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教师专业能力结构及其成长模式探析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师专业能力是随着教师职业专业化的国际潮流的出现、对教育活动复杂性的认识发展及对教育价值功能的重估而产生的一个专门性术语。教师专业能力结构应由两维构成横向上包括教育能力和教学能力两方面,纵向上则包含前专业能力、专业意识及生成能力、专业调适能力。在教师专业能力重构的基础上存在着反判式与创建式、经验积累式与理性演绎式及人文模式和科学模式三对教师专业能力成长的模式。  相似文献   

教育即教育符号的创制、释义、应用。教育与符号深切关联,符号学乃贯通人文、社会和自然科学的公分母。符号教育即通过充分、全面和深度挖掘符号以培养人的个性化、创造性发展的教育形态。以符号学理论为工具构建符号教育学是信息时代教育发展的必然。研究者结合自己2017在美国威斯康星大学访学经历,深度观察美国威斯康星州基础教育状况。并从符号学视角解析美国儿童学习成功的奥秘——符号教育。美国儿童学习中符号教育主要体现在六个方面:教育符号的泛在性;符号思维的可视性;符号意义的不确定性;符号运作的开放性;符号知识的经验性;符号学习的趣味性。  相似文献   

Three years ago I started work on the exhibition Get it off your chest, a multimedia project exploring the personal and social role of the breast within British culture. The project would involve over one hundred people as contributors, engaging with ongoing debates within academic, media and informal contexts as to what constitutes and impacts upon constructions of the female image within our society, particularly in relation to the breast as a primary signifier. The working practices evolved in creating Get it off your chest were instrumental in generating a synergy in my own creative activities, enabling some measure of unification to occur within the strands of my art–making and art educational roles. This synergistic approach, which I term ‘creative community working’ will be discussed in this paper alongside the epistemological focus of the exhibition, its inception and its consequent structure, presentation and wider educational role. I will focus throughout on exploring the development of creative community working contexts: the impulse to integrate what sometimes seem like rogue elements of the professional and creative identity is one shared by many members of the art educational community and I hope that this paper will generate feedback and discussion on the diverse ways in which colleagues generate synergy in their own working lives.  相似文献   

创新教育是振兴民族的希望,高素质的创新型教师是实现教育创新的可靠保证,教育创新呼唤创新型教师。作为创新型教师必须改变传统的教育观念,提高自身素质。具有创新精神、创新能力、创新人格的创新型教师,才能培养出高素质的创新型人才。  相似文献   

Reflections on Project Work and Problem-based Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is difficult to define and compare project-organized learning and problem-based learning both at a theoretical and a practical level, but there is a need for clarification outlimng differences and similarities for both institutions practising and institutions planning to implement some of these educational ideas. Both project work and problem-based learning emphasize the learning process instead of the teaching process; however, the focus on different aspects of the learning process forms a fruitful base for mutual inspiration and development—like a creative couple challenging the learning process of tomorrow.  相似文献   

The article raises questions about the use in art education classrooms of social networking sites like Facebook and image sharing sites like YouTube that rely upon the ability of Big Data to aggregate large amounts of data, including data on students. The article also offers suggestions for the responsible use of these sites. Many youth are using these sites as creative platforms and, taking their lead, the author describes his own use of YouTube as a creative tool in his pre‐service classroom. The author argues that most art educational literature that relies upon Big Data sites consider only the affordances and not the problematics involved, specifically issues of privacy and having youth effectively working as unpaid labour for global corporations.  相似文献   

教育管理是一种自由实践的审美创造活动,因为教育管理蕴涵着美学精神,即自由与和谐。从状态上看,自由和谐的教育管理就是美的教育管理;从过程来看,美的教育管理实践是复归人自由本性的实践。自由实践的教育管理既具有深刻的哲学意蕴,指向人性的解放、对话与交往、批判与反思以及道德伦理的观照,同时又内含着博弈论的科学机理,追求一报还一报的合作双赢以及自我控制与道德自律。对自由实践的教育管理进行深刻的哲学阐释和机理分析,可使我们更加接近教育管理审美创造活动的本质。  相似文献   

访谈中,朱院士明确指出:我国学生创新能力不强,是因为传统的灌输式教育不适合培养创新人才;创新人才的培养,关键是教育体制和结构问题,仿苏联式的教育体制和结构极大地限制了创新人才的培养;严重的教育不公平,特剐是教育资源分配的不公平,制约了创新人才的培养;要培养创新人才,当前教育首要的问题是继承,而不是创新,首先要继承优秀的教育传统。  相似文献   

In this article, Derek R. Ford develops an urbanist pedagogy, a particular mode of educational praxis that arises out of — and, more importantly, is oriented toward — the creation of the urban, a praxis that is internal to and constitutive of urban revolt. Ford does so with the help of two thinkers who are seldom theorized together: Henri Lefebvre and Jean‐François Lyotard. Taken together, Lefebvre and Lyotard allow him to advance a conception of the urban not as an object, thing, or distinct space (like the city), but as an incommunicable process that entails two distinct and interrelated creative educational elements: explosive confrontation and stupor. At the end of the article, Ford reads this urbanist pedagogy through a set of protest movements in West Germany.  相似文献   

陶行知崇尚创造精神,留下了丰富而宝贵的创造教育思想。追寻陶行知创造教育思想的形成过程,深刻理解创造教育的目标、内容、途径、具体方法和原则等,对我国目前创造教育的实践有很大启发作用。  相似文献   

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