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This article presents the Cyprus results, and proposes a model of home environment and school climate on the social participation of ninth graders based on the IEA 1999 CIVIC education study data. This study examined ninth graders’ participation in social actions by means of a questionnaire; the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling methodology (LISREL). The objective was to design a model, using two exogenous constructs—the home environment and school climate, and four endogenous constructs—political interest of the student, political environment of the student, democratic values and social participation of student in social actions. The study demonstrated that political interest and school climate influence political interest and political environment and these endogenous factors influence democratic values of the students. Finally democratic values influence social participation of students in social actions.  相似文献   


For over a decade, co-operative schools have struck a note of discord within the highly orchestrated context of English education policy. They encapsulate an old set of ideas but re-articulate them for new times by engaging with educational frameworks which are locked into the so-called global education reform movement (GERM) based upon on standards, standardisation, a mixture of centralised and devolved accountabilities, leadership, testing and accountability. Yet co-operative schools ostensibly aim to embed a set of wide-ranging values and principles: equality, equity, democracy, self-help, self-responsibility and solidarity as well as the principles of education, democratic control and community ownership, all of which echo the history of labour movements. The co-operative legal model not only adheres to co-operative values and principles but necessitates stakeholder involvement in the governance of schools: pupils, staff, parents, community and, potentially, alumni are all expected to play a role. These are compared to David Hargreaves’ ideas about a ‘self-improving school system’. I analyse the emergence of the co-operative network and the reasons for its dramatic growth alongside the complex problems it faced. In turn, these help us to understand the possibilities and contradictions inherent in attempts to build inclusive and democratic educational networks.  相似文献   

This paper explored the impact of religious engagement (religious background, religious service attendance and religious activities participation) on adolescents’ civic and social values. Attitudes towards the influence of religion on society were investigated as a possible mediator/moderator of religious engagement. A model based on Western literature was tested using a sample of over 2000 Hong Kong students. Secondary data were drawn from the International Civics and Citizenship Education Study 2009. Multi-level modelling was used to assess individual and school level effects on civic and social values. Results indicated that religious engagement exerted varied effects. Religious background showed small and negative effects on students’ civic and social values. Participation in religious services indicated a small, positive and significant effect on social but not on civic values. Participation in religious activities showed no significant effect on either social or civic values. These variables exerted a small moderating effect on social and civic values through attitudes to the influence of religion on society. The latter exerted a positive and significant effect on civic values and a negative effect on social values. These results suggested that Western models depicting the positive relationship between religious engagement and citizenship values may not hold for Asian societies.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between elementary pupils' attitudes toward science and their science achievement. Residualized gain scores were used to analyze the data. By using residualized gain scores, the effects of individual differences can be minimized. In addition to controlling for these differences, residualized gain scores do not possess the measurement errors that are normally associated with simple change scores. The subjects of this study were 583 intermediate elementary pupils. The average class size was 21. A pretest-posttest design was used. To insure consistency in the teaching of the lesson, each teacher was given an identical detailed science lesson that included all the instructions and materials needed for the activity. The pupils were pre- and posttested. The pupils' science achievement was assessed by a test, the “Hough Pupil Process Test.” It consisted of multiple choice and fill-in questions. The attitude instrument, the “Hough Attitude Inventory,” was given to the elementary pupils involved in this study. It was field tested and found to discern attitudes. The instrument consisted of six statements to which the subjects responded by circling either yes, I don't know, or no. The analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between the pupils' residualized gain scores on the “Hough Pupil Process Test” and their residualized gain scores on the “Hough Attitude Inventory” (r = 0.45).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between levels of reading comprehension strategy use, reading attitudes, and the amount of reading per year among elementary school students. The study was conducted with 1316 students (649 girls and 667 boys) attending the fourth and fifth grades of 15 elementary schools in Denizli, Turkey. Stratified Sampling Method was employed to obtain data using Reading Attitude Scale (RAS) and Reading Comprehension Strategies Scale (RCSS). The analyses indicate that reading attitude is a significant predictor of the level of reading comprehension strategies used by students (R2 = 0.44). The findings show that there is a negative and low-level relationship (r = ?0.054) between daily time spent reading and the level of strategy used, and a positive and low-level relationship (r = 0.01) between the level of strategy used and the number of books that a child reads per year.  相似文献   

Given the research that suggests the social use of language is the latest developing aspect of language, it was hypothesized that children with speech/language impairment (SLI) are particularly susceptible to social interaction difficulties, resulting in diminished social competence. This hypothesis was explored with SLI and non‐language‐impaired (NLI) 4‐ and 5‐year‐old children by gathering measures of social problem solving ability (as rated by teachers, parents, and peers), emotion knowledge, and language development. Results provided partial support for the hypothesis above. Speech/language‐impaired children were rated significantly lower on parent ratings of self‐control and higher in internalizing behaviors, and lower on teacher ratings of assertiveness, than the NLI controls. There were no differences noted on peer sociometric ratings or mutual friendships. However, SLI children scored lower on a stereotypical test of emotional knowledge, while scoring similarly to NLI controls on a nonstereotypical test. A test of language development (TELD‐2) differentiated the SLI and NLI groups, both expressively and receptively. In addition, the TELD‐2 indicated a significant difference in semantic processing errors, but not syntax errors, between the two groups. The differential effects of speech/language impairment on the development of social competence were explored. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 41: 313–321, 2004.  相似文献   

言语交际是加强精神文明建设的基础和保证 ,是建立人际关系的通途与桥梁 ,在社会生活中起着重要作用。要建立祥和、真诚的人际关系 ,要推动社会主义精神文明建设的深入发展 ,我们每个公民就应该都讲究言语艺术 ,讲究言语之美。  相似文献   

Online privacy may critically impact social presence in an online learning environment. This study examined how online privacy affects social presence in online learning environments and whether e-mail, bulletin board, and real-time discussion affect online privacy. Mixed methods were used to examine the relationship between social presence and privacy. The participants rated computer-mediated communication (CMC) with a high degree of social presence, but the quantitative correlation between social presence and privacy failed to reach significance. Participants shared personal information on CMC knowing that it was risky because the medium lacked security despite the perceived high levels of social presence. This contradictional phenomenon can be explained as “risk-taking” behavior. Among three CMC systems, e-mail was ranked as the most private and followed by one-to-one real-time discussion, then many-to-many real-time discussion. Bulletin board was considered to afford the least privacy.  相似文献   

建立社会组织与基层政府之间的协同关系是市场经济条件下我国社会管理创新的必然要求,它既利于政府又利于社会组织。政府与社会组织之间既存在分离关系又存在互补关系,而互补性是二者建立协同关系的基础,协同是高度科层化的政府机构和扁平化的社会组织之间的功能性互动。协同管理通过承认机制的运行发挥作用,这一过程包括信任关系的建立、政府授权行为、制度化的互惠规范和社会组织网络良性运行能力。对于社会组织而言,加强自身建设能力,积极主动地同政府沟通,采取社区策划模式、社区发展模式帮助地方基层政府做好社区服务和管理是积极主动地建立和发展制度化的互惠规范、形成良性互动、促进协同关系可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

公民道德建设和"三个代表"重要思想的提出表明了道德的公民化和政治的民主化新纪元的开始,这既是时代发展的客观要求,又是社会主义制度的本质体现,两者统一于建设有中国特色社会主义的伟大历史实践.公民道德建设是社会主义民主政治建设的基础性工程,民主政治建设是公民道德建设的根本保障.  相似文献   

本文着重论述了语境作为修辞的基础,它对修辞起制约作用,在特定的语境中可以形成多种修辞格;修辞可以改善语境关系,两者之间的关系是互动的。  相似文献   

Teacher and student: Designing a democratic relationship   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Teaching is a practice that aims to develop appropriate relationships between the mature and the immature. The good teacher has learned to balance the personal and the impersonal dimensions of daily contact with young people. Classroom experiences are often so subtle and the time for reflection too frequently so minimal that teachers have to rely on momentary responses rather than careful analysis. But, when we tease out the meanings and the implications of our experience, we are able to spot the limitations of our assumptions, to examine the craft of our profession, and to contemplate the new horizons that our students open up. The moments considered in this paper all concern the opportunities and dangers of conversation in a school. The goal is to provide notes on the ways adults succeed or fail in their efforts to engage young people in meaningful conversation. The mutuality of the teacher/student relationship signifies the obligation of the mature to provide, as Dewey says, 'whatever capacity for sympathetic understanding' we have gained from our own experience to each educational occasion.  相似文献   

This study is an interpretive investigation of Sarah, a first-time teacher of middle- and high-school science who, because of high levels of disruption, was unable to establish and maintain environments favorable to learning. Sarah reflected on her roles as a teacher and identified facilitating learning, management, and assessment as salient, each being associated with defining metaphors and belief sets. Sarah's efforts to improve her teaching began with the construction of a new metaphor, the social director, for her role as manager. She developed coherence between the new metaphor and beliefs about constructivism, teaching, and learning. Sarah then managed her class in accordance with the social director metaphor and, although improvements were apparent, some students were uncooperative. Sarah then changed her metaphor for assessment from the teacher being a fair judge to the teacher looking through a window into a student's mind, an opportunity for students to show what is known. When this metaphor guided Sarah's assessment practices the learning environment improved appreciably. Although the development of new metaphors was a significant part of the process of reconceptualizing her roles as a science teacher, Sarah could not have improved the quality of teaching and learning without substantial assistance from her colleagues and school administrators.  相似文献   

In recent years, evidence has accumulated indicating that peer relations constitute an essential component of child development. Although investigators have explored a number of factors that affect peer relations, few have considered the impact of temperament. The present study investigated whether temperament is related to a child's initial reactions to peers in a preschool setting and to changes in social behavior over time. The central hypotheses were confirmed: temperament was related to initial and later social behavior with peers. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

文章基于“空间的生产”理论,阐述了教育空间与社会空间之间的辩证关系:1.在社会维上,教育空间由政治、经济、文化等社会要素经“再空间化”而塑造,即教育空间的社会塑造;2.业经“再空间化”而形成的,作为社会空间核心要素之一的教育空间,对社会空间的再生产具有重要影响,即教育空间的社会空间生产。具有要素和地域层级关系的教育空间在实体层面上形成“教育综合体”,“教育综合体”与社会要素的关系在“行动者网络理论”中可以表现为事物之间的“无缝之网”关系,即聚焦于教育活动的“消除教育”与社会二元界限的“教育—社会”关系。  相似文献   

Utilizing data from the 2009 IEA International Civic and Citizenship Study Asian Regional Module, this secondary analysis explores the relationship between traditional Asian values and democratic citizenship. Findings identify two dimensions of Asian values: Asian civic values and obedience to authority. Among South Korean students, Asian civic values have a positive association with democratic citizenship, while obedience to authority displays an inverse relationship. However, attachment to obedience to authority is much weaker. The overall findings suggest the possibility of reconciliation between traditional Asian values and democratic citizenship.  相似文献   

This study is an examination of the relationship of perceived social support and adolescents' adjustment behaviors over time. The sample (n = 82) included students from two at‐risk urban middle schools. Utilizing two measures, the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS; C. K. Malecki, M. K. Demaray, & S. N. Elliott, 2000) and the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Self Report of Personality (BASC; C. R. Reynolds & R. W. Kamphaus, 1998), data were collected at three time points. Results point to a relationship between social support and student adjustment behaviors over time. Specifically, support from parents was related to clinical maladjustment and emotional symptoms one year later. In fact, parent support was still related to clinical maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier levels of clinical maladjustment were taken into account. Parent support was also related to personal adjustment in the short term (6 months). Classmate support was related to students' emotional symptoms one year later. Finally, school support was related to school maladjustment one year later even after students' earlier school maladjustment was taken into account. Implications for school psychologists are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 691–706, 2005.  相似文献   

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