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This analysis of current developments in online learning for vocational education and training uses Ivan Illich's book Deschooling Society as a frame. Illich argued that formal educational institutions are flawed; that a mix of compulsion, indoctrination, certification and education creates an authoritarian atmosphere. Key benefits of online learning include its flexibility and its capacity to support dialogue between learners. On the basis of the capabilities of online technologies, and current developments in education, the authors predict that vocational learning will be profoundly changed. Inevitably, these developments will also challenge established colleges and universities, including their current dominance in major areas of vocational education and training. Education will probably become more pluralistic and more international. This paper calls for an inclusive approach?which makes the elements of an online course available to informal learners and free to people who cannot afford course fees.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on quality of work life (QWL) by testing the relationship between QWL and job performance by using questionnaires to survey a sample of 475 managers in a manufacturing industry in Malaysia. The results indicated a significant positive relationship between QWL and job performance. A two‐factor model with correlated factors was postulated and supported. Structural equation modeling procedures showed that the two constructs are highly correlated (r = 0.94) and represent a distinct concern on work life. Implications of results and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

求职过程是求职者全面展现自身综合素质的过程,求职技巧作为综合素质的表现始终贯穿于求职过程的全部。目前,中国的就业形势比较严峻,求职者面对的竞争越来越大,企业对求职者的要求也越来越高,面试方式更趋多样化,为此,对求职者进行求职技巧的训练和指导对求职成功与否起着至关重要的作用。本文采用实例法进行研究,从阐述求职技巧的内涵及求职技巧训练与指导的重要作用出发,针对求职者求职技巧的现状进行分析,提出求职技巧训练与指导的具体措施。  相似文献   

高校贷款办学不是中国高等教育发展过程中出现的特有现象.美国在高校贷款问题上积累了丰富的经验,可以为我国的高校贷款提供一些具有参考价值和借鉴意义的启示.  相似文献   

东北电力培训中心作为国电东北公司的培训基地,承担着东北公司管理人员、技术人员和技能工人的培训工作。其中技能工人的岗位培训显得非常重要,因为技能工人多,在生产一线,而且学历和素质相对较低。因此,要求我们必须首先做好技能工人的岗位培训。  相似文献   

Taking the standpoint that sub-Saharan African education policy is undergoing a thorough re-evaluation, the paper reviews the changes in relationships between the formal and informal labour markets in Africa and the planning of education in relation to such supposed objectives. Political concerns with accountability, efficiency, financing and the maintenance of relevance in vocational training find little that is comparable with policies or experiments in the developed countries. In part this is complicated through intervention by the policies favoured by external donors. The paper concludes with ten propositions regarding future attempts to tighten up bonds between education, training and job/work placements in Africa.  相似文献   

Curriculum planning for the development of graphicacy capability has not been systematically included in general education to coincide with the graphicacy needs of human society. In higher education, graphicacy curricula have been developed to meet the needs of certain disciplines, for example medical and teacher training and engineering, among others. A framework for graphicacy curricula, anticipating the graphicacy needs in higher education, has yet to be strategically planned for general education. This is partly a result of lack of research effort in this area, but also a result of lack of systematic curriculum planning in general. This paper discusses these issues in the context of graphicacy curricula for engineering. The paper presents three broad individual case studies spanning Europe and the USA, brought together by the common denominator, graphicacy. The case studies are based on: an analysis of graphicacy within general education curricula, an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in Europe and an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in the USA. These three papers were originally presented in a plenary session at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Design Graphics Division at the University of Limerick in November 2012. The case studies demonstrate the potential for strategic curriculum planning in regard to the development of graphicacy in general education and an overview of a methodology to achieve that. It also offers further evidence towards the importance of the systematic classification of graphics capabilities in Engineering and how the lack of a developed theoretical framework in this area undermines the case for the importance of graphics within engineering education.  相似文献   

The study deals with an attempt to decentralize educational decision-making in Peru and render it participatory. The paper contrasts the intentions and outcomes of the innovation and examines the factors that led to its demise. Political factors such as the reluctance of upper echelons to share power and the teachers' opposition to the reform were significant obstacles. Issues of cultural and technical natures including centralist traditions and lack of clarity about key concepts and new roles were also important. The study shows that the implementation of decentralization is a complex and not always predictable undertaking. It also argues that political accounts of reform failures present a simplified and over-rationalized version of reality.  相似文献   

由家庭教师为中小学生提供的课外或校外学业辅导,在中国和美国都不是一个新鲜事物。美国的课外家教辅导在价值观上受到肯定、在教学方法上科学而有效、在政策上得到优惠与鼓励等。深入了解美国的家教辅导状况对我国家庭教师辅导具有一定的启示性意义。  相似文献   

Existing studies consistently find a gap in further education between high‐ and low‐skilled workers, implying a gap in formal training between high‐ and low‐skilled classes. In this paper, we hypothesize that the most important reasons for differences between social classes in further education participation are grounded in job characteristics rather than worker characteristics. This is in line with theoretical foundations of the construction of the widely used Erikson‐Goldthorpe‐Portocarero (EGP) class scheme and related classifications, such as the new European Socio‐Economic Classification (ESeC) scheme that we apply in our analyses. We explore the importance of different job characteristics for the explanation of the class gap with a dataset providing detailed information about the jobs of more than 20,000 German employees. The tasks performed and the technologies used in the job are found to be of particular importance. Both are able to explain much of the variation in training activity between different class positions and different educational levels. We discuss the implications of our results for social inequality. Our conclusion is that much of the variation of training incidents between classes comes from the very simple fact that they carry out different jobs. This should always be taken into account when inequality in training between individuals is examined.  相似文献   

美国在高等教育研究生培养与研究方面有关学科性、课程设计与学位的争论表明 :(1 )高等教育研究作为一个学科尚不成熟。应用其他相对成熟学科的理论与方法 ,是提高高等教育研究水平与研究生培养学术质量的较好方式。(2 )高等教育研究生培养的一个主要任务是培养高等教育管理方面的实践人员 ,目前还缺少成熟的培养体系。美国大学正在采取各种试验性培养方式 ,使研究生培养更好地联系实际。 (3 )美国大学为高等教育研究生颁发学术性的Ph D和职业性的 Ed D两种学位 ,这种双轨制既有利于学术发展 ,也有利于培养实践者。  相似文献   


Colorado, the USA and Scotland are alike in many ways. Both have a relatively small population (3.3 and 5 million respectively) and, though Colorado is bigger than even the entire United Kingdom, both are largely rural, with most people living in the central area. The educational challenges which they face are, as in most advanced nations today, determined by considerations of economy as well as of philosophy and these pressures have led to changes in the delivery of special educational services, the way teachers are certified and the content of their training. This article examines these changes and concludes that Colorado has been more radical in the reorganization of its service delivery and certification of teachers, with changes in the schools being the stimulus to change in the state administration of education and thus the training provided by the universities. In Scotland, on the other hand, change in schools has been more gradual, but the education authorities and the colleges have had a greater hand in the process.  相似文献   

Parallel crises: history and the social studies curriculum in the USA   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

高职院校的职业技能培养探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据我国高职院校人才培养的定位,职业技能培养是实现其人才培养目标的重要内容。当前高职院校职业技能培养的途径大致可以分为课内培养和课外培训两种方式,而培养模式可以分为渐进式、项目式和蛙跳式三种。  相似文献   

“高等职业院校人才培养工作状态数据采集平台V2.13”共有1136个数据字段指标.分布在49张数据表中。本文分别从师资队伍、学生信息、专业与课程、顶岗实习与就业、职业资格证书、社会培养、经费与资产、校企合作等方面对数据的关联性进行了分析和研究.为平台数据的采集和合理运用提供了指南。  相似文献   

美国“择校”中的争论:问题的性质及制度涵义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾晓东 《比较教育研究》2008,30(10):22-25,50
"选择"机制加入义务教育的"配给"体制中,会给原有的体系带来价值和技术层面的冲突.价值冲突主要表现为义务教育的均衡与差异间的价值冲突,技术层面的冲击则表现为提高学生学习成绩的途径到底应该落实为寻找有效教学的途径还是依赖"选择"带来的激励.价值和技术层面的冲突必然会对义务教育理念和制度产生影响.  相似文献   

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