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Deciding to do som e back-yard landscaping,m y father-in-law wentto the brickyard to buy a quantity ofbricks.W hen he asked the salesclerkabout the cost,the m an replied,“The m ore you buy,the cheaper theyare.”“Is that so,”said m y fahter-in-law.“Then just keep loading them onm y truck untilthey are free.”The More,the Cheaper…  相似文献   

1.HeadTheheadisconsideredasthemostimportantpartofthehumanbody,oftencomparedtoaruleroraleader.SowecallthepresidentoftheU.S.AandthePrimeMinisterofGreatBritainheadsofgovernments(政府首脑).Wecanalsosaytheheadofafirmorafamily.Theheadiswherethebrainislocated.Thebrainhasthepowertocontroloneselforonesactivity.Therefore,theheadisassociatedwithideasandintelligence.Ihaveagoodheadforsomething,thatis,Imcleveratsomething.Ifayoungmansbehaviorislikeanexperiencedperson,peoplewillcallhimanoldheadonyoungsho…  相似文献   

This article tells how Six Sigma builds on a progression of earlier approaches to increasing workplace efficiencies and improving product quality. The article explores the productivity improving contributions of Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor, W. Edwards Deming, the Systems school, and Michael Hammer, showing that Six Sigma ends up combining the strengths of these contributions. It offers an alternative approach focused more on the non‐quantifiable elements, an approach that might be the next step in the progression.  相似文献   

Making the most of a phrasal verb exerciseAfter your students have finished yet another plate of Put____or____off, are you left with the feeing...that they will remember nothing? that you haven't stretched them enough?that you have overloaded them? that they have been put off phrasal verbs for life?Whatever your situation, Jon Chandlor offers you More/Here are five add-on activities and on-going 'digestive remedies' to help prevent that feeling of being bloated yet strangely empty.  相似文献   

Making the most of a revision testAre you hoping to recycle but you seem to end up with just a test?Are you and your students fed up with routine gap-fills and sentence transformations?Are your students threatened by being given individual scores?  相似文献   

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于贺 《海外英语》2012,(24):140-142
With the world globalization, China’s communication with other countries has become more frequent. It is in great demand that a large number of college graduates who not only master their major but also do well in communication in English with English speakers. However, such graduates are scare because the backward teaching method-the Grammar-Traditional Method, cannot meet what the contemporary Chinese society demands. The reforms of the college English teaching are urgent and necessary. This paper first explores the major problems existing in the college English teaching. Furthermore, it introduces the basic theory of the Communicative Approach and analyzes its advantages in college English teaching.  相似文献   

Dare for More     
Taking over the relay stick from Athens, Beijing, the《 高 中 》 二 六 年 第 五 期 capital of China, which is going to host the 29th Olympics Games in 2008, becomes the focus of the world. It is indisputable that people from all walls of life in China will have a important role to play in carrying out the theme "One World, one dream". Some will act as volunteers. Some will enter the gyms to cheer athletes. Some will gather in a bar to hold sports fans' parties. As plain as the nose on your…  相似文献   

吴慧 《新高考》2014,(1):6-6
近年来,中国式休假——连续加班、挪移周末、拼凑长假,引起了人们越来越多的争议。支持者认为,调休是一种适合中国国情的合理安排,灵活调整假期可以让人民有更多的时间休闲、娱乐、旅游,对于促进家庭和谐、传承文化传统、繁荣假日经济起到了重要的作用。反对者认为,这种七拼八凑的长假非常不合理。看起来休息时间变多了,但是实际休假的时间并没有增加。假期前后需要连续上班6天、7天,甚至8天,实在太疲惫、太折腾。另外,假期大家集中出行,道路处处拥堵,景点人满为患,这种痛苦的中国式休假,还是趁早改了吧。  相似文献   

今年夏天,你还没有看《变形金刚》?对不起,你真的落伍了!大黄蜂、擎天柱……这些曝光率最高的流行语,把我们带回到记忆中曾经的那个年代。日剧、韩剧、中文偶像剧,同样不甘示弱,把黑白的线条赋予了灵魂与生命,经典漫画的改编之路,就这样疯狂得进行到底!  相似文献   

(下转第42页)生习作isunderstandingoftenexistsbetweenparentsandchildren.Whenyoureadthepassage,you蒺llhaveaclearideaaboutwhatImean.Onemorning,afterfinishingmyhomework,IwasabouttocallngZhi,oneofmybestfriends,whenMothershoutedfromthekitchen,hun-chun,it蒺stimeyoupractisedyourdrawingnow!”Ibecameun鄄pyandreplied,“It蒺sSundaytodayandIwanttohavearest!Be鄄es,Ipractiseddrawingfortwohoursyesterdayafternoon.”Buttherwentstraighttomeandsaid,“Tomorrowyou蒺llhaveatestinit.oufail,don蒺tblamemefornotremin…  相似文献   

Dare for More     
点评:作者充分发挥了自己的想象力,以百事可乐的广告歌歌名为标题,简明而留有悬想。以较生动、优美的语言描绘了2008年奥运会的生命力在于大众参与,在于奥林匹克精神的更加广泛地普及。特别是结尾段更突出奥运会决不仅仅是“强者的碰撞,智者的比拼”,它是竞技运动的殿堂,更应是弘扬人文精神的天堂。  相似文献   

More about Hainan IslandHainan Island is the second largest island in China.It lies 48 kilometers off the Leizhou Peninsula(雷州半岛)and about one and a half hours by plane from Zhanjiang.The Liu ling Mountains runs down the center of Hainan from the northeast to the southeast and covered with tropical(热带的) forests. There are 50 kinds of min-erals(矿藏). Rice,sugarcane,tobacco,cotton coffee,rubber and many other fruits are grown on the island. Fishing has always been an important means…  相似文献   

英语中有许多名词是不可数的。但是具体到这一类词里的某一件物体时却是可数的。下面举出一些实例:1.面包是西方人的主要食品,英语里总称为bread,是不可数名词。我们不能说a bread鸦two breads.但是面包有许多种类型。如:bun鸦loaf等等。这几个词是可数名词。可以说a bun鸦a brown loaf。2.m ail邮件(总称)是个不可数名词。但letter熏postcard熏parcel却是可数的。例如押aletter鸦three postcards鸦tw o parcels。3.m oney钱(总称)是个不可数名词。而dollar熏dim e熏cent却是可数的。例如押one dol鄄lar鸦two dim es鸦ten cents。4.furnitur…  相似文献   

1.It's five o'clock in the eveningwhen Rene comes home from work.She walks into the living room(起居室)and looks at her three children.The children are 14,13,and 9 yearsold。They are watching TV.The livingroom is a mess(乱七八糟)。  相似文献   

It is very possible for a person with a disability to get a job.  相似文献   

仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧  相似文献   

笑对生活,无论在身体上还是精神上,都使我们受益非浅。  相似文献   

仰望群星的时分,我一清二楚,尽管它们关怀备至,我亦有可能赴地府,可是尘世间我们丝毫不必畏惧人类或禽兽的那份冷漠。  相似文献   

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