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2004年底,教育部师范司启动了全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设项目,该项目采用面对面及远程的方式对中小学教师进行教育技术培训.作为一种体验式的培训,在远程开展的过程中势必对学习支持会产生新的要求.本文即以教育技术能力建设项目的远程体验式培训试点为契机,采用基于设计的研究方法,对远程体验式培训的学习支持系统进行了设计、试用和改进.试点过程中,我们通过调查、问卷等方式对数据进行了收集和分析.结果表明:从体验学习的理解、行动、分享等方面关注学习支持,考虑到了教师的实际需要;体验学习的理解、行动(设计/创建)阶段都需要丰富案例的支持;在线学习共同体让学习者受益匪浅,体验学习的分享、交流与反思依赖于学习共同体.最后本文给出了改善学习支持系统设计的若干建议.  相似文献   

The new Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science (CS) Principles course increases the need for quality CS teachers and thus the need for professional development (PD). This article presents the results of a 2-year study investigating how teachers teaching the AP CS Principles course for the first time used online PD material. Our results showed that the teaching and computing background of teachers had a significant impact on the teachers' need for and use of online PD material. More specifically, novice CS teachers needed and used PD for developing their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Non-CS teachers needed and used PD materials emphasizing content knowledge. Experienced CS teachers believed they had little need for PD even though they were teaching a new course. Our study makes three recommendations for designing effective online PD for CS teachers: match PD to teachers' background, align PD with the course curriculum, and use effective motivational design to enhance teacher engagement. (Keywords: computer science education, online professional development, K–12, AP computer science principles course)  相似文献   

How to facilitate learning by novices (students) on their road to expertise has attracted the attention of a vast number of researchers in cognitive and educational psychology as well in the field of learning and instruction. Although many studies have investigated the phenomenon of expertise development, the implications of the findings for instruction are scattered throughout the literature. This article reports the results of a systematic literature review of 37 studies on expertise development. Using Tynjälä's Integrative Pedagogy Model as an organising framework, the implications for educational practice described in these studies are presented as 10 instructional principles. This study takes a step towards translating expertise development research into guidelines for instruction. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

同伴互助是促进教师专业发展的有效方法,在线实践社区是支撑时空分离的教师同伴互助的重要环境,因此,优质的在线实践社区环境是促进教师同伴瓦助的关键.本文在相关文献综述和教师同伴互助实践的基础上,提出一个能够有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境的设计框架.文章分三个部分:第一部分说明同伴互助的内涵;第二部分提出有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境设计框架;第三部分详细描述了设计框架的各个组成要素.文章认为,有效促进教师同伴互助的在线实践社区环境必须围绕活动、交互、工具、机制、行为和关系六大基本要素来进行.笔者提出,该设计框架为教师同伴互助提供了一种思考和实践范式,据此设计和开发的在线实践社区能够有败地促进教师的同伴互助.  相似文献   

网络条件下互动的教育者业务发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识积累、学习研究和教育技术飞速发展的当今时代,教师必须成为不断的学习,作为一种工具,因特网可能克服教育在业务发展方向的局限,但仅仅靠技术还不能改变教育实践。因特网资源必须同活动和机制相结合,才能帮助教师发展自己的业务。本作将引用哈佛教育研究院所发展的网络学习环境及有关的网上课程,以说明主题。  相似文献   

将形成性评价理论融入高职公共英语教学中,探索基于职业英语能力培养的个性化评价在高职公共英语教学评价中的实施.这无疑对丰富和改善英语教学评价理论,指导当前进行的高职英语教学改革都具有积极意义.  相似文献   

社会认知学习理论和成人学习理论把教师学习和专业发展视为情境化的,是主动探究与合作学习的过程。因此,设计教师专业发展项目需要进行教育与教学情境调查,需要针对不同的教师群体来设置教师专业发展的目标与内容,选择由诸多个体组成的教师专业发展促进者,教师专业发展评估需要关注后续活动。  相似文献   

基于武汉理工大学专业学位点评估实践,认为专业学位点自我评估要坚持学校自我评估与政府合格评估相结合、学位点自我评估与学科动态调整相结合、学位点自我评估与学科绩效投入相结合、综合评估与专项评估相结合、学术管理与行政管理相结合、学位点评估与后续建设相结合等六项原则,在具体实施过程中要经历试点阶段和全面推进阶段,要找准专业学位点自我评估定位,明确专业学位点发展目标,强化专业学位点专项评估,引入多元主体参与自我评估。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of a year-long mathematics professional development program on Kindergarten teachers’ beliefs, content knowledge, instructional practices, and their students’ achievement. The professional development program is grounded in the theoretical construct of learner-centered professional development and focuses on supporting teachers’ integration of standards-based pedagogies aligned with the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. Data analysis included examining 15 Kindergarten teachers’ mathematics content knowledge, their beliefs about mathematics, their enactment of student-centered pedagogies, and student achievement on curriculum-based assessments. Findings indicated that teachers adopted more student-centered pedagogies and embraced more student-centered beliefs about mathematics teaching during their time in the project. Further, Kindergarten teachers also demonstrated gains in their mathematical content knowledge, and those content knowledge gains were linked to gains in student achievement.  相似文献   

本文从教学设计、上好公开课、观摩评课等三个方面,探究了化学教师专业发展的规律,提出课堂教学是促进化学教师成长的必经路径,对年轻教师的快速健康成长有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

在我国,从政府到学校对教师继续教育的关注在逐步提升,但效果不尽如人意,重要原因之一是教师继续教育的针对性不强,对不同专业水平教师的培训计划缺乏"个性"。研究表明,处于不同专业发展阶段的教师,具有不同的特点,需要不同的帮助。因此,教师继续教育必须区别对待,凸显个性化。  相似文献   

在评价网络教学开展效果时,在线讨论进行的是否充分与深入占据了重要的地位。本文针对当前网络教学中如何设计有效的在线讨论问题,进行了理论分析,并以教育技术学硕士研究生的远程教育课程为例进行了在线讨论问题的设计。  相似文献   

在线板式精馏塔设计软件的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对板式精馏塔设计过程中工艺计算量大、重复计算多的特点,以Java为编程语言,开发了在线板式精馏塔设计软件。该软件界面简洁友好、使用方便、运行稳定,通过web浏览器就能完成设计。  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical and empirical basis for the design of teacher professional development studies. We build on previous work by (a) developing estimates of intraclass correlation coefficients for teacher outcomes using two- and three-level data structures, (b) developing estimates of the variance explained by covariates, and (c) modifying the conventional optimal design framework to include differential covariate costs so as to capture the point at which the cost of collecting a covariate overtakes the reduction in variance it supplies. We illustrate the use of these estimates to explore the absolute and relative sensitivity of multilevel designs in teacher professional development studies. The results from these analyses are intended to guide researchers in making more-informed decisions about the tradeoffs and considerations involved in selecting study designs for assessing the impacts of professional development programs.  相似文献   

High-quality professional development is needed to prepare teachers to help students learn how to conduct online academic research and meet Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. This study created and evaluated a Web-based professional development program with five instructional modules designed to prepare middle-school teachers to teach their students nine strategies for conducting academic research online. The online professional development program was specifically created to help teachers implement the previously developed online SOAR Student Toolkit curriculum with all students in inclusive classrooms. Results of a 2015–2016 pilot study conducted with 13 teachers and 477 students in sixth to eighth grades indicated that most teachers perceived the professional development program to be of high quality and relevant in helping them teach online research skills to their students. Students significantly improved online research skills after learning from trained teachers (27 percentage points improvement, from 18% at pretest to 45% at posttest).  相似文献   

教师教育新范式:在线专业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代信息技术促发了教师教育的新范式--在线专业发展.教师在线专业发展以现代网络技术为基础,通过构建集阅读、讨论、交流、实践反思于一体的在线学习者共同体来帮助教师学习,以最大程度地促进教师的自主学习和个性化的专业发展;其特点是自主性、交互性、个性化、体验性和经济性;其价值主要体现为有利于激发教师自主的专业发展意识,形成教师的合作学习精神,提高教师的信息化教学能力.  相似文献   

将自我评估评价方法运用到大学英语语法教学中,从教学实践出发,得出自我评估在大学英语语法教学中的作用是提高学生学习效果及培养学生学习自主性的有效途径。  相似文献   

The use of interactive video cases for teacher professional development is an emergent medium inspired by case study methods used extensively in law, management, and medicine, and by the advent of multimedia technology available to support online discussions. This paper focuses on Web-based grounded discussions—in which the participants base their contributions on specific events portrayed in the case—and the role facilitators play in these online interactions. This paper analyzes the online exchange of messages in one school district that participated in a video-case-based program of teacher professional development and derives principles that will help facilitators lead grounded online interactions.  相似文献   

文章分析了传统职称评审工作的现状与不足,运用网络与信息技术,研究了职称评审系统的需求与功能,设计开发了职称网上评审系统。并对系统实现中的关键技术进行了阐述。该系统简化了申报的流程,整合了现有的资源,加强了评审过程管理,提高了评审效率。在该校的职称评审过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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