students could improve teaching quality and lead to better understanding for students in future cohorts.  相似文献   

Teacher education doctoral seminars can provide a space for students to collaborate, reflect and support each other as they transition from teacher to teacher educator. These spaces also provide a forum for the learning of new research methodologies. This collaborative self-study chronicles how one group of doctoral students learned self-study research and fostered a scholarly identity in a doctoral seminar focused on learning about teacher education practices through self-study research. The participants shared autobiographies, journals, and critical summaries of assigned readings, and they questioned each other’s understanding and development in the context of their shared experiences. Through this process, they overcame concerns regarding self-study as they developed their understanding of the components of self-study research and accepted their new role as self-study researchers. This study provides insights into the benefits of using doctoral seminars as a space to develop a scholarly identity and for using that space as a source of investigation. Implications for similar communities are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the crucial role that students play in formative assessment practices, student perspectives on such practices are relatively under-researched. Through a qualitative analysis of 128 reflection notes written by student teachers of English, this article investigates the students’ perceptions of formative feedback as part of portfolio assessment at two teacher education institutions in Norway. As such, it contributes to bridging the gap between research and practice. Students received peer and teacher feedback on assignments and wrote reflection notes during the semester. Findings show that students are positive towards teacher feedback and highlight the significance of teacher praise. Main objections raised against peer feedback concern the lack of constructive criticism. However, positive attitudes towards peer discussion groups suggest that they may be a more effective way of implementing peer assessment than formalised written peer commentary. Student reflections suggest that a failure to understand the task and the feedback is a possible hindrance to successfully revising assignments. Overall, students’ positive attitudes towards the portfolio process, which includes multiple drafting, suggest that students in higher education would benefit from more opportunities to revise and resubmit their work, yet they need adequate practice in providing peer feedback, and interpreting and implementing feedback in general.  相似文献   

本文以第16届ISATT会议为写作缘由,结合会议内容,对西方人文主义取向的教师教育的演变、发展和挑战进行讨论。人文主义取向的教师教育核心在于强调教师在教学和自我发展中的主体性,关注教师的自我、身份和教师所处的各层次脉络,并主要以质性研究为主要研究方法。人文主义教师教育取向对我国教师教育的启示在于:教师教育是以教师为主体的人的活动,目的在于通过成就教师的卓越来更好地促进学生学习的发生。  相似文献   

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