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表现性评价是在针对传统标准化测验评价进行批判补充的基础上产生的新型学生评价观。在高职院校商务英语教学中开展融教学与评价为一体的表现性评价,兼顾了对学生认知过程与发展潜能的评估,可以激发学生的学习动机。锻炼学生的商务沟通技能和英语应用能力,加强学生的人文素养和职业能力。  相似文献   

What criteria should be applied to the evaluation of performance measures? How consistent are the results from performance measures and norm-referenced achievement tests? How can we ensure fairness and credibility in performance measurement?  相似文献   

How generalizable are the scores from performance-based assessments? How can we best increase the gener-alizability of results? What level of generalizability is needed for different testing purposes?  相似文献   

Performance assessments typically require expert judges to individually rate each performance. This results in a limitation in the use of such assessments because the rating process may be extremely time consuming. This article describes a scoring algorithm that is based on expert judgments but requires the rating of only a sample of performances. A regression-based policy capturing procedure was implemented to model the judgment policies of experts. The data set was a seven-case performance assessment of physician patient management skills. The assessment used a computer-based simulation of the patient care environment. The results showed a substantial improvement in correspondence between scores produced using the algorithm and actual ratings, when compared to raw scores. Scores based on the algorithm were also shown to be superior to raw scores and equal to expert ratings for making pass/fail decisions which agreed with those made by an independent committee of experts  相似文献   

Performance assessments typically are scored by having experts rate individual performances. In contexts such as medical licensure, where the examinee population is large and the pool of expert raters is limited practically, this approach may be unworkable. This article describes an automated scoring algorithm for a computer simulation-based examination of physicians' patient-management skills. The algorithm is based on the policy used by clinicians in rating case performances. The results show that scores produced using this algorithm are highly correlated to actual clinician ratings. These scores also are shown to be effective in discriminating between case performance judged to be passing or failing by an independent group of clinicians.  相似文献   

绩效考核是企业迈向现代管理的必由之路.很多企业在绩效考核体系建设上不遗余力,但最终取得的效果并非如每个企业所愿:有的远远低于他们的预期,有的甚至阻碍了企业的发展.于是有些企业认为绩效考核系统华而不实,不切实际,流于形式,只是摆设.笔者通过对绩效考核过程存在的问题进行分析,提出相应的解决对策,以期让绩效考核真正发挥作用.  相似文献   

形成性评估要求,在教学过程中先测再教,随测随教或随教随评.本文通过研究形成性评估原则在多媒体课件制作中的运用,告诉读者,学习《全新版大学英语综合教程》课件可以达到提高学生水平的目的.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):257-290
Proponents of performance assessment often cite its potential to drive instructional reform. This has been the case with the Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, a battery of performance tasks administered annually to students in Grades 3, 5, and 8. Particularly because student responses to these tasks are scored in-state each summer by nearly 700 teachers, the scoring experience is regarded as a critical opportunity for professional development in support of such reform. As one means of examining the consequential validity of performance assessment, this study investigates the impact of the scoring experience on teachers' instructional and classroom assessment practice. Although teachers almost unanimously endorse the value of scoring, our analysis of interview data, questionnaires, classroom observation, and classroom artifacts demonstrates that their appropriation of performance-based instruction may be superficial and incomplete. From this study of a cadre of teacher-scorers comes a tempering of claims for the scoring experience as well as insights into the kinds of support needed to engender real and sustained changes in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

在化工原理智慧课堂教学中,运用线上线下混合式教学模式,改革过程考核体系。在课前、课中和课后三个阶段,采用课堂互动、在线自学、线上作业、小组讨论和章节检测等多维度的过程考核方式,及时反馈学生的学习情况,灵活调整教学进度,增强教学互动性,引导和激励学生进行知识探究。学生的自主学习能力和成绩的优良率得到提高,取得了预期的教学成效。  相似文献   

当前微博正逐渐成为网民们使用最广泛的信息平台,微博出现带来了微博营销方式的出现。企业通过微博进行营销活动,正有着快速发展的趋势。通过SWOT分析法对微博营销进行分析,得出微博营销策略主要有情感营销和互动营销等应用策略。  相似文献   

现代教学理论倾向于把完成现实生活任务作为学习的动力(Clark & Estes,1999;van Merrieenboer & Kirschner,2001)。这些理论普遍认为,现实生活任务有助于学生综合运用知识、技能以及态度,以有效完成任务;给学生创设了掌握相关子技能的机会,以便经整合后能够完成复杂学习任务;并最终使学  相似文献   

试论校本课程评价的原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
校本课程作为学校自主开发的课程,集中体现了"以校为本"的理念,对于这样的课程进行评价时,要根据课程自身的特点,坚持发展性原则、个性化原则、多元化原则、连续性原则、对话性原则和离散性原则,以促进校本课程的不断完善.  相似文献   

将我国刑法中所谓单罚制的"单位犯罪"视为单位犯罪,存在前提或认识上的错误,不符合犯罪的基本特征、刑罚的基本理论、诉讼法的基本原理以及我国刑法的基本规定,还有悖于刑法罪责自负以及公平性的原则,会导致刑法理论的混乱。采用双罚制的单位犯罪处罚原则符合单位犯罪的本质特征,有助于刑法预防犯罪目的的实现,同时也符合国际公约、条约的规定精神。  相似文献   

Standard 9 of the National Science Teachers Association Standards for Science Teacher Preparation is designed to ensure that science teacher preparation programs provide preservice science teachers with the knowledge and skills to understand and successfully engage students in a safe and ethical manner. This standard contains four components describing science teachers’ legal and ethical responsibilities, appropriate use of instructional materials (chemicals in particular), emergency procedures and safety equipment, and guidelines for proper use of living organisms in the classroom. In this article, we describe the requirements of Standard 9 and provide guidance on assessments that can be used to present evidence for preservice teachers’ competence in each of the four components.  相似文献   

由于广告在现代商品社会中发挥着重要的作用,广告的翻译就显得尤为重要.在广告翻译中,为使译文与原文的契合对应,应遵循对等原则,运用直译、转译、意译等基本技巧,体现原文的表现力和感染力.  相似文献   

档案袋应用于英语课外阅读,成为一种评价的策略时,它不仅客观地记录着学生在学业上的表现,使评价更加客观和全面,同时还有利于培养学生的自主学习能力、自主监督能力、自主评价能力以及自主反思能力。档案袋评价的实施应体现民主、客观、公平、全面的原则。  相似文献   

陈隽 《四川教育学院学报》2010,26(11):86-88,111
与以往传统的"等值论"翻译观不同的是,目的功能论强调以译文预期达成的目的为准则,通过各种翻译技法实现翻译的目的,即"目的决定手段"。文章以目的功能论为理论依据,通过实例分析,从企业外宣材料英译实践中常见的四种情况阐释了"删繁就简"这一翻译技法的适用性,力图证明在充分分析原文的基础上所进行的"删繁就简"是实现译文预期功能的有效手段。  相似文献   

由于离岸公司的法律特征,使得其在滥用公司法人人格的风险上远远大于国内普通公司。作为公司形式的一种,离岸公司也可适用公司法人人格否认制度。离岸公司的国际性使得在具体适用过程中必然会遇到国内普通公司在适用过程中所不能预见的问题。离岸公司风险的防范需要国际社会的合作。  相似文献   

本文拟就《美国高等教育协会公报》等有关文献为基础,就如何在高校中运用现代化的信息技术(或媒体)开展教学的问题,介绍了美国高教协会倡导的七项教学原则,及其特别拟定的相应评估细则(或称问卷)。  相似文献   

田洁 《铜仁学院学报》2007,1(4):92-93,104
介绍反证法的定义、证明的原理及一般步骤,探索反证法在数学中的应用,研究存在的问题。  相似文献   

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