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采用2(性别:男和女)×2(图片:异性吸引力图片和控制组)的完全随机实验设计,随机选取某大学本科生188人(男性92人,女生96人),年龄在17~23岁之间,平均年龄为19.9岁.通过求偶线索启动(异性高吸引力图片启动),探究被试在启动条件下的特殊风险行为领域的风险行为表现.以此来探索被设计用于激发吸引配偶的目标情境线索是否可以增加人的风险行为.得到以下结论:1)男性在异性伴侣高吸引力并且单身的求偶线索启动条件下,在求偶和资源分配(MR)风险领域和生育(RC)风险领域的风险行为显著提升;2)女性在异性伴侣高吸引力并且单身的求偶线索启动条件下,在各风险行为领域无明显风险行为提升.  相似文献   

恋爱是影响大学生学习、成长的重要事件之一。随着大学生恋爱的普遍化,大学生恋爱教育已经比较迫切。所以,对大学生恋爱教育的必要性、价值、内容及途径等方面的深入探讨,可以促进人们对相应教育的重视与思考。  相似文献   

介绍了对消雷器与避雷针的电晕电流、感应电流、保护区内外地面电场的测量方法和实测结果。消雷器和避雷针的电晕电流的实验值基本相同,并且均小于70微安。这一结果表明消雷器所提供的离子量不能在短时间内“中和”雷云电荷,不可能达到“消雷”目的,且消雷器和避雷针的防雷性能基本相同。并且通过分析雷暴全过程的地面电场的变化特点,为防雷预报工作提供了实验及理论依据。  相似文献   

昆虫抗寒性的生理机制及影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫是外温动物,在长期的进化过程中形成了一整套适应不良低温环境的抗寒机制.现主要总结了耐寒昆虫与耐冻昆虫对低温适应的生理机制以及环境因子对昆虫抗寒能力的影响作用.  相似文献   

求偶行为是动物的一种本能,是动物繁殖的一个重要环节。在性激素的作用下,各种动物的求偶方式多种多样,主要是以体色与动作、接触与触摸、声音与信息素、聚合、奇特等求偶方式,每种方式都能最大限度地引诱异性,以达到交配的目的。在求偶行为中时常伴随争斗行为,通过争斗,可以选择最强壮的个体繁衍后代,遗传保留更适应环境的优良基因。求偶行为还具有多种功能。  相似文献   

本研究在田间自然虫源条件下,以叶面积损失百分率为指标,分别于1997 年和1998 年鉴定了从6724 份大豆资源中筛选获得的46 份抗感材料及5 份江淮与南方大豆推广良种共51 份对食叶性害虫综合虫种的抗性差异表现。结果表明,区组间、品种间、记录日期间、年份间抗虫性有极显著差异;品种与记录日期间互作、品种与年份互作极显著;年份之间抗虫性表现极显著相关。综合1993 ~1996 年历年田间抗性鉴定结果,从供试的大豆资源中筛选出一套对食叶性害虫表现综合抗性或综合感性的标准品种,可用于以后的抗性分级  相似文献   

求偶抑制记忆可以减少雄果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)对处女蝇的求偶行为,并且这种记忆属于长时间记忆.目前有关求偶抑制记忆对果蝇攻击行为影响的研究一直很缺乏.研究中,以野生型果蝇CS株作为实验对象,通过数字摄像机对果蝇行为进行记录,然后根据录像对果蝇潜伏期及头撞次数两种行为学指标进行统计分析,最后通过t检验分析得出求偶抑制记忆是否对果蝇攻击性造成影响的结论.结果表明,求偶抑制记忆可以延长雄果蝇在争夺交配权时的潜伏期,但对争夺食物时的潜伏期却无明显影响.同时,求偶抑制记忆对争夺交配权时和争夺食物时的头撞次数均无明显影响.推断求偶抑制记忆特异的作用于争夺交配权时的潜伏期,从而使果蝇打斗潜伏期延长,攻击性减弱.在打斗开始之后发生的攻击行为可以部分消除求偶抑制记忆对果蝇的影响,使果蝇部分的恢复攻击能力.  相似文献   

建筑物的防雷保护分为防直接雷击和感应雷击两个方面.直接雷击防护在建筑设计、施工中通常会因为不符合的现场的实际条件而给建筑物的正常使用带来隐患,甚至使建筑物内部的电气设备不能正常运行.做好建筑物的直接雷击防护,要从防雷装置的规范化着手.  相似文献   

建筑物的防雷设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述建(构)筑物防雷设计原则,避雷针(网),引下线,接地装置等的设计方法。  相似文献   

黎章  王瑛 《宜春学院学报》2007,29(6):98-100
通过对传统人工命题活动的分析和研究,指出了人工命题中普遍存在的各种固有缺陷及其给考试质量带来的不良影响,在此基础上提出机器命题的概念和用机器命题代替人工命题的改革设想,并对机器命题的过程和应用意义作了初步的论述.  相似文献   

首先对雷电流的波形进行分析,对雷电流数学表达式进行傅里叶变换,然后得出雷电流的频谱和能谱的分布函数,绘出频谱图和能谱图,找出雷电危害的重要波段所在。结果对避雷方案的设计、避雷器件的选取和雷害的评估具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   

铁路信号设备的雷电防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国的铁路信号设备已经逐步向电子化、数字化方向发展。设备的安全性也越来越重要,要求也越来越高,本文在设备安全性集中讨论了对铁路设备防雷技术的分析,重点讲述了雷电防护措施。  相似文献   

本文根据在黄山地区采集的昆虫标本,整理报道该地区天蛾科昆虫44种及亚种,隶属5亚科25属。  相似文献   

布鲁纳教育心理学思想及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
布鲁纳是美国当代最负盛名的认知心理学家之一,他在教育学、心理学、化学诸多领域都有广泛而深入的研究。深入考察布鲁纳教育心理学思想的来龙去脉,对于当前的教育改革以及教育理论的建设不无启示。  相似文献   

介绍微电子器件耐雷水平,新型防雷器件TVS管和固态放电管的特性,过电压保护器的四级保护,微波通信站防雷接地与屏蔽的有关要求,从防雷技术方面提出防雷保护的措施·  相似文献   

Luciferase from firefly lantern extract was immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. The kinetic properties of immobilized luciferase were extensively studied. TheK m′ for D-luciferin is 11.9 μmol/L, the optimum pH and temperature for Sepharose-bound enzyme were 7.8 and 25°C respectively. A luminescence fiber optic biosensor, making use of immobilized crude luciferase, was developed for assay of ATP. The peak light intensity was linear with respect to ATP concentration in range of 10−9–10−5 mol/L. A biological application was also demonstrated with the determination of serum ATP from rats bred in low versus normal oxygen environments.  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌及其在害虫防治上的应用(综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏云金芽孢杆菌 (Bacillusthuringiensis,简称Bt)自 1 90 1年发现以来 ,一直在微生物学、昆虫学和生物化学等方面受到研究者的关注。由于Bt能形成对许多昆虫具特异性毒力的杀虫蛋白 ,因此从 1 959年开始Bt已被制成杀虫剂防治鳞翅目害虫。近 1 0年来 ,随着分子生物学和遗传工程技术的成熟和发展 ,使人们增加了有关晶体形成的分子生物学知识。Bt的杀虫活性主要是其能产生含有杀虫晶体蛋白 (ICPs)的伴孢晶体。一些杀虫蛋白基因 (又称cry基因 )已经成功用于转基因抗虫植物中。本文将从Bt微生物学、Bt制剂在害虫防治中以及Btcry基因在转基因抗虫植物中的应用等方面作一综述。  相似文献   

根据雷电危害的形式、部位、时间、规律和特点,针对房屋、施工现场、变电站、网络、日常生活等提出几点雷电综合防护新措施。新措施实用性强,简便易行,投资少,效果好,见效快。  相似文献   

Supporting young people with global crises mitigation strategies is essential, yet loaded with ethical dilemmas for the educator. This study explores whether young people will make ethical decisions regarding the sustainability of food choice in schools, and based on the processes identified, what educators’ needs are in supporting transformative learning. This study is the first of its kind, where young people under the age of 14 have been tasting edible insects and discussing their role in a more sustainable diet. The article draws on mixed-method research with over 180 young people and their teachers in three schools in Wales and examines responses to a possible introduction of edible insects into school canteens. Highlighted is the complexity of sustainable food choices—likely to be identifiable with other young people and educators in western countries. The article considers how educators and policy makers may need to frame routes to positive sustainable action and the associated impacts these may have on personal, social, political and environmental spheres.  相似文献   

This study extends Baxter and Wilmot's (1984) work on the secret tests couples use to acquire information about the state of their relationships. No gender differences were found in levels of testing or in the use of specific tests in our sample of 226 romantically‐involved individuals, who reported on 1025 instances of testing. The effects of commitment, perceptions of partner's commitment, courtship progress, and jealousy on testing were also examined. Overall amount of testing was inversely correlated with courtship progress, suggesting that such tests characterize the earliest stages of courtship, and positively correlated with jealousy. In addition, females who perceived that their partners were less committed to their relationships were slightly more likely to engage in relational information‐seeking. Reliance upon specific tests was associated with several of the relationship measures. For instance, Endurance tests were best predicted by perceptions of high partner commitment; Separation tests were used when commitment by self and partner was low, when the relationship had not advanced much, and when the information‐seeker was jealous; and use of Triangle tests was associated with jealousy. Several significant contingencies were found among dimensions of the testing situation. The type of test used was associated with what respondents learned about their partners' commitment, with the probability of engaging in state‐of‐the relationship talks, and with the deliberate versus accidental nature of the testing episode. It was also found that deliberate tests were more likely than accidental ones to lead to feelings that the future course of the relationship was predictable and to open communication about the relationship. Finally, tentative support was found for a confirmatory bias in testing in which testers set themselves up to learn that their partners value the relationship.  相似文献   

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