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Users enter queries that are short as well as long. The aim of this work is to evaluate techniques that can enable information retrieval (IR) systems to automatically adapt to perform better on such queries. By adaptation we refer to (1) modifications to the queries via user interaction, and (2) detecting that the original query is not a good candidate for modification. We show that the former has the potential to improve mean average precision (MAP) of long and short queries by 40% and 30% respectively, and that simple user interaction can help towards this goal. We observed that after inspecting the options presented to them, users frequently did not select any. We present techniques in this paper to determine beforehand the utility of user interaction to avoid this waste of time and effort. We show that our techniques can provide IR systems with the ability to detect and avoid interaction for unpromising queries without a significant drop in overall performance.  相似文献   

The questionnaire is an important technique for gathering data from subjects during interactive information retrieval (IR) experiments. Research in survey methodology, public opinion polling and psychology has demonstrated a number of response biases and behaviors that subjects exhibit when responding to questionnaires. Furthermore, research in human–computer interaction has demonstrated that subjects tend to inflate their ratings of systems when completing usability questionnaires. In this study we investigate the relationship between questionnaire mode and subjects’ responses to a usability questionnaire comprised of closed and open questions administered during an interactive IR experiment. Three questionnaire modes (pen-and-paper, electronic and interview) were explored with 51 subjects who used one of two information retrieval systems. Results showed that subjects’ quantitative evaluations of systems were significantly lower in the interview mode than in the electronic mode. With respect to open questions, subjects in the interview mode used significantly more words than subjects in the pen-and-paper or electronic modes to communicate their responses, and communicated a significantly higher number of response units, even though the total number of unique response units was roughly the same across condition. Finally, results showed that subjects in the pen-and-paper mode were the most efficient in communicating their responses to open questions. These results suggest that researchers should use the interview mode to elicit responses to closed questions from subjects and either pen-and-paper or electronic modes to elicit responses to open questions.  相似文献   

In the KL divergence framework, the extended language modeling approach has a critical problem of estimating a query model, which is the probabilistic model that encodes the user’s information need. For query expansion in initial retrieval, the translation model had been proposed to involve term co-occurrence statistics. However, the translation model was difficult to apply, because the term co-occurrence statistics must be constructed in the offline time. Especially in a large collection, constructing such a large matrix of term co-occurrences statistics prohibitively increases time and space complexity. In addition, reliable retrieval performance cannot be guaranteed because the translation model may comprise noisy non-topical terms in documents. To resolve these problems, this paper investigates an effective method to construct co-occurrence statistics and eliminate noisy terms by employing a parsimonious translation model. The parsimonious translation model is a compact version of a translation model that can reduce the number of terms containing non-zero probabilities by eliminating non-topical terms in documents. Through experimentation on seven different test collections, we show that the query model estimated from the parsimonious translation model significantly outperforms not only the baseline language modeling, but also the non-parsimonious models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of user characteristics (e.g. search experience and cognitive skills) on user effectiveness. A user study was conducted to investigate this effect, 56 participants completed searches for 56 topics using the TREC test collection. Results indicated that participants with search experience and high cognitive skills were more effective than those with less experience and slower perceptual abilities. However, all users rated themselves with the same level of satisfaction with the search results despite the fact they varied substantially in their effectiveness. Therefore, information retrieval evaluators should take these factors into consideration when investigating the impact of system effectiveness on user effectiveness.  相似文献   

Stereotyping is a technique used in many information systems to represent user groups and/or to generate initial individual user models. However, there has been a lack of evidence on the accuracy of their use in representing users. We propose a formal evaluation method to test the accuracy or homogeneity of the stereotypes that are based on users' explicit characteristics. Using the method, the results of an empirical testing on 11 common user stereotypes of information retrieval (IR) systems are reported. The participants' memberships in the stereotypes were predicted using discriminant analysis, based on their IR knowledge. The actual membership and the predicted membership of each stereotype were compared. The data show that “librarians/IR professionals” is an accurate stereotype in representing its members, while some others, such as “undergraduate students” and “social sciences/humanities” users, are not accurate stereotypes. The data also demonstrate that based on the user's IR knowledge a stereotype can be made more accurate or homogeneous. The results show the promise that our method can help better detect the differences among stereotype members, and help with better stereotype design and user modeling. We assume that accurate stereotypes have better performance in user modeling and thus the system performance.Limitations and future directions of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper combines a comprehensive account of the probabilistic model of retrieval with new systematic experiments on TREC Programme material. It presents the model from its foundations through its logical development to cover more aspects of retrieval data and a wider range of system functions. Each step in the argument is matched by comparative retrieval tests, to provide a single coherent account of a major line of research. The experiments demonstrate, for a large test collection, that the probabilistic model is effective and robust, and that it responds appropriately, with major improvements in performance, to key features of retrieval situations.Part 1 covers the foundations and the model development for document collection and relevance data, along with the test apparatus. Part 2 covers the further development and elaboration of the model, with extensive testing, and briefly considers other environment conditions and tasks, model training, concluding with comparisons with other approaches and an overall assessment.Data and results tables for both parts are given in Part 1. Key results are summarised in Part 2.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that in advanced information retrieval (IR) applications capabilities for data aggregation, transitive computation and NF2 (non-first normal form) relational computation are often necessary at the same time. We demonstrate that complex objects are naturally modeled as NF2 relations, whereas structures like hierarchical thesauri must be modeled for transitive computation. Transitive processing cannot be supported by structurally static structures like NF2 relations. We present a truly declarative query interface, which integrates data aggregation, transitive computation and NF2 relational computation. Thus the interface supports the retrieval and structural manipulation of complex objects (e.g. documents and bibliographic references), their retrieval through transitive relationships (e.g. thesauri, citations) and data aggregation based on their components (e.g. citation counts, author productivity). Most importantly, users can formulate queries on a high abstraction level without mastering actual programming or database techniques.  相似文献   

A model of a user's scan of the output of an information storage and retrieval system in response to a query is presented. Rules for determining the user's optimal stopping point are discussed and compared. A dynamic model for determining the proper stopping point using decision theory under risk with changing utilities is used as the basis for a Bayesian model of user scanning behavior. An algorithm to implement the Bayesian model is introduced and examples of the model are given. The implications for retrieval systems design and evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

When consumers search for health information, a major obstacle is their unfamiliarity with the medical terminology. Even though medical thesauri such as the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and related tools (e.g., the MeSH Browser) were created to help consumers find medical term definitions, the lack of direct and explicit integration of these help tools into a health retrieval system prevented them from effectively achieving their objectives. To explore this issue, we conducted an empirical study with two systems: One is a simple interface system supporting query-based searching; the other is an augmented system with two new components supporting MeSH term searching and MeSH tree browsing. A total of 45 subjects were recruited to participate in the study. The results indicated that the augmented system is more effective than the simple system in terms of improving user-perceived topic familiarity and question–answer performance, even though we did not find users spend more time on the augmented system. The two new MeSH help components played a critical role in participants’ health information retrieval and were found to allow them to develop new search strategies. The findings of the study enhanced our understanding of consumers’ search behaviors and shed light on the design of future health information retrieval systems.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to see how relevance feedback could be used to build and adjust profiles to improve the performance of filtering systems. Data was collected during the system interaction of 18 graduate students with SIFTER (Smart Information Filtering Technology for Electronic Resources), a filtering system that ranks incoming information based on users' profiles. The data set came from a collection of 6000 records concerning consumer health. In the first phase of the study, three different modes of profile acquisition were compared. The explicit mode allowed users to directly specify the profile; the implicit mode utilized relevance feedback to create and refine the profile; and the combined mode allowed users to initialize the profile and to continuously refine it using relevance feedback. Filtering performance, measured in terms of Normalized Precision, showed that the three approaches were significantly different (α=0.05 and p=0.012). The explicit mode of profile acquisition consistently produced superior results. Exclusive reliance on relevance feedback in the implicit mode resulted in inferior performance. The low performance obtained by the implicit acquisition mode motivated the second phase of the study, which aimed to clarify the role of context in relevance feedback judgments. An inductive content analysis of thinking aloud protocols showed dimensions that were highly situational, establishing the importance context plays in feedback relevance assessments. Results suggest the need for better representation of documents, profiles, and relevance feedback mechanisms that incorporate dimensions identified in this research.  相似文献   

We investigate a novel perspective to the development of effective algorithms for contact recommendation in social networks, where the problem consists of automatically predicting people that a given user may wish or benefit from connecting to in the network. Specifically, we explore the connection between contact recommendation and the text information retrieval (IR) task, by investigating the adaptation of IR models (classical and supervised) for recommending people in social networks, using only the structure of these networks.We first explore the use of adapted unsupervised IR models as direct standalone recommender systems. Seeking additional effectiveness enhancements, we further explore the use of IR models as neighbor selection methods, in place of common similarity measures, in user-based and item-based nearest-neighbors (kNN) collaborative filtering approaches. On top of this, we investigate the application of learning to rank approaches borrowed from text IR to achieve additional improvements.We report thorough experiments over data obtained from Twitter and Facebook where we observe that IR models, particularly BM25, are competitive compared to state-of-the art contact recommendation methods. We provide further empirical analysis of the additional effectiveness that can be achieved by the integration of IR models into kNN and learning to rank schemes. Our research shows that the IR models are effective in three roles: as direct contact recommenders, as neighbor selectors in collaborative filtering and as samplers and features in learning to rank.  相似文献   

Experimental results of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) do not indicate why a model fails or how a model could be improved. One basic research question is thus whether it is possible to provide conditions by which one can evaluate any existing or new CLIR strategy analytically and one can improve the design of CLIR models. Inspired by the heuristics in monolingual IR, we introduce in this paper Dilution/Concentration (D/C) conditions to characterize good CLIR models based on direct intuitions under artificial settings. The conditions, derived from first principles in CLIR, generalize the idea of query structuring approach. Empirical results with state-of-the-art CLIR models show that when a condition is not satisfied, it often indicates non-optimality of the method. In general, we find that the empirical performance of a retrieval formula is tightly related to how well it satisfies the conditions. Lastly, we propose, by following the D/C conditions, several novel CLIR models based on the information-based models, which again shows that the D/C conditions are efficient to feature good CLIR models.  相似文献   

Decision-making is often supported by computer-based models. To become a truly valuable corporate resource, such models must be easy to locate, share, and reuse. We describe a technical approach to model management aimed at establishing a database of computer models which can either be reused without modification or modified and composed with other models to assist with novel decisions.We describe a formalism for representing models and discuss various types of queries supported by the formalism. We discuss important research issues that must be addressed for successful application of the formalism to model management. Further, we argue that the field of information retrieval is the natural referent discipline for the study of model storage and retrieval and advance the argument that retrieving computer based models has an important connection to text retrieval based on documents' structure.  相似文献   

This article is Part IV in a series of articles that report the results of a two year research program the purpose of which is to design and test intelligent information retrieval (IR) devices for undergraduates researching a social science term paper. The devices are task-facilitating, helping the undergraduate perform the task of researching and writing a term paper, and they provide a mold which takes the students’ amorphous conception of their information need, turning it into an effective query to the IR system. The present article reports the results of two studies which tested an uncertainty expansion IR device and an uncertainty reduction IR device in naturalistic settings. The devices are designed to be given at different stages of Kuhlthau’s information search process (ISP). In both studies, undergraduates were randomly assigned to either the test group, who received the device intervention, or a comparison group. In Study 1, we found that the comparison group received a higher mean mark than students in the uncertainty expansion group. In Study 2, we found that the uncertainty reduction group received a higher mean mark than the comparison group when the device was given later in the student’s ISP. We conclude that the timing of the device interventions is crucial to their potential efficacy.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid growth of user-generated data in collaborative tagging (a.k.a. folksonomy-based) systems due to the prevailing of Web 2.0 communities. To effectively assist users to find their desired resources, it is critical to understand user behaviors and preferences. Tag-based profile techniques, which model users and resources by a vector of relevant tags, are widely employed in folksonomy-based systems. This is mainly because that personalized search and recommendations can be facilitated by measuring relevance between user profiles and resource profiles. However, conventional measurements neglect the sentiment aspect of user-generated tags. In fact, tags can be very emotional and subjective, as users usually express their perceptions and feelings about the resources by tags. Therefore, it is necessary to take sentiment relevance into account into measurements. In this paper, we present a novel generic framework SenticRank to incorporate various sentiment information to various sentiment-based information for personalized search by user profiles and resource profiles. In this framework, content-based sentiment ranking and collaborative sentiment ranking methods are proposed to obtain sentiment-based personalized ranking. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work of integrating sentiment information to address the problem of the personalized tag-based search in collaborative tagging systems. Moreover, we compare the proposed sentiment-based personalized search with baselines in the experiments, the results of which have verified the effectiveness of the proposed framework. In addition, we study the influences by popular sentiment dictionaries, and SenticNet is the most prominent knowledge base to boost the performance of personalized search in folksonomy.  相似文献   

A method using the amount of semantic information of query terms as weight in a fuzzy relation of resemblance is presented. The relation can be used to partially order documents in decreasing order of resemblance with the query. Large operational bibliographic data bases are used to test the validity of the approach.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some aspects of the relationship between the large and growing fields of machine learning (ML) and information retrieval (IR). Learning programs are described along several dimensions. One dimension refers to the degree of dependence of an ML + IR program on users, thesauri, or documents. This paper emphasizes the role of the thesaurus in ML + IR work. ML + IR programs are also classified in a dimension that extends from knowledge-sparse learning at one end to knowledge-rich learning at the other. Knowledge-sparse learning depends largely on user yes-no feedback or on word frequencies across documents to guide adjustments in the IR system. Knowledge-rich learning depends on more complex sources of feedback, such as the structure within a document or thesaurus, to direct changes in the knowledge bases on which an intelligent IR system depends. New advances in computer hardware make the knowledge-sparse learning programs that depend on word occurrences in documents more practical. Advances in artificial intelligence bode well for knowledge-rich learning.  相似文献   

We compare support vector machines (SVMs) to Rocchio, Ide regular and Ide dec-hi algorithms in information retrieval (IR) of text documents using relevancy feedback. It is assumed a preliminary search finds a set of documents that the user marks as relevant or not and then feedback iterations commence. Particular attention is paid to IR searches where the number of relevant documents in the database is low and the preliminary set of documents used to start the search has few relevant documents. Experiments show that if inverse document frequency (IDF) weighting is not used because one is unwilling to pay the time penalty needed to obtain these features, then SVMs are better whether using term-frequency (TF) or binary weighting. SVM performance is marginally better than Ide dec-hi if TF-IDF weighting is used and there is a reasonable number of relevant documents found in the preliminary search. If the preliminary search is so poor that one has to search through many documents to find at least one relevant document, then SVM is preferred.  相似文献   

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